AN: This is the only time I'll ever appreciate you, Starbucks. The ONLY time. Thank you for your free wifi.

So in regards to this chapter, I did my best to explain things but let me know if you wind up confused anyways. What am I talking about? A time skip. Originally, I had a few scenes planned in regards to Issei's training segment with Richard, another conversation with Pluto, and an interdimensional argument featuring the Lords of the Debauch. All of which were tossed out of the window in exchange for plot advancement.

I considered having an omake at the end of the chapter... but I feel like it would have taken away the impact of the last few scenes.

Do enjoy.

He stared up at the artificial sky while waiting for the meeting to start. A bright light shone above with the center moving at a gradual pace liken to the shifts of the sun. He despised that orb almost as much as he hated the actual sun. It was a mockery. He understood the purpose of this illusion and it was from that understanding was he disgusted by it.

He turned away from the window and paced back towards the center of the room.

"You did tell him about the time, right?" Rolan asked.

Serafall's condition had worsened since last they talked. Before, she was liken to a schoolgirl who had yet to realize she had a hard crush. She refused to admit it despite the boy being the center of her thoughts. She fidgeted around, reacted negatively whenever his name was brought up, and easily distracted.

Now, it was draining her. She still kept up appearances with professional attire combined with her cheeky personality. But it was missing the bubbly cuteness that made her the most popular woman on the charts. Her complexion was a shade paler as though she had come down with a slight cold.

He remembered being under the effects of the Gift of Seduction. It was one of his darkest memories. But he couldn't recall suffering from withdrawals when he was separated from the Queen after a prolonged adventure.

…Maybe he had been wrong? Maybe Serafall wasn't under the effects of the Gift of Seduction but something else? It wouldn't explain her behavior toward Hyoudou, however.

Or she really was in love and was suffering some sort of exaggerated melodramatic lovesickness.

"You know, I went to go see Dragoon-chan about it and I told him everything," she explained to him with a huff. Another thing, she was always annoyed with him. More than usual, anyways. "Do you know what he said to me?"

He cocked a brow, waiting for her to answer.

"Time," she said in a slightly deeper voice, trying to emulate Hyoudou's. "There's not enough time. He said that with a dead look in his eyes. Richie-tan dragged him away shortly after. I ended up telling Ria-tan and So-tan the rest. I can trust them to be responsible about this."

"Richard?" Rolan he muttered lowly. "I was wondering where he's been hiding since Kyoto."

"That reminds me, Obi-tan," Serafall turned on him quickly with narrowed eyes. "So-tan told me everything."

He was expecting this conversation to be brought up at some point. He gestured a hand at her, telling her to get on with it.

"You are the Ruler of the World," she sighed. She looked away with her eyes focusing on old memories. "All along. Since the first time you summoned me with Carly-chan. Was everything always a part of your plan?"

"More or less," he shrugged. He tilted his head back as he recalled the past. It was during a time when Coralynne Stradt was his confidant and Serene lived with him. They worked together to summon an archdemon and managed to conjure… Serafall.

The adventures following after were nothing but mayhem.

She was asking if he pretended to be manipulated by her scheming. She was asking about the confession, the exchange of names, and the cataclysm that followed shortly after. She was asking if it was all just a game to him as he was the Ruler of the World.

"Does knowing change anything today?" he asked when he lowered his gaze back to hers.

Her eyes were sharp as she stared at him in long silence.

"…I suppose it doesn't," she said eventually. "But it's still not nice! We're in this together, you know! I would have liked to have known you were the Ruler all along. I could have helped you a little better if I understood where you were coming from…"

"Sera, I trust you as far as I can throw you."

She almost smiled at that. She knew him. While it was a popular idiom, he could only speak the truth. He could throw her pretty fucking far.

He waved it off, "Nothing has changed. We are still enemies in this game of politics. I'm still going to be trying my damnest to marry your sister. Remember that."

"And I'll be trying my hardest to oppose you," she said with her usual smile returning.

He nodded at her and went back to the window. His hands fell into the pockets of his pants while he stared outside of the palace. Their conversation was dropped dead while they both waited for the appointed time. His brows would shift on occasion, either lost in his own thoughts or having a mental conversation with his familiar. Or both.

Minutes before the deadline, there came a rush of power. His head hardly turned when a glyph appeared in the center of the room. It was a summoning circle… but not of Devil make. It had taken some of the impressions of Devil craft with Nordic runes and the skeleton of a Dragon Gate.

In the crescendo of the light arrived a group of individuals. He had expected them to arrive in their school uniforms but had come instead in formal attire. Hyoudou Issei at the front, Rias Gremory and Sona Sitri at his flank, Rossweisse on his other side, Archangel Gabriel towards the back, and…

It took him a moment to gather himself. Rolan stopped moving as the non-existence of his true self hiccupped. The World nearly noticed before he commanded himself back into animation.

He could never confuse the Queen. Even when her appearance had changed dramatically.

"For fuck's sake," he growled and turned a little more. "Where the hell was this back in Ilyvander?"

The girls regarded him warily and with some slight animosity. They were no better than pups who had just learned to growl. Hyoudou's brows were furrowed but didn't put any heat behind his glare.

"Hello, Chase," Ophis was the only one to greet him. She stood at Hyoudou's shadow. Her head tilted slightly as she put a hand to her chest. "Does my form alarm you?"

He looked away. His eyes fell dead. Memories with the Queen flooded his mind. Things he wish he could forget. All of which were events that transpired while she had the body of a child. He would have been able to enjoy himself and become her thrall if she had been in this mature form instead. The entirety of the Black Sun event could have been avoided if he chose her instead of Snow.

"Dragoon-chan! There you are!" Serafall was bouncing on her heels. Her bubbly nature had returned with a spark of life. "We've been waiting forever for you! You almost missed the deadline. Where have you been? And… what is that thing doing with you?"

Her eyes turned into daggers as she glared at Gabriel. The Fallen Archangel merely smiled beautifully and waved a hand.

"Hello, Leviathan-san," Hyoudou sighed wearily as he rubbed his brow. "I was getting ready for today. I'm sorry but can you please lower your voice? My head really hurts."

"Some last minute studying from So-tan?" Serafall mused. "Or did you receive one of her fearsome lectures when you got a poor mark?"

"…Why does everyone believe my lessons are so strenuous?" Sona asked. "I attempted to tutor Ise on everything relating to Devil Society between his training with Royals-sama. However… not enough time."

Her voice fell flat with that last line. There was a story there.

"I didn't get enough time to learn everything," Hyoudou carried on. "I barely started to get a grasp on the alphabet and table manners. By the time we all realized the interview was today… I realized I didn't know anything. So Richard-san… shoved all the information into my skull."

Rolan's brows couldn't help but rise. He had cheated by using a few eye techniques and his years of experience in other fields to understand Devil Society to this degree. But that had taken a great deal of time and effort. Hyoudou, on the other hand, had received the same degree of education in a snap. Though there was no doubt Archmage Royals had applied other spells to ease the burden on the mind (and to prevent a seizure), Hyoudou still suffered a migraine.

Still, it was rather unfair.

"Eh… really?" Serafall blinked. "Then who won the Battle of Babylon?"

"Which one?" Issei's eyes flashed with insight. "There's the one led by the original Abaddon and there was the siege against the Sumerian Gods. Either way, no one won that… huh."

He blinked and scratched his head, realizing he was sputtering words he didn't know until now. The other girls were looking at him with amazement.

"I must learn such a technique," Rossweisse said aloud. "To be able to absorb so much knowledge in an instant! The schools of magic I could research in such a short amount of time! Imagine what else it can accomplish!"

"You can ask him but we all know what his answer will be…" Rias said dryly.

All of their eyes went dead as they said in unison, "Not enough time."

"Speaking of," Rolan spoke up to regard them. "We have a schedule to keep. The ceremony is in a few hours and Hyoudou has yet to go through the ascension process. I'd like to get today over with."

"Mou~" Serafall puffed her cheeks at him. "Fine, fine. You're right anyways. Come on, Dragoon-chan. The other Maou are waiting!"

Without hesitation, she approached him, wrapped both her arms around his, and began to drag him away. Hyoudou didn't try to fight it. He was putty in her grip as soon as her breasts were pressed up against him.

"Nee-san," Sona nearly gasped. "Don't you think you're being a little too direct? You're way too close!"

"There's not enough time!" Serafall declared as she continued to drag her charge out of the room.

What she said triggered everyone. The group (sans Ophis) flinched as though reminded of a traumatic experience. Ophis went to follow, but stopped when Rolan shook his head.

Honestly, Serafall was so focused on Hyoudou she had failed to notice the presence of the Ouroboros Dragon God. Yet, her rivalry for Gabriel was noted, no matter how briefly.

"May I ask why you are here, Sir Rolan?" Sona asked.

"You mean I can't be interested in the growth of one of my Predators?" he teased in his sarcastic tone. When she didn't bite, he continued, "I'm finishing the process of our Rating Game. Sera thought it would be best if we received our titles at the same time. There will be a press gathering after the ceremony and then a party with the other Pillars and Ultimate Class Devils. Hopefully he can find someone to fill in the gaps for his roster."

"That doesn't fully answer the question," Rias cut in. "You can just go ahead and do your own thing. You don't need to be here if the ceremony isn't until the afternoon."

"As you say, I can do my own thing," he nodded at her. "And I am."

He didn't say anything further. He was about to disregard her when…

He turned his body further. A pulse of Aura went towards them. They felt its electric current as they tensed. His eyes glowed dimly.

His eyes stared straight as Rias.

"...I'm not surprised," he said with dismissal. More than that. His eyes darted away from her. He was done with this girl and her idiocy. Twice he had warned her and she had disregarded his words. Was it out of spite for him? He wondered.

"Was the summoning circle your design?" he asked Rossweisse before the two Devils could question him. He had no intention in answering them anyways.

"Y-Yes," Rossweisse answered. "Lady Leviathan mentioned the burdens of using teleportation circles with my husband. Lady Tiamat seemed to have no problems so I inquired through her. The Dragon Gates can only be managed by the Dragon kind. I had to improvise and use other schools of magic to fill in the gaps."

"And you managed to do this on your own?" he inquired with honest intrigue. "Did Archmage Royals help you at all?"

"…There wasn't enough time," she said in a dead voice.

He couldn't fathom what Richard had done to these girls. Not enough time? What could force the Mad Archmage to behave more erratically than his usual self?

"Sir Rolan," Sona spoke up. "In regards to the information I provided you—"

"Not here," he said. He faced the window again while brushing off a piece of lint off his suit.

He stared outside and ignored anything further they had for him. The group eventually ignored him in kind and began to talk amongst their selves.

The only one who regarded him was Ophis. She approached and stood at his side, staring out the window. Her dead eyes were seeing things he couldn't imagine.

They remained like this until Hyoudou's interview with the other Satans was concluded.


"Hello, Gremory," some blonde handsome who smiled like a total creep was waiting for them inside the limousine. "It's good to see you again."

Issei scooted a little closer to Rias after she took her seat.

"Diodara Astaroth," Rias smiled politely. He relaxed a little. He knew when she didn't like someone. "It's been so long. Not since we were children, I believe. What ever happened to your eye?"

She had commented on something sensitive, it would seem. Diodara's smile faltered slightly as all attention was drawn towards the eyepatch. His good eye flicked over towards the back of the limo.

Rolan's face was blank as he crossed a leg over the other. He spoke dryly, "Glad to see you're already acquainted. Just so we get this out of the way, Astaroth is the Devil who reincarnated me."

Oh. So that's why this rando was here. The limousine they were told to enter was reserved for only those a part of the ceremony. That included the new Devil Lords and their Kings. The rest of the girls who accompanied Issei were in the limousine behind them. Meanwhile, all sorts of security vehicles were driving alongside them on their way to the ceremony hall.

"Oh?" Rias' smile turned coy. "Does that mean he is your King, Sir Rolan?"

"Just as much as you are the King of Hyoudou," he returned curtly. "We only listen when we want to."

"And let me guess," Rias returned to Diodara. "You thought you would receive tons of recognition when someone like him joined your peerage?"

Diodara's smile fell into a flat line, "I am bound by contract to not share anything regarding his reincarnation."

Issei frowned at that. He wanted to ask if such a contract was legal. But, thanks to Richard, all of the laws regarding Kings and their peerages was branded into his mind and still fresh. How the King gathered its peerage members was up to their own discretion. Not even the Maous could get involved unless under dire circumstances. Questions can be raised on why a leader of another faction was converted, such as King Oberon of the Fae, but not enough to share the specifics.

So long as he could fulfill his duties as Oberon and respect the concords between Faerie and Devil Society, the process and reasons behind his reincarnation was his right to keep private.

"The boy made a mistake and is paying off a debt," Rolan shared. "As a matter of fact, hardly anyone knows I am a Devil. It's been a pain in the ass keeping this from the press, but word always gets out in the end. Like when a few fairies leak evidence on the net."

"So… you purposely leaked this info," Issei said. "Look, just give it to me straight. What's your big plan? Why are you really after Sona so much? With everything else going on, do we really have time to be doing this?"

"Don't act like you have anything better to do with your time," Rolan snarled back. He shut his eyes and drew back his anger. "Luscious, please seal the area."

There was a shimmer of power circling around them. It covered the walls and windows of the vehicle and coated the window to the driver. They were completely cut off from the outside world.

"Now we can have this conversation," Rolan said after a moment.

"…So that's how it's going to be," Diodara commented with a sigh as he leaned back in his seat.

"Why Sona?" Issei demanded firmly.

"Is it honestly that difficult for you people to understand that, maybe, I just happen to like her?" Rolan asked incredulously.

Both Issei and Rias gave him a flat look.

Rolan glared back at them just as much.

"Let's suppose you do," Rias began. Issei looked at her through the corner of his eye. "Hold on, Ise, and hear me out. Let's say he's telling the truth. I don't think whether he likes Sona or not is the point. He's a man of logic. Everything he does is as meticulous as it is pathological. He is the Ruler of the World for a reason and I suspect that position isn't as easy as it sounds. If he is the man who designed the Predator System, then I'm going to assume there is just as much of a convoluted reason to bind Sona to him."

"Those are some big words for the Idiot of the Year," he rebuked.

"Don't talk about Rias like that," Issei growled.

"Make me," Rolan challenged.

The space inside the car turned heavy with pressure. But both were holding themselves back. They weren't willing to destroy everything around them over something like this. Issei would never endanger Rias even if Rolan had insulted her this much.

"Thank you, Ise," Rias said as she patted his arm. "But he's egging you on. Remember what Sona said."

Issei frowned with uncertainty. Sona had said… Rolan's true weakness was kindness. She said he aggravated everyone around him because he knew how they would react. The only way to counter this was to be polite, kind, and… friendly.

It made him physically sick to try. He couldn't be nice to this monster. It was impossible.

However… he can at least shake off the prodding. Sona had been right. Rolan was poking at Issei just to get him to react. If he didn't react then Rolan couldn't do the same.

"In regards to Miss Sitri," Rolan's expression shifted to one of boredom. "Why should I tell you anything before I tell her?"

"Because I'm going to break you in two in the Rating Game," Issei replied. "Sona is my best friend and… my girlfriend."

Rolan gave him the same flat look they gave him not too long ago.

"Why should I tell you anything before I tell her?" he repeated. He raised a finger before Issei could retort. "Emphasis on the before I tell her. If this is all we're going to talk about then I'm going to have my familiar put you on mute."

Issei opened his mouth to snap back. But the warning Rias gave him prior reminded him nothing would go his way and everything would fall into Rolan's ploy. He shut his mouth and regathered his thoughts.

"Has there been… any development on the enemy?" Issei asked.

Rolan answered in a professional tone, "The information you sent was helpful. We were able to locate their base of operations and compile a list of members. However, when we raided their stronghold, it had been cleared out already. There are no traces of Adams or those following him. I can only assume they had planned on abandoning their workshop immediately after the Kyoto incident."

"If you have a list to go off of, then can't you locate them with the Predator's perk?" Rias asked.

"Adams has designated himself as another Ruler," Rolan said with a deep scowl. He shifted in his seat as he thought for a moment. "Think of him as an admin to a blog. While he can't delete anything I created, he can block, ban, and hide members who aren't moderators and above."

"I have the feeling you're not very tech savvy," Rias mused. "You can't hide your status from another administrator."

His brows furrowed with annoyance and… was this really happening? Issei could have sworn Rolan was embarrassed.

His love for Rias just tripled.

"He has access to the codes that make up the World," Rolan spoke sharply. "He can't tamper with anything already established but he can add to it. He's created this Hunter System in contrast to the Predators. I wouldn't be surprised if one of their features allows them to hide from the World. And if you can hide from the World, you can hide from me."

"Can't you tell what they do since you are the original Ruler?" she asked next.

"And if you can hide from the World," he repeated, "you can hide from me."

It was Rias' turn to look annoyed.

"So what now?" Issei asked.

Rolan shrugged, "There's not much we can do under these conditions. Adams is vastly smarter than I am. Anything we try will be anticipated and used against us. The best we can do is react as soon as he sticks his head out somewhere. However, recently, all activity regarding the Brigade has stopped. They're not breaking any more of the seals to the Triangular Beast. They're not even trying to be annoying in the political world."

"Any clue why that is?" Rias asked this time.

"The Old Satans like to sit on their asses anyways," he began dryly. "The Hero Faction has gone missing thanks to Xi'Long. And Adams' direct faction have just been inactive. I'd like to believe whatever they took from Ophis has them occupied at the moment… but I don't want to assume."

Issei struggled to keep the smirk down. He knew why the Hero Faction was 'missing'. He was just glad Li Qin could keep a secret.

"Something funny, Hyoudou?" Rolan stared straight at him.

"It's just…" he struggled to find something to grasp, having been caught. "Adams McCain. You all made it sound like he was some undefeatable secret boss. He ran away from me screaming. It… kinda blows his reputation out of proportion, don't you think?"

Rolan continued to stare. His expression showed he didn't believe Issei in the slightest. But he wouldn't call him out on in and just shrugged in acceptance.

"Until the time comes Adams makes a move, just stay out of trouble," Rolan said plainly. "Worry about the Rating Game and… whatever else you have going on on your end. Enjoy what peace you have for the moment. You'll learn to regret when they're gone."

"Rolan… I haven't had a moment's of peace since you plotted to kill Asia."

"Really?" his brows shot up with sarcastic coy. "Ever since becoming a Predator only? I've been harassing you for three years now. What in the world was I doing during all that time? I must be getting old if I was that soft on you."

Issei swallowed his anger, "Is there anything else you can tell me?"

"Nothing you're willing to concern yourself with," Rolan remarked with a knowing expression. "Enjoy what peace you have for the moment. You'll learn to regret when they're gone."

It irked him how he repeated himself multiple times like this. As though he and Rias were clueless children who had to be told twice to learn something. It was also really creepy. Whenever Rolan repeated himself, he had done so in such a way it was as if time had looped over. Like a broken record.

"On another note, Hyoudou," Rolan shifted into a more comfortable posture rather than imposing. The scowl on his face loosened slightly. "What do you think of Sera?"

"Leviathan-san?" Issei blinked at the sudden change. "If I ask you what your deal is with her, will you answer me?"

To his astonishment, Rolan actually considered the question. "Sera… is something of a flame that never sparked. We tried to stab each other's back too many times. But I'd like to think we're this close with each other because of that. This whole incident with Sona isn't the first time we've been at each other's throats. I'll be surprised if it'll be the last."

"You mean you two never… hooked up?" Issei was astonished again. With the way Serafall and Rolan acted towards another, he had assumed they were in a relationship before that had gone sour. It was Rolan after all.

"We've been on a couple of dates," he shrugged dismissively. "But never in what you might consider a serious relationship. Oh, but there was this one time we told each other how much we were in love with the other."

Issei's brows creased in confusion. Not in a serious relationship… but a love confession? What the hell? He can see if Rolan confessed and Serafall shot him down. But, if Rolan's could be believed even a little, Serafall shared those feelings too?

"What happened?" Rias was the one to ask.

"She lied, stole my name, and I went on a rampage that required Ludwig and Serene to stop me," he said just as casually as before. "She never loved me. She just wanted me for my power."

Issei leaned back in his seat in thought. There was a whole history of the Predators he didn't know about. He knew Rolan and Serene had something but never asked her about it.

He also had no idea who Ludwig was. Rolan spoke about him as if Issei was supposed to know. He wondered if Ludwig was one of those people Rolan introduced him to back when he was running missions for the turd.

"Pardon if I don't believe you," Rias said sourly. "I just can't see one of the Maou doing something like that. It seems so… like the Maou of old."

"You people fail to understand why they're called Satans," Rolan snapped back. "While the morality of it all has shifted dramatically, evil is still something that must exist. At the end of the day, she is a Devil. She requires contracts just as much as the next."

"That would mean you needed the power of a Devil in the first place," Issei pointed out. "And not just any regular Devil living in your city. You needed something huge if a Maou like Leviathan-san answered your call."

"Very perceptive," Rolan said with a perfect blend of praise and sarcasm to leave them confused on which he was going for. "I still got what I wanted and so did she. So I guess it doesn't matter. You also didn't answer my question. What do you think about her?"

"…I know I can trust her if it will mean to protect Sona," Issei said after a moment.

Rolan's expression shifted. He studied Issei with his brows wriggling around through various emotions. In the end, it fell into a flat line.

"Let me ask you this. Have you noticed anything different about her? Such as, let's say, how she talks to you?"

Issei didn't know where this was going. "No. She's still as eccentric as ever."

"Hmm," Rolan dipped his head slightly in acceptance. "Even with the Gift of Seduction you're still as clueless as ever. When are you going to put those fears behind you?"

"What does that have to do with this?" Issei asked with his annoyance rising.

"After all this, why don't you approach her and ask for a dance?" Rolan said with a wave of his hand. "See how she reacts. It wouldn't be out of the question considering she's your sponsor."

"…Ise," Rias was pouting at his side. Her cheeks were puffing while giving him that look. "It's getting harder and harder to compete. I won't lose but… can you at least reel it back a little?"

"I… Y-Yes…" Issei agreed even when he didn't know what was going on. He only knew he should listen to Rias or else be in trouble again.

"Diodara," Rolan spoke up sharply. The other Devil in the car nearly jumped in surprise. "You can attend the party but I don't want you talking to anyone in Hyoudou's party. Do you understand?"

"Does this mean your conversation is complete?" Diodara asked with a plastic smile.

"We're not too far from the point," Rolan nodded. "You're free to interact right now. Just know I won't protect you from Hyoudou if you say anything that can be easily misinterpreted."

What a strange relationship between these two. Well, Issei's only point of reference was the relationship he had with Rias. Rias was his King and he will listen to any command from her despite the transcendent difference in strength. Rolan and Diodara, however, was the exact opposite. It was the servant who was commanding the King.

"I've been meaning to ask," Rias turned to Diodara. "How much about all of this do you know, exactly?"

Diodara put up another one of those fake smiles and returned, "Ah, I'm sorry to say but I missed your conversation with King Oberon completely. I was unable to hear anything and your mouths were blocked with a mosaic. I've no idea what you're asking about, Gremory."

"That much?" Rias breathed out before turning to Rolan. "Don't you think that's a bit extreme? He is your King."

"He lacks any of the characteristics of leadership for me to follow him," Rolan said bluntly. "Let alone respect. He's almost as bad as you, really."

"Sir Rolan, even if it's you I'll be upset."

"Don't act like you aren't already. Personally, Gremory, you're the type of person I would have killed on the spot if Hyoudou wasn't so disturbingly attached to you."

"And I trust the backlash from killing a Pillar Heiress has nothing to do with it?"

"It doesn't. I wouldn't have minded abandoning everything, including Sona, if it meant I could kill you. The only thing stopping me is Hyoudou. What you did makes you one of the most hated people on my list."

Rias stiffened. The color on her face washed away.

Issei was worried for her. She shouldn't be afraid of Rolan like this. He was there to protect her. He went to grab her hand to reassure her.

Her hand flinched away at his touch. She noticed her reaction and steeled herself as though trying to brace for an impact. She brought her hand back and intertwined her fingers through his.

He sensed… guilt. An enormous sum of it.

The last words Rolan said haunted through Issei's mind. What did Rias do to make her feel this amount of guilt? What did she do to deserve Rolan's ire? Did it have something to do with Issei? Was it because he was reincarnated as a Devil?

No. Rolan had always shown his displeasure for Rias. He was always annoyed with her but tolerated her. Now he loathed her and had admitted he will kill her even if it meant he would lose his standing in Devil Society. This hatred had to come recently.

Was it because Issei had killed the Vampire? No. That couldn't have been it.

It had something to do with the brothers. Was it… because her insistence to fight them had caused Amelia to perish? That was the only reason Issei could come to.

"You can hate me all you want, Sir Rolan," Rias said with her confidence returning. "Your opinion doesn't matter to me. But I will enjoy it when my fiancé beats you at your own game."

Issei's head snapped back at Rolan. The World was warning him to the presence of a threat that could and will kill him if he didn't give it his all.

Rolan's body had gone absolutely still. His eyes shone with a murderous intent only the likes of a Predator could unleash. His eyes were staring directly at Rias.

"What did you just say?" he breathed out.

It rattled Rias. But she withstood it. Her hand was shaking as she squeezed Issei's hand. She never looked away from Rolan.

The car slowly came to a halt. They had arrived at their destination.

The pressure inside vanished as soon as Rolan shut his eyes and regained his bearings. When he opened his eyes again, his eyes were still as sharp as ever. His scowl remained. Only the murderous intent had been swallowed. It was still there, without a doubt, but masked behind calculations and plotting.

Issei knew he would kill Rias. He was only looking for a way around Issei.

The door opened by one of the security personnel. The sounds of excited yelling and cheering could be heard. Rolan was the first out of the door and Issei could easily make out the sounds of questioning, more cheering, and the clattering of photographs.

His King, Diodara, was second out to follow Rolan.

"Are you ready, Ise?" Rias asked.

Issei took in a deep breath. He had to calm himself down and bite back the aggressive mood the World kept him locked in. Only the likes of Rolan could make his fortitude crumble. He had to put it back up for everyone's sake.

"I'm ready," he said with a reaffirming smile. "What about you? Are you okay?"

"To be honest… I'm a little nervous," she admitted sheepishly. "I never expected any of my servants to ascend this quickly. I always knew you were special but…"

"Oh that's great…" he breathed out with a heavy sigh. "I'm not the only one that's nervous. You've no idea how big of a relief that is. Alright! I'm pumped now! Let's do this!"

She giggled at his attempt to shake off the nerves. It helped, somewhat.

He stepped out of the car. Devils in obsidian armor were lined up on both sides of an aisle. They stood erect, acting as a barricade that kept the press away. As soon as Issei's head popped out did they try to peer over and around the security guards and snap a picture of him or try to get his attention for a quick interview.

He nearly buckled by this amount of attention. He almost wanted to dive back inside the car and hide behind his master.

Instead, he held out a hand and helped Rias out of the car. Unlike him, she was flawless. A slender leg was revealed between the slip of her dress. She had done it for his eying pleasure; the knowing smile was evidence enough. Her eyes looked up at him with pride, anxiety, and a deep love.

She took his arm, pressing her left breast against his arm as they walked up the aisle. He did his best to not melt like butter at her touch. She smiled beautifully like a goddess as she waved at the cameras.

"Ise, I love you," she said to him.

He blushed furiously at her words. But he was a man, dammit! He couldn't just hear those words and not reply to them! But… there were so many people around…

"I love you too, Rias," he said with all his heart. He noticed her face blush a little. It was good to know she was just as embarrassed as he was… though she was better at hiding it. "Thank you for everything. You will always be my King."

"Of course," she said with a coy smile.

She leaned in closer and raised herself on her toes. He took the cue.

A thousand flashes went off when they kissed.


He was sweating and shaking while the ceremony went on. Only a few people were allowed inside to witness the events. Only the personal party of those ascending could attend.

The room was divided in half. On the right side were very few people who had come for Rolan. Some were familiar (though Issei couldn't remember their names) while others were unknown. Yet, it couldn't be missed how powerful they were. He had a feeling these people were going to attend the Rating Game. Issei tried to remember their faces for later reference.

On the left half was everyone in Issei's party. He immediately spotted the girls of his harem in the first and second row of seats. Around them and behind them were the other freeloaders like Gabriel, Li Qin, the Knights of the Round, and the remainder of the Sitri Peerage. Everyone was dressed in glamorous (and graciously revealing) dresses while the Knights of the Round (including Saji) were dressed in their pressed coat of arms suits.

"Irina," he heard Xenovia. "How did we come to this? When did we forsake our vows this much?"

"You mean visiting Hell and celebrating the coming of a new Demon Lord?" he heard Irina beside her. "I ask myself that every day. But it's Ise-kun so I'll love and support him no matter what."

"Yes. If it is for Issei then I can excuse an upbringing of Catholicism and a decade of Exorcism training. I'm sure it will all be worth it in the end."

Why did it feel like she was blaming him for something? It wasn't his fault the both of them were kicked out of the Church!

…The next few rows after that were people he recognized from Kyoto. In the public world, they were gods and leaders of other supernatural factions. But they had all attended for his sake.

He noticed Rossweisse glance over her shoulder and glare daggers at Odin. The old god quickly looked away and whistled.

Most of the ceremony blew over Issei's head. He was supposed to have been drilled in the procedure but found himself operating on auto-pilot the whole time. The knowledge Richard implanted into him got him through all of it, but he couldn't help but feel like a machine when this knowledge wasn't his in the first place.

Then, there was when Serafall announced all his achievements and why he was to be crowned as a Demon Lord.

"…for your global service under the pseudonym Red Blur," she had read from a scroll in her hands at the top of the stairs. "As a protector and valiant hero, you shall be the Underworld's guardian and a shining hope to its citizens. You, who have vanquished the Bane of Heaven, have started a new age and opened negotiations with those who we once waged war with.

"Issei Hyoudou, you have brought peace throughout the world. As a Devil, your greed and lust are just as renown as your heroics. For it was you who…"

She paused, blinked, and raised the scroll closer to her face. Her mouth was agape. She lowered it with her head snapping up at attention.

Gabriel waved back at her in the audience.

The crowds began to mumble amongst themselves at her unceremonious reaction.

Serafall looked back at the scroll, "This… This happened? You made Gabi-chan Fall?! I… I can't believe it. I've been barking up that tree for centuries, Dragoon-chan. How'd you do it?"

One of the Maou sitting on the throne to the side, Ajuka Beelzebub, cleared his throat.

"R-Right," Serafall brought the scroll back up and continued to read. "You have turned the Grace of Heaven to the path of sin. You have made contracts with the Shinto, Norse, Hindu, Celtic… Greek… Polynesian… American… wait. American?! How did you make contact with the American Pantheon?! Media is shallow and Internet is a total hikikomori."

…America has gods?

And… when did he make contracts with these things?!

His face started to heat up. He felt the staring of those Primordial douchebags in the audience. Some of them were sighing in embarrassment or giggling for the same reasons.

He could only assume he had done all of this during his blackout in Kyoto.

Serafall straightened herself when Ajuka looked at her again. "The Chaos Karma Dragon, Dragon King Tiamat, acknowledges your worth as the Second Great Welsh. And, most recently, you have bound Dragon God Ophi—"

She bit her tongue. She flinched in pain but was more surprised by what she had just read. She brought the script back up to her eyes before gazing back into the audience.

Ophis waved back, mimicking Gabriel from before… without the smile.

Serafall dropped the scroll as her face broke out into a cold sweat.

"…Dragoon-chan," she whispered in a low voice.

"…Yes?" he asked from where he stood at the bottom of the steps.

"What did you do when I wasn't looking?"

Was she that surprised by him? She was a Maou. And she was the one in charge of the ceremony. Shouldn't she know everything about him? Wasn't she the one who composed the script in the first place?

As if reading his thoughts, Rolan shifted.

He had something to do with this. Issei didn't know how but he knew.

An attendant came to hand Serafall the next scroll while retrieving the one she dropped.

"Chase Lance Rolan," she began while pulling the scroll open.

"This outta be good," Chase muttered below his breath in both sarcasm and exceptionally rare amusement.

Serafall chose this time to read through the scroll before being surprised again. Her face changed from her bubbly personality to something cold and distant. She took on the guise of something Issei would expect from a political leader.

"Your prowess on the battlefield cannot be dismissed. You are worthy of the status of Ultimate Class and your cunning has proven to force your betters into submission. You have defended the Underworld against the forces of Heaven, the Fallen, the Reapers, and the eldritch.

"By becoming a Devil have you guaranteed the unification of all other factions you represent. Your influence in the moonlit world rivals that of the greatest empires in human history. You alone command a grand army and hold sway over several political figureheads. You wield the power to destroy the world with but a single word. That is why I, Serafall Leviathan, do hereby acknowledge your status and grant you the title of Demon Lord."

Rather than being smug about it, Rolan's brows had fallen into a flat line. He looked as disappointed as a kid who received underwear for Christmas.

"…What's your problem?" Issei muttered in a low whisper while Serafall started the next round of speeches.

"No mentioning at all about the Los Angeles Raid," he grumbled back in a low whisper. Issei had to struggle to hear him. "Not the Holy Grail War or the Sekirei Incident either. Let alone dealing with those damn Campione. I was looking forward to her admitting those were her mistakes."

Issei decided it would be best to ignore the man. He was sulking like a child anyways.

"Rolan. Hyoudou. Ascend to receive your new power," Serafall announced with a sway of her hand.

This was it. Issei gulped. This was the climax of the ceremony. Together, he climbed the stairs of the ceremony hall with Rolan. On his side stood Rias, beaming a proud and loving smile as he approached. On the other side stood Diodara Astaroth, who held his head up out of pride but could not look at Rolan's eyes.

At the top of the stairs erected a statue. Power resonated within it. The closer Issei got, the more his instincts as a Devil compelled him to bow before it. As a Devil alone, he was insignificant and couldn't produce an ounce of demonic aura. It was only by his dominating factor as a Dragon that kept him standing.

They both stopped in front of the statue. Issei was forced to wait for Rolan to take the last step. Rolan was looking up at the statue with appraisal.

"Do you know who this is?" he asked, not fully expecting an answer.

"…Satan," Issei answered. The statue wasn't of one of the original seven Princes of Darkness found in biblical lore. This statue was a monument to the original being who rebelled against God.

"Did you know he was one of us?" Rolan asked next, the smallest of smiles slipping through.

Issei looked at him.

"Did you really think someone as egotistical and immature as the Biblical God would allow any of His creations to oppose him?" Rolan snorted. "Those that tried were turned to salt and ash. Those before, the Grigori, were razed with the strongest of their breed sealed away into the Well. But this man…?"

"I've never heard him mentioned once in the Evensong," Issei said.

"There are a lot of texts missing… within good reason," he finished the thought with a shrug and approached the foot of the statue.

Issei followed suite. They both bowed in respect and placed their hands on the statue. There came the slightest electric current flowing through Issei at the touch. It burned his insides for a moment. A numbness came afterwards.

It was as if the statue was testing his worth and found him… adequate.

They drew their hands away and split off to meet their Kings.

Rias stood in front of him with a crown in her hands. This was the end of the ceremony. This was the last rite.

He fell on one knee in front of her. His eyes never left hers. She approached and raised the crown over his head.

"Congratulations, Ise," she whispered softly with tenderness. "You've made it."

She placed the crown on his head. He was now free from the Gremory Peerage. Though, should she ever need him, he will always be there to serve her. He was free from her direct control to create his own peerage and manage territory both in the human world and the Underworld.

There came murmuring from the crowds.

On his side, Rolan didn't kneel. He stood tall while he looked directly at his King. Diodara matched his gaze with one of challenge. Without being able to see his face, not that it mattered, Issei could feel Rolan's brow raise with amusement.

His hands reached out for the crown in Diodara's hands. Diodara didn't try to fight it, though his expression warped to one of regret and anger. Taking the crown from Diodara, Rolan crowned himself.

Issei couldn't help but frown. The man had no respect for anyone other than himself.

They both moved away from their kings to face the audience.

Demon Lord Hyoudou and Demon Lord Rolan were greeted with thunderous applause.


He didn't get much time to talk to his girls. They all surrounded him and congratulated him in their own way (which got them to one-up the other and eventually turn into a catfight). Rias was the one who got to spend the most amount of time with him only because she had been near him during the ceremony.

He saw Ophis getting swarmed by just as much attention. The Primordials were surrounding her, asking her questions or outright crying at the sight of her. Ophis was answering them in soft tones that were muffled by everything else happening. Her lifeless expression and gestures, for whatever reason, made the crying Primordials cry harder.

He couldn't approach the group. The girls in his harem were smothering him while they fought over his attention. Not that he minded. He was sandwiched between Akeno's, Rias', Irina's, and…

Okay. No. Someone save him. Yumi's tits were pressed against the back of his head.

The sea of girls was parted by Serafall. She stormed through the group, latched onto his arm, and dragged him away to the next appointment.

…The press conference.

Forget the ceremony! Here was where he was nervous! Rias dressed him in a pretty swanky suit (he had no preferences but took her word for how nice it was)… and made him comb his hair. But was he presentable enough? Did his breath smell? What if he stuttered and embarrass himself?

The training he had with Sona didn't cover this! It's not like he could just punch everyone in the paparazzi!

He was taken to another hall for media purposes. They stood to the side of the stage, hidden from view. The Devils had copied the interview panels seen in conventions. There was a long table with microphones and glasses of water lined up right before a swarm of media crew eagerly waiting for their time.

"Don't sweat the small stuff, Dragoon-chan," Serafall said as she checked him. She straightened his tie and brushed whatever dust had gathered on his suit. "I'll be with you on this. I'll answer all the hard questions like policies. Your cheat might have worked on the other Maou, but the press are a whole different breed of monster. They'll sniff out any lie like blood to a shark."

Cheat? Yeah, he totally did. But lie? He never lied during the interview!

Plus all they did was ask him a bunch of stupid questions about pop idols, movies, and modern marvels! What did Fidget-Spinners have to do with being a Demon Lord?!

"Just take a deep breath," she went on, even demonstrating for him.

All he cared to see was how her chest inflated when she did so.

"Oh my God you two," Rolan approached them through the same winding path they took. "Just fuck already."

"I-It's not like that!" Serafall blabbered as she pushed Isse away. "Dragoon-chan is still my responsibility. I'm only doing this so he doesn't freak out and embarrass So-tan."

Rolan looked at her with a wary gaze. "Sera… I don't know what's going on but—"

"Nothing is going on," Serafall argued back.

"I mean your behavior. You're not acting like yourself."

"Don't act like you know me so well, Obi-tan."

Rolan put up his hands. "You know what? Fine. Hyoudou, she's your problem now. Good luck."

Issei was creeped out. The man had just given him a genuine best wishes. He hadn't done that since the three-year training period. Rolan had only told him 'good luck' when, and only when, he was given a mission the man was confident Issei would kick the bucket!

Why was he treating Serafall like one of those natural disasters?

…He backpedaled. It was Serafall.

"Please don't insult my sister so casually," Sona said as she approached the group. "Ise, please don't agree with him either."

"B-But I didn't say anything!" he blurted back.

Sona gave him a look. Everything she needed to know was written all over his face. She just knew him that well.

"W-What are you doing here, Sona?" he asked to cover for himself. "Where's everyone else? Are they coming to watch too?"

"Rias and the rest are… managing the last minute details for the festivities afterwards," Sona said while shooting Rolan a glare. "We planned on celebrating in the Gremory Palace but… the ascension of two Demon Lords deems it important enough for a grand ball. All High-Class Devils and above will be in attendance."

"A-All of them?" his voice was small.

"Everyone was invited but there are a few who can't make it," Rolan answered dryly.

"I see…" Issei nodded. "Then you're the one who set this up?"


"You can't let me have any fun, can you?" Issei sighed.

"I'm not stopping you from fucking all those girls," Rolan bit back. "Just do it on your own damn time. It's not like you don't have plenty of that already."

Issei was so ready to break open his skull. But not here. Soon. Very soon. The Rating Game was around the corner.

"…Not enough time," Sona repeated the mantra that triggered everyone living in the Hyoudou house. "Ise, I'm here because I'm part of the interview."

"What interview?" Issei blinked.

"The press conference right now," Rolan answered as he glanced around the corner. "This isn't just a quick question panel about the new Demon Lords. Remember, Hyoudou, your challenge to me only had credibility as a Demon Lord. Now that your title is official, our match will be made official. Do you know what that means?"

"…You're announcing it?" Issei frowned. "And you demanded Sona here because she's the reason we're fighting?"

"How perceptive," Rolan praised just like before. "Yes. She's the prize at the bottom of the box. Now, I suppose Sera is just here because she's to be your Knight Proxy."

"Sona is more than just a prize," Issei argued.

"That doesn't excuse she's a prize," Rolan pointed out dryly.

"Sir Rolan," Sona spoke up before Issei could lose it. She knew he was on edge. "Can I ask you what this is all about? In light of recent events, I don't believe your engagement with me has anything to do with Ise. You could have dismissed the challenge and leave it be. Why continue to fight?"

Here it was. The reason why he was having a Rating Game. It had haunted everyone since learning about the chess game.

Rolan waved a hand. The space around them shimmered. The area was sealed off with the outside noise cut out. Just like in the limousine, they were in their own reality. He didn't want anyone else to hear them.

"I like you, Sona," he said straight. "I wouldn't mind being married to you."

They waited. He wasn't going to say anything else.

"…You can't be serious," Sona said flatly.

"…Well fuck you too," Rolan said sourly.

"You don't love me, Sir Rolan. If you truly did, you'd realize I am unhappy with this situation and you would release me from this burden."

"Like and love are two different things," he raised a finger. "I like you. And I don't want to see you die because Hyoudou is incapable of protecting anything."

He snapped a finger and turned away. The space around them returned to normal with the noise coming through like a wave. The noise increased along with flashes of light once Rolan stepped from behind the scenes to reach his seat in the far right.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Issei muttered lowly.

"I think someone's jealous," Serafall said with a smile that didn't quite meet her eyes. "Don't worry too much about it, Dragoon-chan. You're just as strong as Obi-tan. Even if you're the mainstream Reddobura, you're overqualified to protect So-tan."

Even if? What was that supposed to mean? Why did it sound like such a backhanded compliment?

They entered the main room. Issei was nearly blinded by the flashing of lights. Things began to calm down once everyone took their seats. Issei was forced to sit next to Rolan with Serafall on his right. And Sona took the final seat beside her sister.

Rolan tapped twice on his microphone. The audio buzzed at his touch.

"Thank you all for coming," he began in a bland and almost bored tone. "While I'm sure you all have a number of questions to ask, I would like to make an announcement before we begin. There are a number of rumors circulating throughout the internet and social media as of late regarding my affair with the Sitri Heiress. I'd like make a few things clear about that.

"As it turns out, due to the lack of communication on our part, both Hyoudou and I are engaged to Sona Sitri. We have no interest in sharing with her and thus have we decided to settle this affair through an unconventional Rating Game."

"We already knew about that," someone from the crowd spoke for everyone. Several heads nodded in agreement.

"…What?" Rolan voiced out what everyone in the panel was thinking.

"Here, King Oberon!" a green-skinned girl with a beaming smile called out. She stood and threw her phone overhand.

Rolan caught it and looked at it. His brows fell into a flat line while he slid it across the table so Issei could see what was on it too.

"This Sunday— Sunday— SUNDAY!"

…It… it was a commercial.

"Live at the newly designed Shaytan Shell Stadium in the Underworld, a match for the ages!

"King Oberon of the Fae VERSUS—

"Demon Lord Issei Hyoudou!

"Winner takes the hand of Sona Sitri!


"…Sponsored by Good'nuff Burgers."

There were explosions, colorful words, and a flash of profile images of each person mentioned in the video. It looked like a shoddy convention commercial advertising some monster truck event.

"…Fucking fairies," Rolan muttered under his breath. He handed the phone to one of the security guards, who climbed down the steps to hand the phone back to the reporter.

Issei looked around the room once more. He spotted several characters with different colored skin. They didn't possess demonic aura as far as he could tell. They must have been fairies. They must be here to find the latest scoop on their king.

Rolan had an elbow propped on the table while he was rubbing his temple.

One reporter, a Devil, raised her hand, "Everis Graymore from UnderTimes… Online. Can you tell us who else will be participating in this Rating Game? Will there be enough time for you to assemble a full peerage or is this specifically between the two of you?"

"It… It's not a normal Rating Game between Devils," Issei spoke up.

"That's right," Serafall chirped and jumped in. "Neither Hyoudou-kun or Sir Rolan have a peerage at the moment. Specifically, this is a duel between them individually rather than as Devils. As such, the Rating Game can consist of anyone from other factions to represent them.

"For example, since we're not following the Rating Game protocol for Devils, I will be taking the role of Hyoudou-kun's Knight Proxy and fight at his side against King Oberon."

The crowd exploded with questions. Issei could make out questions regarding Serafall's involvement, to how Sona felt about all of this, to even… what Rolan's favorite color was.

Issei kinda understood why Rolan hated his own people. Fairies were just weird.

Incidentally, Issei realized how big of a deal this was for Serafall to be participating. It went more than her being one of their leaders and openly opposing Rolan. The Maou were forbidden from participating in Rating Games because of how unfair their powers were. Their peerages could but never their Kings.

This would be the first time in history one of the Maou was going to play the game.

Rolan pointed at one person in the crowd. The noise died down while that one reporter remained standing.

"Allister Treust with the Lilith Times," the reporter announced himself with a notepad at the ready. "King Oberon, you've sworn the vows before your new Devil King, yet she is against this affair entirely; enough so to meet you in battle. Would you not say this is a matter of treason?"

Rolan snorted. He didn't answer. He blinked as he stared at the reporter.

"Oh. You're serious. Sera is a big girl. She's entitled to her own opinion and has voiced it to me numerous times. Just the same, I am my own person and will be carrying out my own agenda. It is only through a technicality that exists outside the law will she be allowed in the Rating Game in the first place. If she is so set on opposing me, I will respect her honor and challenge her with equal force."

"Do you mean to say you accepted this Rating Game under another of your titles rather than as a Demon Lord?" the reporter asked before anyone else could.

"The challenge was issued to King Oberon of the Fae explicitly," Rolan glanced at Issei through the corner of his eye. "We are following the ways of old in a duel between kings. We and our champions will be fighting over a prize. We only call it a Rating Game because the rules we discussed were heavily inspired by the one used in Devil Society."

The man finally sat down. It was the signal for everyone else to throw their voice out to get attention.

"Sona Sitri," the reporter Serafall acknowledged was a frazzled thing. She didn't announce herself like the rest. There was a crazed, almost hungry look in her eyes. "Can you tell us your personal interest in this affair? Is Demon Lord Hyoudou really your secret lover while you've been promised off to King Oberon?"

The man sitting beside her sighed heavily and planted his face into his hand. They were wearing matching pins. Her partner, Issei assumed. There was a story between them.

"I assure you there is nothing secret between Demon Lord Hyoudou and I," Sona said crisply without a hitch. "In regards to my personal interest, I have no romantic interest in King Oberon and would preferably not marry him. However, I do have a duty as the Sitri Heiress and will carry it out if I must.

"On another note, I wish for my boyfriend, Ise, to break his spine in half in the Rating Game."

The next explosion of questions were specifically for Issei. He glanced at Sona, hoping she would save him and ask why she put him in the spotlight like this. She only had a proud shine in her eyes. When looking at Serafall, she could barely hold back her smile.

He glanced over to Rolan. The man looked back without a change in expression.

"Um… You," Issei pointed to the pretty reporter with large breasts when none of the others were going to pick someone. It was purely coincidence the one who got his attention had a nice rack! Honest!

"High Queen Titania of the Fae," the reporter announced.

"Oh fucking hell," he heard Rolan swear under his breath.

The curse made the woman's smile broaden, "Your Grace, what is it about the Sitri Heiress you find so charming as to desire her hand in holy matrimony instead of the one already promised to you?"

Her smile was too broad and her eyes too sharp. There was something murderous behind that beautiful face. It was full of the same promised dread Issei found behind the smile of his girls whenever he royally fucked up.

"Because, Titania, you're crazy and she's not," was Rolan's straight answer.

"I'll be crazy as much as I want, My King!" she protested.

"See that just proves me point!"

"You always get the crazies," cackled Serafall behind her hand.

"Kettle, pot, black," Rolan snapped back.

"Do…" Issei spoke to the woman. He would have never guessed she was a fairy. She looked so… normal. "Do you have anything else to ask? Or can we move on?"

She pouted for a moment before facing him, "Yes. Perhaps you can enlighten me as to why My King favors the Sitri Heiress so much. Tell me, Demon Lord Hyoudou, what is the best quality of Sona Sitri you find irresistible?"

The World was warning him to keep his mouth shut. To answer differently. To lie if he had to. It was one of those small warnings and it had lately been annoying these past few days. It was always warning him about something. Lately, it had warned him over petty things about his harem. Right now wasn't any different.

"Her breasts," he answered without hesitation.

Sona sputtered with her head snapping his way. He felt her piercing glare try to burn a hole through her. Hell, she could probably do it if she converted the heat circulating through her burning face.

Hey! He was being honest!

It didn't stop Serafall from pinching his waist under the table while shooting him one of those murderous smiles.

The rest of the press were stunned silent.

"Her… breasts?" Titania repeated in question.

The World was warning him a little louder. Just a little. He may as well listen this time.

"W-Well, that's just one of the things," he tried to laugh it off. "Sona is a really remarkable person! She's like the smartest person I know. I always look up to her because everything she does she puts her all in it. She sees an impossibility as a challenge and rarely shirks away from them. She's so together with everything I can't help but want to be just like her.

"She's also my best friend," he found himself able to say these things naturally. "I've known her for the entirety of my high school life. She helped me a lot with my studies as well as whenever I messed up. Back when I was stumbling around… she would patch me back up. I feel like I wouldn't be alive a couple of times if not for her. More than that, she always stuck by me no matter how chaotic things got.

"I… would like to stay with her and support her just as much as she did with me. I love her."

He had a rare sight of Sona blushing and looking away. She couldn't meet his gaze, nor that of anyone else. Her head was bowed with a hand over most of her face to fight back her rosy face.

Titania seemed satisfied with the answer. She gave Rolan a smug smile before taking her seat. His brows creased slightly but that was all Rolan did in reaction. Issei had no idea what was between them and would rather not get involved.

"Bruehilse Anderson with the Sulfur Tribune," another reporter was permitted. "There's been a lot of gossip regarding you and the Gremory Heiress, Demon Lord. Can you share with us your relationship with her and how it pertains with the upcoming Rating Game?"

He didn't know why, but Rolan turned his head to look at Issei. He was listening just as intently as everyone else.

Issei paused before answering and exchanged a look with Rolan.

The World was suddenly warning him louder than ever before. To answer this question… something terrible will happen.

He scoffed at it. He wasn't afraid of Rolan. Let the man try to do his worst.

"Just like with Sona, Rias is also my girlfriend," Issei answered matter-of-factly. "I'm also in a relationship with a few others. It's always been my dream to have a harem!"

He received a few agreeable nods. The standards in the Underworld were completely different than the human world! Polygamy was pretty common down here.

He wasn't done, "But… Rias is a little special. We haven't set a date yet but… we plan on getting married!"

He couldn't help but feel elated at those words. He was a little excited. He had just confessed to these people he was going to marry the woman he loved.

So then… why did it feel like the World had just given up on him?


The one utter of his name made the entire room go still. Everyone fell into silence.

Rolan was still staring at him. The same murderous intent he had exuded within the car was being unleashed right now. His elbows were propped on the table with hands cupped together under his chin. He didn't say anything as he drew back his anger to be able to speak. When he did, his voice was low and full of disgust.

"I know you're a sad and desperate soul but… why would you want to marry the woman who killed your child?"

His words made no sense. Issei looked to Serafall and Sona. They had no better idea than he did.

When he looked back at Rolan, his eyes had flashed with insight. The murderous intent had reeled back with understanding. Whatever he saw in Issei made him lean back in his chair and let out a sigh.

"You don't know. Well. I think I just broke my record. I just destroyed a marriage before it could even start."

Rolan made a gesture for the next reporter to ask a question.

Issei stopped paying attention after that. His mind raced. What Rolan said shook him and he didn't know why. It meant something. It bothered him like an itch he couldn't scratch. It was something he didn't want to know. Yet… it was something he needed to know.

His mind was searching for the answer. His mind found clues. Things he had ignored intently or mistook as unimportant. Suspicions he shouldn't have had but had anyways.

The way Rolan treated Rias today. The things he said about her in her presence. The way Rias reacted. The way she was behaving lately. This sudden obsession with him. The marriage proposal.

The guilt. So much guilt. Ever since… the brothers.

He stood and left the panel. He ignored everyone else. The World told him anyways Sona had followed after him. Serafall and Rolan stayed behind.

He felt Rolan's stare at his back. It left quickly, dismissing him entirely.


"Ise," she tried to get him to stop.

Something was wrong. Something was horribly wrong. This wasn't Issei. What Rolan had said shook him and reverted him back to what he once was all those years ago. Issei was frightened by something and was hunting down a ghost of something.

"Ise, what is it?" she followed in his steps, sometimes taking a leap or two by how fast he was pacing. "Please. Stop already and tell me."

"I need to find Rias," he said in almost a mantra. He never looked at Sona. His attention was locked in finding the quickest route to Rias. His eyes were glazed. He was listening too intently to the World. More like… the World was guiding him.

He wasn't in full control of himself. Just what had Rolan done to him?

She couldn't stop him. He walked down the hallways. They did not return to the ceremony hall like before. Issei knew where everyone was. She followed him down a different path. This one was full of servants and lingering nobility. This hallway led to the ballroom.

Issei walked straight past the usher, who tried to get him to stop so to be properly announced. She quietly apologized to him and hurried after Issei.

It was too soon for the ball to begin, but a number of guests had arrived. Most of the Primordials masquerading as gods and spirits had left after the coronation. Sona recognized several Pillar Heads, their heirs or siblings, and their best peerage servants. They all glanced at Issei with either scorn, hunger, or fear. He ignored each and every one of them, even the ones daring enough to try and get his attention.

It didn't take them long to find Rias. She was with Akeno and Kiba. The rest of the group was scattered in their own parties all over the room.

It was Kiba who first noticed something was dreadfully wrong. Her face hardened with her smile dropping completely into a neutral mask. Excalibur had sensed it just as well and stood a little closer to her partner.

"Ise?" Rias noticed Kiba's reaction and turned her head. She saw his expression and was full of worry. "What is it? What's wrong?"

There was something dangerous coming off of Kiba. Her eyes had sharpened. It wasn't missed how she stood in front of Rias suddenly.

"Rias… I need to know something," Issei stopped to catch his breath. He blinked, almost as if realizing he was in a completely different space than he was before. He shook his head and stared straight at Rias. "Rolan… he said something to me. Something I can't shake off. He's so sure of himself about it I can't just ignore it as one of his tricks. I… That thing you wanted to talk about. Before I left for Kyoto. What was it? I need to know."

There were too few guests at the moment to hide this from everyone. Everyone had noticed Issei's presence and had silenced their conversations out of curiosity. The rest of Hyoudou House were starting to flock back together.

Sona was watching Rias. Her face was whitening.

"That," she said with fright. It was something she had hoped would never come to light. "That is…"

Issei stepped closer to her. Kiba's eyes flashed in warning.

"Ise…" Rias' voice was low. "Let's… Let's go home. This is something we need to talk elsewhere."

Her words were furthest from reassuring. Rias knew what Rolan had talked about. Even when, Sona had noticed, Issei never shared what exactly Rolan said. It meant Rias was guilty of something.

Something about a child.

…No. It couldn't be.

Sona wouldn't dare voice this thought. She didn't want to believe in it.

"…Okay," he nodded with a numb voice. "Okay. I think Tia-nee is still here. I'll ask if she can…"

"Husband," Rossweisse spoke up. "I can send you. I will remain here in your stead."

"Um… T-Thank you, Rossweisse-san," he said distantly. It was as if he was awakening from a long sleep.

"Of course," she said with understanding. "I can do this much. I will cover for you in the affairs of the court. Will everyone be going as well?"

Rossweisse looked around the group.

"No," Rias shook her head. "This is between Ise and I. I'm sorry for making you do this."

"Buchou," Kiba spoke up. "Would it be alright if I came along? If this is about what I think it is, there will be things that will need to be explained. I don't think you're in a state to share such things."

Issei's eyes flickered over to Kiba. Kiba stared straight back.

"Thank you, but this is mine alone to bear," Rias said with a sad smile. "I'm sure everything will be okay in the end. We just need… to talk."

Kiba showed doubt. But she didn't protest against Rias.

They left the room with Rossweisse to find a place to set a teleportation circle.

Sona couldn't look away as she watched them go.

"Akeno, please tell me," she spoke once she knew Issei was out of hearing distance. "Was Rias pregnant?"

The Gremory Queen fidgeted where she stood. It was all the confirmation she needed.

"Pregnant?" the ever-innocent Asia gasped. "Rias is pregnant? With Ise's child?! O-Oh! But… why couldn't she tell him here? I want to see it when she tells him…"

"Was, Asia," Akeno breathed out. "Buchou… was pregnant."

The group could not say another word as their breath was taken away.


The makeshift Dragon Gate Rossweisse designed teleported them back to his house. Upon Rias' request, they were dropped into his bedroom.

She sat down on the edge of the bed and patted the side for him to join her. He did, sitting close enough for their knees to be touching. She didn't say anything while she kept her head bowed. He felt her heart hammering and her nerves on fire.

He reached for her hand. She clutched his back as hard as she could. Her hands were shaking.

"I… was looking for the right moment," she began. Her voice was on the edge of tears. What mask she had put up for the event, let alone for his sake in the past few days, had crumbled away. "I could never find it. I wanted to tell you. But I couldn't. I didn't want to bother you. Not with everything else that's happened before. Not now. But I knew I had to tell you at some point. I just didn't know when."

He waited patiently. His mind was gnawing at him. The voice in the back of his head was telling him to not listen. The World had warned him. It warned him several times and he ignored it. Now all it could do was ease him into it for the sake of getting it over and done with.

The World had virtually given up on trying to protect him.

"Ise," she looked up at him through reddened eyes. "You love me? You love me no matter what?"

He didn't need the World to warn him, not that it would. His own intuition did that for him.

What could she have done to beg him of this? Of course he loved her more than anything. There was no denying that. He never will. But what had she done to push her this far?

Oh. He knew what it was. Deep down in the core of his being he knew. After all, Rolan had announced it for the world to hear. And Issei knew the truth.

But he wouldn't believe it until it came from Rias' lips.

"I always will," he said back to her.

His words didn't stir her out of her doubts. If anything, they made it worse. Her lips were quivering. She didn't want to say anything further. A great amount of fear was circling around her and he knew nothing he said or did would pull her out of this. They couldn't stop. This wasn't something they could ignore and pretend had never happened.

"I don't know where to start," she said so quietly he almost missed it. "I wasn't sure about it myself. The tests came back negative. But… Rolan, and even Lord Royals… they were sure of it. They knew somehow before I did. What really confirmed it was what Lord Royals said to me… after the brothers of the Vampire attacked."

She took a deep, shaking breath. Her eyes looked up at him.

Absolute horror and regret swam through her.

"I was hurt. I… had lost my life. That man, Joshua, he ripped out my heart. I would have been dead if not for Asia. But… she couldn't…"

He wanted to reassure there was nothing wrong. He wanted to tell her it wasn't her fault. She had been outclassed. Josh was a Candidate, someone right at the edge of becoming a Predator. From the story, he had been able to push Yuuto and his Excalibur.

But… there was more to this story. Something within him was telling him so.

"I was down for too long. Asia didn't know when she healed me. Ise… I lost the baby."

Everything he had ever doubted and suspected came crashing through his skull. Every instance he dismissed, had ignored, or was clueless about forced its way to the front of his mind.

The story; Rias had been pregnant. With his child. And when she confronted the brothers of the Vampire… she had died. Temporarily, if not for Asia's Balance Breaker, but more than long enough. The child was lost.

His child was lost.

His child.



What had she been thinking? She must have known. She should have known. If she had these concerns prior to the brothers' arrival then she should have taken precautions. Why did she feel the need to oppose them? Why did she risk herself to fight a force beyond her? Serene had been there, absolutely, but she had been quelled by another Candidate.

Everything was falling apart. Everything.


He couldn't take it.

How much must he lose? Why must everything be taken away from him? Why must he lose everything because he was born with this power?!

His parents were murdered before his eyes. His friends were never even real. His adoptive sister was tortured and cursed. The seven others who could ever hope to understand him had betrayed them; and those he had forgiven and trusted again were gone forever.


He had nothing left. He had thought… maybe with these people… people he had considered his friends and lovers… He could have a family.

A family. He could have had a family with Rias. They would have had a child together. His child. His direct line, his own blood, his son or daughter to raise and parent.


The dreams of a family were gone with this.


The last people, the only ones he believed would never betray him…

Kill. Kill. Kill.

They all kept this secret from him.


He couldn't trust them.



"Ise?" she breathed out, frightened when his hands slipped out of hers. She couldn't stop him when he rose out of his seat and took a few steps forward.

"Why…?" he croaked.

His voice was distant. Lost. His eyes were glazed as he stared out into the open. She couldn't find an answer for him.

"Why didn't you run?" he growled. "You knew, didn't you? Why didn't you run? You had to have known about the threat. You had to have known about yourself. Why didn't you get away?!"

He wasn't asking her. Not her directly. He wouldn't look at her.

"I was trying to protect them," she argued anyways through tears. "My friends! I am still their King and Kuoh is mine to protect! I had a responsibility!"

"Do you think a building was worth everyone's lives?!" he bellowed.

The humanoid illusion he kept up was falling apart. Scales were appearing over his skin, his teeth sharpening into fangs. His eyes were glowing with emerald light. The room was becoming thick and hot with his power.

"Your responsibility was to make sure everyone lived! Why did you have to try and fight them?! One of them was a Candidate! You should have ran as soon as you learned they were related to the Vampire! I barely survived against him! What made you think you could take on anyone related to him?!"

She was shaking. Her eyes were wide. He didn't mean these words. He couldn't have. She tried to see it his way. He was hurting. He was breaking just like how she did. He was furious and didn't know how to control himself.

More of his skin was coming apart. He was becoming more draconian by the second.

"Why…? Why? Why?! WHY?!"

He haunched over and placed his hands over his ears. His face was warping with extreme pain.

"I-Ise…" she said through sobs. She understood his pain. But she couldn't stop the tears. Nothing she could say would get through to him. Not now. Not as long as he was like this.

She tried to go to him. A touch. All she wanted to do was touch him to alleviate some of the pain. She wanted to show him how sorry she was and how much she loved him. She wanted to share how much pain she was going through as well.

He unleashed a voiceless bellow and spun around.

The world went white as she felt as light as a feather. The euphoria shattered as soon as she crashed against the furnishings.

When she next came to, Issei was staring at her. His eyes were wide and crazed. They were dilated. He crouched low with a deep reverberating growl in his throat. It was as if all shred of humanity had been torn out of him.

She had never been terrified of him before. She loved him. She trusted him. She believed he would never harm him despite being a Predator. All it would take from him was a decision and she would be dead.

Even now, she wasn't terrified.

But she was heartbroken.

She began to cry.

Something within him returned. A spark of sanity. His eyes twitched.

He let out a deafening roar. His Gift of Flight blazed from his back.

In a flash, he flew through the ceiling.

Only a second later did Richard Royals break through the door, a spear in hand and arcane forces circulating through the other. He checked the room, spotted the hole Issei had made, and quickly approached Rias.

"Ise… I…" she whispered with her face falling into her hands.


Lieutenant David Scottsdale and his men were dumped in the fires of the Middle East to find and execute a slaver. Like finding a needle in a haystack. Even when the Captain told him where exactly he would find this man, David knew it was going to be more difficult than the briefing cared to tell.

Their target had a massive bounty over his head for a reason. He didn't understand why the Captain allows this to happen. He liked to leave these criminals running around, amassing their armies and empires, and wreaking havoc all around them. He was essentially fattening them up like pigs. Now, either they would become useful and win him the blue ribbon… or could be cut down and serve juicy bacon.

In other words, Chase would either use the man's power to agitate another force, or grow too far out of control and need someone else to clean up his mess. This wasn't the first time David and his men were sent to do this. Why his queen listened to him after all these years baffled him. But orders were orders.

He was damning the little shit when two of his men were shot down, another had his legs blown off, and a fourth was choking on his own blood with shrapnel in his lungs.

David really hoped whatever it was Chase was doing was more important than this.

"This is Team Delta," Westfield, one of the few who managed to survive, shouted into the transmitter strapped to his shoulder. "We're pinned down! Requesting aerial support for evacuation."

"Negative, Delta," the voice transmitted back. "It's too hot in there. You need to deal with their anti-aircraft before we can send in our choppers."

"RPG!" David shouted and pulled Westfield away.

They both dove for the stairs, tumbling down just as a deafening boom and concussive blast knocked the wind out of him. His ears were ringing and head spinning. But he couldn't afford to stay down. Not when they were pinned like this. They were compromised. They needed to find better cover now that two-thirds of the wall was blown open.

"My leg…" croaked Westfield.

Fucking Christ! Westfield couldn't get up. A piece of pipe had impaled through his thigh. It was a fucking miracle it had missed the artery.

"Dammit West," David swore and grabbed the man by the straps of his pack. He began to drag the man while keeping his body low. Too many bullets were hissing by.

He felt three of them prick at him. It felt like a snake had bit into his ass and arms. He tried to stay on his feet. Adrenaline pumped through him. He kept dragging Westfield's useless body deeper into the building.

…Until another bullet tore open his waist. It had avoided his intestines, but the wound was gaping and blood was flowing too fast. He found himself crouching further, trying to close the wound with the folds of his stomach. The pain made him focus harder. He was going to get out of this no matter what.

Meanwhile, Westfield was shooting back like a madman. He wasn't sure if the man was making his target. Probably not. All he could do was offer suppressive fire.

Suddenly, there came the sound of a heavy impact across the lot. The building and ground shook. A cloud of dust blew through the hallway. It granted them enough coverage to hide their presence and a good enough distraction for the enemy to stop shooting.

David thought those Red Tide lunatics had decided to carry their weight and send a missile to blow the bunker. What did they care if they took out David and the rest of his men? Assuming if they were alive, of course. But, no. There was no explosion. Either the missile was a dud or…

And then, there came the sound of screaming.

…Following after that was the primal, guttural, bloodthirsty snarls of a monster straight out of a horror fic. It wasn't right. It shouldn't be real. It was the sound of something David had never heard before nor did he ever want to.

It made his balls drop.

Fear. David was feeling cold fear.

Guns continued to blaze but no more were they pointed at David and Westfield. The enemy kept shooting, shouting in their tongue. But they were all in a frenzy.

Whatever they were fighting was rampaging around. Explosion after explosion could be heard while David continued to press forward.

He thought he had gotten far away enough. Far enough from the heat of the battle.

A man was knocked through a wall right in front of him. Had he been a few seconds faster then he would have been blown aside with him. The man flew across the hall and splattered against the opposite concrete wall. His blood splashed everywhere.

There were deep gashes across his back. And his face was half melted. David wasn't sure which of any of these things killed the man first.

But another look at the figure told David something. This one was far better dressed than the cronies who had been shooting for the past hour. He had golden chains and rings. His clothes were made out of silk.

This man was their target.

A flash of red flew out of the hole in the wall and struck at the corpse. The collision created a blast that forced David to swiftly turn and shield his head. Shrapnel pelted his pads but never penetrated. He also felt the insides of his target wash over him.

A claw grabbed onto the edge of the hole and pull itself out.

What David saw was a monstrous creature. It was humanoid, or at least as humanoid as can possibly be. A biped with reptilian skin. There was a glossy covering in misplaced areas all over its body; it resembled more liken to armor than a shell.

The face was human. Or of human likeness. A man's face. But it was warped. The mouth stretched open too much and was full of razor teeth. The eyes were large and glowing a florescent green.

The creature's head snapped his way.

It felt like a gun had been pointed to his head and there was nothing he could do to stop the trigger from being pulled. Whether he lived or died next depended on the monster in front of him.

Likewise, Westfield dropped the pistol he had pointed at the monster from numb fingers. His hand was still outstretched, too petrified to react any further.

David didn't know whether it was out of mercy, it didn't see them as a threat, or couldn't be bothered with. But the creature turned away; its head snapping up towards the east. Its eyes were locked on something only it could see.

With a low growl, liken to a wolf ready to lunge for its meal, the creature crouched low. Fire burned out of its back, streaming in every color imaginable. It wasn't just a blaze of uncontrollable torches. The fires formed a pair of wings!

Those wings and this form. It wasn't shell after all. That was armor!

This was the Red Blur!

The monster took off towards the sky, breaking through the building with careless effort, seeking its new target elsewhere.