I don't own Merlin. Sadly. It belongs to the BBC

Summary: After another plan gets put into action by Agravaine and Morgana to capture and kill Arthur Merlin sets out to prove and show Arthur just who his Uncle is really loyal to.

This story has eight chapters, a chapter a day

Warnings: Malexmale. Angst. Non-con/rape, dub-con, mpreg

This story is dedicated to Cathcer1984 for all of her help, hope you like your story

Warnings: I apologise in advance for any mistakes I have made.

The next morning Merlin woke up and tried to stretch finding he couldn't as he was being held tight from behind, looking over his shoulder he saw Arthur looking at him, smiling, the blond moved forwards and kissed him. "Morning."

Merlin smiled. "Morning Arthur."

"How are you?"

Merlin looked back to face the window. "Confused, scared,"

Arthur moved back and turned Merlin on to his back so he could lean over him. "Confused?"

"Yes Arthur, how did we go from friends who share casual touches to having a bath which was followed by sex?"

"Well I wanted to have a bath with you as I wanted to see you. All of you. We have been close for a while Merlin, sharing touches, lingering looks, I wanted more than that."

"So you asked to share a bath which you hoped would lead to sex instead of just asking if you wanted a date, which is what I would have wanted first?"

"You did? Sorry I thought you wanted close contact, to be held, shown love. It is what the book said."

Merlin pushed himself up on his elbows making Arthur sit up. "What book?"

"The book I asked Gaius for. It tells you about pregnancy and what to expect, of course it is all about women but it is still pregnancy right?"

Merlin laughed. "Yeah why not."

"Now why are you scared?"

"Us, what next Arthur? For us? Awkwardness? Back to just light touches? Ignoring that it ever happened?"

"No Merlin, now we move everything of yours into here, now you sleep with me, now we be together."

Merlin smiled. "Says who?"

"Says me Merlin. Because I love you."

"You... You love me?"

Arthur smiled. "I do Merlin. I am just sorry it took me a year to say it."

"A year? I have only been pregnant for four months."

"I have wanted you for much longer than that."

Merlin got out of bed and started to wash, unaware of Arthur's eyes on his naked body. "Let me guess. Your uncle said it was wrong for you to feel that way, men should not be together in that way, you don't need to marry, that he is your council."

When Merlin got no answer he turned to see Arthur staring at his arse. "Have you listened to a word I just said?"

"Yeah you said something about you being my council."

Merlin laughed, "I said nothing like that." he said. "Look at my face and focus on my face while I tell you what I did say." he added before repeating his earlier words to Arthur.

"You are right Merlin, he did say all of that, told me to trust him and that he knows best."

Merlin walked over and sat on the edge of the bed, his hand going on his stomach. "Only you know what is best for you Arthur, and for your people, you have proven that, people can see that just by looking at your kingdom, your people are alive and well and happy, that shows me that you know what is best for you and your people as your kingdom is safe and so are its people."

"Saying things like that Merlin I don't think I could ever be without you, how on earth did I manage before I met you."

Merlin smiled and leaned across to kiss Arthur. "How you were when we first met shows you didn't manage."

Arthur laughed and got out of bed and smiled when Merlin lay back down with a smile on his face. "Comfortable are you?"

"Of course, you have a nice comfortable bed."

Arthur laughed and started to wash for the day. "I think after breakfast we will announce to the council that we are together, I know some are still not okay with it and still believe in the times when my father used to rule but with a new ruler comes new times, different times if they don't like it they can find elsewhere. Not only am I to tell them of the new times I want to tell them something else but I don't want to tell them until I run it past you. Merlin... Will you be the court sorcerer?"

Arthur looked over his shoulder to look at Merlin and found the brunet fast asleep. Smiling he walked over to the table picked up a cover that was thrown over a chair and draped it around him and opened the door to see a knight standing there. "Go and find Sir Leon, tell him to come to my chambers right now and to read the note on the table but to be quiet."

"Yes sire."

Leon was about to knock on Arthur's chamber doors when he remembered he was to be quiet. Opening the door he crept over to the table and picked up the note as he was told to do.

Leon, I give you permission to say whatever you wish later on but me and Merlin are now together, I want to announce it to court along with some other news but the other news depends on whether Merlin says yes or not, and wipe that smile off your face, the questions isn't will you marry me, I want him to be court sorcerer. Merlin will be moving in with me, I want all of his room packed up and I want you to take my place today, we only just got together last night, we want today alone except when we ask for food.

Leon smiled and looked up from the note to see Merlin and Arthur fast asleep in Arthur's bed, Merlin looking safe, happy and comfortable in the King's arms. "About time Arthur." Leon whispered before leaving the room.

On his way to the throne room he stopped two knights. "You are to stand guard outside Merlin's chambers all day, people will be going in and out of there sorting it all out and packing everything up, as Merlin's chambers are facing the King's you make sure no one and I mean no one goes in there, if they want the King you send them to me."

"You in charge today Leon?" one of them asked.

"Yes. Now get going."

Arthur woke up sometime later and stretched his arm across the bed, leaning up on his elbow and running his free hand through his hair. "Merlin?"

"Over here."

Arthur looked over his shoulder to see Merlin sat at the table, which seemed to be covered with food. "Hungry much?" he asked as he stood up and threw some clothes on before walking over to join Merlin at the table.

"Well I didn't know what I fancied so I asked for a bit of everything."

Arthur smiled as he sat down. "Oh what are these?" he asked as he pinched a bit of food off Merlin's plate and put it in his mouth to chew. "Oh it's nice."


Arthur looked up and saw Merlin looking angry. "What? What's wrong with your face?"

"You! Nothing is wrong with my face, it is just you that is wrong with me."

"What have I done?"

"You nicked some food off my plate! I need that to feed our baby and you just reach over and grab some."

"It was just a pickle thing Merlin."

"It was still mine and your child's food."

"I didn't go mad like this when you pinched some off my plate a couple of years ago, took all my sausages."

"Well that was different, I was helping you so you didn't get fat."

"Well you're -" Arthur stopped.

"Oh no Arthur, don't stop, please continue."

"I was going to say beautiful."

Merlin huffed as he stood up and put a lot of food on to a plate before walking over to the chamber doors and opening them. "You are so full of shit Pendragon." he snapped before storming out.

Leon was in the throne room looking through some documents when the door banged open and Merlin came storming in, carrying a plate of food which he placed on the table before sitting down.

"Merlin? I thought you and Arthur were to spend the day together in your chambers, where you used to sleep everywhere is being packed up ready for when you move in with Arthur."

"Not sure I want to share my chambers with a wanker."

"Ah. What has he done?"

"He nicked some of my food."

"Has he had it before?"

"No, said he wanted to try it."

"Do you have plenty more of what he took?"

Merlin frowned. "Well yes but -"

"Then what is the problem?"

Merlin sighed and told him what was said afterwards.

Leon nodded. "So you are mad at him because he stopped himself from upsetting you even further?"

"Ugh I hate these mood swings!" Merlin said just as the door opened again and Arthur walked in and straight up to Merlin.

"There you are." he said as he scooped Merlin up and into his arms. "Leon is doing my job today so we can spend the day together, alone, and in our chambers, even if it means you being mad at me. After all the apologising I will be doing."

Merlin smiled and rested his head on Arthur's shoulders, "no need to apologise, I talked to Leon, I hate being hormonal."

Merlin sat up in bed, his legs stretched out before him. Papers everywhere, he was reading one document in one hand, reading a bit and searching with his free hand for another document. A murmur had him stopping to look at Arthur who was lying flat on his stomach, his head to the side facing him, fast asleep. Smiling he carried on with his work.

Merlin was now six months gone and had been made court sorcerer and as much as he loved it it did come with a lot of work, most of which he did when he couldn't sleep with a bad back just like now, he winced as he turned a little to try and get comfortable.

He sighed and decided to stop concentrating for a minute and rested his head back against the headboard and closed his eyes.

Arthur opened his eyes once he heard Merlin's breathing pattern had changed meaning he was asleep, as carefully as he could he reached over and gathered up all the papers and placed them on the table by the bed and then as carefully as he could he got onto his knees and held Merlin close as he moved him into a laying position. He would talk to his council tomorrow, the smallest thing to do with magic their only answer was, Merlin can sort it. No more.

Merlin awoke some time later to find himself alone in bed he looked over to the table when he heard whispered voices and saw Freya and Leon.

"What about this one?" Leon asked as he showed Freya a document.

Freya looked over it and smiled. "Yes." she said and gave Leon a kiss on the cheek, "that one you can do."

"Thank you. I knew there was some ones here I could sort out. I mean Arthur sorts some documents out that are to do with magic and I take over Arthur when he has days with Merlin, you having magic and working close with Merlin can do the ones Merlin does."

Freya laughed. "I can't believe Arthur, the way he shouted at his council for piling all that work on Merlin."

"I know, I think it made Arthur snap when he saw Merlin asleep sitting up in bed this morning surrounded by these."

Merlin smiled. Happy that his friends had found each other in that way. "Morning both."

Leon jumped a little. "Merlin. Are you well?"

"I am, where is Arthur?"

"On the training field, he was pretty angry at his council this morning, I think he is imagining every target is a member of the council."

Merlin sighed. "Are you both alright to finish that somewhere else while I get dressed?"

Leon nodded as Freya gathered all the papers up. "Of course." he said before looking at Freya. "Have everything?"


He smiled and picked her up. "And I have you."

Merlin smiled. Happy to see that his friends had found happiness with each other.

Merlin walked onto the training field and watched as Arthur hit every target with a hard hit, Leon was right, Arthur was angry he was just glad it was the targets that were getting the brunt of it all instead of his knights, he remembered when he was still a servant and Arthur took his anger out on him with the arguments and disagreements he had with his father. He did not miss those days, picking up targets to place on his back before running.

Seeing a big round target Merlin smiled and using his magic to make it only featherlight he picked it up and put it on his back. "Got another target here for you Arthur, just like old times."

Arthur stopped when he heard Merlin and turned and his eyes widened as he saw what was on Merlin's back. "Merlin no!" he said as he hurried over and took the target off Merlin's back, frowning when he held it in his hands. "It's weightless."

"Of course it is. You didn't think I would pick something up heavier than me at six months pregnant do you?" Merlin smiled as he held his arms out, sighing happily when Arthur took him in his arms and held him close. "You need to ignore your council Arthur, don't let them get you so riled up, they need to know you rule the Kingdom and they go by your beliefs and rules, not the other way around."

"I know. Marry me Merlin?"

Merlin pulled back. "Arthur?"

"Please? Not because you are carrying our child, not because the council want it, not because it is proper to marry if expecting a child. Marry me for me, marry me for us, marry me because I love you with all that I am. Marry me and make me the happiest King in the world."

Merlin smiled. "Well seeing as you asked nicely." he said before kissing Arthur with all he had.

The end.

What do you think?

There will be a one shot sequel to this called 'Marriage Comes First?'

Thank you for reading I am hoping you have all enjoyed reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it.

Review? x