Notes: Well, this is it. The conclusion of this story. I have loved writing it and I appreciate all of you that have stuck with me. I am planning to finish it up from Fred's perspective through the kiss and then start a new Fremione story (not a sequel). I would love if you would follow me.

Chapter 23

She felt pretty.

Yes, most people expected to feel that way on their wedding day, but Hermione Granger wasn't most people. It wasn't a normal feeling for her. It was far from an every day occurrence and she found that she enjoyed it more than she had expected.

She stared at her reflection in the mirror in front of her. She couldn't believe this day had finally arrived. In a few short hours, she would be Mrs. Fred Weasley. Even now she knew the idea must sound preposterous to people not close to the situation. Still, she was happier than she had ever been and that was because of him.

She had asked for some time to herself before the ceremony. She really hoped everyone understood, but this was just something she needed. A few moments to reflect on everything that had led her to where she was now. All of her life had seemed somewhat predestined as she joined Harry in his quest against Voldemort. Fred had been a welcome break from that. Rather than marrying Ron as everyone had assumed the sensible Hermione Granger would do, she had fallen in love with a different Weasley. The wilder, crazier one who made her laugh. Isn't that what they always say? Marry the one who makes you laugh?

He was definitely that. She smiled feeling the familiar smirk that would often cross her face when he entered her thoughts. Fred. He was brilliant, and he knew it, but not in a conceited way. He was confident, intelligent, and when it came right down to it, kind. Not to mention, devilishly handsome and more charming than anyone she had ever met. Yes, he was pretty perfect for her. She felt her heart jump as she realized the truth in that. He was perfect and he was hers.

She heard a knock on the door followed by a muffled call of her name. "Just a minute, please!" she said. She glanced in the mirror once more before rising to see who had called. "Coming!"

"No, don't!" the voice cried as she touched her hand to the doorknob.

She stopped suddenly, shocked by the order. "Fred?" she asked. She hesitated, her hand to the door, but didn't attempt to open it.

"Well, yeah," he said. "Who else would be here right now?

"Your Mum, Ginny, my Mum, Harry… George..."


"Ah, yes, it seems he has become rather fond of me recently."

"Such a tease," he said. "I'm afraid it's just me this time. However will you manage?"

"It is disappointing," she said, "but I suppose I'll make do."


"So why are you here? You know your Mum would have a fit if she knew."

"I came to see you," he said. "I needed to make sure for myself that you hadn't changed your mind."

"Well, this is awkward. You caught me, Fred. George and I were just planning to run away together. Whatever will we do now?"

"Ha. Ha," he said, not sounding at all amused. "You're lucky I know you are joking. You are joking, right?"


"Fine! I'm going, but just remember that I am the smarter, better looking twin. See you soon, love."

"See you soon, Fred." She smiled to herself. This was going to be a great day.

If she was perfectly honest, she barely even paid attention to the ceremony. All she could think about was starting her life with Fred. Sure, she appreciated the endearing moments with her father before he walked her down the aisle. And even if she would never admit it, she enjoyed the rare moment when everyone in the room was staring at her in admiration. But the vows, the music, it was all a blur. Not because she didn't mean every word she said to him. Not because she didn't appreciate every vow he made. Her eyes never left his from the moment they found each other as she stepped down the aisle. No, it was because she already knew. They had already said all of these things and as special as this day was, it was but a small symbol of what was to come. She was more than ready to get on with her happily ever after.

That's why she had snuck out of the reception and was now standing alone under the stars. She loved all of their family and friends dearly and she greatly appreciated all the warm sentiments she had received from all of them. She also loved seeing Fred in his element. He thrived as the center of attention. His and George's antics had created an especially memorable evening for all of their guests, but now it was time. Time to be alone with her husband. Time to have the happily ever after that she had so longed for since she was eleven years old and realized what it really meant to become part of the Golden Trio.

"Hi Mrs. Weasley," a soft voice came from behind her. She whirled around to face him, their first time alone since becoming husband and wife.

She smiled. "I can't decide if I love being called that or if it makes me feel like your Mum."

"Like it," he said. "Definitely like it." He leaned down, taking her lips to his. "Knowing you are mine forever…" he shook his head, unable to find the words to convey how he truly felt.

"I know," she said. She sighed happily leaning into him.

"Are you ready?"

She nodded silently against his chest. She was more than ready. She looked up to him, her warm brown eyes full of happy tears. "I will always be ready," she whispered.

"I love you, Hermione Granger Weasley," he said before taking her hand to apparate to their new home.

"I love you, too."

Please review! :) Last chance...