Sorry the first chapter is bad. My first chapters are always bad but I needed to get to the point. Please review. I need opinions on this. Thanks!

The team were working long and hard on their latest case and it was getting tedious. They were trying and mostly failing to track a major sex trafficking ring. Olivia hadn't slept in days and everyone was pretty tense. Amanda and Nick were fighting as per usual.

Everything seemed normal until Olivia told Elliot she was pregnant. From there the whole day was about to change. Elliot had insisted she go home to rest, he had always been protective but even more so now that he found out she was expecting. She was only 3 weeks along and didn't have to go on desk duty yet but Elliot was concerned for her safety. That was his first mistake.

In the cribs Nick and Amanda were still going at it. "You know what?! I'm done. I'm done with all of your shit" Amanda yelled tearfully.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?!" Nick yelled back. Fin had finally had enough and walked in. "Could you keep it down the whole squad can hear you" he said a little agitated from lack of sleep.

"Stay out of it" Nick said angrily.

"That's kind of hard to do when you're screaming" Fin said before walking off annoyed. He couldn't deal with this today.

Meanwhile Olivia was at home cooking dinner for her and Elliot. She didn't like feeling useless so she kept herself busy. While she was washing up she heard the front door open. She didn't pay too much attention. She just thought Elliot got out of work early... She couldn't have been more wrong. She ignored the nervous feeling she felt until she felt a gun press to the back of her head. She slowly turned around to face a man she vaguely recognised. She felt his gaze on her and felt scared.. Not for herself, but for her child. Her first instinct was to run. So she did but she knew it was a stupid idea. She got to the bathroom and locked the door. She grabbed her phone and dialed the first number that came to mind in her time of panic.

Elliot had his phone on silent and didn't realise that Olivia was desperately trying to call him. It went to voicemail and her heart shattered. She knew he would never get there in time. "El please pick up. There's someone in the house" she said shakily. Olivia screamed and there was a loud bang before the line died.

Elliot was just heading home when he noticed all the calls. He played the voicemail and fear came over him. He rushed home and the door was left open. He slowly walked in. The place was a mess and he knew she must've put up a fight. What frightened him the most was the blood. There was a lot of it. He just prayed it wasn't all Olivia's. He clung to the hope that she was still there even though he knew she wasn't. He rushed back to the squad room, hardly able to breathe. His whole world was talking apart in a matter of minutes his life had changed. He ran into the squad room rambling on about what had just happened.

"Elliot are you OK...?" Amamda asked concerned.

"No... Someone took her. She's gone. Olivia's gone" he said handing her his phone.

Cragen, IAB, 1PP and even some FBI agents got involved in the case immediately, along with the anti terrorist unit and the homicide unit. Although SVU deals with kidnapping cases IAB said it was a conflict of interest and would effect their judgement. They had no idea how deep things were going to go...