Hey guys, this is the first update in 2016, I hope you enjoyed the last quiz, Lucaya VS Joshaya, I must say, I was suprised at how many people were struggling with the quiz, I love seeing everyone get excited about their ships wether it's Lucaya, Rucas, Joshaya, Rilarkle, Rarlie, Zayley, Zaya, Markle, Shaty, Larkle, Rilaya, Corpanga or even Lucas and Back of the class Brenda (who's played by Corey)

Well this is the resulting chapter to the last quiz, please review what you want the next quiz to be about and don't forget to favourite and follow. Please, don't be a silent reader:)


xoWinterbellsxo~Yep, you got Lucaya! I ship them too:)

Perula123-IKR! Lucaya is AMAZING! It has the biggest fanbase on the show and it's the greates combination to have ever existed!

BasketballQueen~Sorry for being so heartless;)

1) You got both, Joshaya/Lucaya, two of the greatest pairing ever! It took you two hours?! I'm sorry, it must've been very hard!

2) A! That's Lucaya!

3) Next time, I promise that I'll add a third option for you!

4) Lucaya!

5) Joshaya!

6) I'm just naturally evil *cue the evil laugh*

The script? Pop and Rock? How have I not listened to this band before?! I love pop and rock, I have a music assignment and I'm supposed to find a perfect band with my favourite genres and I think this band is perfect! I'm listening to the song and I love it!

BTW:You got mostly both but for two questions you got Lucaya and for one, you got Joshaya so it's your choice! Lucaya or both?

KrazyKK11-You got Joshaya:)!

HotXBun~Hey:) you got Joshaya!

Guest-Hmmm...I think it's Lucaya...not so sure. You got all A's by the way (Lucaya;))

Guest123~Hey:) My fellow Joshaya/Lucaya shipper. How you doing?

Imatture Vanpire1-I totally agree with everything you said in your review! Joshaya is more of a side ship and your right, Lucas can't be with Riley. Rucas is NOT meant to be. I don't know if is ship Riley and Farkle but they're really cute together. I would love if Lucaya and Rilarkle happened but I don't want Farkle to choose between Maya and Riley just yet.

LittleBitNerdy~You got Joshaya! I like Joshaya but my main ship is Lucaya. I have to disagree with the Rucas though but we all have our opinions. Just a random question, do you ship Shaty? (Shawn and Katy)

Hey guys, that was the resulting chapter, review down below, which quiz you want to do next, it could be about anything, Friendship, Romance, Family and literally anything.