Chapter 5

Daisuke finally let's it go

I don't own digimon

It's the new year of school, as the older DD head to college and the younger generation head to there sophomore year of high school. While the older DD don't start college until February. So they are all working part time until they are due to school. Thing with the younger generation are better, and they all actually look closer then they have even been, but there was one problem Daisuke and Kari. They have not made up and things better them have gotten wores. Kari has stop talking all the DD and has stop spending time with then. Kari has also gotten a boyfriend, the school jock Leo.

That's when things went from bad to worse, because that's when Kari started distancing herself from everyone. Sora was getting and she may have a clue of what happening, but she knew, she couldn't tell Tai cause he would flip. So she went to the one person, know or at least hope that wouldn't flip, Daisuke. Sora made her way through the winter cold air and head to her old high school. When she got there she knew that school would have already let out, so she would have no problem getting in. As Sora walk into her old school, she was suprise to see Tk making out with a girl, she would guess was his girlfriend. Sora chuckled a bit, and though ,"man does time go by fast". She continued to walk and saw Daisuke walking down the hall and she ran to catch up to him. Daisuke heard footsteps moving towards him, and when he looked back he saw sora running to catch up. So he stop and waited for her.

When Sora caught up to Daisuke, she caught her breath, and Daisuke ask Sora what she was doing here. Sora then went to explain the situation, she thought Kari was in. When Sora finished explaining the theory. Daisuke looked like hell was about to break loose and a murder was going to take place. When Daisuke was about run off to kill Kari boyfriend, Sora stopped Daisuke telling him it's only a theory. That calmed Daisuke down a bit. Sora then told Daisuke that she'll be looking into this more her self. Daisuke told Sora to keep him updated. Sora nodded, and left to go look into what was going on with Kari.

Daisuke stayed after school for a few hours. Daisuke checked his phone and noties that it was 5. So he got up from his desk and walked out of his class room and started to walk out, but as Daisuke was making his way out of the school. He passed by the girls restroom, and hears a girl crying. Daisuke being the caring guy he is, knocks on the door and pushes it open and is shock to see. It was Kari, that was crying, and when he called to her. She was suprise and turn to see Daiuske, but then remembered about her eye, and quickly looked away, but it was to late. Daisuke had saw her black eye. Daisuke didn't say a word . He just walked over to her and gently graped her chin and turn her face. Kari didn't try to struggle at all. The look in Kari eyes told Daisuke everything. The pain sadness and depress situation she was in.

Kari was hoping that Daisuke won't, ask the question that they both knew was coming. Daisuke just sighs, and ask Kari the question "Kari who did this to you.". Kari didn't say anything and just looked away with a sadden experience. Daisuke told kari to stay here and all Daisuke got from kari was a nodd. Daisuke walks out and runs to the the school kitchen, and got a bag of ice. He then ran back to the girls restroom not caring if anyone saw him. He saw Kari was still there and walk towards her. Daisuke then told her he was going to put the bag of ice on her eye and to keep it in place. Kari just nodded and lean against the restroom walls before sliding down the wall. Daisuke just looked down, and took off his backpack and sat down next to Kari.

Kari didn't know when it happen, but she had fallen asleep, and some how ended up in her bed at her house. She then entered her bathroom and sees that all of the eye swallowing had gone down, then she put on make up to cover up the mark. She then walk out and acted like everything was normal. She asked Tai and her parents how she got home that's when they told her that Daisuke had brought her home, carrying her on his back with all of her school stuff to. Kari just smiled and eat her food. Late that night kari got her phone and texted Daisuke and thanked for carrying her home. She later got a relpy saying it was nothing and that she should rest. Kari put her phone away and for the second time in one day she slept peacefully

Daisuke was in his room think of what to do about the situation that Kari was in. He had already texted Sora telling her about what he saw. She was hell bent on kicking that guys nuts to hell, but thanks to Daiuske that dude may be able to have kids in the future, but Daisuke was going to make sure it wasn't with Kari. Daisuke then knew what he had to do. He had to get though to Kari to get answers. He then move from his desk to his bed, and layed down and let the darkness consume him.

Daisuke woke up when he heard the alarm and did his daily routine. The same went with Kari . They both got dress and eat breakfast. As they headed out to school, Daisuke saw Kari and run over to her and walked beside her in silcens. Kari was nerves cause she knew he want answer about what happen to her eye and she knew that she couldn't lie to him he would find out eventually. Kari sighs and then graps Daisuke arm, and pulls him and takes him to the top of the school roof. Daisuke just looked at Kari and with a serious look he asked her what was going on, and from there Kari told him everything. To the happy moments to the beating and slaps to the face she got. To how he didn't want anyone that was a guy around her and, how Leo would try force some sexual action on her. She told daisuke that she would fight him off but she would always get the worst beatings when she tried to stop him.

Daisuke can see and hear the fear in Kari voice and look. He walked up to her and Kari with a confuse look. Out of no where Daisuke graped her and hugged her. Kari didn't expect this she expected a lecture or a scolding for not leaving Leo sooner. Kari then notes she felt something, she hasn't felt something in a while warmth. Kari then disided to let it all go like Daisuke had done. Kari then started to cry and cry. All the pain sorrow and depression washing away. In between sobs, Daisuke can here Kari asking for help. Daisuke just graps her chin and looks into her eyes with a determined look, and say," of course I'll help you I'll always be here to help you, no matter what happen in the pass or what may happen in the future I will always be there to help you Kari". Kari looked at Daisuke with a shocked and suprise looked, but she didn't know why she was suprise. This was after all Daiuske. The boy and not boy, the man that is the bearer of cougar friendship and miracles. She just smiled and cried, more happy that the nightmare was going to be other soon. Daisuke just stood there hugging Kari letting her cry her problems away. Daisuke already knew what he was going to do. Daisuke and Kari stayed up on the roof until lunch came around. Daisuke told kari to stay with Yolie for the rest of the day and that he'll see her later on today.

Daisuke just walked out of school not caring if he got detention. He walked over to the teen club and walk into it. Daisuke looked at the old man and told him he had a problem and he would like to sing about it. The man nodded saying he be happy to help out. Daisuke just nodded and went back stag to find a song perfect for the situation.

School let out and just as everyone was leaving a message was sent to the campus and the teacher paged the hole school that Daisuke would be singing at the club and that everyone is to attend cause of the situation at hand that can effect anyone.

Everyone that attended Daisuke high school even the teachdrs were getting curious what this was about, so they all went to the club, saw daisuke on the stag ready to sing his lungs out. Daisuke waited a few mins for everyone to find sites and get drinks. When everything setter down, Daisuke walked up to the stage and called Kari on stag.

This confused everyone, but Kari did as she was told and went to the stage and stood next to Daisuke. Leo then called out that Daisuke better not try anything on his girlfriend. Everyone laughed a little then everyone got scared cause of the glare he was sending everyone. Daisuke then walked over and graped a wet towel and told Kari to take off the make up. Leo was now starting to sweat, he know Kari was wearing make up to cover the black eye he gave her. So he slowly started walking to the exist, but who was standing there shocked him. It was a very piss off tai,matt,Tk and ken. He looked to the other exist and saw Joe Izzy and cody, and at the final exist he saw the girls Sora Yolie and Mimi. So he had no chooses but to go back to his sit. Kari had finished removing the make up and shock the whole school when they saw her black eye. Daisuke then spoke up, this should never happen to a woman or man, especially one that hasn't done anything wrong, abusing can came in many ways and can leave many scares on that person. Any type of abuse isn't acceptable at all. They hurt and damage people in ways never thought possibly. It should never happen and if it does PLEASE I BEG YOU IF IT EVER HAPPENS TO YOU PLEASE TELL SOME ONE A PARENT FRIEND OR TEACHER PLEASE, they can help you with the situation so please NEVER BE AFRAID TO ASK FOR HELP.". Kari was now in tears, and Daisuke get her a chair and sat her down, and told her that it was almost over. Daisuke goes back to the front of the stage and yelled at Leo.



I don't own this song

Face down by The red jumpsuit apparatus

Hey girl, you know, you drive me crazy
One look puts the rhythm in my head
Still I'll never understand why you hang around
I see what's goin' down

Cover up with make up in the mirror
Tell yourself it's never gonna happen again
You cry alone and then he swears he loves you

Do you feel like a man, when you push her around?
Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?
Well, I'll tell you my friend, one day this world's going to end
As your lies crumble down, a new life she has found

A pebble in the water makes a ripple effect
Every action in this world will bear a consequence
If you wait around forever you will surely drown
I see what's going down

I see the way you go and say you're right again
Say you're right again, heed my lecture

Do you feel like a man, when you push her around?
Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?
Well, I'll tell you my friend, one day this world's going to end
As your lies crumble down, a new life she has found

Face down in the dirt she said, This doesn't hurt
She said, I finally had enough
Face down in the dirt she said, This doesn't hurt
She said, I finally had enough

One day she will tell you that she has had enough
It's coming round again

Do you feel like a man, when you push her around?
Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?
Well, I'll tell you my friend, one day this world's going to end
As your lies crumble down, a new life she has found

Do you feel like a man, when you push her around?
Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?
Well, I'll tell you my friend, one day this world's going to end
As your lies crumble down, a new life she has found

Face down in the dirt she says, This doesn't hurt
She says, she finally had enough

Kari walked up the stage and stood next to Daiuske, and ask if she can use the mic. Daisuke just nodded, and gave her the mic. Kari graped the mic and says ,"LEO WE ARE THOUGH I'M DUMPING YOU, I'VE FINALLY HAD ENOUGH". Kari yells with tears coming down her face. Daisuke smiled and hugs and kisses the top of Kari's head.

Leo tried to run for it, but was stop before he can get away the teachers had called the cops earlier because of a message sent to them by Sora telling them about the situation. The cops had gotten there before Daisuke speech and saw everything. The cops bad earily ask Kari if she wanted to press charges and Kari answered yes. Daisuke shocked everyone with this great plan, and was done perfectly. Leo was tooken from the club in hand cuffs, as students cheered that a abuser was being tooken away.

Kari was about to leave the stag happy that everything was going to get better, but was stopped Daisuke. Kari looked confused and Daisuke just said trust me. Kari nodded, while Daisuke got kari sit and put it in the front of the stage. Kari sat down and Daisuke took a deep breath

Truely madly deeply by Savage Garden

I don't own the song

I'll be your dream, I'll be your wish, I'll be your fantasy.
I'll be your hope, I'll be your love, be everything that you need.
I love you more with every breath, truly madly deeply do
I will be strong, I will be faithful 'cause I'm counting on a new beginning.
A reason for living. A deeper meaning.

I want to stand with you on a mountain.
I want to bathe with you in the sea.
I want to lay like this forever.
Until the sky falls down on me

And when the stars are shining brightly in the velvet sky,
I'll make a wish send it to heaven then make you want to cry
The tears of joy for all the pleasure and the certainty.
That we're surrounded by the comfort and protection of
The highest power, in lonely hours, the tears devour you

I want to stand with you on a mountain,
I want to bathe with you in the sea.
I want to lay like this forever,
Until the sky falls down on me

Oh can you see it baby?
You don't have to close your eyes
'Cause it's standing right before you.
All that you need will surely come

I'll be your dream, I'll be your wish, I'll be your fantasy.
I'll be your hope, I'll be your love, be everything that you need.
I'll love you more with every breath, truly madly deeply do

I want to stand with you on a mountain
I want to bathe with you in the sea.
I want to lay like this forever.
Until the sky falls down on me

I want to stand with you on a mountain
I want to bathe with you in the sea.
I want to live like this forever.
Until the sky falls down on me

Kari had tears in her eyes. Never before did she belive that Daisuke would sing his heart out to her. Okay maybe be she did, but never did she think he would do it in front of the hole school and her brother. Daisuke then looked at Kari and smiled. Daisuke spoke and said " I love you Kari and I know this my be a little to much after, what you been though and I'm going to say that take all the time you need to recover because your someone worth waiting for." . Kari looked shock yet again. Kari just smiled and before Daisuke could say anything else, Kari through her self at Daisuke which shocked him, but mange to catch her and Kari rapes her hands around Daisuke neck. Kari says " Daisuke you always manage to make miracles happen and today you made the biggest one happen today." Kari leans in towards Daisuke and kisses him. Daisuke was in shock for a second or so, but managed to recover and kiss the girl of his dreams back. The crowed started cheering for the newly formed couple. When Daisuke and Kari broke their kiss. They turn amd remember that there was a crowd and both of them faces turn red, and to everyone shock it was Daisuke that fainted from embarrassment, Kari then got him an set his head on her lap, and started playing with his hair. If you look closely at Daisuke face you would be able to see the famous goggle head grin.

That's it guys. This fanfic story is officially ended. I hope you the story, and I'll see you guys next time.

Tobby gone bad boy-