The slick heat of Yukiko and Rise's wet, needy pussies pressing against Chie and Naoto's calves were the final, assuring signals that all at this massage parlor was not entirely on the straight and narrow. Naoto had no idea that her masseuse was naked, that there was something genuinely sexual going on at this establishment after all. She hadn't thought about the prostitution angle when she looked the place over, mostly because no word had come of the very lewd nature of the services they provided.

But at the same time, the firm hands working over her shoulders were like a tempting, lazy little devil whispering in her ear. It was relaxing, she told herself. She was overworked and over-stressed. She needed this; Chie knew it, and deep down she knew it too, even if admitting it was a herculean task. And save for a few little touches here and there, there was nothing entirely untoward about it all, the focus still very much on her back and its dire need for some working through. Perhaps what she needed to do outweighed what she she should have done, just this one. She'd spent so long assuming all of the duty and responsibility beyond her years that she felt she had to just to prove herself, so maybe she'd earned this.

And the darkest parts of her reminded her that whenever those fingers slipped right into her, it felt best of all.

It took all that Rise had in her to keep from just grinding against Naoto and getting off right there. A quick look over to the other table, to Yukiko biting her lip, told her that she wasn't the only one having the problem, either. The massages the parlor dealt in were a grueling exercise in give with no take, even her arousal used solely as a tempting little tease, but that said a little roll of her hips certainly wouldn't hurt. Some back and forth, just the barest of friction against the detective's firm calf to get a little bit of pleasure. She deserved it, right? It would be harmless. Rise licked her lips as her thumbs sank once more into Naoto's back, and this time the worn down bluenette couldn't help but moan a bit more as she gave in to the pleasure of the massage, to the relief and perhaps the sinister undercurrent of a little bit 'more' that followed.

Chie was the happiest of the four, lying there and receiving a sexy massage from her girlfriend, pussy leaking down onto the table as she allowed herself to unwind. Sexual relief would come in time, relief of her workout regimen's aches was constant, but more than that was the affection. She had become far too addicted to these hot massages, bought a massage table and oils "for Yukiko" in what was an entirely selfish gift as her lover's new profession had become part and parcel of the couple's foreplay. Not that the heiress minded in the least, gladly indulging the passionate tease, the ability to not only lay affection down heavily onto Chie, but to be able to fondle and worship the fit girl's utterly perfect body in every possible way, her hands practically making love to her.

Even here, where Yukiko kept things slow and basic for Rise's sake, Chie was moaning loud and genuinely, at a point where it was hardly even overblown; she didn't hold back or act with a shred of shame for Naoto's sake, but every noise she made was completely real. Especially as her calf got wet and sticky with Yukiko's nectar leaking down onto her as the black-haired girl surrendered and followed suit with Rise, slowly humping her leg. Chie's was tighter and more toned, providing something hard to ride, and Yukiko's own wicked temptation began to bubble up as she held back from doing so. If she or Rise moaned, Naoto would realize almost immediately, and the whole charade would be up.

Naoto shivered a little, very aware of the heated mound and the slow humping of her leg, but she did nothing, save for the occasional groan of satisfaction as the hands worked their way back down her back. She expected more 'slips' of fingers along her oiled up thighs and ass as her masseuse returned to that region, but this time, she received a fair bit more than that. The fingers dragged down her ass with purpose, pushing steadily into the cheeks as they made their way down, but this time, when a digit sank into her increasingly hot core, it wasn't even feigning accidental, working its way slowly into her dripping snatch. The finger wiggled around inside of her as it parted her pussy lips before pressing down against her g-spot and applying steady pressure in a steady upward drag inward, the results plain to see as Naoto's shoulders tightened up in reflexive defiance of all the relaxation she was supposed to be engaging in.

The moan that rattled out of her lips was raw, shaky, and the most bare outburst of lust she had ever let out. Everything she did was always so guarded, so carefully contained and thought through before she let it out. But here, she was too calm to guard herself, to open and relaxed to hold anything back, and as her spine arched a little, her fingers curling up a little, she was unable to do anything but be honest. It was a refreshing honesty, one that something inside of her felt all too smug about, as though finally her conscious mind had caught up with the conspiracy her body and subconscious mind had been in on since the beginning. But it was freeing to let out that emotion, to what she assumed was strangers and Chie, who was making enough noise of her own to hardly be in any position to judge.

She had no idea that Rise was biting down hard on her lip as she heard her crush's sweet cry of utter bliss. That the faltering squeeze onto her thigh was the former idol holding desperately onto herself in the crazed, needy lust welling inside of her. Rise was even surprised with herself as she kept her finger steady, sinking the digit all the way into Naoto before slowly pulling back, making a long and lurid show of the act. When it went back in, a second joined it, her other hand massaging the junior detective's gorgeous bottom with almost all pretense of it being a massage rather than a very artful fondling utterly abandoned. She was now feeling the beautiful girl up and fingering her. Slowly, of course, but it was suddenly very sexual in nature. Unrepentantly so.

The leg not pinned down by Rise began to squirm a little, Naoto's hands writhing, and she was tempted to take the blindfold off, but she managed to keep it on, to maintain the mystique. There was something oddly thrilling about not knowing who was doing this to her, who she was opening up to, and there was no promise she wouldn't run into them on the streets of Inaba; it was something she wanted to leave secret. A thrilling, dirty secret that only amplified the pleasure of two fingers sinking now into her slick pussy. All thoughts of how wrong this was were twisted around; yes, this was wrong. Thoroughly wrong. Illegal, too. But it felt so good didn't it? After so long being tense and uptight, doing something she knew wasn't right only made it feel even more exciting.

Leaning forward, the girls pressed their lips down to their clients' necks, adding another element to the fingering as they licked and sucked at their shoulders and necks. Never sucking hard enough to leave hickies or marks to be found the next day, but enough to leave both girls excited. Paired with the steady pumping of fingers into their dripping holes and the massaging of their taut asses, Chie and Naoto were well on their way to something breathtaking, all while their legs were pinned down and used greedily to steal some pleasure of their own. Rise and Yukiko's breasts pressed down tight against their backs, squished against the lavender-scented and somewhat slippery flesh, and as the vigorous licking let them move all about, the breasts dragged along their skin tauntingly.

It was a heavy and forward display, one that Naoto couldn't handle all of the individual pieces of. Her bottom lip trembled a little as the pleasure swelled, her inexperience and the shock of the situation proving too potent for her. Her breath hitched as she came, her pussy leaking all over the massage table as she shook, moans coming out almost too fast, infectiously lusty and hotter than anyone had imagined her orgasmic noises would be. It was a more cathartic release than she thought possible, washing away the stress upon her mind and spirit as the hands undid her body's tensions, and the last bit of resistance she had to this entirely production followed with them.

"You sound really hot," Chie confessed shakily, pushed over the brink by her friend's intense noises. She came too, moaning as she squirted a little onto the board, the small stream of quim leaving a noticeable noise that left everyone in the room blushing as the liquid came out with enough force to audibly thud against the hollow board. But nobody really cared too much, the colour on their cheeks more shock and mounting arousal than embarrassment, and soon the contented sighs of the happy customers filled the room.

Rise and Yukiko were not so lucky, left to witness the girls' amazing releases. It only served to intensify their frustrations, and the look they gave each other as they climbed off the tables said that once Chie and Naoto were gone, the two were going to fuck like rabbits to deal with what they had brewing inside of them.

"I-is that the end?" Naoto asked, a little dazed by the whole thing as she was rolled onto her back, up until she felt the tongue drag along the tops of her breasts and a splash of warm oil leave a small trail on her taut stomach. No, it was far from the end, and all she could muster in response to that was a relieved, happy little purr.