It was the outdoor birthday party of Bulma Briefs and it was the bingo games portion of the party. The first prize was being allowed to use the seven Dragonballs to make a wish. "Okay so far not so good, but we are sure to make a comeback soon." said a certain dog called Shu who was with his cohorts Mai and Emperor Pilaf, the trio had tried to steal the Dragonballs earlier but were quiet unsuccessful so they thought their next best plan was to try and win the Bingo game. So far they were struggling to match any numbers that were on their card with what was being called out. Bulma then called out the next number and...

"BINGO!" Hercule Satan the caped wearing afro haired moustached several times Martial Arts Champion and "Defeater of Cell" yelled out excitedly waving his bingo card about as he ran up to Bulma and gave her the card. Emperor got out his seat and began throwing an outright tantrum that was being unnoticed as everyone was looking at Hercule.

As Bulma said that Hercule had indeed gotten Bingo for the first prize, Hercule's daughter Videl had her hands on her face as she stated "leave dad to make a huge big deal out of winning bingo game." Videl's face brightened as her husband Gohan cheerfully put his hand on Videl's shoulder.

After the game Emperor Pilaf faced his two henchmen and told them "okay we wait until the afro guy makes his wish and then we take the Dragonballs ourselves, once we escape we summon the dragon and make our wish then!" Emperor Pilaf said and the two then nodded as Hercule got the seven Dragonballs out. After being told what to say to summon it Hercule then managed to make the powerful dragon Shenron appear.

"Okay dragon, I get my wish now! I am not sure what to wish for though. I have what I could want, money, fame, fighting talent and a great daughter who married into a great family of fighters." Hercule said causing laughter from the guests and Videl to once again look embarrassed, Hercule then began thinking over and was intimidated by the impatient look on Hercule's face telling him to hurry up and make his wish. Hercule then had a sudden realisation.

"I just realised that I never had much time to spend with just my daughter and my son in law and I thought we could spend it in some special place we have never been before." Hercule stated and everyone looked alarmed, Videl then began walking to her father saying "Dad, I am begging you to please choose your next words carefully..."

But alas Hercule continued and saying "so that's my wish, that the three of us can spend some time in a place we have never been before. It could be another country or maybe even another world... as long as the atmosphere is breathable to us of course." Hercule said and then there were thunderous sounds as a big portal appeared.

Hercule, Videl and Gohan then began screaming as they were being dragged into the portal, "Wait, can you at least give us some time to get prepared first..." Hercule begged as the guests tried to pull them away with Chi-Chi, Goku, Piccolo, Goten and Trunks unable to do much to try and drag Gohan away from the portal.

"Now, while everyone is distracted!" Emperor Pilaf said rushing to the Dragonballs with Shu and Mai behind. Hercule was pulled into the portal but not before pushing the Dragonballs into the wind of the portal and grabbing one. "Hey, we need all of those..." Emperor Pilaf protested holding one of the Dragonballs which he had managed to grab but it seemed they were now sucked into the portal afterwards. It was not long before Videl and Gohan were out of the grasp of the guests and went into the portal themselves screaming.

Everyone was now in a state of shock and Chi-Chi had tears of sadness in her eyes which soon became tears of rage as she yelled out "thanks to that loudmouth imbecile I just lost my first son and my daughter in law to some other country or world... WHEN WE FIND THEM AGAIN, I THINK I WILL ACTUALLY MURDER THAT IDIOT, HE IS GOING TO WISH THAT CELL HAD KILLED HIM WHEN I AM THROUGH WIITH HIM!" Goku managed to calm his wife down but was not very happy himself.

"I think the best thing we could do is see what other places or worlds Shenron could have sent them to, we can worry about punishing the buffoon later." Vegeta said angry that because of the wish of a credit stealing show off the birthday party of his wife seemed to be ruined. Maybe if there was enough of Hercule after Chi-Chi was through with him, he could give him a piece of his mind as well.

Yeah this is my first time trying my hand at a Naruto story as well as a Dragonball story. I am not sure if I will continue it beyond this chapter. I posted a challenge of this story yesterday on Naruto Fanfiction Challenges Forum to see if anyone would be interested but I decided to see if I could write it myself, if anyone still wants to answer the challenge I would be more than happy to see what you come up with. The Naruto pairing will probably be Naruhina and this would take place during Part 1. Also I slowly have gotten into Naruto from having several games, looking up info online, reading fanfics, having two omnibuses of the manga and the Series One boxset of Naruto Unleashed so I am not a complete expert on the Naruto universe and may have trouble with the techniques. Also I want to say that though I think I watched the original Drgaonball series when I was younger, I am mostly familiar with Emperor Pilaf's gang from the Battle of Gods movie (though I was introduced to Mai in the DB Evolution movie which is kind of a guilty pleasure).

Also the basic story at the beginning is that think of these events taking place if Beerus had not decided to come to Earth and decided to wait another year or so to find the Super Saiyan God. Also who do you think should be the main Naruto villain of this story? I have my own ideas but i want to know what you think.