This fic focuses on a M/M ship. If you dislike things like this, you might want to skip it. Don't say I didn't warn you.


This is an idea I got with another user on this site. Personally, I like ships involving Yoshi, as it's amusing imagining the innocent, child-like dinosaur being in love with someone. I'm personally very surprised at how MxY is such an uncommon ship considering their relationship as best friends. So I decided to write this and see how it comes out. I do not like explicit things, so I won't really write anything too heavy (like sex).

Also I am not responsible for any ruined childhoods. You guys good? Okay, let's go.

It was night time in the Mushroom Kingdom. Nearly the entire world was asleep at this time. Of course, some people were still up. Partying, working late, watching TV...

Mario fit in the latter. The plumber was awake, watching some talk show he didn't even know the name to. He still had some adrenaline coursing in his veins after rescuing Peach earlier that day, which means he couldn't fall asleep. His younger brother, Luigi, was in his bed, dreaming about his love, Daisy. Luigi was a lot more easygoing. He helped his brother, sure, but he wasn't used to all that running and jumping, and this leaves him very tired.

Unlike his brother.

The talk show had just ended, causing Mario to yawn. He wasn't tired yet, however. All that action earlier left him feeling like he drank several cups of coffee.

It was now 2 A.M. and infomercials had just started. Mario was bored out of his mind. He got up, walked over to his kitchen and made himself a glass of milk. As he was about to open his microwave, there was a light knock on the door. The plumber quickly turned around, startled. He walked over to the sound and opened the door to nothing but the cold air outside.

He felt something brush against his legs and looked down to see it was an envelope. He picked it up, carefully opening it and reading the paper inside.


Please meet me at the Mushroom Hill.

I have something important I need to discuss with you.

Come alone if possible.

Your pal,


The signature had a small Yoshi egg drawing besides it. Mario folded the letter and climbed the stairs slowly. He opened his closet and took his overalls, dressed himself up, and gave his brother a kiss on the forehead before walking outside.

The night was windy and cold. The moon illuminated everything with a white-blueish tint. Toad Town was empty, aside from a few Toads that would occasionaly walk past our hero, greeting him and thanking him for his work earlier that day.

After about 10 minutes, Mario arrived at Mushroom Hill. The landmark was named like that due to an odd, giant mushroom that grew on top of it like a tree.

The plumber walked up the hill. Yoshi's moonlit figure waited there, looking at the horizon.

The dinosaur looked over his shoulder, noticing Mario.

"I'm happy you could come." Yoshi said, moving a bit to his left so his friend could sit beside him.

"You know me." He answered as he took his place. "I don't like to leave my friends waiting."

Yoshi chuckled and began thinking.

'What am I going to say to him...'

"You alright buddy?" Mario asked when he noticed his friend began sweating.

"Y-yes." The dino answered, a blush appearing on his cheeks.

"So, you said there was something you wanted to tell me. What is it?"

Yoshi swallowed heavily.

"It's... Something really embarassing... And it's about you..."

"Uh? What do you mean by that?"

"Pl-please don't get mad at me..." Yoshi asked, twiddling his thumbs.

Mario giggled at the scene. Yoshi looked like a child who was about to confess they broke something expensive. He brought his friend closer and hugged him, causing the red in Yoshi's cheeks to become more visible. Mario didn't notice them though.

"Don't worry, you're my best friend in the world. I won't be angry."

"Pinky swear?"

"Pinky swear."

The two's pinkies entwined.

'Well, it's do or die now...' Yoshi thought to himself.


He abruptly stopped, looking for the strength to continue speaking. Mario nodded to his friend with a smile, as if encouraging him to continue.

"I... I..."

Yoshi was almost able to feel the final words rising from his body. He took a deep breath and shouted:


Mario began laughing.

"Of course you do, I do as well! We're best friends, remember?"

"No Mario... I mean, love. Real love."

Mario's smile disappeared. Yoshi was now panting, having used the last of his energy to shout. His cute, frightened sky-blue eyes met Mario's sapphire ones. The dino twitched; he looked like he wanted to bolt, but he didn't. The two stood there, eyes locked, not knowing what to do next.

"I'm sorry." Yoshi said. A few tears streamed down his face.

Mario wiped the tears out of his friend's face and embraced him again, patting his back.

"I-It's okay. No need to cry."

After this, the two went silent again.

The sun had begun to appear in the horizon. The night's cold gave way to the warm temperature of the morning. Mario and Yoshi were looking at each other again. Yoshi's indicators were idly touching each other. Both were blushing awkwardly, unsure of what to say. The dino broke the silence, and begun explaining everything.

"F-first off... I'm sorry if you're disgusted or anything... It's not what I intended to do. My feelings for you... They are too strong to contain now. I had to tell you before I ended up getting sick..."

He continued.

"I'm not sure when this feeling began. But it started slowly. It wasn't noticeable at first, sorta like a mosquito bite. You don't feel the sting, but then it starts to itch more and more. I didn't pay mind to it; simply passing it off as the thrill of fighting through the many worlds alongside you to rescue the princess or as the fun from our parties and sports."

Yoshi took another break.

"When that feeling continued, even if we were simply hanging out together, I began to pay attention to it and it's symptoms. My heart speeded up. The temperature around me became warmer. Some drops of sweat would even drip down my body every now and then. My stomach would turn cold, as if I just swallowed buckets of ice despite everything being hotter."

The dino swallowed heavily. He looked to his friend to see if he was still paying attention. Mario was tired, but he was listening to everything his friend said. He nodded, as if saying "continue".

"More and more feelings started to appear. I felt like it was a sickness or something...

And that's when it begun. And I understood what I was feeling.

It was a desire. A undying wish to be with you forever. Passion.

I wanted you. I wanted to feel that silky hair as I ran my fingers through it. Your hands entwined with mine, as we walked together. That beautiful mustache against my lips..."

Yoshi looked at his friend, who was blushing a dark red.

"I'm sorry if you're disgusted by this, but it's the truth."

"No, no, it's okay." Mario said, a bit dazed. "Continue."

Yoshi nodded slightly.

"It all became unbearable the past week. My feelings for you became too strong. My heart wanted to scream, my mind couldn't think about anything other than you, my eyes would see your smiling face everywhere, my nose would feel your scent of pine with a small dose of spagetthi... I could only think about you. Do you have any idea how difficult it was to tag along with you and Luigi yesterday? I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Mario, and I don't care what anyone else thinks about me. People can call me "gay", or a "freak", or anything they want, but as long as you're with me, I'll be happy."

Yoshi began panting again. His mouth was dry due to the confession.

"That's all I have to say. I understand that you love Peach, but I really couldn't keep this to myself any longer. I needed some way to remove some of this weight off my back. Again, I apologize if you're uncomfortable, it was not my intention to do so. I just thought you should know about my true feelings for you."

Mario was not sure how to feel about this. It's not everyday you have your best friend confess his love for you.

"L-look, Yoshi... I need some time to think about this." The plumber got up, leaning against the mushroom. "I need to get some sleep as I'm too tired to think properly right now."

Yoshi frowned and slowly nodded.

"I understand..."

"Don't feel bad, but this is just... too big of a decision to choose so suddenly. I'll get some sleep and talk to you later, if it's alright with you."

Mario started to slowly walk down the hill.

"See you later, Yo."


Yoshi's yell stopped him in his tracks.

"Don't... Don't tell anyone, okay? This will be our secret. Promise?"

"I promise."

Mario placed a hand in his heart and another in an L shape.

"I'll talk to you later buddy."

Yoshi waved to his friend as he walked away.