So I've had this idea for a little while. A story about Nalu or Nali. I prefer Nalu but I thought I wanted to try writing a story about Natsu, who was in the process of moving on from his first love and finally after years he had almost completely moved until meeting her again. This is the prologue of some kind. I am bad at writing stuff like this but I had to write it so you know what to expect what there is to come from this story. So Nalu or Nali is my new story and I don't know which pairing I should end it with even though I know what my heart desires the most XD

Damn it's hard because I don't have any hate towards Lisanna and I do think Natsu and Lisanna could make a cute couple but then again Nalu is just... life. Lucy and Natsu are perfect for each other. So that's why this story's name will be titled as Nalu or Nali. Because I am still in the writing process of who he should end up with.

Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail or any of its characters but it would be awesome if I did! Think about all the fluff there could be! Uhh, me mind is spinning just thinking about it.

Anyways, just read and review. I would love them even it's flames. Criticism will only make me grow. I'll upload the first chapter in a couple of hours. And sorry for typos or spelling error or grammer. I am writing on my Note 4 and there aren't spell check on my Word.

Well that was it. Be free to tell me what your favorite couple is and should be and if I should add them in this story.

Much love,


Prologue: Six years of surprises – the good, the bad and the… babies?

It was a bright sunny day in Magnolia. Everyone was cheerful and happy. There was no particular reason why, it just felt good to be a citizens of Magnolia when you have Fiore's strongest guild as your protector.

Everyone was happy because since defeating Zeref's demons and rebuilding the guild and town, Fairy Tail was stronger than ever. And with no threat lurking around the corner as of yet, everything was great. It was almost perfect. Almost.

Many of the Guild members had settle down in houses or apartments over the six years spand, all over Magnolia with their respective families. Yes families.

After what happened with Tartaros many feared that they would never get the chance of having their own families. So a lot of the guild members confessed to their crushes and eventually got together.

On of the couples had been Lucy and Natsu. They both finally had the courage to confess to each other and got together but only for two months.

There was no denying it. They had both been madly in love with each other and was cheered on by many people all over Fiore but then Lucy suddenly disappeared.

She left a letter to the guild and one for Natsu to read private. In her letter she told them not to look for her. She was safe and that she was extremely sorry for what she did but she had to do it and if their paths ever crossed they would understand her reason. That had left many of the guild members baffled but no more than a certain Dragon Slayer.

He felt betrayed and hurt. She had left him without further notice. Even had been perfect. They laughed and had the most amazing dates and all that, so he couldn't understand why? Why had she left him alone. Why was everyone import leaving him?

He read the letter and felt his heart break even more. She wanted to break up with him. She told her that she wanted him to go on many adventures and get strong, like he had told her so many time with such passion. She told in her letter that she indeed loved him with all her heart but she had to leave because if she didn't she would be too selfish and not let him achieve his goals in life. She didn't understand what she meant by that. All he wanted was a future with her. A life with her but she didn't give him the chance.

He was gravely saddened and felt the worst ever. He didn't visit the guild her a long time because he didn't want to see his nakama. All he wanted was his blonde girlfriend. But she never came back. She had left for good and left with a large piece of his heart.

It took him five weeks to go to the guild. Five whole weeks. And he wasn't his fiery old self. But no one blamed him. His nakama felt sorry for him and pitied him.

He sought comfort in his Team mate and his childhood friend, Lisanna. She was really devastated by her old crush's predicaments and did everything in her power to help him cope with his situation.

He decided that he would follow up on Lucy's offer about his new adventures. He couldn't just sit down and do nothing. And this new adventure was called "seeking Lucy". But he of course told his guild members he wanted some time away from the guild and he also wanted to train so he could defeat Acnologia.

And so he did. He embarked on many new adventures with Happy by his side and grow stronger. After six months of training Natsu one day stopped because of an sudden emense fire burning in his heart. A fire he couldn't see nor control and it didn't stop for almost a whole day, but when it finally did stop he was out of breath and relieved but more than that he was utterly confused. So he journeyed back home to Magnolia. It took him six more months to get home because he got easily distracted and the pain never ventured back.

When he arrive home he went straight to the taller Wendy. She was the only one who hadn't changed much, only a few centimeters in height.

He told her about his sudden fiery pain that held no flame in his heart and yet it had burned so intensely and then he told her the duration of it but that didn't help her much. She tried to hell him but there was nothing to really hell. But it didn't matter to Natsu either way. The pain never came back in the six months home so he shrugged it off.

He was being welcomed home with much joy, even from his rival. Natsu also noticed the atmosphere had changed in the guild and he also noticed new couples. It made him happy that his friends were happy even though his heart was broken.

After his year of training a new Team Natsu was formed. Instead of the Celestial Spirit mage, Lisanna took her place. She made a nice addition to the team but nowhere near a blonde.

After a year and a half, almost two, Natsu began dating Lisanna. Many of his guildmates told him that it was time he moved on from Lucy and he did agree with them though his heart still longed for her. But he did his best to move on.

And it actually did him good. He was beginning to return to his former self. Lisanna helped him a great deal not only as a friend but girlfriend as well. And after dating for a year she moved in with him. She gave his life structure and meaning and he was falling in love with her and occasionally forgetting he ever dated Lucy. But only occasionally.

It wasn't like he could completely forget the blonde. They had too many memories together. God and bad. She had left a large imprint on his heart that was healing, thanks to a white-haired mage.

He was often thinking about her and her whereabouts. Sometimes afraid that she no longer existed because no one had heard about her. Not even other guilds or acquaintances heard anything about a Celestial Spirit mage. But he also felt guilty when thinking of her. Guilty because he was in a relationship with Lisanna and thinking about his ex felt like he was cheating on her. He never told her his thoughts though.

After around six years since her disappearance and five years his little heart problem everything was at its best for the Fire Dragon Slayer. He was happy because Lisanna told him the greatest news in all his life. They both had rushed to their guild to share their news with their friend and family.

Natsu was finally at his happiest peek of his life but little did he know that his happiness was gonna get crushed the same day.

A dark hooded figure ran across the streets of Magnolia. She hadn't set foot here since she left six years ago and she didn't want to return. It was never her intention to return because she didn't want to ruin the true happiness of the man she loved by tying him down.

But now she had to return. She had to ask for their help to help them. They were the only ones capable of doing so. She had already failed them and she didn't want to fail them once again so she needed the best of the best and that was Fairy Tail.

She stopped in front of the oh so familiar door. The door she was so fond of opening when she was younger because it meant seeing them. Her family but most importantly him. But now she hesitated. Her hands shook and she held the handle and lightly pushed it open.

She heard the familiar voices of all of her nakama. They sounded so happy and cheerful. In fact they were cheering. She entered slowly, not one mage acknowledging her presence because of the cheers. Not even the Dragon Slayers. So the cheering meant something really good happened to them. It made her happy for only a few seconds.

She heard loud congratulations to her former lover and... Lisanna? So he had moved on. That broke her heart but it was inevitably. She left him and broke his hearts. So he had to move on at some point so she had to be happy for him too.

But hearing the next sentence in the rounds of congratulations broke her heart. A baby? They were having a baby. Lisanna and Natsu. Natsu was going to become a father? After her sacrifice he was still going to be a young father. She felt like all her efforts were for nought but as the feeling came it quickly disappeared. It was her that chose to leave that time. And it had been six years. So whole agonizing years.


That made her think of her young ones. Her five years old twins that was captured. She scolded herself for letting her emotion of jealousy get to her making her briefly forget the real problem.

It was she who had left him after figuring out she was pregnant. She wanted Natsu to live the life a man that embarks on adventures, gaining power as well as enjoying life without anything holding him back. That was the reason she left because they both were young and Natsu had so many things he wanted to do. He told her nonstop. So at that time she had two choices. Abortion or running away without telling. And she was dead set against aborting her unborn child so she choice the latter of course. And that caused her two beautiful angels.

Nathaniel and Luna. Her treasures which was in the clutches of dangerous men. And they needed her to save them. And she needed Fairy Tail's help for that.

She cleared her throat trying to get their attention but none paid attention to her. Only a single glance were giving and that was of a little approximately three years old toddler. The child looked at her and smiled. She noticed the toddler held on to a sleeve and she looked up to see who.

It was Juvia. Juvia wasn't paying attention to the child and was squaling for the two parents to becoming. The child pulled on her sleeve to get her attention but nothing. Then she muttered the word mama and pulled harder. Finally getting the attention of the child she looked at the child confused. The child pointed at Lucy and the mother's head turned up to look at the pointed direction.

Juvia saw a hooded feminine figure and quickly stood up from her stool and was getting ready for her fighting stand, pushing the child behind her.

Lucy quickly put her hands up motioning her to calm down. And Juvia caught sight of her a pink tattoo before realizing that it was the Fairy Tail guild mark and who it belonged to.

The mutter of her name from the Water mage stilled her movements as many people now turned their attention to Lucy. She gulped and was thankful she had her hood on.

Natsu most confused after hearing Juvia muttering her name, only muttering making it barely audibly for Dragon Slayers to hear it. Both he and the other slayers turned their attention to her before turning their attention to the feminine hooded figure standing just in front of the doors.

Their eyes widened when they saw the insignia on her left hand. And Natsu's breath hitched. This was perhaps the worst timing ever. Like ever.

He had managed to say her name. It sounded so wrong calling her name out after so many years. He barely spoke her name. It was like a taboo telling her name out loud. And it definitely heard. But he had to say her name. Just like he did a couple a days ago. He had to see if it really was her in front of him and not an illusion.

Lucy gulped and slowly revealed herself by pulling the hooded coat off. She hadn't aged much and she looked worn out. Her hair was messy from wearing the hood but also because her fight earlier. Debris was everywhere. Leaves, mud etc. Her clothes too was torn and muddied and bloodied.

She avoided their eyes, feeling that if she looked she would break down completely and she couldn't afford that.

She quickly told everyone why she had come to the guild. She needed their help to save her children. She had heard so much of the growth of Fairy Tail while traveling so she just had to ask then for help. And she trust them to help succeed. And to show her sincerity she did a 90 degree bow.

The Master told Lucy to follow him to his office so they could talk and Lucy looked up to see the tiny man gesturing for her to walk forward. She obliged with a sniffle and ignored the shocked mages of the guild. She quickly ascended the stairs leaving the Master behind her. She was afraid someone would grab her arm and demand answers.

And that someone would be Natsu Dragneel. The father of her twins. And the man that had his own family new. She couldn't and wouldn't. The new information just fueled her determination that she had made the right decision all along. He was happy and that was what she truly wished for him to be. With his baby on the way and all that.

She had her priorities. Her babies. They needed her. She could feel their distress and sadness. And she needed them. She couldn't even think of how confused they were. Those mages wasn't supposed to be there. They weren't supposed to be in that forest and they weren't supposed to be so many. She felt lost and she did indeed lose her battle.

Natsu on the other hand was shocked to the core. Today was supposed to be the best day ever in his life. He was told that he was going to be a father. A father. But after seeing the blonde and the sight of her disheveled self he couldn't be happy.

Lucy was hurt.

His best friend and ex-girlfriend was hurt while he was celebrating life shamefully or that was how he felt it. He felt guilty. But then he remembered her plea. Her plea of help.

Babies? Lucy had children? That baffled the Fire Dragon Slayer. When and who did she have children with? His brain racked through more questions but the most important was that when and who her children was conceived with.

But then his mind stop. It stopped because she had asked for help. Her children were in big danger and they couldn't be older than 4-5 years old max. That meant they were defenseless against magical attacks. Just the thought about young children in dangerous situation made his blood boil. Maybe it was is paternity instinct already kicking in. But whatever it was only made him determined to help Lucy save them and perhaps afterwards he could get an answer to why she left him all those years ago.

Maybe just maybe she could be part of the guild again and be the same old Lucy he had known and grown to love. Maybe they could start anew. But then again they couldn't. He had Lisanna and the baby on the way and she had her mystery man and children. Maybe they did move on from each other.

And maybe it was life's way of telling them that they just weren't meant to be.