AN: I've been wanting to write something on Kancolle for a while now. If this gets a good enough reception, then I might actually continue this as a series. The reason why I'm uploading another one-shot so soon is because the new chapter of DRE probably will be released late due to midterms and papers and such. So without further adieu, please enjoy this short little romcom.

Everyday Life with Ship Girls

"Hah... No more..." Sighing, I flop down on top of my desk which is piled up to the ceiling with paperwork. I check the clock hanging on the other side of the room to find that seven hours had already passed since I first started, and yet I was barely halfway through the first pile.

"Kagaaa..." I call, hoping for my secretary ship to rescue me from this hell. When I hear no reply, I sigh and go back to the strenuous routine of reading pages and pages of three point font and stamping them. At this point I was already about to just stamp every single one of these damn things regardless of what this crap says.

That's when I hear the door to my office open and see my secretary slip inside. "You called for me, Admiral?" she asks in her usual monotone voice.

Seeing the carrier immediately brightens my mood up. "Hey, hey, are you hungry? Let's go grab some lunch or something from Mamiya's. Ok? Don't worry, it'll be my treat!"

"Admiral, it is only 1100 hours. We can go eat at 1200, but for now, focus on your work."

"Eeehh? But I'm getting hungry now..."

Kaga sighs and shakes her head, her side ponytail bobbing slightly, before slamming her hands down on my desk. "Please, do not use any excuses to worm out of your duties. I would fail my duties as a secretary ship if I allow you to become lazy, Admiral."

"Hmph. Fine then..." I pout and return my attention to expedition report I was scanning before Kaga walked in. Meanwhile, Kaga takes a portion of the papers off of my desk and begins working at her own desk to the side. She's proven herself to be one of my most capable subordinates so I trust her enough to make decisions about things like this. In fact, sometimes, I think the base would just be better off with her running it instead of me.

An eternity later (more like a few minutes), I glance up to see how Kaga is doing. Her head is down, eyes reading through the lines of text at a lightning fast speed, and with her eyebrows slightly scrunched up.

Suddenly, the door slams open, jolting me awake from my thoughts, and a parade of lolis stampeded in.

"Admiraaaal! We're baaaack!"

My eyes twitch at the broken door hanging off of its hinges that was only just recently fixed. Great. More paperwork.

As I was slowly dying on the inside, I put on a cheery smile while looking towards the group of destroyers.

"Welcome back, you guys. How did the expedition go?"

"хорошо," Hibiki responds in her usual way. Her demeanor is similar to Kaga's monotony, but she has more of a cute charm to her.

Her sister ships however are... rather eccentric.

Ikazuchi, the ever energetic one and the destroyer of doors, is currently going on and on about how great she did during the expedition trip.

Akatsuki, meanwhile, is trying to get Ikazuchi to stop babbling and act more lady-like.

And finally, Inazuma is panicking over the broken door with more "Hawawawa's" than anybody can count.

"That's enough, you four. Admiral needs to get her work done, so could you all wait until she is finished?"

I shoot Kaga a look of gratitude as she shoos the destroyers out of my office.

"Honestly," she says with a sigh and a shake of her head. "Must they always be so disruptive?"

"Now, now, Kaga. They're just kids after all. Besides, I think it's a lot more fun with people like them around."

A moment of silence passes between us.


"Hm? What's up?"

I look up from my paperwork to see that Kaga had managed to cross the distance from the door to my desk in seconds, and now was only inches from my face.

Not used to the sudden closeness, I gulp and feel my face starting to heat up. When she says nothing, I start to feel a little worried. Did I say something wrong? Did I offend her somehow?

"Um... Kaga..?"

"You..." the carrier starts saying before trailing off.


"Do you really see us like that?"


What's she saying?

"Just now. You called the 6th Destroyer Division people. Do you really... see us as people?"

Ah... I see now.

Smiling, I nod and answer, "Of course. All of you here at this base, and even the girls not assigned to me are all people. Nothing anybody says will change my opinion."

"But... we were manufactured, constructed. We were created for the purpose of war. Without that purpose, we are nothing. How can you call us that when that's all we're good for? We are weapons, tools to be used."

For the first time in my life, I see Kaga has an uncomfortable look on her face. Usually, she's so composed, so she must have been thinking about this for a long time. No. Not just her. All the other girls probably thought about it as well.

I take the carrier's hands in my own and stare into her eyes.

"Even though you may not be entirely human, the fact that all of you have your own emotions and ambitions is more than enough to make you one."


Before I can react, Kaga's lips come crashing down onto mine. The only sound I can make is a muffled cry of surprise from the sudden and unexpected action. Her hand grabs my chin and tilts my head back so she can get a better angle. My eyes, which were wide open in surprise, fluttered shut as I lost myself in the kiss. The carrier's tongue slowly snakes its way in between my lips and starts roaming around my mouth, teasing and playing with my own tongue. I involuntarily let out a small moan which only spurs Kaga on to try harder to force me into submission.

Why... Why is she so good..?

No more...

I can feel my mind going blank.

I don't care anymore...

After what seems like an eternity, she finally breaks away, and I'm left trying desperately to catch my breath.

My mind tries to process what just happened as Kaga wipes her mouth with the back of her hand.

"Thank you for the meal," the carrier says with a bow, before walking out of my office.

I bring my hand up to my mouth and slowly brush the tips of my fingers against my lips. I can almost still feel a phantom of the kiss that just happened.

That was my first too...

My face heats up just at the thought of it.

Why did she do that..?

I'm brought out of my thoughts when a sudden growling comes out of my stomach.

That's right.

I need to get lunch.