Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! This has been a pleasure to write.

Chapter Twenty-Nine:

The guest list for Vice-President Elect Jack Danvers's holiday party was very specific. Only the senior campaign workers and their families were invited. In addition Spencer Reid was invited to bring the people he considered "family" in the BAU.

The kids ran around the mansion gleefully and Danvers had scheduled a visit from Santa. Brenner looked on and a felt a twinge of longing in her heart that she knew would never go away. Derik squeezed her arm. She was never alone at least.

Another secret service agent cut through. Danvers had to promise his estate was locked up like Fort Knox to get this party arranged. It did help that some of the best member the BAU was there though.

Anna was in a deep conversation with Hotch. "I don't expect to get a job with your team. I don't think I qualified. I just want a change."

"You have a lot experience working with the media and think that will be a definite asset when it comes to working in our communication department."

"Working as a campaign manager involved a lot of compromises in ethics. I have gotten bad people elected you know. I know there is a bureaucracy to Quantico but I like the idea of helping to get the bad people in the world in jail."

They didn't say anything for a moment.

"I'm sorry," she said softly.

"It was his decision Anna and I couldn't stop him if I wanted to."

"Yet I still feel like I also helped Brenner take something from you guys."

"The door is always open for him to return and to consult on a case when needed."

"Yes he's he going to be a consultant in whatever he does," Anna said. "I like Brenner's title for him: 'chief political consultant'"

"It does sound nice," Hotch said.

Danvers and Rossi were out on the balcony smoking and shivering. "One of the perks of being VP is that no one cares what you do up there. So I can smoke as much as I want."

"Cheers to that," Rossi said.

Danvers blew a perfect ring. "So how pissed are you still that we took Reid?"

"You never mince word do you?"

"Not when I have to."

Rossi looked out onto the night. "On one hand yeah I'm mad that you took our genius away. I have come to feel responsible for looking after him in a way."

"You're not his father," Danvers said.

"I know but let's just say the kid—"

"He's not a kid either."

"But I have been like a mentor to him. It is going to be hard to let go of him."

"You know I think part of it has to do with his looks. He refuses to look the part of a stuffy FBI agent. He also still looks too young to be part or your team. Felix and I are taking bets as to how many women are going to ask him to dance at the inaugural ball."

"What is your point Jack?"

"He'll only grow out from under your shadow when you retire David. Spencer needs to find a name for himself outside your team. He could have happily worked with your team for another decade and still become a great agent. Or he can find something he didn't know he had in himself while working with Sophie."

"Your case isn't exactly convincing Jack."

"I know but I'm trying David. None of this is easy and if it is difficult for us to process I can imagine what Reid going through."

"But in our own ways we'll guide him together."

"Cheers to that."

Felix and J.J. ate cheese puffs in the family room.

"You know I wonder if this kind fatty food will put meat on Reid's body."

J.J. laughed. "I swear nothing does. Morgan tried to get him to add some muscle tone but that barely worked."

"It was non-stop pizza and take-out on the trail. Some staffers were calling it the pre-freshman fifteen. Yet none stuck to him."

They both ate for a moment in silence.

Felix reached for his glass of wine. "I feel like I am missing my partner in crime with Anna going over to you guys. I can't imagine what you're feeling."

"You know of anyone I think I'm surprisingly okay with it."

"That is a relief to hear because I do believe Danvers is grilling you associate Rossi over being too protective."

"I just want what's best for Reid and if more time away is what's best for him that's great. Plus he said I can put him on babysitting stand-by."

"They joys of not traveling around," Felix said.

"I really just hope that Spence gets to smile more on this job."

"I'll try my best to make sure that happens J.J."

There was a light sprinkle snow starting to come down that Morgan and Aiden watched from a window.

"I still can't believe I'm here," Aiden said. "Only old staff was invited. Felix really is capable of finding a date if he wants to.

"You were a big reason Brenner won."

"But not the only one."

"I can't believe you agreed to be her chief of staff."

"I thought she was joking at first. Then I thought she was doing it as a vengeful ploy to give Lewis a heart attack. Finally I realized she appreciated good council no matter where it came from."

"You better take care of him," Morgan said. "We have a technical analyst who can have personal data posted in ten seconds."

Aiden nodded. "I've met her and she told me basically the same thing. Trust me Morgan I know what a miserable office environment looks like and it may get very stressful in the White House but I promise I'll keep it from becoming unbearable."

"I appreciate that."

Aiden stared out the window thoughtfully. "Reid's love of the Thomas Merton made me read up on him. He once said something about how to understand the development of modern nations one should study Hell. It occurred to me that Reid has studied Hell a great deal at the BAU. I don't know how they link up but there is some sense to it."

"I guess," Morgan said with a shrug.

"Danvers has possibly the best wine I have ever tasted. Cheers to that and being associated with a man as brilliant as Spencer Reid."

"Cheers," Morgan said as they clinked glasses.

Toward the end of the part Reid and Brenner ran into each other at the landing of the staircase. They didn't say anything at first. They just watched the festivities winding down.

"Thank Danvers for inviting my team join the party."

"They're your family Reid. And they always will be," Brenner said warmly.

"It felt like tonight was about getting two families together to get along."

Brenner laughed. "Kind of like my wedding rehearsal dinner but I think everyone got along here tonight."

"I guess," Reid said.

"Hey you can back out at any time you want. We agreed to that months ago. I can find another political consultant. He won't be as good as you but you need to go where you feel best."

"I know and I'm not backing out. I just hope the team knows that this isn't good-bye this is just a transition into another stage of my life."

"Agreed," Brenner said. "I and we have lots of plans. I am excited to get started."

"Me too," Reid said whole-heartedly.