Disclaimer: I don't not own Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball S, and thank God Dragon Ball GT. All are owned by Akira Toriyama, Funimation, Toei Animation, and Fuji TV.

AN: This is the sequel to Always a Prince, Never a King. I do own my OCs, Aspara, Teicu, and Vega. Thank you to chadtayor020 for being my beta and writing my fight scenes and Lovelykortori for the awesome artwork. Also a huge thank you to my followers, without you this sequel wouldn't have happened. Give yourselves a hand.

Chapter 15: Reunion

Bulma looked up to the very large, very intimidating dragon who was growing impatient. She swallowed hard and gave Porunga an intense stare. "I want to wish Vegeta, the Prince of all Saiyans back to life!" Bulma called out. Dende started to translate the wish in their native tongue to Porunga, and his eyes turned bright red. 'What am I going to do when I see him? Is he going to look the same? Or has this fight affected him in anyway?' Bulma thought to herself. She also didn't know if she was going to run up and hug him, or slap him with her new found power. Suddenly Porunga's eyes stopped glowing, "It cannot be done." His voice boomed. Bulmas head snapped up, "What do you mean it can't be done?"

"The one named Vegeta was taken over by a power that was too evil for Hell to hold him, his soul is unbalanced and if I were to bring him back to life now he would be too dangerous," Porunga explained. Bulma slid to her knees and Teicu ran to her side, as she laid a hand on Bulma's shoulder, Bulma brushed it off. "DON'T TOUCH ME! YOU DID THIS! AND NOW I CANT BRING HIM BACK!" Bulma stood up with tears of anger and sadness rolling down her face, and began to rush Teicu.

Goku fazed in front of Teicu and caught Bulma. Bulma slapped his chest and began to yell and sob, "Move Goku! I want to kill her, she doesn't deserve to live!" "Killing Teicu isn't going to bring Vegeta back. Teicu promised to stop terrorizing people if she got her daughter back, and you promised her she could. Vegeta's soul was unbalanced before he died, the power of the sword just threw him over the edge," Goku explained, and he looked up to Porunga while holding on to the hysterical Bulma. "Is there anything we can do? Will we ever be able to wish him back?" Porunga looked to the strange Saiyan, he could feel his pure ki and slightly tilted his head.

Piccolo was standing stoically, watching as their mission was playing itself out, and from what he could see it was a complete failure. He could see that Porunga didn't have an answer for Bulma. Not the one she wanted to hear at least. Suddenly he could feel a presence inside of his head, 'Can I help you Kami?' Piccolo thought. 'Piccolo, I think I can help,' Kami told Piccolo, and Piccolo shifted his weight, 'I'm listening.'

Porunga slowly shook his head no, and Bulma buried her head in Goku's chest and began to cry even more. "Bulma we still have to make the wishes, Vegeta wouldn't want you to act like this. Stand tall and finish your mission," Bardock said as he walked up to Bulma. After a moment of no response from Bulma, Goku looked at his father, "Maybe you should make the wishes," he said and Bardock nodded.

"Dragon, please bring back those who were killed by Teicu, her crew, and Vegeta while he was cursed," Bardock called out and Dende followed in Namekian. Bardock closed his eyes and began to search for Gine's energy, all he could feel was the energy of the Namekians that were coming back to life. 'Nothing, nothing, nothing,' Bardock was thinking to himself, he could feel his heart dropping with every passing second, and then he felt small but powerful arms wrap around his waste. He let out a relieved breath, quickly turned around and scooped up his mate, "Gine, I am so happy!" Gine laughed and wrapped her arms around Bardock's neck. "Now you know how I felt, only I lost you and my sons." Bardock squeezed Gine, "Can we just agree to stop dying until it is our time to go?" Gine nodded and they kissed. "Ugh gross," Raditz said as he walked up to his parents and Gine released Bardock and hugged her eldest. She looked at Goku and a very distraught Bulma and her eyes became serious. "What did I miss?" "We will explain later, first we need to finish this so we can go the hell home," Bardock said. He looked to Teicu, who was standing in a shocked state. "You better make your wish before we change our minds and kill you," Bardock said to her threateningly. Teicu took a deep breath and stood next to Dende, "Please bring my daughter Vega to me." Dende repeated her wish in Namekian and the Dragon responded, "It shall be done."


Zarapp and Vega had been sparring all day, Zarapp could see the exhaustion in the young girl's eyes. Just then she came at him in full force and he barely dodged her attack. "You get our determination from your father. But I can see something is bothering you young one." Once Vega figured out she couldn't get a hit in on Zarapp she stopped and put her hands on her knees to catch her breath. "Something just doesn't feel right, I'm not sure what it is. But I feel lost, its like the more I train and the more powerful I get, its not enough. But suddenly it seems like it's not needed anymore," Vega explained and Zarapp noticed something strange. He called out to Zofia and she came running to her fathers side. "What is it father?" Zofia said sounding worried. "It would seem that our guest finally gets to go home," Zarapp said and Zofia looked in Vegas direction, "Father, why is she disappearing?!" "What? I'm disappearing?" Vega said looking at her hands, she could see through them. "Vega, tell your mother I said hello," Zarapp said as he put his hands on his daughters shoulders and watched as Vega disappeared.


Vega closed her eyes and she opened them up, she couldn't tell where she was, it seemed so dark yet so bright at the same time. She tried to blink her eyes to clear them up and she could make out silhouettes in front of her. She stepped forward and looked at everyone, she didn't know any of these people. Suddenly a woman stepped in front of her, Vega took in every detail of the woman, her purple hair, blue skin, once she got to the eyes her heart dropped. She remembered those eyes, "Y-you're..." Vega stuttered, she suddenly felt very nervous. "I'm your nantli," Teicu said to her. Vega had grown so much, still the perfect mix between Vegeta and herself. But Teicu could see the same coldness in Vega's eyes that Freiza had put in Vegeta's eyes and tears welled up in her eyes. Teicu wrapped her arms around the small girl and she began to cry, "I am so sorry for letting him take you." Vega, shocked a little, tried her best to break free of the the hug but failed to do so. She didn't know what to say or do, she never thought that she would ever see her mother again. Was she supposed to respond with 'its okay'? Because it wasn't really okay.

Porunga cleared his throat and got everyone's attention. Vega quietly sighed in relief, while she was very excited to finally meet her mother, she just wasn't good at surprises. "You still have one more wish!" Porunga said now very irritated. Goku looked down to Bulma, "What do you want the last wish to be now?" Bulma shrugged, "Whatever you want it to be." If she couldn't wish Vegeta back, she didn't want to wish for anything, all she wanted to do was go home and see her son. Bardock walked over to Goku, "We should finish what we came here for, in Vegeta's honor." Goku nodded and looked up to Porunga, "We want to bring back Planet Vegeta, and the Saiyans who were killed when it was destroyed." Dende looked up to Goku, "That is technically two wishes, he won't do it." Dende informed him. Goku and Bardock made eye contact. "Maybe we can just wish back the planet. When we figure out how to get Vegeta back we will let him wish back our people," Bardock suggested and Goku nodded. "You get that Dende?" Goku asked and Dende nodded to show he understood, began speaking Namekian to Porunga one last time, and Porunga's eyes began to glow again. "It has been done. Farewell," Porunga said and the Dragon disappeared, the skies cleared up as the Dragon Balls shot off in different directions.

Bulma watched everyone as they were all happily talking to those who they were reunited with, she sat down and pulled her knees up to her chest and glared at Teicu. "Why does she get her happy ending, and I am now a widow?" Bulma asked herself not aware of anyone listening to her. Piccolo sat next to her, "I have something to tell you." "Not now Piccolo, my brain is fried, I'm tired, and I just want to go home," Bulma replied. "This is something you will want to hear," Piccolo said, Bulma looked at him showing him he had her undivided attention. Goku overheard and came over to them to observe. "Kami told me that he can go to the Check-in Station in the Afterlife and talk to King Yamma about finding Vegeta's soul. Since Vegeta hadn't shown any threat to Earth, and the choices he made here weren't his own, he may get some leeway to getting his body back. But he will have to stay in a Purgatory for sometime to make sure he isn't a danger to himself and others on Earth. Kami will be able to feel his energy if this works so we will know when we can wish him back. And you may get to contact him at some point. But I wouldn't hold my breath on it being any time soon. I've seen a curse like what Teicu had Vegeta under. Its like a nasty disease that take over a man's brain and its almost incurable," Piccolo explained.

"So what you're saying is I may one day get my husband back, that one day Trunks will get to see his father again?" Bulma asked sounding a little sarcastic. Piccolo only nodded, feeling a little defeated, he was hoping the news would cheer her up a bit. Goku squatted down in front of Bulma. "I would rather know that we can do something, and hope that Vegeta can get back to normal sooner then not at all. But at least we have hope now Bulma," he said with a soft smile. "Hope isn't good enough," Bulma said and she stood up. She didn't know what she was doing, but her target was Teicu. Bulma quickly powered up and began running towards Teicu only to be stopped dead in her tracks by Vega. "If you want to get to her, you're going to have to go through me," the small girl said, Bulma couldn't help but see the uncanny stare in her eyes, "V-Vegeta?" She whispered. "No, its Vega. And I'm not going to let you hurt my Nantli," Vega said, assuming a fighting stance. Bulma was trying to clear her mind, but all she could see was how much Vega resembled Vegeta and Trunks. "So it is true, you are Vegeta's child," Bulma said with a soft smile. She turned to look at Piccolo, "Tell Kami to get to work."