Tokoroten: Pasta dish, with gelatin. It is most eaten cold and in summer, as snack. It can be eaten, with soy sauce and mirin (sweet rice wine), as dressing.
Hai: Yes

Bold: English

Disclaimer: I don't own Prince of Tennis!

Happy Birthday, Yagyuu Hiroshi!

"Come on, Ryo!"

"Hai, hai, Haru."

"What do you think about Tokoroten?"

"Tokoroten...gelidium's his favorite food."

"Exactly! So it's Tokoroten!"

"Hm...what about the cake?"

"Huh, don't know."

"Strawberry...vanilla...or maybe chocolate?"

"Vanilla and chocolate!"

"I see...moss green is his favorite color, isn't it?"

"Yep, it is!"

Marui and Kirihara just blinked. Niou and Ryoma were since last week somehow crazy.

"What is with you two?"

Both stopped in whatever they're doing.

" don't know?"

"Nope, we don't. What's going on?"

The childhood friends blinked and then faked sadness.

"H-how..-m-mean, p-poor Yagyuu-senpai."

"H-hiro didn't d-deserve this!"

Fake tears were there and Marui panicked.

"O-oi, what didn't Yagyuu-senpai d-deserve?"

Both childhood friends sighed, jointly.

"It's his birthday, Baka-senpai."

"Oi, I'm no...wait...his Birthday?!"

Again the two sighed.

"Classical music, it is."


Akaya was surprised, at this. Niou-senpai agreed? After all classical music wasn't Niou's exactly preference.

"Well, Akaya please go, with Marui-senpai."


"Didn't you hear? Marui-senpai is going to buy some balloons, go please, with him."


"Ah, there are you two."

"Nii-chan? Fukubuchou? Renji-senpai? Is something?"

"Did you think of presents, for Yagyuu-kun?"

"We did", Niou answered.

"I see, as excepted", Yanagi smiled.

"Don't waste time! He is probably finished, with the Student Council work, by now!"

"Well, then let's finish the party!"

"Are all here?"

"Yup", Marui grinned.

"Hai!", Akaya also grinned.

"I'm here", Jackal said.

"Also here", Yanagi spoke.

"Here!", Sanada said

"I'm present", Yukimura chuckled.

Niou and Ryoma looked, at each other and smirked.

This was going to be fun.

Yagyuu Hiroshi, tennis player, form Rikkai, sighed. The paperwork was really annoying. Well, at least he could have his quiet, in the residence, of the regulars. Then never was really quiet, there. Maybe he should go eat in a cafe? Then he could have for some minutes his quiet. Yeah, that would be good.

"Where is he?"

"Is he okay?"

"Yagyuu-senpai isn't here yet?"

Someone's phone ringed.

"This is your phone, Haru."

"Ah, thanks, Ryo."

He read the content of the text, inside the phone.

"He is in a cafe."


"Baka, Niou means Yagyuu."

"Well, what a wonderful time, to go eat in a cafe, I'm so happy, for him, that he begins to be independent, aren't you, Haru?"

"Don't worry, Ryo. He wrote, that he doesn't stays long, there."

A sigh was heard.

Yagyuu stood before the door, of the residence. Maybe he shouldn't open it. He had a strange feeling, since the morning. But then again...the others would worry, wouldn't they? So he opened the door and...

"Happy birthday, Yagyuu/-kun/-senpai!"



"What the heck, Niou?"


"I should have excepted this, right Haru?"

The silver-haired trickster just smirked.


"Ah, I forgot you were also here", Ryoma blinked.

"Don't you have some shame?"

"It's your birthday, isn't it?", their captain smiled.

Yagyuu looked at the date, on his phone.

"Ah...yes, it is."

"Well, then lets begin."

"Here some Tokoroten, Hiro/Yagyuu-senpai."

"It is October, Niou-senpai-Ryoma."

"Do we seem like we fucking care?"


"Thank you."

"Present time~"

"Who begins?"

"Hm...what about me?"

"Okay, there you go, Yanagi-senpai!"

Yanagi Renji

"Here, a book about classical music."

"Classical music, huh?"

"Didn't except this."

"Thank you, Yanagi-kun."

Sanada Genichirou

"Fukubuchou's turn..."

"Somehow the atmosphere is heavy..."


"Well, here a book about medicine."

"Thank you, Sanada-kun."

"Again a book?"

"Well, Yagyuu-senpai looks like the type."

"Yeah...Ryoma doesn' why the heck, is she in the library committee?"

"Actually, Ryo-chan does have two shelves with books home and not for show."



Yukimura Seiichi

"I didn't know, what to give you, so I'm here is a CD, with classical music."

"Again classical music, huh."

"Thank you, Yukimura-kun."

Jackal Kuwahara

"Here is a novel, you said you wanted it so I bought it."

"Again a book? Do you have it, with books?"

"Marui-senpai! Jackal did his best!"


"Thank you, Jackal-kun."

"I'm sorry, Jackal!"

Marui Bunta

"There is my genius present, for you!"


"Well, I didn't know, what he wanted, so I thought, that with money he could buy, what he likes."

"That's actually a good idea."

"Yeah but..."


"It isn't a bit creative."

"I see..."

"Thank you, Marui-kun. Don't worry, I like it."

Kirihara Akaya

"Here, senpai! Happy birthday!"

"A film?"

"This is..."

"The Phantom of the"

"I heard you talk about how you like that film."

"Thank you, Kirihara-kun."

Niou Masaharu and Echizen Ryoma


"Yeah, the presents are from us both."

"I'm a bit concerned."


"When you two's means most of the time, that something is going to happen."

"Are you sure, Yagyuu-kun? Surly, that doesn't mean everytime."

"It does. After all I spend most of my free time, with them both."

"We are also here."

"Well, first a detective novel."

"Again a book..."


"Okay, okay."

"Thank you, M-"

"We aren't finished!"


"But before...please cut the cake."

"Huh, a chocolate cake? I somehow excepted this."

"You did? How sad."

"Well, that doesn't matter. Please, cut the cake."

"I'm not sure about his."

"It's okay."

"When you mean."

He took the knife and made his way to the cake. Seiichi saw Niou and Ryoma grinning, like crazy. As Yagyuu wanted to cut the cake... blurted.


"What the fuck?!"


It was a damn balloon.

Yagyuu sighed, "I should have excepted this. After all were talking about you two."

The both childhood friends smirked.

Then Yagyuu saw something, in the destroyed balloon. It was a pack. He opened and there were...handkerchiefes.


Niou began to speak,"You always complain, that you don't have one, because you give them all away..."

" we bought you more, than one. You don't have to worry any more", Ryoma finished.

Yagyuu looked at the pack in his hand and smiled.

It was definitely a good birthday.


"Poor cake."

All looked at the sad Marui.

"Don't worry, Senpai. We have another cake and no, it isn't a prank."

"I think it's vanilla."


A/N: Happy Birthday, Yagyuu Hiroshi!