My first purely smut fic.

There is a plot somewhere in here, maybe?

I dunno…

This is heavily lemon flavoured and it really isn't exactly 'tame'.

That's the only warning you get.

And obviously I don't own Fairy Tail or its character's yada yada yada.


"She's adorable!"

"So is this one!"

"Why the hell does this one have a tail?"

These were the cries that roused Natsu from his unconsciousness.

His head pounded and his eyes were spinning. The last thing he remembered was Lucy yelling at him before she pulled out one of her keys.

No wait that wasn't it, he and Lucy were yelling at someone else weren't they?

wasn't helping that his ears were ringing and his face felt like it had been put through a meat grinder.

He and Lucy...

They were going to prank someone?

No that didn't sound right either...

Someone pranked Lucy and it made him really mad?

That sounded better but still not quite right...
Someone exposed Lucy's greatest secret that only he knew about and they tried to use it for their own nefarious purposes, then he got really mad and Lucy tried to attack the bastards who exposed her but her embarrassment made her mess up her spell and it backfired on him because he was standing in front of her ready to throttle the git?

Whoop go Natsu! Hit the nail on the head!

He tried to pull himself up off the floor but found he had actually been moved onto a table in the guildhall, that meant he must have been out for a while.

He looked around and found most of the guild huddled around something on a different table.

Natsu could see Lucy with the others trying to look at what everyone else was gawking at, it pained him to see her distance herself from everyone.

No one had noticed him sit up yet so he took the time to look around to try and remember who it was that he was going to attack.

And then he saw them.

Tied up in a corner of the room covered in a menagerie of different shades of black and blue were the three most annoying individuals in the world.

The Jiggle Butt Gang.

How they could ever figure out Lucy's sexual preferences when no one else could baffled him, but when he remembered the derogatory term they used for Lucy's homosexuality his entire body began to quake in rage.

How dare they speak to her like that?

How dare they reveal her secret to the rest of the guild?

How dare they think they would get away with it?

He remembered it all now. They were at a Guild picnic in Magnolia Park to celebrate Ezra's twentieth birthday when these sleaze bags accidentally intruded whilst trying to make their getaway from a heist.

They called her a terrible name to try and distract the guild from chasing them. In his rage he had dashed forward as soon as the shock and horror had dissipated from his mind. He had accidentally got himself caught up in Lucy's magic circle when she tried to summon a spirit, but with her unclear mind she had accidentally tried to summon Horologium the clock spirit and he had accidentally caused some sort of explosion when his magic had melded with hers.

"Natsu! Are you alright?"

The pink haired nineteen year old turned to the concerned face of Wendy. He felt his anger begin to subside when he saw the look of pure innocent concern in her eyes.

"I'm alright Wendy, thanks for asking." He replied with a soft smile.

Wendy beamed a toothy grin at Natsu that was a near spitting image of his own usual trademark facial gesture.

Wendy was sixteen now and in the past two years she had matured greatly under Natsu's tutelage.

She was a lot more confident now and a much stronger Mage but still held her unwavering care and tenacious love for her guild mates.

"How long was I out?"

Wendy's smile turned into a soft frown at her adoptive older brother's question. "About two hours." Wendy answered calmly.

Natsu chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly as other guild members came to make sure he was alright.

"Must have been a pretty big bang to knock me out like that." He stated with a nervous chuckle.

"How much do you remember?" Lucy asked comfortingly as she placed a gentle hand on his back.

The dragon slayer shrugged slightly in response. "It's coming back to me I think, the last thing I remember is the big flashy thingy." He replied vaguely.

"Big flashy thingy?" Lucy repeated. "Do you mean the explosion?" She deadpanned.

Natsu gave another short chuckle in response before he looked up at Lucy.

Her eyes seemed vaguely darker than normal, as if they'd lost some of their usual sparkle and there was clearly some apprehension in them as well.

"You ok?" He asked softly.

Wendy had the common decency to look away then, clearly this was not a conversation she nor anyone else in the guild should be privy to. It would also appear that Wendy had spent a fair amount of time with Erza over the past few years if the death glare she sent to the other nosy guild members was any indication.

"I'm ok." Lucy lied as the crowd around them hurriedly dispersed to avoid the wrath of the innocent by dangerous Sky Dragon Slayer.

"And the truth is?" Natsu replied flatly.

Sometimes Lucy couldn't help but hate the fact that 'Dense Natsu' had become 'Ridiculously Perceptive Natsu'.

A pregnant pause settled between them. "I'm not ok." Lucy whispered as she cast her eyes to the floor.

Normally Natsu would have no qualms with giving his best friend a warm embrace to help her mood, but the last thing Lucy needed now was for Natsu to make a scene. Instead he settled for a comforting hand on her shoulder as he stood up from the table he was laying on.

"You'll be fine Luce, trust me." He said with a wink which made the blond giggle slightly. "Now if you'll excuse me I've got go mess some people up." The finality in Natsu's voice sent unwelcome chills down Lucy's spine, the blond had never been scared of Natsu but that didn't mean she didn't realise that he could be absolutely terrifying when crossed.

"As much as I'd like to see you go to town on the Jiggle Butt Gang I think you should come and see something else first." Lucy nervously stuttered as she moved to stand in his way.

The pinkette gave the blond a strange look before he remembered the weird things he'd heard his guild members shout when he was waking up.

He moved past Lucy, but not before giving her a reassuring smile, and ventured towards his gathered friends.

It didn't take him long to force his way past everyone with Lucy following him closely. The sight that sat before him baffled him.

"Babies?" He questioned.

Mira, who had been fawning over the three entities looked up at him and smiled at his arrival. "We have no idea." She answered his next unasked question. "But they are so cute!"

Mirajane was right. Laying comfortably on the table before them were three babies each wrapped up in a different blanket, each blanket was pink.

"Whose are they?" Natsu questioned as he leant down to inspect the middle child seeing as she was the only one awake, she gurgled gleefully at the sight of the pinkette.

"They just appeared from the explosion you caused." Erza responded gruffly, although she too had yet to stop staring at the babies. "Levy and Cana are looking for answers as we speak." The Knight concluded.

"This has to be a mistake!" The unmistakable voice of Levy cried as she bolted to the front of the amassed crowd with a book in each hand.

"I don't make mistakes when I'm drunk Levy!" Cana responded grumpily as she joined her side with cards occupying both her hands. "And let me tell you, I am plastered right now."

"Yes but... Three? Each with a different mother?" Levy cried back.

The sound of a throat being cleared caught everyone's attention.

All eyes turned to Master Makarov who was seated on the edge of the table with Guildarts behind him. "Ladies, I assume you have something?" The elderly master questioned in a tone that demanded an answer.

Both girls shared an awkward glance before Levy shrunk away slightly under the expecting stares of everyone around them.

"They're not really here." Cana began knowing that Levy would be too nervous to start. "These are images from the future. Horo-whatever his name is' magic created this when his gate was interrupted by Natsu's magic."

"So what is this future we're seeing, why are we only seeing three children?" Makarov added.

Cana gave a sinister smile as her eyes betrayed her mischievousness. "This is part of Natsu's future." The lush stated.

"So at some point I'm gonna meet three babies?" Natsu questioned confusedly.

"Why do you get to be so lucky?" Mirajane grumbled as she continued to fawn over the infants.

"You misunderstand Natsu dear." Cana added in the same creepy tone. "This is your future, as in these are your future children."

The guild went sickeningly quiet as the ghost like faces of the shocked masses slowly turned to face the trembling dragon slayer. "Beg your pardon?"

"And guess what?" Cana continued. "I used my cards to figure out who the mothers are."

"Mothers? As in plural?" Lucy asked in disbelief.

"Natsu you pig! How could you do this to three women?" Erza screeched in utter outrage.

"I would never be unfaithful!" Natsu defended vehemently. "Igneel raised me to be a gentleman!"

"Yeah but you are a Dragon Prince." Gajeel stated which caused everyone to go silent. "You're not supposed to have one mate, you're royalty so you're supposed to have a harem." The black haired man added with a twisted smirk.

"Don't give me that crap!" Natsu shouted back. "Igneel said the chances of that part of my dragon side surfacing were so slim it was practically impossible!"

"Oh no..."

The guild turned to face Erza who had her face in her hands. "Natsu whenever someone says something is impossible you usually do it anyway, whether by choice or not."

At this Natsu began to panic. "But... I don't want this. I wanna have a normal family someday with-with-with-" It was at this point that Lucy found it a good time to give him a smack around the back of his head.

"Will you chill out please? You said it yourself once before 'we're in control of our own destinies' so quit worrying."

Natsu pouted and rubbed the back of his head.

"So who're the mothers?" Mira questioned deviously.

"Oh I really don't think we should say-" Levy was cut off as Erza clamped her hand down over the small girl's mouth.

"Hush now, let the woman speak." Erza commanded.

Cana smirked and stepped towards the infants. "Even though they're just images of the real ones in the future they for some reason still have a corporeal form here in our time meaning I can touch them." Cana said as she stood above the three pink bundles. "It is now my honour to introduce the future child of-" Cana pulled back the blanket of one baby to reveal a thin layer of blue hair atop the girls head. "Natsu and Juvia."

Suddenly the rain woman squealed in what appeared to be delight. "Juvia's baby is too cute for words!" The Rain Mage shouted in glee. "But did you not mean Gray-sama and Juvia?"

"Nope sorry, this baby is without a doubt the offspring of yourself and Natsu."

"Gray-sama?" Juvia questioned desperately as she turned to face the uncaring stare of the ice mage.

"She's adorable." Juvia turned back to the source of the voice to see Natsu inspecting the sleeping girl with a look of pure adoration in his eyes.

Juvia couldn't help but stare at him and blink owlishly as the information and the sight before her clicked over in her head. "Juvia... Will be a mother?"

Suddenly her eyes filled with stars as she pictured all of the children she wanted... There were a lot...

"Let's move on shall we?" Cana continued as she moved to the middle child, the only one awake.

"She has a tail..." Macao voiced.

"Probably inherited it from her mother." Cana answered as she pulled back the blankets slightly to reveal two very feline like ears. "Milliana."

The temperature seemed to drop to sub-zero temperatures. "Natsu! Have you been doing indecent things with my innocent friend?"

"What?" Natsu cried in shock eliciting another gurgled giggle from the pink haired and cat eared infant. "No!"

"She is cute isn't she?" Mirajane gushed.

"There is a lot of Natsu in that kid." Gray commented sourly. "Poor girl."

"Do you wanna run that by me again princess?" The dragon slayer growled in anger.

"Yeah alright, your future kid is-" Gray began before Wendy clamped her hand over his mouth.

"Parent Dragons are super overprotective." She whispered harshly but loud enough for everyone to hear. "If you finish that sentence he will destroy you."

"Shall we move on to child number three?" Cana asked mischievously.

"You're enjoying this way too much." Natsu grumbled in an annoyed tone, disregarding what Gray was going to say for now.

Cana deftly removed the blanket covering the head of the final child revealing yet another girl. "The daughter of Natsu and Ultear!"

"Ultear?" Gray cried in horror.

"But she's so much older than Natsu?" Lissana commented innocently.

"Technically Natsu is over 400 years old." Erza stated with a thoughtful finger to her chin, ignoring the look of hurt on Natsu's face as she inadvertently referenced him being E.N.D.

"Natsu is only nineteen." Lucy growled firmly, defending her best friend gave her the courage to stand up to people like Erza. "E.N.D was over 400 years old but not Natsu."

"Ah yes, please forgive me." The red head stated sheepishly.

The three children on the table began to fade inducing a sense of panic throughout the guild.

"What's happening?"

"The image was never going to last for ever." Levy stated calmingly. "The residual effects of the magic used to create the vision are fading. The children are in no danger."

Just like that the three apparitions were gone.

Natsu ran a shaky hand through his locks. "This is weird."

"So three daughters huh?" Mirajane teased.

"That we know of." Levy answered.

"What does that mean?" The white haired demoness asked, her eyes beginning to glisten with mischievousness.

"We only got to glimpse children who's magic wasn't strong enough yet to keep them anchored to their own timeline, and if what the book Gajeel leant me is true in what it says about Dragon Royalty then Natsu could have countless children's from his mates." The bluenette answered easily.

"Stop talking about me like I'm some sort of sleaze!" Natsu cried in despair.

"How does dragon royalty work exactly?" Mira asked, her excitement clearly visible as she deftly ignored the son of Igneel.

Levy smiled brightly, not because she wanted to spill secrets but because she loved academic discussions. "Normal dragons are only capable of having a single offspring but the royal dragons have some kind of immense fertility that never fades or diminishes, even in dragon slayers raised by royal dragons they can't be stopped by any form of contraceptive, even condoms." She spoke quickly and with passion. "It is a Royal Dragon's responsibility to continue the species so they create harems to breed. But it's more than that, the Royal Dragon creates a bond with each of his or her mates that basically act as a marriage that affects the souls of those affected, a bond created by love, trust and honour!"

Mira squealed with her hands clasped before her. "That is so romantic!"

"Many many many many many many many many many many babies." Juvia kept repeating to herself with starts as eyes.

"Gihee." All eyes turned to Gajeel. "You're leaving out the most sordid part." He grinned sadistically.

Levy blushed like a tomato as Mira's eyes burned a mixture of depraved emotions.

"Yes well... Once a um bond has been created, the dragon begins to sort of constantly release a type of pheromone which drives their mates into an almost constant state of sexual arousal which forces the mates inhibitions to the back of their conscious minds..."

"In layman's terms." Gajeel clarified. "The mates of a royal dragon have no problem doing anything with their partner."

"Good goddess!" Lucy shrieked in embarrassment as she and every other girl blushed whilst the men glowered in jealousy.

"It also amplifies their fetishes." Gajeel added with the same devious smirk.

By this time Natsu had left the guild not wanting to be embarrassed anymore.

"Oh and one more thing!" Gajeel hurriedly added. "The first mate becomes a queen, which means she leads the harem and her first child will be the only male offspring of the dragon and will become the only heir to the dragon magic of the mother or father. So if any of ya'll are planning on snatching up Natsu you'd better act fast if you wanna be Matriarch."

The girls of the guild all looked at each other not wanting to admit how tantalising this newly discovered and highly depraved situation was. Instead they all decided to not do anything for the time being, they didn't say this of course only thought it.

Except for one woman who had already snuck out undetected from the guildhall without anyone noticing.

"I think you should all think about something else though." It was Makarov who spoke in an odd seriousness. "Natsu is a great man and a selfless hero. This obviously does not sit well with him." The old man continued. "Never has Natsu forced anything on anyone and so I think that would be why he's kept this secret for so long. You must also all consider his devout sense of loyalty to everyone in this guild. A polyamorous relationship such as this goes against the main thing that makes Natsu who he is, tread lightly if you pursue this track."

"I though you would have shut something like this down immediately Master." Erza spoke.

Makarov hummed in response with his eyes closed.

"I think of all of you as my children and as such I want the best for all of you. Natsu is possibly the best man I have ever met, and I mean no offence to anyone when I say that, a partner like him is what any parent would want for their children."

The guild was oddly silent for the rest of the evening, quite a few members were still gushing over the images of the children, others were mulling over the Master's words whilst some simply drank to enjoy themselves.

Gray was having a nice relaxing evening, he hadn't been interrupted since the guild quietened down earlier.

Not once did he find it strange that the resident Water Mage, and the girl he found most annoying, had not bothered him once that evening.

In fact no one had noticed her absence from the guildhall.


Happy had not followed Natsu home when he left the guildhall earlier that day.

Without his fish crazed companion around, who had the pallet of a five year old, Natsu was for once able to cook his favourite meal without the blue feline whining about the smell and ruining it for him.

Natsu was a damn fine cook, the thing is, is that he likes his food extra spicy and hot.

His dinner consisted of super spiced chicken wings, flaming peppered steak, grilled onions and red peppers with a generous helping of 'XXX Blazin' Saddles Hot Sauce', the hottest legal substance in Magnolia.

He was still lounging it at the dinner table after his divine meal nursing his forth glass of 'Magma Chamber Fire Whisky'.

His whole house was consumed by the delectable aroma from his meal. As much as he loved the scent, he had failed to notice that it masked any other scents in the surrounding area.

He had music playing in the background from a lacrimal powered speaker system. The pink haired dragon slayer had a passion for Folk Metal, heavy metal music with folk instruments leading the melodies. Instruments such as bagpipes, fiddles, violins, accordions and even hurdy gurdy's.

As much as he loved what most people would call 'racket', it inadvertently masked the noises created by anything or anyone outside the house.

All in all Natsu had no clue Juvia was peering in through his window watching him.

"Gray had made it very clear he has no feelings for Juvia." The water Mage mumbled. "Juvia has never thought of Natsu-san as a possible love interest... So why would future Juvia?"

The girl continued to watch the crestfallen man inside the bungalow.

"Natsu-san has done as much for Juvia as anyone else in the guild has, possibly even more... including Gray..." She continued to mumble. "Strong and very attractive and obviously masks his own intelligence for some reason. Dependable and honest to a fault. As attractive in personality as he is physically."

Juvia harrumphed as she rubbed vigorously at her face. "Juvia is so confused!"

Natsu still had no clue he was being watched, and judging by the time he was pretty sure Happy wouldn't be coming home tonight; the little blue exceed often alternated between living with Natsu or Lissana.

"Guess I can get comfy." Juvia heard the man say.

She watched him stand from his wooden chair and yawn widely as stretched his arms high above his head.

In a few short minutes he had washed his dishes and put everything away, including the now capped bottle of magical whiskey.

She continued to watch as he removed his scarf and placed it neatly folded in an obviously predesignated place on a clear wooden table by a wall.

Next he removed his black t-shirt leaving him topless as he carelessly discarded the item in the general direction of an over flowing hamper.

Next she watched enraptured as he kicked off his shorts leaving him in only his baggy black boxers.

"Adonis..." Juvia practically drooled at the exquisite site before her eyes.

Bronze skin tightly covered his heavenly sculpted muscles. His broad chest was firm and compact, his washboard abs mesmerised her as she watched them ripple with every movement. His biceps, triceps, forearms, calves and hamstrings bulged as he performed his unintentionally erotic movements.

Then he turned around. His back muscles fit together like a 3D puzzle, perfect. And then his ass no longer hidden by his baggy shorts, firm and taught.

He yawned as he turned around and moved towards the couch giving Juvia yet another front on look at him. Then she noticed it.

The real reason he wore such baggy shorts.

Even hidden behind his boxers Juvia could see the monster that resided between his legs.

Juvia was a virgin and had never even seen a man naked in person before, this was her first time even coming close.

Her cheeks were so red they burned, her eyes watered from going so long without blinking, her mouth watered at the sight of this bronze skinned Adonis and her lower lips quivered in excitement.

Lazily the man in the window trudged over to his couch and flopped into it, it didn't seem possible but now he was in an even greater viewing position than before.

He seemed to look around the room as if making sure he was alone. Satisfied with his check he stuck his arm down between the couch cushions and pulled out a white plastic bag.

From it he pulled out a small black case which he then popped open.

Juvia gave a silent gasp when she saw the dragon slayer slide a pair of reading glasses onto his nose before he blinked his eyes to adjust them.

He looked good was all that Juvia could think.

Next he pulled a paperback book out from the bag.

Juvia was ashamed but thrilled to recognise the book he was reading.

It was a book she had been leant by Erza not too long ago, a book depicting graphic sex scenes with a less than engaging plot...

It was literotica, written porn.

It was one of the guild's girl's favourites, a powerful man struggling with his love for two women who ultimately agree to share him.

Juvia could not take her eyes of the now slightly reddened face of the dragon slayer as he diligently read the novel.

The shame Juvia was feeling was now beginning to turn her on as she voyeuristically watched the man.

A tent was beginning to form in his boxers as he progressed in the novel until it was obviously straining the fabric painfully.

The second he reached inside his boxers was the second Juvia looked away.

Her back now leaning against the wall to his bungalow. The only thing she could do was to stare, red faced forward, and blink owlishly.

"So big..." She murmured. "Juvia is sure those were scales... Red scales..."

Juvia remained unmoving and silent for an amount of time she couldn't guess at.

"A heart the size of the guildhall, a passion eclipsed by nothing, more gorgeous than anything Juvia has ever seen. Juvia now thinks she understands why future Juvia chose Natsu-kun."

The change in the suffix she chose was not unintentional.

Juvia was now fully aware that she shouldn't look back inside the house, but the urge to do so was so great she felt her neck muscles straining as she tried with all of her might to keep her gaze forward.

In the end she lost.

Incredibly slowly Juvia let her eyes float over the windowsill as her eye line crept over to the still oblivious dragon slayer within.

There he was, still completely focused on the novel, his left hand grasping the spine of the book whilst his right gently stroked his member up and down almost teasingly slowly.

Juvia bit her lip subconsciously.

This continued on for a while with Juvia becoming more and more flustered and hot under the collar.

Natsu's movements began to pick up pace and his face began to tense, Juvia could only guess but she was assuming he was getting very close to release.

The moment was ruined for Juvia when she heard a twig snap behind her. Instantly she spun around silently got ready for a fight only to be shushed by a familiar brunette who had her finger over her plush lips.

"Cana? What are you doing here?" Juvia hissed silently.

"Setting up camp." The drunk replied mischievously. "Over the next few weeks Natsu's house is gonna be a hub of entertainment I am not going to miss."

"Juvia does not understand."

Cana wasn't going to waste time, as she spoke she was setting up a literal campsite at a record breaking pace, and even casting runes around it using her cards. "All of the ladies in the guild will eventually decide that Natsu is the perfect catch and will flock to him, I want a front row seat to the cat fights as you girls all fight over who gets to be queen, plus I wanna watch all of your naughty little escapades."

At first Juvia was shocked until her darker side won out. "Juvia will be queen!" She growled dangerously. "If Juvia must crush harlots such as yourself then she will!"

Cana waved her hands dismissively. "Ya don't have to worry about me vying for his attention." She replied nonchalantly.

"Juvia does not believe your lies!"

"Think Lucy when you look at me."

Juvia blinked in confusion, what would her former 'love rival who was not actually a love rival' have to do with this... Oh...

It hit Juvia quite quickly. "Cana are you gay?"

"Yep." The card Mage replied with a cheeky grin. "And I plan on watching all you lovely ladies in action." The brunette's eyes sparkle suddenly, it was odd, the gleam in her eyes was not one of lust or perversion... It was far more sincere. "I can't believe Lucy is like me..."

Juvia gasped as her hands flew to her mouth. "Cana has feelings for Lucy-chan!"

Cana now sported a guilty smile. "I've thought she was cute ever since I first saw her, but after what she did for me during the S-class exams... Well I've never felt something like this before..."

Juvia replayed any interaction she had seen between the Card Mage and the Spirit Mage over the past two years since the GMG's in her head.

"Cana how long have you been sober?"

Cana's smile went from guilty to shy. "Six months, Lucy ain't the kinda gal to go for the slutty drunk kind."

Juvia came to a realisation at that statement, she finally saw the kind of lengths someone would go too when they are in love...


"Cana-chan is in love with Lucy-chan..."

"You tell anyone and I'll break your legs."

What lengths would Juvia go to for love?

At first she was willing to do anything for Gray, but he would not return the sentiment.

Natsu would do anything for anyone, she could easily imagine herself returning that sentiment.

Juvia felt her resolve strengthen.

"Juvia suggests you get comfortable Cana-chan." Juvia stated resolutely. "Juvia is about to become queen."

Cana's mouth fell slightly agape. 'So soon?!' She cried internally.

Juvia was standing at the ready in seconds, before she used her water body to enter the bungalow silently through several cracks in the building.

Cana did as she was advised.

She settled in by the window, got completely naked and prepared for what was bound to be a great show!

The blue haired water mage rematerialized in the kitchen area of Natsu's bungalow. Her heart was beating frantically in her buxom chest and she couldn't help but quiver a little in trepidation.

Thankfully Natsu's couch faced away from the area she had arrived in.

Natsu was still completely oblivious to her arrival and it was no mystery as to why.

Although the smell of food still lingered throughout the house it was nowhere near as strong a scent as it had been originally, it was however still strong enough to mask her scent. The music playing in the background was quite loud, and the heavy beat easily masked any noises she made.

She crept silently towards the dragon slayer who was still engrossed in his book as his hand continued to work his member.

She was standing right behind him now, she could see him in all his naked glory.

She lowered he head so that it was perfectly next to his head.

"Natsu-sama~" She cooed on a sultry whisper. His reaction was not what she was expecting.

With a surprised shout he jumped to his feet and spun to face her in a single movement, red faced and with eyes like dinner plates.

The next event defined the night they were sure to share.

Juvia had completely misjudged how close Natsu was to his climax, the answer was that it was happening now.

A strangled groan escaped his lips as he had leapt up.

Juvia had not planned on standing back up once she had caught his attention, she had instead decided that perhaps an act of submission could entice the powerful male.

She certainly had not expected to receive the brunt of his ejaculation straight to her face.

Spurt after spurt of sizzling hot sperm rocketed onto her red from shame face, instead of staying in her position to tempt the man she was now frozen in front of him with her face at his waist height mere inches away from his erupting member from pure shock.

"Holy crap." Natsu breathed, his tone a prominent mixture of shock and horror. "I am so sorry!" He cried, not once had he noticed that his still rock hard and enormous member, coated in a thin layer of slightly reddish dragon scales for maximum pleasure for his mates, was still on display and ever so slowly dripping the last few drops of his fun onto his couch.

Juvia could not move, as extremely erotic as this was it was definitely not what she had planned.

"Forgive me Natsu-sama!" Juvia cried as she stood bolt upright again. "Juvia has brought shame upon herself and her Natsu-sama with her poorly planned actions!"

"Hang on Juv let me get you a towel or something to wash yourse-" Natsu cut himself off as realisation hit him. "What the hell are you doing in my house?" He shouted.

Juvia stiffened cutely, her face still glazed in the man's semen, including her plush plump lips.

"Juvia had come to a decision and had planned on acting upon her desires to become Natsu-sama's queen!" She babbled in response.

"Sama?" Natsu mumbled in awe as he finally noticed the suffix she had been using on him. "Queen? Juvia what the hell?"

"Does Natsu-sama not think Juvia worthy of the title? Does the sight of Juvia glazed in your seed not please you?" Tears were beginning to pool in her eyes.

Natsu groaned as his member twitched against his will at the tantalising sight he had just fully comprehended. "He likes it way too much." The dragon slayer accidentally grumbled aloud, also not realising that he had inadvertently copied Juvia's unique way of speaking in the third person. "That's not what I'm saying at all dude!" Natsu crowed back after trying and failing to rid the erotic thoughts in his mind.

His dragon side had been running close to the surface ever since he started pleasuring himself, but now, it was like a full blown battle to keep the beast contained.

"Juvia we should talk about this." Natsu attempted to placate the girl. "I'm gonna put my boxers back on..."

Juvia looked down towards her feet. "Juvia requires something to wash her face with." The girl mumbled shyly.

Natsu quickly threw his boxers back on before he passed the Water Mage the black t-shirt he had been wearing that day, it was the only thing in the vicinity that he could give her.

As Juvia gingerly wiped down her face she took notice of something she had never realised before, Natsu's scent that stained the shirt.

It was a musky odour that reminded her of pine trees but also carried an exotic smoky scent.

He smelled divine and the girl couldn't believe she had never noticed it before.

"Thank you." Juvia murmured as she put down the dirty item. "Juvia feels she should apologise once again, her plan did not pan out as she had hoped."

"Why were you even doing this Juve?" Natsu questioned softly as he sat down on the edge of the wooden coffee table that sat before the couch so he could look at her as they spoke.

Juvia could not look him in the eye. "Juvia wants love." Was her only reply.

Natsu felt his facial features go soft at her statement. "But I thought you liked Gray?" He spoke quietly as to not mislead the girl.

"Juvia's infatuation has all but fizzled out. It has been a gradual feeling that started almost a year ago." Juvia murmured. "Gray has been quite clear on how he feels about Juvia."

Natsu nodded his head slowly in understanding. He had been fully aware the Ice Mage had feelings for Lucy, he could tell by the subtle change in his scent every time the blond was near him, but he also knew he had no chance with the blond considering her sexual orientation.

"But why me?" Natsu questioned.

Juvia had no problem with looking Natsu in the eye now, speaking from the heart was something she had always fantasised about being able to do, she would tell Natsu her feelings without leaving any chance for him to doubt her sincerity.

"Natsu-sama can promise love." She answered easily. She then went on to explain her recent realisations on the man, the size of his heart, his loyalty, his intelligence, and even physical traits.

The way Juvia spoke about him left Natsu slightly dazed. No one had ever said such things. It was as if this girl knew every fibre of his being and that was what the girl liked.

People were often quick to judge the pyromaniac dragon slayer, and more often than not they were negative preconceptions.

But this girl liked him for him!

Natsu never thought he'd see the day!

When he was younger he had a thing for the Water Mage.

He found her personality endearing, he mischievous side tantalising and her figure to die for. Her skin was what drew him in first, porcelain white and creamy, so soft he wanted to run his hands along her body until she forced him to stop. Her eyes are what kept his attention, a radiant dark blue like the clearest ocean, every emotion she felt was displayed gorgeously through those breath-taking orbs.

The pinkette couldn't stop that feeling growing in his stomach, that feeling he used to have when he was in proximity to the bluenette. It grew and grew in intensity until it almost eclipsed everything he had ever felt before.

Juvia was still describing everything she liked about him when he snapped.

He dove forward and caught her lips in a powerful dominating kiss. Juvia screeched at first but eventually melted happily into the kiss.

Natsu kissed like he was taking no prisoners, his dragon side in complete control.

His left hand gripped a grouping of blue hair behind her head and forced her deeper into the lip lock as he forced his tongue into her mouth.

Juvia submitted instantaneously, letting the dragon slayer do as he wished until he broke the kiss and back-pedalled slightly.

Juvia still didn't have enough oxygen running through her veins when Natsu spoke next.

"I'm sorry." He gasped. "Your words they... They triggered the dragon in me."

"Do not apologise Natsu-sama." The water mage breathed, deliriously happy still. "You made Juvia's first kiss something wondrous."

Natsu continued to pant. "You don't understand everything." He groaned out as his hands fell into his lap. "To be my queen I have to mate with you, it's an eternal promise to be together that lasts even after death. It also requires impregnation."

The dopy smile on Juvia's face let Natsu know how she felt about the idea.

"Juvia the sex isn't gentle during 'The Marking of the Queen', it's gonna hurt and I won't be in full control."

"Natsu-sama." Juvia spoke softly as she placed her palm on the dragon slayers shoulder comfortingly. "Juvia is a strong woman, she can take it." She reasoned with a soft smile. "She wants her Natsu-sama to make her his."

Natsu groaned out in pain. His member probably wasn't far off tearing through his boxers and the restraint needed to not just take Juvia there and then was painful.

"Juvia I don't want to be 'that guy', I don't want to use people, especially not nakama I care for so much."

Juvia pet the man's shoulder with a warm appreciative smile on her pretty face before she stood up in front him.

First she dropped her coat, then her bra leaving her bare from the waist up. Next to go were her boots, leggings and then skirt.

Her panties were easily kicked to the side as well.

Her skin almost glimmered in the light of the lacrimas lighting up the room, her completely hairless body shone for him and him alone, her stiff nipples and soaking pussy presented themselves to him invitingly.

"Make Juvia yours, my Natsu-sama." Juvia whispered breathlessly.

With a feral growl Natsu lost control.

He didn't remove his boxers, no, he tore them apart as he lunged at the buxom blue haired nineteen year old girl, whom he knew was only a few days younger than him- minus four hundred years or so that he couldn't remember.

Juvia shrieked in surprise when the dragon slayer pinned her to the floor beneath him by pushing down on her shoulders with his hands.

The pink haired man had a dangerous gleam in his eye as his gaze travelled over Juvia's body, the Water Mage began to squirm slightly under his observations.

Juvia could feel his large hot member resting on her taught stomach as she wriggled beneath his grasp.

Natsu's darker side enjoyed watching this beautiful powerful woman write beneath him in embarrassment. With a deranged grin Natsu shoved his tongue down Juvia's throat with a sloppy wet kiss that the Water Mage returned with shameful vigour.

The wet smacking of their lips and the sultry moans from the bluenette were easily heard over the music which was now playing slightly softer in the background.

Natsu used his hands to memorise his new mate's body by gliding his calloused palms and course digits along her pure, smooth and unblemished skin. Her luscious thighs, her doughy and malleable ass cheeks, her thin waist, her flat firm abdomen, her womanly hips, her large perky round breasts, her stiff nipples a pretty pink colour, her toned arms, vulnerable throat, beautiful face. His hands repeatedly travelled over her body, practically worshiping her with his ministrations.

The next time his hands moved to her breasts he let them stay there as he began to forcibly knead them. At first Juvia hissed in slight pain at the strength the man was using on her breasts but her discomfort quickly returned to pleasure as strangled moans leaked from her lips when he continued to play with her without lessening the force he was using.

Juvia's legs were already spread wide open ready for Natsu to spear her and fill her womb, making her his, but Natsu had a ritual to perform and planned on doing it right.

Juvia continued to moan as the dragon slayer dragged his tongue along her face in a single lick before he moved down to suckle on the girl's tits.

He began to grind sensitive nubs between his fang-like teeth as his hands continued to forcibly need the fleshy globes.

The pain had Juvia's lower lips practically sopping wet, the mood had her cheeks painted red, her lust had her gasping for breath but it was her love that had her heart practically beating out of her chest.

The more Natsu continued his work on her the more her nether regions began to ache. She attempted to snake one of her arms between her body and his to relieve some of the pressure but a quick bite from Natsu to the side of her breast, not strong enough to mark but strong enough to hurt, let her know she was doing something wrong.

He wasn't touching her now, only hovering above her heaving breasts with his burning eyes boring into her own.

He was waiting for her to do something, Juvia knew she needed to figure out quickly.

With an obviously dramatized submissive whimper Juvia brought both of her hands up above her head and interlaced her fingers.
"Forgive Juvia my Natsu-sama." Juvia pleaded. "Her hands will not move unless moved by her Natsu-sama again!"

Natsu smirked at her, his eyes alight with joy.

He moved back up to her and gave her a genuine, passionate clean kiss which made the woman moan merrily.

"Good girl." Natsu spoke gruffly with that same smirk, Juvia moaned deeply at the mere words.

"You're learning." He said before he kissed her right cheek. "But remember your power." He kissed her left cheek. "You are a powerful woman and that is something I truly respect about you." He kissed her forehead. "I don't want a wimpy little girl as my queen, I want a powerful woman as my equal. I need you Juvia." He kissed her lips tenderly and when he pulled away he was gifted with a smile from his soon to be queen.

"Juvia will give you her all Natsu-sama." The woman spoke firmly. She then reminded him of her aching pussy by gliding her throbbing slit up and along his well-muscled thigh. "Please Natsu-sama." Juvia spoke lustfully. "Juvia needs release."

Natsu's grin turned maniacal before he lunged forward to lock the girl in another reciprocated wet sloppy kiss with duelling tongues.

Natsu's hands did not return to Juvia's breasts which still held some residual pain from their abuse, instead they went lower and lower and lower still until the slowly traced the girls hips until they were behind her and heading for her derrière.

He grasped two heaping handfuls of doughy ass cheeks and began squeezing and squeezing them, continuously putting more and more strength and pressure onto the sensitive cheeks until Juvia had to throw her head back to release her screech of pained pleasure so sultry she almost came from it.

Despite the immense pain Juvia wasn't writhing in agony, no, her hips swayed and her breasts jiggled as she used them to beg Natsu to take her without words.

Natsu was so close to taking her now, his own boner sore from its stiffness.

He had one more thing to do before he could mark her, mate her, and be with her.

"We're about to bond our souls together." Natsu stated as he released her cheeks and instead pulled her closer to him. Juvia looked at him frantically and in desperation at the loss of the pain that was so close to giving her the orgasms she so desperately needed.

"Give me your hand." Natsu commanded. Juvia did not hesitate.

He brought her hand close to his face and dusted his thumb across her knuckle with a soft caring smile that Juvia was now lucid enough to return.

"We're going to bite each other's hand until we draw blood, we're going to drink a bit before we gather some in our mouths. After that we kiss and use our tongues to mix our blood together, after which we swallow the mixture." Juvia was blushing like mad with large owlish eyes as Natsu spoke. "Whilst we do this my penis will be inside you but you mustn't move your body." He warned. "Once we've swallowed the mixture there will be a few seconds delay as my magic creates the bond, we will then share the best orgasm of our lives as I instantly impregnate you. Simple?"

Juvia's mouth was watering as her eyes sparkled. "Juvia is ready Natsu-sama!" The bluenette cheered.

Natsu smiled at the cute girl.

"One last thing." Natsu began. "The bite marks will scar, it's to show other people that we are mated, but because I'm about to go from prince to king and your about to become a queen there is another mark I get to put on your body." Natsu then smirked sadistically which made Juvia quiver as she released a shaky breath. "It's gonna hurt when it appears, neither of us will know where on your body it will appear and you have to show it at all times, no exceptions."

Juvia was literally drooling now.


"Yes Natsu-sama!" Juvia screeched, before she could process what was happening all of her breath left her as agony shot through her body. A few seconds passed before she came back to reality, her head flopped back as another moan flew from her lips, in such a short amount of time Natsu had taken one of Juvia's most disagreeable fetishes and supercharged it. Before tonight she had been ever so slightly masochistic, but now it was amplified thousandfold.

Natsu had to groan in pleasure as his rock hard, scale coated, twelve inch penis pierced Juvia's womanly gates and tore through her hymen.

They both laid there, silently. At first it was to ease Juvia's pain and to allow her time to adjust but now it was a need.

Juvia felt whole for the first time in her life, she was now one with this man. He filled her up to the brim, not just physically but spiritually as well. Yes his monstrous cock buried deep within her body was extremely pleasurable and yes she wished they could just start fucking like wild animals, but the feeling of him holding her close to his warm body was like nothing she had ever experienced and something she never wanted to lose.

For the first time he felt complete. It would seem that his younger self had been correct, Juvia was the missing piece to his existence. He needed her, she was everything he desired and everything he required. He never wanted this feeling to end but at the same time he wanted to complete the ceremony/ritual.

"Juvia." Natsu spoke in a groan as he tried to concentrate through the immense pleasure of their connection. "It's time." He informed her, the blue haired girl whimpered and nodded in understanding.

Silently she offered the dragon slayer her hand as he reciprocated the gesture. He lined his fanged jaw up with the flesh between her thumb and pointer finger.

"Don't hesitate, it'll corrupt the bond." With that Natsu started a countdown from 3 before he bit down into the girl's previously flawless porcelain skin drawing blood. Juvia copied him but in her pain she may have bitten down a touch too hard, still, it was enough to draw the required liquid from beneath his tanned flesh.

The sensation of the blood filling her mouth then sliding down her throat was one of the weirdest sensations of the girl's life, never had she thought that she would take part in what was essentially a blood ritual.

She followed the commands he had given to the letter until it came time for the kiss.

With his blood in her mouth she pulled back as he did the same until she moved her plush plump lips to his thin chapped ones, it was at this moment she noticed the scales on his face and body; he had entered Dragon Force.

The kiss was as loving as it could have been whilst still being exceptionally lewd.

When the mixture was complete they swallowed.

The orgasm was instantaneous. Never had either of the two felt something like it before.

Juvia threw her head back and screeched a screech more akin to a Banshee's howl as indescribable pleasure racked her body forcing her to thrash around in earth shattering convulsions.

Natsu's eruption could put volcanos to shame. Every muscle in his body tensed as one as he roared at the ceiling above him.

Spurt after spurt of scolding hot semen shot from his draconically charged member into the awaiting womb of his new queen, filling her to the brim and then spilling out onto the unforgiving tough wooden floor beneath them.

The moment lasted almost a minute before the dragon slayers inhuman strength left him and he collapsed onto the writhing bodacious and soft body beneath him with an ungraceful thump.

Juvia's bare breasts heaved as her burning lungs tried with all their might to suck in the air she so desperately needed.

Sparkles danced in their eyes as all of their other senses went dull momentarily before flaring back into life.

"Th-th-th-that w-w-was..." Juvia stuttered incoherently.

"Only the beginning." Natsu finished for her.

Through her haze filled eyes and clouded mind Juvia looked at him confusedly. "Pardon?"

"That was the bonding." Natsu answered with a breathless chuckle that gently rocked both their bodies. "Next comes the mating, then it's complete."

"What does the mating involve?"

"Sex." The dragon slayer replied bluntly. "Lots and lots of sex."

Juvia's eyes held a delighted gleam even though her face clearly portrayed her exhaustion. "Juvia looks forward to it, my Natsu-sama!"

Natsu gave her a sincere yet lopsided grin. "Let's move to my room first." He choked out, his knees were practically red-roar from kneeling on the old splintering wooden floorboards.

Juvia almost looked relieved at that, Natsu realised her back must have been quite sore from lying and writhing on the creaky wood for so long.

Natsu swept her up in his arms as he stood up, it took a surprising amount of effort to do so without removing his member from his queen, but tradition demanded he not remove himself from her heavenly gates just yet; they had stuck to tradition so far, no point in breaking from it now.

Juvia snuggled her face into the crook of his sweaty neck as the man stumbled and swayed in his path to his room. Her back was the only way to nudge open the dark oak door to his bedroom which he used quite gently much to her relief.

Once next to his modestly sized double bed he let them both fall onto the bed with a soft thump, him still being on top of her.

"Juvia feels... Bizarre. Juvia feels good, she feels wonderful even, but very odd."

Natsu chuckled as he took a moment to rest. "It's the bond, we just joined our souls together and our power. Once your exhaustion wears off you'll probably feel extra powerful, we both will."

"Juvia is in heaven!" The water Mage gushed as she fantasised over her new soulmate status.

"I'm about to show you heaven." The pinkette spoke huskily, "Over, and over, and over again."

Juvia practically purred. "Juvia is grateful her Natsu-sama learnt from those naughty books, his bed talk is delightful~"

Natsu smirked. "At first I just wanted to know what all the fuss was about, I admit, they're annoyingly addictive."

"Juvia wishes to continue~" The water Mage purred as her dainty fingers floated over the firm chest of the man hovering above her.

"This is gonna rock." He grunted as he prepared himself, then the mating began.

First Natsu leant down and initiated yet another sloppy wet kiss with his queen, the new royal answered back with fervour.

His hips moved slowly at first, his penis moving in and out of the blue haired girl slowly. The sensation was heavenly for both as the dragon slayer began to pick up speed until they were both forced to break their kiss so they could both moan, groan, grunt and growl to their hearts content.

Their lust rising, Juvia wrapped her luscious thighs and dainty arms around the body of the man who was now slamming into her body, loud slaps echoed throughout the room as thigh met thigh, hips met hips and penis entered pussy.

Natsu was clearly enraptured by the bouncing breasts that flopped up and down with each jackhammer like thrust, he captured a pert nipple in between his lips and began to suck, nip and lick forcing his queen to moan even louder.

Her exquisite finger nails scraped down his spine leaving long red marks along the skin.

Natsu felt his blood beginning to boil, his dragon side was screaming at him now.

The mating wasn't just regular sex, it was a way for the royal dragon to ensure their partner could never lust for another being besides them.

He needed to please and pleasure this girl until her every waking and subconscious thought revolved around him.

His left hand grasped her unattended breast and began to once again forcibly knead the soft globe before switching to practically painfully tweaking the nipple before switching back and repeating the process again and again.

His right hand snaked down between their bodies, running his calloused hand across her firm taught belly, that without a doubt was already containing what was needed to create his heir, before continuing lower to the prize he was already relentlessly penetrating.

Juvia's howl of approval as he began vigorously rubbing her clit sent delighted shivers down his spine.

"Natsu-sama!" Juvia cried in exctasy. "Juvia cannot last!"

"Then don't." The dragon slayer spoke huskily. "Let it out my queen, show me you're enjoying yourself."

With an unbelievable amount of force the bluenette came, flooding the area between their legs with cum as she screamed to the heavens.

Natsu rewarded his mate by triggering another orgasm in his body so as to flood her pussy, which was magnificently trying to milk his cock, with another awe inspiring sea of hot sticky sperm.

Before Juvia even had time to get her bearings back Natsu had flipped her on her belly and breasts, his hot breath almost instantly on her ear.

"Tell me my Queen." The dragon slayer whispered. "What is your greatest desire?"

Juvia's pussy quivered around his still solid and large member that remained unmoving. "Juvia wishes to be with her Natsu-sama." She answered truthfully.

Natsu kissed her temple delicately. "That's not what I meant Juvia." He replied. "Although I too wish to be with you. My desire is to fulfil your every want, need and craving." He lustfully spoke only fuelling the water mage's hunger for him. "What are my queen's fetishes? I will do all I can to please her."

Even though he remained perfectly still at her words Juvia couldn't help but to moan sultrily at his words. "Juvia is ashamed of her naughty thoughts." She answered.

"Don't be." Natsu replied quickly. "I am certainly no saint when it comes to my own fantasies, I will never judge you my queen."

Juvia remained silent for a short moment as the words sunk in, during this time Natsu trailed kisses along her neck and cheek before pushing his nose into her hair and taking in a long drawn out intake of her scent.

"Juvia dreams of it all. She wants to try it all." The girl shamefully admitted as her face became a pretty pink colour. "She is ashamed to admit her strongest desires but she will not hide from her Natsu-sama. She dreams of being dominated, she desires the danger of humiliation, she wishes to fornicate in the worst of places." The water mage could not look at her mate as she spoke. "She wants, no needs, to be loved, but she desires to be dominated and commanded to do unspeakable things…"

The dragon slayer felt his cock swell and twitch painfully at her words. He could not hold himself at bay much longer. "Then get ready for a thorough fucking Juvia." The pyro spoke lustfully.

He pulled himself back and the woman with him until she was on all fours, and then he began again.

He found is rhythm quickly. With his hands on her soft womanly hips he slammed his member into her sopping wet opening over and over and over again, his mate now putty in his hands, could only moan, squeal and screech in approval as he relentlessly assaulted her lower lips.

Her doughy malleable ass cheeks were perfect for thrusting against and made an erotic clapping sound as his hips connected with them sending mesmerising ripples across the globes of flesh.

Beneath them her breasts continued to sway back and forth as he rocked her entire body with his thrusts. Driven to drive his mate to another body rocking climax he laid his torso against her back and moved his hands so that one could go back to work on her breasts whilst the other returned to her clit whilst forcing the girl to hold both of their body weights up by herself.

Juvia's throat burned as it was once again driven to produce the chorus of erotic sounds it had been concocting and releasing for quite a while now. Her lungs ached almost as much as her womanhood, breasts and thighs but she could barely feel the pain or any discomfort at all due to the pleasure coursing through her veins.

Natsu came before Juvia this time, his climax driving his partner into a similar state of euphoric bliss.

"Natsu-sama…" Juvia cooed lustfully, her body could no longer hold herself up but she did not fall. Although both were on their knees and still connected, Juvia found herself able to snuggle into her partner's warm body as his strong well-muscled arms held her close to him and supported her exhausted body. "Juvia thinks she loves her Natsu-sama." The girl drawled affectionately with a dopey smile adorning her pretty face.

Natsu kissed her cheek and pulled her tighter against his body, his queen rewarded him with a satisfied 'eep' and sigh.

Natsu did not relent though, no, he continued to prove to his mate that he would be the only person she would ever need, despite the fact the she would most likely eventually lead his own harem.

He made unending love to her all night. Her pussy and womb were filled to bursting point over and over again as he flooded her body with hot, sticky, addictive sperm. Her breasts continuously fondled, groped and kneaded; her nipples pinched, tweaked and suckled upon until they almost hurt. Her ass cheeks squeezed, spanked and thrusted against until they were red. Her clit rubbed, pinched and stimulated. Her mouth invaded by his tongue too many times to count, her tongue had been sucked and nipped numerous times. Her poor little asshole fingered, lubed and rubbed but never penetrated by his cock, no, pussy today and leave the ass and mouth for another day… most likely the next day to be honest.

Eventually when both parties were too spent to continue it was early the next morning.

Panting and heaving for breath Juvia found herself nestled into the strong body of her lover as they took a few moments to enjoy each other's company before letting sleep taking over them.

"Thank you Natsu-sama." Juvia whispered into her king's chest. "For giving Juvia a chance."

Natsu kissed the crown of her head and pulled her closer to his body. "No, thank you Juvia for becoming my queen."

Juvia was lost to the world of dreams after that with a sweet smile adorning her pretty features.

Natsu was able to stay awake for a few moments after that, the whole time he was staring lovingly and longingly at the woman in his arms. "I hope everyone else understands, and I hope no one plans on jumping on this whole harem thing just yet." He whispered into the hair of his mate. "I just want some time to spend with you… my queen… my Mrs. Dragneel."


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Digger Jonez