This is it for Part One of this series. I had no idea so many of you liked this story. I'm just happy I was able to finish it. Part 2 should be up probably within the next week. Until then. Peace, Love and Blessings.


- Three Months Later -

"Hope Dearden Queen if I catch running one more time, so help me God!" Felicity yelled at the running three year old, the door to Oliver's office opened and he caught her and picked her up in his arms, she was giggling.

"Why is she naked?" he asked confused.

"Because your daughter has decided that she doesn't want to get dressed for her birthday party, your son has decided to throw up on me and I honestly have had it for the day and it's not even ten am yet."

Oliver smiled and held the squirming child in his arms and walked over to her and kissed her. Jonathan, their almost three month old was making bubbles with his mouth.

"Hey, go get changed, give Jonathan to Tanja and I'll take care of the wild child, okay?"

"Okay," Felicity sighed as she walked away towards Tanja.

"Now, Hope will you explain to me why you think it's perfectly acceptable to be naked and running away from mommy?"

"It's my birthday daddy," she said matter-of-fact like.

"Just because it's your birthday it doesn't mean you can run around naked. You are a princess and princess' do not run around naked do they?" Hope pondered for a moment and shook her head no. "Now, we are going to get you in a princess dress, your guests will be here soon for your birthday party."

"Okay da-da."

That never would get old to him, his child calling him da-da. His life was perfect, if you would've asked him five years ago if this was where he would be he may have laughed in your face telling you that you were crazy and now, he wouldn't change anything. He took Hope to her bedroom and helped tame her from a wild child to a beautiful princess, her blonde curls framing her chubby face.

"Da-da?" she asked as she held onto his shoulder while stepping into her underwear.

"Yes," he said concentrating.

"Do you love mommy?"

"Yes baby, why do you ask?"

"Do you love me?"

"Yes baby, why? What's wrong? Why would you think that?"

"I just don't see you with us anymore? You're always with Pop-Pop or Uncle John," she said looking sad and looking away.

"Baby, look at me," he said turning her face so she would look at him, "I love all of you more than you will ever know. I promise, I will spend more time with you, okay?"


"Pwomise," he said hugging her. "Now, let's figure this dress out okay?"

He finally got her dressed and she took off running with Aunt Sara, he headed towards the bedroom. When he got there he smiled closing the door behind him. Felicity was on her back on the bed, asleep and in a towel, she was exhausted. He locked the door deciding he would wake her up the way he used to. He took off his clothes and made his way towards Felicity, he positioned himself between her legs waking her up when he thrusted inside of her.

"Oh!" she said.

Minutes later when they were both exhausted and spent they heard a knock on the door.

"Oliver? Felicity? Is everything alright?" John asked.

"Yeah, what is it?" Oliver replied.

"Um, Hope that you guys were hurt," he said clearing his throat, he looked down at Felicity who was turning beat red.

"Nope, we're fine, we'll be out soon."


"We've scarred our daughter for life."

"Let's take a shower and get ready," he said helping her get up and into the shower. The shower was quick and soon they were dressing, Felicity in a white sundress with pastel flowers over the bottom and Oliver in khaki's and a white button down shirt. Downstairs they found Hope sitting at the breakfast bar talking animatedly to Tanja who was holding baby Jonathan in her arms.

"Mama, da-da you okay?"

"We're fine sweetie, you did good finding Uncle Dig," Oliver said scooping her up in his arms.

"Okay, does that mean I get a cookie?" she asked batting her eyelashes at her dad.

"Maybe, I'll think about it," Felicity said.

Soon guests were arriving and her mom was holding Tommy while she stood talking with the guests as Hope ran around playing. Oliver and her locked eyes, she smiled, she couldn't have asked for a better life than this. She had two amazing children, a fantastic life and an amazing husband. After the birthday party both kids were tuckered out and she was putting Hope's presents away when Oliver snuck in behind her.

"Hi," he whispered.

"Hi," she whispered back.

"Are you almost done in here? I wanted to spend some more "adult time."

"Yeah, I'll meet you in a few minutes."

She finished tucking Hope into bed and kissed her on the forehead, turning on her night light and leaving her bedroom. In her bedroom she found Oliver sitting on the edge of the bed. He looked at her and just motioned for her to come closer to him, she did standing in between his legs. He wrapped his arms around her laying his head on her stomach.

"You okay?" she asked raking her nails through his hair.

"Yeah, thank you."

"For what?"

"For giving me this life, for everything you are the best partner anyone could ask for."

She smiled at him leaning down to kiss him, pushing him back onto the bed, straddling him in the process. This was one of his favorite things she did, she was in control and he let her be. Nothing in the world mattered at that moment other than the two of them getting lost in the moment. This was their life and with the two of them together nothing could stop them.

This is it for part 1, started working on part 2, set in the future. I'm thinking Hope is a teenager and their struggles with her and a new threat.