
Uzushiogakure (Unknown)-15 years ago

The sound of pouring rain echoed in the darkness of Uzushiogakure, Kushina Uzumaki screamed as she pushed her new born son out of her body. One of the maids instructed Kushina, "Come on Kushina-Chan push."

After an intense few minutes Kushina's baby boy had finally born, she looked at her son and smiled. She said "His name will be Uzumaki Naruto."

"Yes he shall be a powerful Heir to the Throne." A gruff voice echoed through the room, she tiredly looked at her father: Uzumaki Arashi. His hair was white but still had red tuffs in places; he wore the royal Uzumaki armour which was black with a red spiral imprinted in the middle and a golden cloak bellowing behind him. The Uzumaki Clan were a clan descended from the Old Gods and ancient demons most notably Odin and Kaguya Otsutsuki.

The clan was split into two categories, the royal bloods that were the most powerful of the clan and the branch members who were practically the foot soldiers. The Uzumaki had long since hidden themselves from the world due the fact that they believed humans to be evil and they were right in a sense. They watched as war after war plagued this earth and most recently the surge in super powered beings.

The Uzumaki Clan's powers were derived from the source and their demonic heritage hence there powers varied. An example would be Uzumaki Kushina who had the ability of instant regeneration and can summon the chains of hell capable of sealing any being. The strongest were even proclaimed gods amongst their own clan members and that was exactly what Naruto would become.

Arashi looked at his daughter and said "Rest my daughter…We have much to discuss when you have returned to full health." His armour rattled as he walked out of the room.

8 years later

Naruto sat in a circle were 20 branch Uzumaki warriors surrounded him, the branch members were dressed in white armour with a red spiral and had O-Katana's in their hands. Naruto wore a miniature black armour with a golden cloak, he had red hair and glowing purple eyes. Uzumaki Arashi looked at his grandson and said "Naruto today we will begin the process of finding out what your powers are…The first task is to defeat these warriors."

Arashi clapped and the group charged at Naruto with supernatural speeds, Arashi instructed "Find your inner powers Naruto or you will die." Naruto closed his eyes and began focusing on his core something that all Uzumaki's had. When he opened his eyes he saw a warrior about to stab him in the chest however it was if he could see the warrior in slow motion, he quickly dived to the side and so the man slowly miss him.

Arashi smirked "Superspeed huh. Hmm how interesting, it's been a while since an Uzumaki was born with this ability."

Kushina on the other hand was worried sick, she did this test and only survived due to her immense regeneration. She hoped her son was as powerful as Arashi believed him to be.

Naruto dodged several sword attacks before the group switched gears and started using elemental attacks. Naruto dodged a fireball but was struck by a bolt lightning causing him to scream in pain. Kushina almost jumped in the arena to get her son but Arashi stopped her, "Father…We need-"

"AHHH" Arashi and Kushina saw Naruto punch a man with enough force to send him flying into the wall and create a spider crack. Naruto began dodging and punching, he managed to defeat 13 enemies but the other seven were on a class of their own.

One branch member floated in the air and began using his unique power which allowed him to produce explosive fire. Naruto dove to the side but the explosive shockwave made him fly high up into the air. Two branch members used their lightning powers to fire bolts of electricity at the eight year old. Naruto saw the incoming bolts and he knew that he was toast if they hit, he felt a primal energy erupt from him. The bolts were deflected back to their users as the earth beneath him shifted; Naruto's eyes glowed white as he began subconsciously manipulating gravity around him. In a second everyone in the arena including Kushina and Arashi were sent to the ground as the gravity was increased a tenfold.

Naruto screamed "What is going on…How can I stop."

Kushina shouted back, "Concentrate Naruto, I know you can do it son."

Naruto closed his eyes and concentrated on the particles he was controlling before releasing his control over it. Kushina and the other 8 people slowly got up, their bodies thankful that the force on them was gone.

Arashi clapped, "Well done Naruto but I have a feeling that we have only scratched the surface of what you can do."

Naruto nodded but just as he was about to walk to his mother and grandfather, he felt an overwhelming amount of fatigue causing him to faint on the spot.

Kushina ran to her son and Arashi merely stood there, he thought 'This is a beginning of a new era for our clan…And I am going to make sure my Grandson is the one to lead us to glory.'

2 years later

A 10 year old Naruto stood in the middle of the training room following the Katas his mother was showing him.

2 years ago his grandfather began intensifying his training, he would train 7 days a week due to them finding out he had the adaptive regeneration of his mother. They also found out he had a form of telepathy allowing him to read minds and manipulate them only if they had eye contact.

Kushina said "Good job Naruto-kun…Tomorrow we will continue your training." Naruto nodded and trudged off to his room. Kushina turned to the dark corner in the room, "What have you found out."

A shadow erupted from the corner and then turned to a hooded figure, the figure replied "The Branch family are preparing to wage a civil war…Your uncle is responsible for the rise in riots outside the Citadel."

Kushina scratched her chin, "I suppose you have told my Father this." The figure merely nodded, "We must guard the orb...If they gain control over it, they could use it gain control over the world. "

The orb was a flux of energy that contained the energy of every dead Uzumaki…Each Uzuamki had an energy core allowing them to create clones, walk up walls and do various other things. When an Uzumaki died there dead body would be taken to the citadel and they would harvest the remaining energy adding it to the orb of energy that lay underneath the citadel.

5 years later

Over the last five years, tensions began increasing and recently the entire branch had risen up against the smaller royal family stating they had a right to have everything that the royal family had. They were being led by a man named Ryuu Uzumaki who was Kushina's uncle. The branch members had began to siege the citadel in the last year and the elite guard were the only thing capable of holding them back. The other lords were either old or very young to fight and they were running out of water and food, Arashi had declared that they had only one choice and that kill them all until they stopped resisting. Unknown to them Ryuu had begun using secret tunnels he knew as a kid to find his way to the orb.

So a day later every Uzumaki in the royal family who could fight attacked the branch family who camped outside the citadel. The battle was intense but the royal family's superior powers overwhelmed the branch families' vast numbers. The battle however wasn't without consequence and almost half the island had been destroyed. The citadel towers being heavily damaged and many casualties had occurred, women and childern were caught in the crossfire and had perished.

Kushina limped in to the throne room looking for her father and Naruto, her body regenerated the damage she sustained from the battle. Her father had grown too old to effectively fight whereas her uncle according to her spy was using demonic spells to keep his youth.

She saw the throne had shifted to the side showing that her father must have gone downwards to where the orb was. Once her leg had healed she ran towards the stairs at inhuman speeds and only ran faster when she heard Naruto screaming as well.

Once she arrived she was sickened by what she saw, Arashi lay beside Naruto dead. A gaping hole in his abdomen being the cause of death, Naruto was on his knees as he saw the man in front of him. He had faded red hair and had three eyes, the top eye had a purple ringed shape with tomoes in it. Naruto's eyes were shadowed; he muttered "You killed Grandpa…"

Ryuu laughed evilly "Yes I suppose I killed my brother…Oh look your mother has come to join the party."

Kushina glared at her uncle and said "Get away from the orb now."But the man didn't listen, instead he launched a black orb at Kushina who dodged only for it to turn around shape itself like a lance and stab her in the chest.

The man grinned "No point resisting Kushina that thing destroys you down to a molecular level. In other words you'll be atomized"

Kushina coughed "Naruto…I love you my son. Listen to me no matter what happens you have to live on. Please-"And like that Kushina exploded in a dome of energy, Naruto screamed as he watched his mother die in front of his eyes. His powers went haywire as Gravity was increased a thousand fold, the earth itself crushed in wards, the walls crumbled and Ryuu was sent straight into the ground.

Ryuu managed to say "Boy stop this madness…You are destabilising the orb."But Naruto screamed in anguish even more causing gravity to increase even more. Ryuu's eyes widened when the stand that was holding the orb cracked and broke. The orb touched the ground in that second, the entire island was enveloped in a blue light before it exploded in a blue energy dome that could be seen from space.

Inside the dome Naruto screamed in pain as the combined energy of the deceased Uzumaki entered his body, he heard the voices of the dead within his mind and felt every part of his body was on fire. His body being reconstructed to hold that energy within him, his powers were amplified tenfold and the knowledge of his clan forcefully entered his minds. His armour changed from the normal black to black with golden outlines and a red cloak, two swords appeared on his back. The first was a normal katana but was known as the swords capable of hurting gods, it was known as the Sword of Kusanagi. The second sword was the legendary sword wielded by Izanagi, Totsuka no Tsurugi. It also looked like a katana with a purple hilt and a red blade. When the dome finally dispersed, you could see Naruto lying in a crater unconscious as water slowly seeped and covered the crater.


Everyone was assembled and they were watching the massive blue dome of energy, Superman and WW were already heading towards it. Batman had put all of them on high alert, he stated that the energy was showing massive spike in EM waves and the increase in gravitational fields were inhuman and if they didn't have Superhuman durability they would be crushed almost instantly.

3 minutes later

Superman and Wonder Woman arrived just in time to see a young teen being swallowed by water. Wonder Woman was struggling to even float whereas Superman's flight which depended on him subconsciously affecting gravity allowing him to fly, Superman was sent crashing down into ocean.

Superman was drawn straight towards Naruto and that only made it easier for Superman to pick Naruto up and use his immense strength to jump them out of the water. Wonder Woman grabbed hooked them both to their lasso and before long Martian Manhuntn appeared along with Aquaman and Captain Comet. Martian Manhunter tried to enter Naruto's mind but found the boy was telepathic resistant probably stemming from the teen's telepathy.

Together along with Captain Comet they managed to teleport Naruto to the Watchtower.

An hour later

It took both Hal Jordon and Jon Stewart to create a field around Naruto so that he didn't crush everything. Naruto slowly woke up and he found himself in the weirdest of places, some kind of high-tech hospital, Naruto saw a green field around him, and two people dressed in green spandex and rings holding the construct. Hal Jordan seeing Naruto awake said, "Can you hear me kid."

Naruto spoke "/Who are you…Where am I./"

The ring spoke in a mechanical voice, "Translating voice…Recognised language Feudal Japanese detected."

Hal Jordan spoke using the ring to change his language "/I am Hal Jordan of the Justice League…We saved you./" Naruto couldn't remember what had happened, only that the orb had destroyed Uzushiogakure. Oh god! Naruto's eyes widened in alarm and he began to feel physically sick, he had killed them all. He had killed his entire family.

"/So kid where are you from./" Hal asked.

Naruto glared at the man, he said "/I am from Uzushiogakure. /" Lantern sensed the anger in the boy's voice and wondered where it had come from.

Martian Manhunter, Superman and Batman entered the room. The Dark Knight glared at Naruto and said "Who are you and why did you make that explosion….Speak."

The ring translated it and Naruto growled. "I don't need to be ordered by you. However, I shall indulge you, I am Uzumaki Naruto the last Uzumaki. My h-home…it was destroyed./" He said sombrely, still in shock as to what had happened.

"And you're home is?" Batman asked.

Naruto stared up at him with an inquisitive gaze, "Why would you like to know?" His guarded expression was suspicious to Batman but he understood that he was startled by his new environment and that he was still under shock.

Superman said softly, "We are just trying to help, kid." He knelt down and looked at him, "My home was destroyed as well."

Naruto steeled himself, barely able to stop himself from crying as he answered. "I'm from Uzushiogakure. An island hidden away from the world for thousands of years."

Superman sighed, "I'll bring Wonder Woman here…She is the only one who comes from a hidden island." He flew off towards the war room to fetch Diana.

Batman gave the boy one last look before he excused himself, "We'll try and figure out something for you." He said as he left with Martian Manhunter.

Naruto stared uncomfortably at the metal floor, wondering exactly who these people were and what they wanted from him. Hal seemingly read his mind, "If you're wondering how ended up here, we found you at the bottom of the ocean, you almost created a Tsunami."

Naruto asked, "What's a Tsunami?" How exactly had he created a harbour wave, he didn't remember ever using or being proficient in Suiton.

Hal raised an eyebrow at his lack of knowledge but then again, he couldn't fault the boy for it considering that his people lived isolated from the world. "You have the ability to use gravity, right." Naruto nodded. "Well your gravity was causing the ocean to form tidal waves, if we hadn't stopped you, you'd end up drowning half of Japan and China." Naruto's blank stare indicated that he had no idea where either of those two places were.

An uncomfortable silence spilled into the room, Hal wasn't used to comforting teenagers and so he ended up leaving the boy in his own thoughts. Naruto didn't like this hollow husk that he was being held in, it made him miss his home even more but dwelling on such thoughts only made him feel weak and miserable. He had to stay strong, it was his mother would have told him.

Especially considering that he didn't know who these people were. "So what do you guys do?" Naruto asked.

Hal grinned confidently, "We save the world." Naruto raised an eyebrow at his boastful comment but found no indication that he was lying and his negative emotion sensing wasn't flaring up like a red light so he knew that they didn't want to attack him.

"So you are heroes then." He said. "Warriors like me."

Hal said, "Yes, we are like you." He didn't know enough about the kid to make such a judgement but Hal knew that he had to be accommodating. It was rare enough to meet a metahuman with the ability to be a planetary level threat, it was even rarer to meet a recluse with said ability. It made him dangerous…in the wrong hands of course.

Still that didn't mean, he couldn't befriend the boy. Sometimes, a good distraction was all that was needed to help someone out of their despair.

Justice League War room

Batman, Wonder Woman, Hawkgirl, John Stewart, Superman, Martian Manhunter and Flash sat in the war room. Batman said "This is Uzumaki Naruto…He says that he is from a hidden Island. What do you think?"

Superman replied, "His heartbeat was normal, he wasn't lying."

Green Lantern also answered "He was startled by the hospital; he probably isn't familiar with advanced tech."

Batman nodded, "We have a bigger problem, he has the ability to manipulate Gravity and he seems to be trained like Diana…That means he will kill any villains as a warrior, he needs a mentor."

Wonder Woman replied, "I can mentor him…Superman has Supergirl, Green Lantern is busy, Martian Manhunter has his niece, Batman and Flash have their students so that leaves me and Hawkgirl."

Batman nodded, "Yes out of all the people here…You are probably the only one who could show him the ropes. Does anyone object this proposition?" No one raised their hands and it was decided, Uzumaki Naruto would become the protégé of Wonder Woman.

Wonder Woman stood up and said, "I guess I'll greet my new student." She flew towards the med bay where she saw Naruto chuckling with Hal Jordan, he appeared somewhat more different than what she had assumed he would. Depressed as he was, Hal had done a good job of keeping him distracted.

Naruto peaked up from Hal's dazzling light show as soon as he sensed a new presence. She floated in, landing effortlessly in front of him. Hal shut of his connection to the ring as Naruto and Diana stared at each other for a while, both wondering what this sense of familiarity was.

She asked, "Are you Uzumaki Naruto?"

Naruto grinned as he looked the hot woman up and down, he asked, "What of it…"

Wonder Woman replied "I am Diana of Themyscira…I have a deal for you. We of the Justice League can provide you with money and support however we would like for you to train under me so you can familiarise yourself with this world."

It sounded like a very good deal, Naruto admitted to himself. He had no idea what the world was like beyond Uzushiogakure but his mother had told him that they had isolated themselves from the world on purpose. But he knew about the history of the one that stood in front of him. He frowned, "Themyscira huh…You expect an Uzumaki to take orders from an Amazon. I am the last son of Uzushiogakure, I will not be commanded by a silly little girl whose Mother taught her that men are the devil." Even in his loss, Naruto still had enough pride not to be ordered by someone that his family had proclaimed as an enemy.

Wonder Woman drew her sword and glared at the boy, "Say that again…I dare you."

Naruto flipped of his bed and took the Totsuka Blade from his back, a black flame danced around the red blade. Naruto glared at the woman, but she glared back. Hal quickly vouched for her, "Naruto…Diana is a good person. She is just trying to help."

He sighed, "Fine, I accept your offer." He lowered his blade and gave her an even stare, "But I will not enter Themyscira."

Wonder Woman nodded "That is acceptable I suppose…Now first thing first we need you to learn English."

"What is um…English." He asked.

Diana gave a simple look to Hal that asked why he had not at the very least given the boy a run-down of the world. Hal shrugged, "I wouldn't get my hopes up, he's even more clueless than you were." Wonder Woman ignored the Lantern as she looked at her protégé one last time.

"It's the language that we speak."

Naruto merely pointed towards the door, "Well then lead the way princess." Naruto pondered as he left the med bay, and he thought that maybe, just maybe he might be able to move on from what had happened.


Well this is my new story, Naruto and Young Justice crossover but it will have elements of New 52 comics and other comics. Pairing will be Naruto/Wonder Woman/and three other girls. No more.

Name: Uzumaki Naruto

Age: 16 years old

DOB: Unknown


Superspeed-Can travel at speeds equal to Superman

Super strength-Excess of a 100 tonnes

Gravity Manipulation-Can manipulate the theoretical particles known as Gravitons to increase or decrease gravity around him. He can create shields that can block blows from Superman.

Instant regeneration-Just like his mother Naruto is capable of regenerating limbs or body parts in seconds. This make him immortal and he will stop aging when his body reaches its prime.

Superhuman senses-Able to hear 1 mile away and smell several miles away, he can also see several miles away as well.

Superhuman durability-His body is resistant to pain and like all Uzumaki's, he has extremely dense muscle tissue and is invunribale to blunt trauma, high calibre bullets and explosions. He can use his gravitational powers to increase invulnerability but he can be overpowered.

Energy/Chakra manipulation-After absorbing the energies from the orb Naruto can know fire concussive energy, use it to climb walls and a variety of other effects.

Telepathy-Can read and manipulates people's minds.

Seals-Naruto is well versed in the ability to use seals for a variety of effects including but not limited to making clothes more durable, storage seals.

Latent powers-

Demonic form- Similar to Wonder Woman's form Naruto uses this when he taps into his demonic blood giving him a power up.

Rinnegan-Like most of his clan, this power is dormant and can only be activated through years of hard training or a very traumatic experience.


Chakra Exhaustion

Amazonium: the weapons made by Hephaestus can damage Naruto and the weapons made by the Uzumaki blacksmiths can damage Amazons.


Master Hand to Hand combat- Naruto was trained in the ancient forms of combat making him able to fight toe to toe with batman and Black Canary in H2H

Genius Level intellect-Despite him not knowing anything about technology Naruto is extremely intelligent for someone his age. Naruto is advanced in calculus and mathematics more so than anyone his age.

Weapon profiency-Like Wonder Woman Naruto has trained in various weapons and mastered them.


Uzumaki armour-Made by a special metal that was given to them by the old gods, it unbreakable and allows them to channel their energy.

Sword of Tostuka-The legendary sword of Izanagi, I will probably make it similar to Itachi's.

Sword of Kusanagi-The legendary grass cutter, it is known to be able to kill gods and can hurt kryptonians.

As for those of you that think Naruto is overpowered, I have decided to use the strength of characters in their comic books which are like a thousand times stronger than there cartoon counterparts. So yh villains will be harder to defeat and Naruto will be fighting Wonder Woman's New52 villains who are practically gods.

So what do you guys think about this story, I hope you enjoyed the prologue and please review.

Raido Out