I don't own Hetalia, obviously. And yes, I do support the Germany = HRE theory.

"I swear I didn't mean to do this!"

"Then Angleterre, prey tell, what were you trying to do?"

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland opened and closed his mouth like a fish.

"I was...I was..." He stuttered.

France smirked. "You were doing what, Angleterre?"

England shouted. "I was trying to turn America into a child again!"

There was an awkward silence, then Spain said, hesitantly, "He did look awfully cute as a kid..."

"Thank you." England muttered.

America just looked confused. "Yeah, I know I'm amazing and possibly the most heroic person to ever exist, but why would that kind've magic—which I'm pretty sure doesn't exist—result in this?"

Everyone looked down at their small problem.

"We just have to wait until Germany gets here. He'll probably know what to do." Japan said quietly.

"Or," America yelled, "We could follow my amazing plan!"

England rested his head in his hands. "And what is your plan, oh glorious leader?" He deadpanned.

America blinked, as if he didn't actually expect anyone to listen to him. "My plan?"

"Oui.Your plan." France said.

"My, uh, plan! Okay, see, um...what we do is... Wait until Germany shows up!"

"I agree with America-san." Japan said.

China threw his hands up in the air. "That was your idea!" He yelled angrily.

"Hai. Thus I am inclined to agree with it."

Russia smiled. "You know how I would solve this problem?"

"How?" England said cautiously.

Russia's smile grew. "By killing it." He said happily.

The meeting dissolved into chaos.

Germany, meanwhile, was running as fast as he could towards the meeting room in a panic. His plane was late, he couldn't find his briefcase, Italy was nowhere to be found—everything that could go wrong, did. And now he was late.

He took a hard left straight into the meeting room and rested on the doorframe.

"Sorry I'm late..." He wheezed.

Almost everyone in the room looked at him as though he had grown a second head.

"Late...?" America echoed, before looking at the clock. "Oh my God! Germany's late!"

England and France, looking more like they were dancing or participating in...other activities than getting into a fight, both attempted to catch America when he fainted and ended up tripping over themselves and ending up in a rather...uncomfortable position.

Well, for one of them, that is.

"Ohonhonhonhon~" France laughed.

England punched him in the face. "Shut up, frog!"

"Guys! Can you pay attention!" America shouted. "You aren't taking this seriously!"

England and France both looked at him, then eachother, than back at America. .

They broke out in laughter. Wild, hysterical laughter.

"Ohmondieuthatisrich!" France gasped.

Germany pushed past them. "Honestly, do I have to do everything myse–"

He stopped, mouth dropping open. He made a noise like a mouse being strangled.

"What...is this!"