Notes: I know there are a lot of Fremione stories out there now, but I have been wanting to write on this pairing for awhile, so here is my take. This is short, but I see it as a prologue of sorts.

Hermione Granger was a little annoyed. Okay, not just a little annoyed, but on the verge of stark raving mad! It was just after Christmas and she was curled up in her favorite chair at the Burrow desperately trying to finish the last chapter of what had been a surprisingly wonderful book. She had six pages left. Six! And she had read the same paragraph at least twelve times now. Twelve! She loved this family as much as her own, but after eight long days they were close to driving her certifiably insane.

Ron and Harry were playing an unusually loud game of exploding snap. Ginny appeared to be refereeing somehow. She loved her friend, but really wasn't sure why that was necessary. Bill and Fleur were being sickeningly affectionate in the corner next to her and Fred and George were being, well, Fred and George. One had to expect a certain degree of noise and debauchery when the Weasley twins were involved, but this display with party horns and confetti was a bit much even for them.

"Do you have to do that in here?" she snapped suddenly, her eyes widening as she realized she had spoken out loud. Yes, they were making her mental, but her parents had taught her better. She was a guest in their home, after all. She sat up straighter preparing to apologize when two large bodies suddenly descended on either side of her.

"What's the matter, Granger?" a voice came teasingly in her ear. "Yeah, Herms," a second voice echoed from the other side, "are you alright?"

She looked up, startled, straight into the piercing blue eyes of Fred Weasley. Unwillingly, her position softened at the obviously exaggerated pitiful look he was giving her.

"I want to finish my book," she said strongly, trying her hardest to ignore the lingering gaze of the twins. "It's nearly impossible with you lot," she gestured around the room.

"Oh, loosen up, Granger," the one she was certain was George argued. "It's nearly New Year's Eve. A time for mischief!" he winked before rushing off to what Hermione was sure was his next prank.

"And, pray tell, what is so special about the new year that we need to celebrate five days early?" she asked her eyebrows raised in speculation.

"It's going to be a special year, Granger, have you not heard?" the twin still at her side added energetically. Definitely Fred. Why was she suddenly able to tell them apart? She never could do that before, yet, she knew without a doubt this was Fred talking.

Her forehead wrinkled in confusion as she processed what he had been saying. She was fairly certain she would have read somewhere if there was anything special about the coming year. She looked into his eyes, suddenly startled by their intensity. "Wha-what?" she asked awkwardly unable to look away in spite of herself. Feeling the heat rising into her cheeks, she asked again, more clearly this time, "What did I miss?"

"This year, sweet Hermione," he whispered as he stood up to leave, "I'm going to kiss you at midnight." He chuckled at her startled expression giving her a quick wink before chasing after his twin.

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