I'm rewriting a the rain from death note. I think most people would of loved this to actually happen.

I do not own death note or any characters and I definitely do not own most of this dialogue. I thought this scene was one of the best scenes in death note and wanted to mix up the ending of it.


Light POV

Leaving the door a crack open, Light Yagami stepped out onto the roof of L's headquarters. The sound of his footsteps were muted slightly by the rain as he walked a few steps to the right making sure to stay dry undercover. L stood a few yards away. His black hair drenched along with his outfit which consisted of a plain long sleeved white shirt and pladded light jeans.

His head was tilted up a small fraction and his face a peaceful wonder as if he were waiting for something. Something bound to happen.

L turned his gaze the minute he sensed the new presence. Thick, endless water droplets crept down the ends of his hair and slid down his face in different directions. Even through the heavy rain, he could see the black rims of his under eyes. For some unknown reason Light thought it was a beautifully haunting sight. The thought alone summoned a tiny spark within him, so he hardened his stare on L and tried to act somewhat concerned. "What are you doing standing out there by yourself?"

L only stared unblinking at Light and cupped his ear, indicating he hadn't heard what he had said.

Light steered forward. "What are you doing standing out there by yourself?"

L's hand faulted and for a split second his features pulled down. A small open mouthed smile soon played on his lips, while his pale hands went back up to cup the air around his ear again.

Frustration curled it's away into Lights sigh but he held firm and walked out into the rain with a hand sheltering his hooded eyes. He flinched as he felt the cold water dip and slip through his clothes, matting them onto his skin.

When he had finally crossed most of the distance between the two of them, he noticed L's eyes poised elsewhere again. The black endless pits usually wide were dilated. "What are you doing Ryuzaki?"

'What are you thinking about?' Is the question Light would of liked to ask. L's expression was a blur of dull boredom and held no hint of anything he was thinking.

L looked down and finally his voice resembled some what of puzzlement. "Oh, I'm not doing anything in particular... it's just-" He broke off and looked up. "I hear the bell."

Lights eyes narrow a little in response and confusion laced his voice when he repeated, "The bell?"

"Yes." L removed his gaze from Light. "The sound of the bell has been unusually loud today."

What a lunatic.

Lights's eye gave an astonished twitch. "Hm. I don't hear anything." He stated.

The amount of raw intensity in L's features as he turned his wondering yet bored stare back to Light's standing figure had his heart skipping a beat. Does this convocation have some sort of double meaning behind it?

"Really." Accusation and statement drips loosely within his careless tone. Like calm waves gradually building up to an uneven climax of bigger waves. "You can't hear it. It's been ringing non stop all day. I find it very distracting." He paused and lifted his gaze again, "I wonder if it's a church or maybe a wedding or perhaps a..."

"What are you getting at Ryuzaki?", Light clipped and this time in frustration. L inclined his head, an unreadable emotion soothing and winding in his irises. "Come on. Cut it out. Let's get back inside."

L's unreadable look faulted and his eyes danced again to places unknown. "I'm sorry, nothing I say makes any sense anyway." He sucked in a short breath. "If I were you, I wouldn't believe any of it."

Light Yagami stare at L or Ryuzaki, it didn't matter. He could see the look of incompetence in the way he slumped and his lowered expression gave away enough on that fact. This made him inwardly smirk. Although somewhere buried deep down, he felt hurt to see his friend like that. So useless. So unable to do anything. He would never catch Light.

Friend? No more like enemy.

Light forced a out a humored breath and glanced to the side. "You know your totally right." He focused on L. "Most of the things you say sound like complete nonsense. There'd be no end to my troubles if I actually took you seriously all the time, but I probably know that better than anyone."

"Yes." He sighed. "I would say that's a fair assessment."

Light almost grinned but L continued. "But, I could say the same thing about you"

He tensed a little, but managed to perk up. "Huh? What's that suppose to mean?"

"Tell me Light, from the moment you were born has there ever been a point where you actually told the truth."

Everything in that moment seemed to stop. Time stood still. The sound of the rain faded into the background. A long silence presented itself and there was only L and his eyes that were focused solely on Light, daring him to say the wrong thing... Or possibly the right thing. Either way he had to think of answer fast. L's brows were pulled down slightly and his expression was solid.

They both did things like this all the time. Each took turns of playing cat and mouse. In this instance, L was cat and it appeared that Light was mouse. The thing about L was, he was very intelligent and sly cat. This question was dangerous and crossed so many unforgiving lines at once.

Lights voice shook a bit when he spoke, "Where's this coming from Ryusaki. I do admit I stretch the truth here and there, however.. find me one person in this world whose never had to tell a lie. It wouldn't be easy."

When L didn't say anything instantly, Light proceeded further. "Human beings just aren't made to be perfect like that. Everybody lies from time to time. Even so I've always made a conscious effort to be careful not tell a lie that could hurt others." The lie easily rolled of his tongue, "That's my answer."

'I hope it's good enough' a little voice at the back of his mind echoed.

The hard edges on L's features did not waver, instead he looked down and said something that almost made Light cry out in annoyance. "I had a feeling you'd say something like that."

Damn. Maybe he'd been to wordy or maybe even discrete... or possibly L didn't take bullshit for an answer. Lies, so many lies and Light at least silently admitted that to himself.

"Let's go back inside.", L suddenly said pulling him out of his churning thoughts. "We're both drenched."

"Yeah.", Light muttered.

As soon as they had entered inside the protection of the building, they collected some towels from the nearest cabinet to dry off the entirety of their dripping forms.

Both were now seated on the descending white stairs of the building. The shifting shadows of the area created a damp and depressed feel. Grey streaks of light seeped through the window on the right, closest to where L was sitting.

As Light was gently rubbing the soft wet patches of his hair, he heard the distant sound of L getting up. His foot steps echoing off the tiles and rebounding further up the stairs.

"Well that was certainly an unpleasant outing.", He said.

Light didn't look up as he continued to dry his hair. "It's your own fault." A slight humour in his tone. "I mean what did you expect?"

"Your right. Sorry."

He felt L's gaze burning gashes through his scull, but he pretended not to notice.

Light pressed and rubbed the white towel up and down the side of his head. His eyes were closed the whole time. Suddenly despite the cold he felt a warm hand grip his foot. His eyes flew open.

He let out a low gasp when he saw L crouched a few steps below him, his hand clasped around his bare foot. "What are you doing?!", Surprise and uncertainty coated his voice.

L looked confused for a second but quickly recovered. "I thought I might help you out. You were busy wiping yourself off anyway." The carelessness in his voice shocked Light even more.

He wanted to dry off Light's feet? Out of all things he was drying his feet. This just felt too weird. He didn't know why but it felt kind of intimate. All the while a tiny part of his heart warmed at L's actions. Sparks of electricity instantly shot up from the veins in Lights foot. Where L's soft warm hands touched...

His cheeks flushed.

As soon as Light realized the directions of where his thoughts were beginning to head, panic struck him hard. "Look, i-it's find you don't have to do that!"

L didn't budge. "I could give you a massage as well. It's the least I could do to atone for my sins." He paused for a second, "I'm actually pretty good at this."

He hesitated before giving in and glanced to the side, unable to look L in the eye. "Fine, do what you want."

"Alright.", L simply said, dragging out the 'Al'.

L set to work and a damp towel was pressed to Lights foot. The squeezing impact instantly gave Light a jolt and a pained sound escaped him. Then another. "Hey!"

"You'll get used to it."

Some massage.

Light tried to ignore the beginnings of his thunderous heart beginning to pick up speed from the closeness of L. All he wanted to do was lean down and kiss the living daylights out of him. He had no sense as to why or how these thoughts had begun to pool and stream in his head. Try as he might to pretend they weren't there, he didn't exactly welcome them, but didn't leave them hanging as well.

He beheld L on the steps below him, taking him all in. He just wanted an excuse to touch him. It was a disturbing thing to want and to crave, but he did. He couldn't deny it.

As if his thoughts were answered, he noticed the droplets of rain slivering down the black, soaked strands of L's hair. He had paused his massaging. Had he not dried his hair? Light abruptly turned, grabbing the a tea-towel on his right and thrusting it to the dripping ends of L's hair. "Here." He said. "Your still soaked."

L showed no reaction. Not one bat of an eye. Instead his head lifted up a bit, as if to meet Light's gaze, but then lowered."I'm sorry.", was all he said before resuming kneading Light's foot.

Light could feel the intensity of his own stare and he was sure L could too. Peaceful was what he felt. The death note and being Kira were stuffed thoroughly into some far corner of his mind as he peered at his friend through narrowed eyes. The eyes of a killer and yet remorse flamed hidden within them. Maybe peaceful was over-exaggerated.

"It'll been lonely won't it."

Light sat up a little straighter. "Hm."

When L's eyes met Light, it was like all the breath was knocked out at him. He was half-smiling a beautiful smile. His mouth slightly titled at the corners. "You and I will be parting ways soon."

Light blinked. He wasn't exactly sure what he meant by that, but the way he said it was so reassured. As if he'd had plenty of time to think over that statement.

He gently unraveled his thoughts one by one and thought through the words. Then it hit him. Hard. In fact so hard, that he made the move to place both hands on top L's shoulders and breathed, "Wait. Are you indicating this in a bad way or good way?""

L's eyes widened a fraction. Then silence. His adam's apple bobbed up and down before giving him a sheepish smile, "That depends how you took it, Light Yagami.", he emphasized the last two words.

"What are you on about now?"

Another test? Seriously.

"Well, as I had said nothing I say makes sense anyway. I told you I wouldn't even believe me if I were you, therefore I wouldn't pay attention to any dialogue that comes out of my mouth. "

Light sighed audibly and lifted his hands off L's shoulders. In the corner of his eyes, he saw L roll his shoulders as if to shake off some unknown tension that may have been building up. It was official this guy was a lunatic. He looked back at L who had gone back massaging his feet and glared silently. A smart lunatic at that. 'We'll be parting ways soon', I mean is he initially talking about death? This time he was glowering without even noticing.

"Light, is there any reason as to why your glaring at me right now?"

Dammit, he'd let his guard. He had let his emotions seep and pause for too long.

He would of replied had he not seen the familiar suspicious glint in L's eyes. That accusing heated almost molten look that had Light weighing the option to look away from and escape the prison. It was hard to maintain eye contact with a lying detector professional. He wanted to measure L's reactions before he could dig a deeper grave then he might be already in.

He could see the decision in L's black endless pits, but decision for what? The handles churning and intensity of it burned and seeped through Light's skin. "You obviously have something to say. Out with it."

Light didn't know why he said it. Perhaps it was the moment he found that L's gaze had dropped to his lips. Light almost gasp out loud and bit his lip as something to do, but his voice was soft when he spoke, "Did you mean it in a bad way?"

L had already started to crawl slowly up the few steps that separated both of them completely , his eyes never leaving Light's lips. "Don't know, maybe.", He whispered back.

Light soon became vaguely aware of how fast the distant between him and L was decreasing by the second. With their faces only a few inches away from each other, L's warm breath lightly fanned his face. Light flinched back on instinct and L's features formed a wary frown.

Horror and surprise filled Light's eyes to the brink as he struggled to form a single sentenced. "Y- wha-"

L seemed to be having some internal battle with himself. His cheeks were flushed a light shade of pink and he looked embarrassed. "I just wanted to.. try something."

Light swallowed and gulped down a deep breath. He wanted this. It was a shock to admit, but also a relief. It felt like a heavy weight had been partly lifted off his shoulders but at the same time he didn't want to allow that final relief to happen. He was L. Light was Kira. There's was no way this could work, right?

"Look Ryuzaki... I want this if I'm being honest." L looked up. "But it's just.."

"It'll be in the way won't it."

Light made a confused sound. "Way of what?"

His deadpanned look told it all and Light panicked for the 100th time today. So he did the only thing that would push away any rational thoughts for the both them.

Light's lips were on L's before he could even blink.