(The final chapter... hope you enjoy)

Chapter 7:

A few years later Barry was a member of the CCPD CSI Division after graduating from university, Caitlin Snow was a doctor at Central City Hospital, Cisco was an engineer for Star Labs, whilst Oliver and Felicity was married with kids and CEO'S of Queen Industries, Joe arrived later on that day to find Barry working on the evidence from the latest case.

"Hey Bear, how's the evidence coming?" Joe asked and Barry smiled to his guardian.

"The evidence is nearly finished now Joe, and don't worry… everything will be fine" Joe glared at Barry "Barry, since Iris's mom, I've not gone on a date since with anyone"

Barry looked to Joe and smirked "What about the incident in the bar we went to for Eddie's bachelor party?" Joe paled and shuddered "You cannot count that incident… I didn't see the bulge in that dress" Barry burst out laughing at the memory as Joe growled at him before throwing a paper cup at him and turning away to leave.

Silence filled the room again as Barry continued to work on the evidence until the sound of coughing filled the silence "Barry you got a visitor" Captain Singh said and left the room, Barry turned around and froze at the sight, Caitlin Snow was standing before him in a black dress that hugged her "Caitlin Snow" he greeted with a smile and she smiled back "Barry Allen, I heard you were working with CCPD so I came to see if you're open for that dance" Barry smiled and walked forward "You waited all this time" he said and she nodded her head and walked forward taking his hands in hers "We've got a lot of time to make up for" she kissed his lips and he smiled "Yes we do" he replied and they walked out CCPD until they were outside and Barry led them away.

"Where we going?" Caitlin asked with a giggle and Barry grinned "I got the perfect place to dance" she looked curiously and soon they were in his car and they drove off into the distance, She looked confused as he drove them to the hill top overlooking the city, Barry opened the door and she got out, looking the city she found the view to be perfect but what made it more perfect was the music Barry put on for their first dance, Caitlin looked to Barry surprised "You remembered" she whispered and Barry nodded "I always remember what's important" extending his hand she took a hold of it and they began their slow dance wrapped in each-others embrace.

"I've missed you Barry" Caitlin whispered into him.

"I've missed you too Caitlin Barry whispered back kissing her cheek as they danced slowly as the music played.

Barry and Caitlin remained like that for ages until finally they broke apart and went to the local bar to catch up with each other, they shared stories of their past and soon it was time to go home, Barry drove her home and as soon as he got home he crashed on his couch smiling softly as he slept happy that Caitlin was back in his life.

The next morning Barry dropped by to see Caitlin and they decided to start their relationship off, Barry and Caitlin were together at last.

As time passed by Barry and Caitlin got together, they dated for 3 years until they had kids together, Barry later proposed to her and she happily accepted, Oliver and Cisco along with Joe was the best man to Barry whilst Iris and Felicity was Caitlin's bridesmaid.

Barry was happy as in the corner of his eyes he saw the smiling face of his mother and father Nora and Henry Allen still watching over him even on the greatest day of his life.

The End.

(I know you were probably wanted this to be longer but I got lost along the way so here you go... the final chapter)
