Alright, so far, this has been a great idea, and I thank you all for the support in this, and the understanding, though some have confused the fourth chapter of the previous one for a continuation of that story.

That is not a continuation, but a challenge, or a slight preview, depending on if Bonesboy15 decides he wants to except the challenge.

I feel he would do a better job than me at capturing how Naruto would be in that scenario.

He also has more knowledge about the Percy universe.

Well, I hope you all enjoy this chapter as much as you did the previous.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Chapter Start=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Naruto was sitting sideways within his throne, his head leaning over the arm next to Artemis' own chair.

Artemis herself had her arm around his chest as she fiddled with his hair.

Everyone there thinking as Heracles and Dionysus as well as the rest of the mortals all celebrated, each recounting what they had seen during the Giant War.

Several talking about an apparent warrior maiden that was unmatched even among the gods. Heracles was particularly loud when he shouted about it being nothing, his ego being bruised at being outdone by said female.

The warriors down below knew none of what happened, however, the Olympians all knew that Naruto had went with Artemis on her hunt, and they returned after having slain Otis and Ephialtes.

Who they assumed was Artemis, though she wore different attire, her bow had gained a pinkish tint, and her arrows left red strings as they flew, piercing with force so great, they left fist size holes through all they hit.

Saving plenty of lives, as the giants were forced to take a step back, allowing several heroes to finish them off.

Upon coming closer, the rest of the gods noticed Artemis' clothing had gained some orange, as her bow was lengthened and looked more like ornately crafted dove wings.

Naruto had to later explain how when he was a mortal in his previous existence, he had been working on a seal to fuse two people together after his own body had reached it's limits.

Naruto had succeeded in creating it, however, it also ripped one apart from the inside out if the two were unrelated, however, Naruto had used the same complexities as his seal in order to fuse with Artemis when one of the giants missed the other.

Taking the second giant's hand and shoving it through the others chest was still fresh in the minds of the godly couple.

Otis was a pain to pin long enough to do the deed as well.

Naruto had to also explain that he was forced to take a backseat to whoever he fused with, basically becoming an extremely powerful buff to whoever he fused with.

Ares had practically forced Naruto to make an attempt to fuse with himself after getting that information.

The fusion however was different for them.

Naruto had been able to fully fuse with Artemis due to their connection, and the bond they forged from their talks and slumber parties as Apollo called them.

Everyone knew they hadn't done the deed yet.

Naruto's and Ares' fusion was more of them gripping forearms, before Orange weapons rained from the sky.

Ares was so upset, he tried to throw Naruto, when the weapons followed where Naruto flew.

Ares and Naruto literally swung each other around like clubs, allowing the weapons to bash, crush, slice, dice, pierce, maim, and eviscerate everything that got near them.

Naruto had been literally fusing with the other gods to aid them in their battles, though he didn't fuse with everyone.

He once also allowed Heracles to bond with him, allowing the demigod of Zeus to gain a somewhat godly form, which, while wielding a blade the size of the giants themselves in each hand, left him in a pink toga, swinging dove wing shaped blades, as the god of love had his hands to his shoulder blades, looking more like a guardian angel than a god.

Heracles never requested Naruto's aid after the first time, especially after he spouted something no one caught about love conquering the darkness.

He was laughed at by his own father, and ever since, Heracles has hated Naruto, or Aphroditus as he knew him.

Naruto wished Apollo would invent a method to heal his headache, or he could visit the realm of dead for his time and allow one of the three medics he knew heal his head.

Naruto has learned that with his new form of fusion, he ended up feeling like the morning after the fourth war again, only without the fun of the party the night before, and without waking up cuddling Hinata.

Artemis looked as Naruto suffered, her rubbing his head wasn't really helping the god's headache as much as said god wished it would, and thought about the past few years she has spent with Naruto as her husband.

He had been completely fine, even though he slept in a tree for about four years until she told him he could join her on the bed when she was on Olympus.

She had actually first kissed him after he brought her a bag of cookies, that Hestia taught him to make.

Wasn't exactly her own recipe, but he was taught how to make them from her, and he explained that Hestia explained what every ingredient would do to his food.

She didn't teach him how to make her cookies, she taught him how to cook, and he made her cookies, meaning Naruto had made his own recipe for cookies just for her after he learned she loved Hestia's cookies.

Artemis had become so excited about learning he could bake her cookies whenever, she actually kissed him, so excited actually, she forgot she had been eating cookies, and didn't swallow the cookie that was in her mouth before kissing him.

Artemis would have been teased much longer than she had been, if the Giants hadn't started this whole war with them.

Her relationship with Naruto had actually continued to grow, Naruto had even joined her in her hunting every now and then, though it was more of a bonding point for the two, due to her keeping him away from her hunters. Though that never stopped him from asking when he would meet their daughters.

That had earned him some points in her book.

Naruto had never once called her hunters her hunters, always referring to them as her daughters, and she would only admit to herself, but hearing Naruto refer to them that way, always brought a smile to her face.

And after his untimely rescue when Ephialtes proved to be slightly more skilled, or at least skilled enough to avoid his brother, she was feeling ready to explain to her hunters about the god of love and her relationship.

After Ephialtis missed Otis, Naruto had moved fast enough to move Artemis out of the way when the angry giant tried to shoot again after Artemis let herself become too confident in her plan.

She gave the giant too much credit in his skill, or as Naruto said, his luck.

Naruto had said that Otis was too focused on her, while Ephialtis had actually broken the bow strings and misfired, allowing him to miss.

Naruto had transported to her as soon as he noticed the death of only one heartbeat and had defended Artemis when Otis tried to shoot another arrow at Artemis, who was still in the form of a deer.

Otis had made many dirty comments about Artemis as Naruto threw his arms around her and fused his power with her own.

Otis didn't shut up about how he was gonna enjoy her body, even as he laid there with his brother's arm through his chest.

Both immortals had to make sure the idiot died, so were stuck there till Otis drew his last breath, and stopped talking, forcing both to listen to the damn idiot's rambles about Artemis.

Fucking pedophile.

Naruto and Artemis were both shivering with every step they took towards the battle from the images Otis put in their heads.

Something else Artemis would never admit, barely even to herself, but as the two were infused, she could see through the eyes of the being they made, however, her body felt like it was floating in nothing, with Naruto standing behind her, holding her in his strong and protective arms that tightened with each word from Otis.

She had enjoyed Naruto comforting her through the experience.

The gods were sitting on their thrones, each thinking over the war in their own way.

Zeus was still trying to get the image of Heracles walking around, Naruto standing behind him, swinging two swords, that while big, were symbols of love, in a pink toga of all things, out of his head.

Apollo was creating a colored image of Heracles, when he had Naruto use his aura fusion with him.

Ares was actually joking with Hephaestus about when they were dealing with their own enemies.

Athena was going over several different strategies that were used by more than her and writing down how they could have gone wrong and how they could have been better.

Hera, Hestia, and Demeter were just sitting around the hearth, actually talking about what to make for their own Olympian feast, considering Zeus felt like holding their celebration off so they could be present for the mortal heroes' celebration.

Poseidon and Hades were talking about random things, occasionally looking down at the festivities going on, mortal and immortal alike, Hades occasionally hitting his brother upside the head, probably about a bad joke.

Naruto actually looked at each of the Olympians, thinking back on how he changed them.

Zeus was actually the hardest to help, he hardly listened when Naruto spoke, and barely paid attention even when he did, until Naruto used the same trick Hinata used to get himself to learn.

Naruto had bribed Zeus with food.

He had already been learning to cook for Artemis, and Zeus had learned that Naruto had celebrated Artemis' birthday by making her dinner, and Artemis actually wound up talking with every goddess on Olympus about it when they had gotten together for their girl time, and Artemis had asked Hestia if she had helped Naruto with the food, which is where she learned he had learned to cook more than just cookies for her.

Hera had been irritated with Zeus, and he didn't figure out why until Hestia decided he had suffered enough.

So, when Zeus went to Naruto, he made him sit through all of his speech, which was a lengthened and spread out version of everything he had tried to tell Zeus before.

Hera had been greeted with a proper romantic dinner under the moonlight, with lovely music playing, and a waiter, who she knew was Naruto with an obviously fake mustache, considering it was made of porcupine quills, overly large glasses, with thick lenses to hide his eyes, and two foxes doing their best to hide his hair, when she came to Zeus' temple, after her sacred bath.

She was thankful she was fully dressed, and didn't just teleport in after wrapping herself in her towel.

The instruments were obviously enchanted by the god of love to play the music, while Zeus later admitted the blond was also the cook, and promised to learn to do better by her, and had even gone through with his promise to learn how to cook some of Hera's preferred dishes.

Hera a little after his own confession, confessed to hiding in Naruto's temple when Naruto gave him the speech, and even admitting to leaving after sitting there for two hours, and taking a nap when she did come back.

She admitted that the fact that he not only stayed awake, but also paid close attention, and didn't even blow up at the god that was literally reading him the right act, all to better their marriage, all for her, had impressed her more than when he tricked her into their marriage.

Especially when Naruto gave her the scroll he had read to the king of the gods.

It was longer than she thought, and she was now wondering how long she had been asleep in the rather comfy tree.

She had actually been thinking of adding some of the bonsai to her own temple after the experience.

After confessing that she knew Naruto was the waiter, Zeus had mentioned how Naruto was so proud of how incognito he had been, and had even laughed about how Zeus said he was horrible at disguising himself.

Zeus even told her about how he had yet to get rid of the stupid mustache, and was acting like it was real.

The foxes were even acting smug as they stood on his shoulders.

Hera found the image too adorable to ruin.

Naruto had also spoke with Ares about his war habit, and managed to teach him what happens when he goes too far, and they even found some hobbies that he could enjoy that didn't involve violence.

Ares now ended up hanging out with Hephaestus, as the smith would build workout systems, which were giant bars, with different types of wights at both ends, some made of celestial bronze and imperial gold.

Naruto even got Zeus to use his control over space to make the weights even heavier, Ares and Hephaestus both actually enjoyed going and working out, trying to outdo one another.

Apollo had gotten into the habit of skirt chasing, along with Hermes, Naruto had tried to get them to stop, but only succeeded in slowing them down.

However, when Apollo and Hermes both had fallen for a woman, Naruto had stepped in and nearly hurt the two, though when Hera heard that the woman was married, she had joined Naruto in stopping them.

Naruto had convinced them to spend no less than five years as mortal whenever they wanted to go and enjoy their bachelor hood, as they called it.

Though Ares and Hephaestus would commonly join them.

The other gods didn't really have much to help with, though Athena had to sit through a couple of speeches, and both her and Poseidon were tied to chairs with Hephaestus' help when he decided to get them over their issues.

Though he did admit that he found enjoyment in dropping buckets of water on Athena, when she would interrupt him or start to fight, or when he dropped books on Poseidon for the same reasons, being the others element, he had no doubt they would keep giving him a fresh supply, in hopes he would drop it on their head again.

They eventually got over the Medusa incident.

Though Artemis wound up watching during the last hour, though both 'prisoners had ran faster than ever after Naruto gave them the keys to get out, when he told Artemis she could pull the strings to empty them out for the last time, and she tried to empty them on the two.

And as she had thought, she had never gotten the chance to drop a bucket of water over Athena's head, or a bucket of books on Poseidon's again, which caused her to get upset, cause the first ones missed.

Naruto could remember when Persephone had come to him and talked to him about Hades, who had come to her about feelings he had for her.

Naruto had found out that Hades and Demeter were practically going to war over the situation, and Naruto had to settle that argument as well.

Which led to Naruto losing to Hades in a battle out in the middle of the desert, over Persephone, who would either join Hades in the underworld, or become one of Naruto's hand maidens.

Hades had been annoyed that he was being questioned on his love, but gladly proved he truly loved Persephone, which ended with him getting a black eye and a split lip, while Naruto wound up out cold.

Hades got stuck carrying Naruto all the way back to Olympus.

Where as he walked in with Zeus and Poseidon at his sides, having been there as witnesses, Hades had been congratulated and even had a bit of a feast to celebrate his upcoming marriage.

Demeter, after looking over Naruto's condition, and taking notice of Hades' own bruises, had admitted defeat, and let her daughter run into Hades' arms.

Artemis was now thinking of what would have happened if Naruto wasn't there to help with Otis.

Alone, she would not have been strong enough to rip Ephialtes' arm off his corpse, nor strong enough to shove it through Otis' chest.

She wound up thinking on everything that Otis had said. For a really stupid giant, he was rather descriptive of what he would have done to her. Even though she was normally in the form of a young girl, even going as far as to bring her daughters into the threats.

Artemis had decided to return to Naruto's temple and finally consummate their marriage.


Naruto stood next to Artemis, both within her chariot, heading to introduce the god to the hunters.

Artemis had some big news for her hunters today.

When the hunters were introduced to Naruto, the god wound up pouting over them referring to him as Aphroditus.

Artemis also dropped the bombshell about her being with child.

Naruto fainted as each of the hunters stood in shock.

Artemis thought he would have been better, after he told her all about his previous life, and how he had two children.

She now wondered if he fainted both times Hinata told him, or she somehow kept him awake.

Naruto had spent the next year with the hunters, and though the hunters themselves didn't enjoy his company, it didn't stop him from doing whatever for Artemis.

If she hadn't kicked him in his shin, he would probably carry her whenever she wanted to leave her tent.

He did his best to get along with each of the huntresses, going as far as to even respond when they called him Aphroditus, and referring to them as their names, and having only heard each of their names once, when he was introduced to each of them, that was rather impressive.

And when Artemis had a son, the huntresses were disappointed at not having a new sister.

Artemis had dreaded when her son grew up, and as the years passed, though while the boy was young, he would actually be allowed to visit the hunters, and even referred to them as his sisters.

Alexios had inherited, much like Naruto, his father's blond hair and blue eyes, while taking more of his mother's physical features, and his appearance, like Naruto, altered whenever he was near a woman other than his mother, one of his sisters, or Hestia.

Them being the only females that wished for him to look as himself, each of the other goddesses and mortal females that have seen him, each saw him appear as they would desire him to look.

He shared in his father's curse, of taking a form perfect for the women he was near.

Alexios had actually surprised Artemis and her huntresses when he never showed signs of sexual desire, which Naruto had to explain.

Apparently, being the god of desire, Naruto could remove the physical desires from someone, and when Alexios heard the huntresses talk about how horrible he would become, he had practically begged his father to remove his, almost to the point of tears.

Artemis and her huntresses were shocked when they learned that.

Artemis was sure as hell, Apollo would notice her son's ability to be perfect for whatever woman he chose, and would have tried to drag the boy along with him on one of his trips to the mortal realm.

But, here her son was, and in order to continue to spend time with her and his sisters, he had Naruto remove all forms of physical desire from his body.

It was so sweet of a thing to do, she actually hugged him.

Zoe was the one who asked about Naruto doing the same to them.

Naruto became nervous, and explained that because Alexios was his son, it was easy for them to hug and Naruto to take away his desire, but he didn't know how much contact it would take for him to remove any of theirs.

Zoe had stood tall, and stated she would allow him to practice with her.

Although Naruto almost lost it at how she put it, he decided to grant the huntress' wish.

They started with just connecting their pointer fingers, which wound up with them flattening their hands, before Naruto ended up pulling Zoe into a hug.

Zoe would have tried to stab Naruto with her hunting knife, if Artemis hadn't spoken up and said she could sense him trying his hardest.

Naruto pulled away from Zoe, and kissed her forehead.

Zoe began to feel a bit different, she could no longer feel the fuzzy feeling from Naruto holding her in his arms, she no longer felt blush from Naruto's lips upon her head.

Zoe could feel, as her desires, as old and buried as they were, disappear.

Naruto smiled.

"You will no longer feel the desire for the flesh of another."

As all the hunters stared in shock and nearly lined up to have their own desire removed, Naruto spoke further.

"However, I should warn you, that not even myself, could fully remove love from you. There may come a day where you truly find a flame just perfect for you. But you can take solace in the fact that it is impossible for you to be seduced by any man, no matter how they try."

Naruto had spent the day kissing each hunter on her forehead, as he held them in his arms. Artemis smiled as her husband weakened himself with each hunter he kissed.

As Naruto finished with the last hunter, he turned to Artemis.

"I wish I could keep any man from meeting and falling in love with them, but love is so unpredictable, that not even Apollo can foretell everything about it. If true love does find them, I may not be able to do anything about it."

Artemis, as much as she hated it, couldn't deny the logic, and did actually take comfort in what Naruto said.

If one of her hunters did fall for a man, it would be for a form of the purest love there is, and after having lived with Naruto, she might not be so against it.

Alexios and the huntresses actually began to celebrate a bit, enjoying the fact that they could continue to be a family.

Apollo appeared in a flash of light before speaking up.

"Alright, I have come to whisk away my little nephew before the ladies decide to pull out the hunting horn. Me and Hermes has the whole day planned out, we can expect grand kids within the next decade or so."

Artemis' eyes widened as she turned to her brother.

"And what prey tell, is that supposed to mean?"

Apollo frowned.

"You don't expect him to remain a virgin his whole life, do you Arty?"

Alexios was the one to step forward.

"Actually uncle, I have decided to remove the desire for physical love from myself, and with my father's help, have succeeded."

Apollo stared at the boy for almost five minutes before turning to Naruto.

"Excuse me?"

Naruto sighed.

"He will most likely not be your last nephew, and I refuse to deny my children their hearts desire. He deeply wished to be able to stay with his sisters and mother as a family, and to do that would be to take away his desire for the female form."

Apollo looked between the three immortals.

"So, let me get this straight, after having sex, by giving into your own desires for the flesh, with Artemis, who gave into her desires, you decided to remove his desires? Please explain."

Naruto sighed as he shook his head. Artemis and her hunters were trying desperately to keep themselves from filling Apollo with arrows. Alexios decided to speak for himself.

"It was my choice uncle, this has nothing to do with my parents. Father was very adamant about him being proud no matter my choice, and even offered me four times to change my mind. But after seeing the mortal families, and how the children enjoyed playing with one another, it reminded me too much of my sisters, and how much enjoyment I have had, learning and hunting with each of them. I made the choice uncle, not my parents. If giving up my desire for the flesh is the only way for me to be with my whole family, than I will enjoy my family."

The hunters all smiled, realizing they too had enjoyed helping their lady raise her child.

Naruto smiled as he patted Apollo on his shoulder.

"Maybe next time, you can enjoy buying your nephew some drinks."

Apollo glared at Naruto.

"Maybe I should just kidnap the poor lad before you all turn him into another Alexios."

Artemis frowned at her brother, stepping in front of her family.

"And what do you mean by that Apollo. Do you think there is something wrong with Alexios?"

Apollo rolled his eyes.

"Arty, he hasn't experienced everything life has to offer and you want him to give it all up. Isn't this basically what you gave up when you married Naruto?"

Artemis glared at Apollo.

"I had decided to give men a chance, and have learned that only the perfect man is capable of making me happy, the reason my hunters are all virgin maidens is because of my domains. Besides, I am a virgin."

Artemis gained a smirk as she said the last bit.

Everyone looked at Artemis as if she had grown a second head.


Everyone looked at Alexios, Naruto poking the young man's right arm.

"I do exist dad. I have no idea what mother means either, stop poking me."

Artemis sighed.

"What, never noticed the meaning behind the term, 'New Moon'. I had regained my virginity upon the first new moon after Alexios' birth."

Apollo actually groaned.

"Great, now I have found someone to be more jealous of than father, and he's my brother in law. I hate my male relatives."

Apollo was gone in a flash of light. Naruto looked to Artemis.

"The next meeting on Olympus may be a bit awkward."

Artemis nodded.

Time passes as it always does, and as Naruto said, the next Olympian council meetings were in fact filled with awkwardness, considering Zeus was irritated over someone experiencing something that everyone had assumed would be his alone.

Hermes never shut up about the situation, while the recently made Olympian, Dionysus, who convinced the other Olympians to allow him to join while Naruto was more focused on Artemis and his child.

Naruto had made the fact that Dionysus had practically thrown a tantrum over being an Olympian, to the point that Hestia gave him her spot to stop any fighting, actually pissed him off known quickly and loudly.

Naruto at first, almost tried to punish Dionysus himself, if Hestia hadn't stopped him.

Even after Hestia stopped him, Dionysus had commented that with punishing him having nothing to do with love, Naruto couldn't hurt him.

Naruto glared as his eyes gained a pink glow, before he actually punched Dionysus through his throne.

After chuckling over Dionysus getting punched, Apollo turned to Naruto.

"As much as I agree with you Naruto, how did punching him do with love?"

Naruto smirked.

"It all has to do with Hestia. She is the sweetest of my little adorable nieces. And all I did was defend her honor against a man that laughed at her sacrifice for him."

Artemis smirked as she spoke.

"It's all about perspective Apollo."

Well, back to the present, Dionysus, while drinking a rather nice bottle of alcohol, having been experimenting with the types of booze around the world, was enjoying being able to pick on his father over not being the only one to take a woman's maidenhood over and over again, and even threw the fact that Naruto was able to do it more often than him in his face.

Needless to say, he was put through his throne again, this time by Zeus.

Hephaestus groaned as he conjured a generic plain throne to replace the broken one until Dionysus could pay him to replace his old one again.

Hestia was the only one to really frown at Zeus, even though it wasn't really backed by any real disappointment.

Zeus had every right to be slightly upset, something that was special to his own marriage was now something another couple shared, and she would admit, she would be slightly upset as well, if something special about her own marriage was copied if she were married.

Zeus only took solace in the fact that Hera made the choice to restore her maidenhood, making it slightly more special for them.

Naruto had been the one to drag Dionysus onto his new throne, as the newest god was still feeling the aches and pains.

Apollo soon decided to stop Dionysus' groaning and whining, and healed him.

Dionysus was in for a long road.

Naruto watched and listened to each of his relatives as they talked and reasoned over things not dealing over their own domains, trying to give their reasons and convince the other gods to change something over their domains, sometimes reevaluating their own domains to deal with the situation, other times coming to reasonable compromise, and others changing their domain around to help.

Olympus would go through these meetings for centuries to come, and eventually, as Naruto thought about his current life, he would always wonder about the choice Ananke had made.

What would his world be like if he had not been chosen to oversee the realm of love, beauty, and desire.

Lately, Naruto had discovered the new thoughts on the multiverse one of Athena's children had thought up.

Of coarse the gods all knew of the existence of other realms, and each knew the risks as well.

Naruto had come up with a method to allow them to split and keep ninety-nine percent of their whole power. Through his own experience with the cloning technique from his previous life, which Artemis would commonly tease him about the things he told her about.

Though he regretted telling her of the sexy-no-jutsu. Which she actually had trouble believing a child of six had thought of, let alone invented.

Artemis, another question he desired to know of.

If he hadn't come here after his end, how would she have turned out.

Naruto and Artemis has had two more sons since their first, and have even had a daughter.

Alexios' two younger brothers, Alkaios and Alkimos had each decided to follow him and they even began to refer to themselves as the guardians of the hunt.

Each had gained the blond hair of their father, Alkaios had gained Artemis' physical features, but Alkimos had actually inherited Naruto's own physical features, though he did have Artemis' eyes.

Any man that neared the hunt faced against them.

The huntresses have gained the attention of many men, and Artemis would normally turn them into jackalopes, before allowing her hunters to hunt them.

However, now her sons faced them in honorable combat, and as rare as it was, when the mortal won, which happened only once before, Artemis would hear the male out.

That one time it happened, a man had come searching for his sister, who had joined her hunt, and all he really wanted was to know how she was, wishing to know if she was happy.

Artemis never lived down the fact that her old plan would have only caused one of her hunters to feel bad about killing her brother.

The man had left after speaking with his sister, leaving her with a hug and a simple family heirloom. The man was actually respected when he returned, home, alive, well, and victorious.

The man however, never told anyone of his trials, or how he defeated the guardians of the hunt.

Artemis and Naruto both blessed the man for his choices, and he had actually lived a happy life, and ended up with three little girls, one of which had joined her aunt in the hunt, after finding out about her father's blessing from the hunting goddess.

But back to the three sons.

Each had gone to their uncle Hephaestus to gain weapons and armor.

And after some quests to earn them, which weren't all too hard. Mostly to gain some extra material for the equipment they wanted. They each had some great armor.

Each of the boys were given silver armor, segmented and light, allowing for movement and flexibility so they could keep up with the hunt.

Artemis had smiled when she saw a male form of her hunter's armor, and actually chuckled when she noticed that Hephaestus had added an image of a dove, swooping in front of a moon at different phases on the chest of each of her sons.

The main difference however was the weapons, which matched their names, ironically enough.

Each boy had decided to live up to their namesake.

Alexios, Defender, his moon being the full moon, possessed two tower shields, which were decorated with forest imagery, each able to reflect any non physical attack on them, while being able to stop all but a god's strength from passing. However, if one were to deny the god his offensive capability, he would just raise his shields and swing for the bleachers as Apollo has come to call it.

The last man to mock him wound up in a tree.

While shields were mostly for defending, Alexios had no fear in grabbing the inside of the tops and swinging them around like over sized clubs.

Which is actually how Apollo got his idea for a sport he called baseball.

Alkaios, Strength, who's moon was the crescent moon, decided to wield two bastard swords, both a lovely silver, and each able to find place within any target within range.

Some warriors thought they could defeat him with simply using more force, sadly he had the speed and strength to wield his blades in a way that he has been mistaken for a son of Hermes.

Hermes got a good laugh at the couple when they found people assuming such, though he learned fast not to pick too much, when Artemis and Naruto fused to silence him.

Alkimos, Valiant, who's moon was the half moon, he wields both blade and shield, neither as large as his brother's, his sword, a silver color, with a moon guard was tall enough to reach just below his waist from over his shoulder, where the handle rested for him to draw at a moments notice.

His shield, covered in his own dove moon symbol, was tall enough to cover both his torso and pelvis, and a bit wider than his own broad shoulders.

And as the three brothers chose to guard the hunt, and practically side with their mother, which caused several gods to refer to them as mama's boys, especially by Apollo, Naruto's and Artemis' daughter was a daddy's girl.

Where the boys stayed with the hunt, their daughter, named Korina, had chosen to stay within her father's temple.

Korina was a beautiful young goddess, she had actually gained more of her mother's looks, flowing smooth brown hair, reaching her slender rump, her sapphire eyes were the only thing that differed to her mother.

Korina had a special power, she saw the heart of whomever she looked at.

Naruto figured she saw how people were inside, as Apollo could tell when you were lying, being the god of truth and prophecies, she could tell when you had negative intentions, which she had admitted caused her to enjoy being around her father all the time.

His heart was the most love filled she had found.

Ares had outright frightened her to tears and nightmares when she first saw him.

Apollo also frightened her at first glance, but that was mostly cause she felt uncomfortable around him on a personal space level, going as far as to slap him whenever he neared her.

Hermes had to deal with her never leaving her back to him, while also never allowing herself to be near a wall, which was solved by always being near her father.

Hephaestus however, was given a warm hug as a greeting, him being the only god who didn't have some backhanded feeling, she just felt the warmth of the fires he commanded and the friendly giving nature of his hard work, that he practically gives away.

Dionysus however, she has never been willing to go near, not only did the god give off horrible feelings, but he also smelt like a saloon, usually causing her eyes to water.

Athena and Artemis were also seen as safe havens when her father couldn't be reached.

Korina explained how Athena had a rather leathery appearance, reminding her of the adventures in books that her father read to her, and after telling her about the tales Naruto read, Athena had told her about other books that she felt she would enjoy, and after learning that she couldn't really read due to her ability, Athena decided to read them with her.

Artemis was always described very deer-like, being elegant, yet fierce, majestic and strong, which she was what caused the young girl to say she would enjoy being married to her when she took over for her father as the goddess of love.

Apollo and Hermes couldn't stop laughing, Ares and Dionysus just smirked as they stared, Hephaestus was neutral, just chuckling a bit.

Athena just chose to pick on Artemis quietly.

When Korina met the six original Olympians, she had said Zeus looked almost feathery, static coming from his wing like appendages, Poseidon was described as muscly water, mostly in the shape of a steed, while Hades had a gem like appearance, constantly being told how sparkly he was.

The younger gods never let him live it down.

Hera was difficult for Korrina to describe, though she did say she felt like not enough around her, like trying to stand with someone you felt was better, even though she had a welcoming feeling to her.

Athena hypothesized it was because Hera stood for all a wife should be, and since Korrina has yet to be a wife, she wouldn't be able to describe it well enough.

Demeter was described as a natural essence, like when she met and played with Artemis and her hunt, with how peaceful the nature and the adorable little animals were, being the closest she was able to describe to her.

Hestia was described as the feeling that a mother bear gave off. Korrina explained further that Hestia gave off the feeling of when a proud mamma bear did when she watched over her adorable cubs. Hestia started to refer to Korrina as her little cub ever since.

Hephaestus wound up making a set of glasses for her to allow her to see normally, becoming the first of them to actually need glasses to see normally.

Korrina was usually teased about her adorable librarian look.

Naruto was becoming more and more curious about how he effected the lives of his fellow gods.

If he were not chosen, would Artemis be just as happy? Would Zeus and Hera be as close? Would Hades' marriage with Persephone be any different?

Would things be better, or would they be worse?

Naruto decided to bring his curiosities up with the rest of the Olympians, and as he asked, they all became curious as well, and after Naruto explained his reasoning and new technique, they all decided.

What could be the harm?

Soon, they would find out, just how much the cat regretted being curious.


Finally, I finished this chapter.

Sorry for the delay, at the beginning, it was the stress my job put on me, then I was fired because I was unable to meet the requirements the job had. And now I got a new job that's a bit easier.

So after resting up a bit, and cheering up from getting fired, I have been in a good enough mood to continue.

However, I have read a couple of reviews that caused me headaches.

I have no idea how my description of the 'perfect man' sounded like he described, and I do plan on going into more detail in later chapters, so don't assume anything.

Another one is a comment about how they enjoyed both my fictions and saying it like I am gonna continue my previous one... the previous one is this one, this is a redo of that one, a better version, the old one will be deleted eventually.

Probably around the fourth or fifth chapter of this fiction, considering the next chapter will cover the entire second book, which I have only seen the movie version of, considering no one really starts their fictions there or has yet to reach that point yet...

Well, I hope this chapter has been interesting to read, with it being more of a filler chapter so you all can see somewhat of how Naruto being married to Artemis effected their story.