In the shack under a giant statue looking out to sea, Steven had been in his unusually jittery self today. He sat with his legs restlessly bouncing up and down like pistons on top of the portal in front of the Gem's rooms. Behind resting cutely was his loyal pet Lion. "Come on, come on." Steven said in anticipation. Finally the door started to open with the white gem in the star glowing and opened elegantly with Pearl exiting from the doorway. "PEARL!" Steven shouted more vigorously than usual.

Pearl startled at the sudden greeting, reacted and reached for her gem to pull out her spear, but relaxed when she realized it was just Steven. "Steven... What? Don't scare me like that. You know I don't like surprises." Pearl said breathing heavily and began making her way to the front door of the house

Steven started to jog circles around Pearl and bouncing gleefully. "Sorry, Pearl, I'm just super happy to see you, seeing as it's such a special time of the year."

Pearl stopped when she came to a realization, "That's right, it is how could I have forgotten." Pearl then went straight to the wall which had a calendar which excited Steven even more. As she approached it she looked over it to pull out a map from the shelf. "Winter's coming, we'll need to make use of the time we have now to plan how we're going to handle the cluster when it hatches. Traveling will be a lot tougher in the cold and we may need to get you new snow gear since your growing." Pearl examined the map and started marking locations for their next encounters as well as making a list of needed supplies.

Steven's excitement faded a little, but was not extinguished. "No, I mean…" Steven started, but just then the doorway opened again in blob like fashion and out popped Amethyst carrying a box in her arms. "Amethyst, just who I wanted to see." Steven darted toward her.

Amethyst was in a happy mood as well. "Hey, Steven, what's up? I can't talk right now, I need to take this box somewhere private, it has something special." Amethyst said as she made her way to the door, but Steven joyfully walked backwards in front of her.

Steven could not take his eyes of Amethyst and the box she was carrying. "Oh I see, need to hide it until a certain day happens right? I get it. No need to be so secretive to me, I can-" Steven was too distracted that he walked right into Garnet who had walked in from the front door. "Oh Garnet perfect timing, I bet you all want to start planning for a special event. Wink, wink, I know two special people who will be arriving right, Garnet?" Steven was boastful but soon noticed both Pearl and Amethyst looked confused and stared at each other before inevitably looking at Garnet who only shrugged.

Garnet turned her attention to Steven, "Okay, Steven. I love fun and games as much as the next gem, but I need to use the teleporter. More of those forced fusion gems have been reported being seen close by." Garnet stepped aside and walked past Steven and Amethyst. "I shouldn't be gone long though and I'll be back to tuck you in and read to you tonight if nothing kills me, okay?"

Amethyst opened the door, "Alright, I'm heading out too, just found this box of old fish chip bags from decades ago. They been out of business for a century and mama loves herself some fish chips." Amethyst made her way to the patio and started to eat her chips peacefully while making her way down the stairs.

Garnet was on top of the portal and about to leave when Steven desperately shouted, "Come on, doesn't any of you remember what day is coming up?!" Steven's sudden burst caught the attention of the three gems.

Pearl looked around confusedly, trying to come up with an answer, "Ugh… Friday?" Pearl said hesitantly. The gems again confused looked at each other and started wondering.

Amethyst re-entered the beach house, "Yo, what's up Steven, why are you acting this way?"

Steven with a defeated look on his face, lowered his head. Steven hopped onto Lion who stood quickly and gave off a deep yawn. "Sorry about that guys, it's nothing, I'm going to spend some time at the barn with Peridot. Thanks anyways, guys." Lion roared and a portal projected from his mouth, Steven and Lion jumped through and disappeared, leaving the Gems in an awkward silence.

Just then, Greg, Steven's lovable dad, barged into the shack. "Hey, little Universe, you ready for your birthday coming up?" As he looked around the room, the awkward mood was evident to Greg with the looks on the gems faces turning to a shocked realization. "Oh boy, I really need to work on my timing when I come over."

The three gems immediately looked again at each other, Pearl threw the map she had in the air and panicked, "Oh no, I can't believe I forgot, I mean I can believe Amethyst forgetting, but I'm usually so good with these things it's just with the cluster and the forced fusions appearing…" Pearl desperately said in her defense.

Garnet stepped off the warp pad and comforted Pearl. "Relax Pearl, It's not just you, we all forgot, we've been busy but we forgot that Steven is important to all of us." Garnet stared at Amethyst who was chewing down on her chips. Garnet gave her a look and Amethyst took the situation more seriously.

"Yeah, my bad, we should do something special. It's this weekend right?" Amethyst looked at Greg for the answer since none of them remembered off the top of their heads.

Greg grabbed the calendar off the wall and read it "Yeah, it's this Friday, which is in two days." Greg realized the Gems had not planned a party for him yet. "If you guys are gonna do something we need to do it fast. I gotta concert set up and everything, but you guys might need to do something special for him to make up for forgetting."

The gems nodded to each other and began to plan their surprise. "Don't worry Greg we'll make it up to Steven. We can think of something." Garnet said in her cool confidence, The three smiled at each other and huddled up.

"I'm going to get the party supplies ready" said Garnet.

"I'll send out the invitations" Said, Pearl.

"Can't have a party without food, so I guess that's me." Amethyst said happily.

Garnet put her hand in the middle of the group, "Alright, let's keep it a surprise so let's keep a secret from Steven until preparation is ready okay?" Pearl and Amethyst nodded back and placed their hands on top of each other and broke and made their way to their destinations.

Before leaving, Amethyst stopped half-way out and glanced at Greg, "Hey, do you think the kids might like Fish Chips?" Amethyst said while she handed Greg a bag.

Greg took the bag and read off it. "Fish chips, these are older than my grandpa."

Amethyst took the bag from him "So that's a no, right?" without an answer she opened the bag and started eating from it.

Steven arrived at the barn that once belonged to Greg's relatives. Peridot was allowed to stay on the terms she wouldn't try to escape. After a couple of months of working with the gems she started to gain their trust and a mutual agreement was formed to fight the cluster in order to insure the survival of earth and Peridot since she was stuck there as well.

Steven entered the barn to see Peridot twiddling with a gadget she discovered recently. She often took phones, car parts, computers and other disposed of junk to work on to keep herself busy. "Hey, Peridot!" Steven's voice scared Peridot as she jumped from her work station and glared at Steven.

Peridot breathed heavily and quickly tried to recover her papers and tools. "Ugh, Steven. I'm working here." Peridot quickly grabbed her notes and tried to jot down all the information she was reading off a laptop she created from spare parts.

"Sorry." Steven apologized while Peridot continued her work. Steven eagerly jumped beside Peridot and looked on the screen with her. Peridot started to glow green as he got closer to her and moved over to make room for him. "What are you making now?" Steven asked curiously.

Peridot paused the video of what appeared to be a man explaining some tech stuff. "I'm using your primitive earth tech to create a long distance communicator. With the right material and power source It could send signals not only from across this planet but across entire solar systems." Peridot giggled at her accomplishment.

"Wow, so I could have a conversation with someone on another planet. I wonder what an alien prank phone call would sound like?" Steven said half jokingly.

"It's not a prop for one of your earth gags. Combining earth innovation and Homeworld tech, I could reach a signal far enough to contact homeworld." Peridot boasted but as she did noticed Steven who was now worried what she might do with this tech. "I mean… I would've in the past. Though now I could use it to call home world to take me back once we've saved earth, I guess." Peridot said half-heartedly

Steven remembering why he came over, patted Peridot on the shoulder, "Hey, do you want to hang out and talk?" Steven asked nicely,

Peridot turned to him shortly and snubbed his request, continuing her video and working on her project without saying a word to Steven.

"We can go to the Big Donut, my treat." Steven proposed, Peridot quickly dropped her tools and happily turned to Steven.

Steven and Peridot rode Lion to the Big Donut. It had gotten late, but Steven had attuned his memory to never forget when the Big Donut closes. The Big Donut was just the thing he and Peridot needed. The night air was windy and cold, fall was ending and winter was approaching just like Pearl had said. Luckily Steven had left a jacket at the barn once and put it on as the trio of friends made their way to the best spot on Beach City (To Steven anyways.).

"I know the gems are busy, but how could they forget my birthday?" Steven said to Peridot and Lion who were both unresponsive. "Okay, I don't care about presents or cake, my birthday's special for an even better reason. It's the day we all became a family. Do you think I'm overreacting?" Steven asked Peridot.

Peridot had been listening to her phone the entire time and was ignoring Steven, but noticed him looking at her and took off the headphones she was wearing. "Uh,,,, Were you saying something?" Peridot annoyingly asked.

"It's nothing." Steven said as he stayed silent the entire ride, until they arrived at the patio to the Big Donut.

Much to Steven and Peridot's shock the doorway was marked "Closed". "What?! No this can't be. Lazy humans, make me donuts." Peridot said panickedly banging on the windows. "Steven use your earth paper and give them what they want to make them open this instant."

Steven tried to control Peridot. "That's not how it works. Sorry, usually their open much later, but I guess something came up. Maybe I should head home, It's getting kinda late and the gems are probably worried about me, do you want a ride back to the barn?" Steven asked to no avail while Peridot continued to try and force her way inside. Steven giggled as Peridot made her fruitless attempts and as he began to head home with Lion, he noticed someone sitting on a bench. Upon closer look he noticed it was Sadie, sitting on the boardwalk, checking what seemed to be her cellphone. Steven thought at least he could make conversation with her. Quietly approaching her Steven greeted her "Hi, Sadie, whatcha doing out here?"

Sadie fidgeted and reacted unfamiliarly, she put her device back in her pocket and smiled awkwardly back at Steven. Oddly though Sadie didn't have jacket at night, she only had a beige t-shirt on with black pants, she didn't look cold either. "Uh… Hey Steven, how are you doing… to… night?" Sadie felt odd almost foreign in her speak. Steven sat next to her with a confused look on his face. Sadie turned away awkwardly and faced the ocean but glanced back and forth to Steven.

Steven tried to respond in his usual optimistic tone, "Oh just being my same cool self." Sadie turned to Steven staring intently like she could read he was lying, Steven laid on the bench facing the stars, "I mean, I feel like I should be my same cool self, I should be happy? My birthday's coming and it's a special day for me and the gems, but... we seem so busy that I don't think they care about this like I care about them." Steven turned to his side in a depressive manner facing the Ocean. "I think I'm just being selfish, all I want is for all of us to be happy forever. Is that too much to ask?"

Sadie smiled at Steven, "Yeah, I know how that feels, all I want is for life to continue and stay the same. Even what I do now is… uh… boring, I enjoy what it brings me and to change feels scary. But, that's life; if you don't take change then you can't grow and if you stay in one spot, time and everyone else will pass you by." Sadie rubbed Steven's head "The gems love you, but sometimes priorities must be made and if they're not; bad things can happen to those we love. I'm sure the gems put your safety and happiness above all else, Steven." Sadie continued to rub him until he sat up.

Without missing a beat Steven hugged Sadie tight, "Thanks Sadie, I think I understand now." Steven stepped off the bench and began to make his way home, until Steven was stopped by Sadie pulling on his hand.

Sadie held Steven's hand silently and stood there nervously staring at him. "Uh, hey Steven, if you want? Do you wanna hang out tomorrow?" Sadie asked with a stutter.

"Of course I do, but don't you have the Big Donut shop to deal with?" Steven questioned.

"Oh that place is closed temporarily for gh… plague?" Sadie nervously giggled.

"Hmm, that sounds bad, but as long as it's being taken care of. Hey, I know, I'll call Connie maybe she would be interested in coming too." Steven reached for his phone in his pocket, but Sadie grabbed his hand before he could.

"No, don't. I just want to hang with you Steven, just you."

Steven put down his phone. "Not even Lars." Steven asked.

Sadie simply nodded.

Steven confused and sensing something going on nodded back. Whatever this was that was bothering Sadie, Steven felt he could help her get over it.

Sadie's smiled "Thanks Steven, I really need this, just the two of us bonding. It'll be really cool." Sadie's attitude returned to her normally happy self and she laughed. Steven also laughed back weakly.

Just then Peridot appeared behind Steven, "Ugh, my attempts to enter the great donut has failed…" Before Peridot could finish she noticed Sadie. "You! You're…" but Peridot covered her mouth and glanced at Steven and turned back to Sadie with a little fear in her eyes.

Steven tried to console Peridot who looked worried, "It's okay Peridot, Sadie said the Big Donuts out of commission for a while, we'll get donuts when their up and running again." Steven turned back to Sadie, "Sorry, Peridot was hungry for Donuts, hope she didn't do too much damage."

Peridot was still silent and tried to avoid eye contact with Sadie who she usually got along with well enough, but now felt much different. "Sorry." Peridot said weakly as she shamefully turned her head away from both of them.

The next day Steven woke up and found the shack empty. Steven wondered what everyone was doing, but prepared his lunch and snack for the his of adventure with Sadie. Quickly making his way down the beach Steven saw Sadie in front of the Big Donut. Sadie in her usual fall coat covering her uniform was opening up with some coffee in her hand. Steven had snuck up so well that she didn't notice him. He surprised her so much she jumped up and almost sprayed herself with coffee once she saw his smiling face. "Steven, oh darn, you nearly gave me a heart attack, came for the usual, huh?"

Steven awkwardly stared at Sadie, "Did you forget? Wait isn't the Big Donut clo- " But before Steven could finish, Sadie in sudden realization stopped him mid-sentence.

"Oh, Steven, ugh I just remembered been meaning to ask you about something, please wait here, I'll be right back." Steven waited at the front as Sadie went to the back store room.

Steven stood there with his gear, but It was just thirty seconds later until Steven was attacked from behind and he jumped. Sadie carrying a big bag of gear ran past him. "Gotcha, c'mon we need to reach the bus early or else we'll be late."

Steven in glee followed after her. "Alright, by the way, what were you going to ask me?" he asked while running.

Sadie looked back with an odd look on her face and then came to a realization, "Oh right, it was nothing. Don't worry about it."

The pair arrived at the bus station, but as they noticed the terminal times had only one minute left before departure and the driver was already getting ready to close the doors. As they dashed to the bus, Steven noticed he forgot to let everyone know what he was doing. "Hey, Sadie, I forgot to call my dad." Steven began to pull out his phone but as he did Sadie raised her hand to wave at the bus driver and knocked the phone out of Steven's hand, the phone fell and slid under a bench. "Oh no, my phone" Steven attempted to reach for the phone from under the bench but was quickly pulled by Sadie.

Sadie pulled Steven effortlessly onto the bus, "Don't worry Steven, I already talked to your dad and the Gems before I left. Don't worry Steven it's fine" Sadie said trying to keep Steven cool. "Plus, I'm sure the station has a lost and found at the terminal. I'm sure they can hold it for you." Steven hesitant to agree trusted Sadie's judgement since she was always responsible and kind to him. So he and Sadie went on their way.

The bus started to make its way through Beach City, Steven inspected the bus only to find one other person with them. An older man, with an eyepatch and mustache, he wore a brown suit and had balding hair. The man sat straight in a polite manner with his legs closed and hands on his lap in the backseat of the bus. He sat there quietly and didn't move. Steven stared a little bit because he recognized the man from Beach City but never talked to him. While staring at him, the lanky man glanced back at Steven, quickly the man pulled out a book and began reading from it. Steven turned back to Sadie who was sitting on the window seat.

Sadie had been staring outside the window looking at all the nature passing by as they left the city. "Isn't beautiful, Steven? Ya know, there is so much in this world we just take for granted, something pictures can never do justice." Steven nodded in agreement. He reminisced on all the beautiful majestic places he and the Gems had gone to for adventures.

Steven looked out the window with her, "Ho boy, I haven't been camping in forever, if you don't count that island adventure." He jumped to the other side to check the other window. "I went with my dad a long time ago, but I'm surprised he didn't want to come." Steven sat back on the chair "Why wouldn't he?"

Sadie quickly moved closer to Steven, "Your dad wanted you to enjoy yourself, said he wanted us to hang out for a bit since he and the gems needed time prepping your- Oops I may have said too much." Sadie said in a coy tone. Steven face light up, he knew his dad and the gems wouldn't have forgotten his birthday.

Steven started fidgeting in excitement at the thought of what was going to happen for his birthday tomorrow. "Sadie, I get it." Steven gave a more or less obvious wink back at her, causing Sadie to giggle and Steven to laugh, while the eye-patched stranger in the back watched them from afar.

The bus after a couple of stops arrived at s bus stop. Steven and Sadie got off the bus looked at the bench with a large map behind it. Sadie moved forward to read off of it. "Hmm says we're here." Sadie pointed to red spot with "You are here" written above it. Steven too inspected the map, but turned his head slightly as he noticed the eye-patched man had also exited from the bus as well. The man made no glances or gestures to Steven nor Sadie, but walked on the path that lead further up the road. "Steven" Sadie said suddenly, as Steven was distracted by the stranger who suspiciously left the bus without any gear whatsoever. Sadie took Steven's hand and again pointed to the map. "Here's the campground, we just need to take this trail and we'll be there in a half mile walk." Steven smiled back at her and nodded weakly to her then turned back to the eye-patched man, but as Steven looked he was gone.

Sadie guided Steven to the camp site by going on the trail that was opposite where the man had gone, but a suspicious feeling stayed with Steven as they made their way to the camp site.

After much trekking Steven and Sadie rested at a space with a couple of rocks. Sadie showed no signs of fatigue, but the half mile march left Steven with sweat on his pits and back. Steven threw his body to the floor and rested, "Phew! That was a little much for me, but I can still go on if you want to, Sadie." Steven still lying, turned his head to Sadie, who had been surveying a map she brought with her.

Sadie looked up from her map and folded it back into the back pocket of her shorts. She climbed the largest rock in front of her and gazed far into the distance, before carefully climbing down. "We should probably set up a few more yards down, there's a good spot not far from here." Sadie continued down the trail, Steven could barely move.

Steven attempted to lift himself up but the weight of his bag kept him down. "Uh... I'll be right behind you, just give me a second." Steven grunted as he tried to lift himself up but it felt like something was pulling him down, Steven struggled until he was pulled up.

Sadie lifted Steven off the ground with ease and placed him on his feet. "Sorry, Steven, if you want to rest we can take a break." Sadie said in her usual heartfelt manner.

Steven nodded and the two decided to rest at the campsite. In the distance, Steven felt a presence and turned, he could've sworn he saw a yellow light flash in his direction behind him. Steven looked around just to make sure, but there was nothing to be seen.

Sadie moved down the trail with her map, "Hey Steven, while you rest I'll scout ahead, make sure no snakes or wild animals attack us on the way okay?" She waved to Steven and made her way down the trail.

Steven pulled off his backpack to rest, but noticed that something was moving inside. Quickly Steven threw the bag to the floor and jumped on top of a nearby rock.

"Ouch!" A small voice squeaked from Steven's bag. A green highlighted cat crawled from Steven's bag and angrily glared at him. "Be gentle, that really hurt. By the way, you didn't bring enough chips." Peridot said in her cat form while pulling out an empty chip bag.

Steven's surprise turned to relief to see his friend and not a snake. "Peridot, what are you doing here?"

Peridot licked the crumbs from her fur cutely while explaining to Steven, "I just came to check on you. I just thought it might not be safe is all." Peridot said with her face glowing a little green.

Steven stepped off the rock and knelt next to her while cleaning up his gear. "I'm okay, I got Sadie with me. Trust me she's stronger than she looks."

Peridot crawled toward Steven and whispered in a quiet voice. "Steven, I'm not sure you can trust her, you need to be careful."

"Sadie's one of my closest friends, she's always been nice to me." Steven said in his friend's defence.

Peridot hesitated to say more, but tried her best to keep Steven informed, "Just... watch your back and don't tell her I'm here." Peridot crawled back into Steven backpack and rested inside.

"Yo, Steven. Trail looks pretty safe, you rested enough?" Sadie motioned to Steven from ahead of the trail to signal him, Steven waived back and continued on his hike.

After a good fifteen minutes of walking, Steven and Sadie made their way to the campsite. "We're not too far now." Sadie said confidently back to Steven who was a little more tired than she was.

Steven's feet already felt sore as he walked further. "Steven needs rest now." Steven said in a deep voice. They walked forward a couple of more steps until finally Steven walked into her and fell back. Steven got up and saw Sadie starring to her right. Steven turned to where she was staring and saw a stream of bright blue water had run parallel to the trail, the sun which was high in midday reflected off glistening the stream like if it were a crystal. Sadie and Steven turned to her left and smiled, the campsite was right next to the stream. The two placed their gear on the camping ground and changed into their swim clothes. When ready, the pair of friends jumped in the stream and relaxed in the cool water.

Steven turned on his back and floated gently on the water. "Ah, I feel like a life preserver floating gently on the-." Just as he was relaxing, his body was flipped over and he sunk into the water.

Steven swam up and saw Sadie was in a fighting stance, "No rest for you, Steven, we must fight." Sadie said in a comical voice similar to Steven's animes.

Steven returned the gesture with his own pose. "I shall avenge my father, Hyah!" Steven pushed water into Sadie's face.

She retaliated quickly with her own push, "You can't beat me, you're too naive"

"I have only begun to fight, BUSTER WAVE!" Steven shouted as he pushed water in rapid fire succession at Sadie.

Sadie started laughing and quickly returned back fire, "TSUNAMI SLICE!" Sadie said chopping water at Steven. Steven and Sadie continued to shoot water at each other as well as do jumps into the stream.

The fun had set in so well, that time flew quickly. Before they knew it, the sun was setting. Sadie and Steven were resting on the rocks after a long day of playing. "Hmm... Such an awesome day, this is the life." relaxing on his beach towel and resting under the shade was what Steven needed after such a their activities.

Sadie laid back and put her hands behind her head and soaked in the cool breeze of the forest. "Yeah, glad you enjoyed it. I really hope we can enjoy more days like this in the future." As she said this, tears had started to roll down her cheek and she began to sniffle.

Steven noticed her crying, quickly he sat up "Sadie what's wrong? Did I say something? Some water get in your eye?"

Sadie wiped the tears from her eyes and smiled back at Steven, "No, I'm alright, it's just that no matter how hard you try, you can't relive the past. We always remember the best times in our life even though at the time we don't know they're the best because we always assume things will stay the same." Immediately Sadie began to cry again, but she quickly got back her composure and stood with a determined look in her eyes. "But we can't live in the past no matter how great it was, we have to move forward?"

Steven felt like crying too, but instead smiled at her, "Yeah, if we do, how are we gonna make even happier memories." Sadie looked taken aback by his comment, but returned his smile as if his happiness was contagious, the pair laughed in each others company.

Sadie sat back down and cleared her face, "Geez, you're such a dork."

"We're both dorks!" Steven said still giggling.

Later that night, Steven and Sadie set up their tents and sat around the fire she made and they roasted marshmallows on sticks. Steven looked impressed at Sadie, she had set up the campsite with relative ease. "Wow, Sadie, you're so skilled at camping. You're like a real life Explorer Gal."

Sadie smiled at the compliment, "Yeah, I've had plenty of experience looking out for myself." Sadie then looked behind Steven closely.

Steven turned to look behind him and noticed the setting sun had begun to reflect off something far in the woods. "What's that?" Steven began walking towards the direction of the glare.

Sadie quickly followed behind trying to stay with Steven. "Hey, Steven, we shouldn't go out too far. It's getting dark." Sadie quickly caught up with Steven and blocked his path.

"Sadie, I think it might be some Crystal Gem Biz. If you want to stay behind you can, but I need to check it out." Steven said determined to move forward.

Sadie looked back determined to stay, but inevitably sighed, "Fine, but we go together." Sadie stepped aside and pulled out a flashlight. She walked together with Steven toward the glare.

Steven and Sadie got closer to the source and what appeared to be shinning was getting bigger in the distance. The pair arrived at the spot and discovered giant pointed pillars encircling what appeared to be a giant pad. Steven quickly examined the sight. He brushed off the moss and grass to reveal the pad and pillars were all made of crystals, like the warp pads the gems used. "Wow, it's a giant warp pad. It must be ancient." Steven moved around the pad and continued checking for more clues. "It looks like it been here for hundreds of years. The moss and grass cover almost all of it, what do you think, Sadie?... Sadie?"

Sadie had not moved from when Steven and her first arrived at the pad. She was muttering to herself too low for Steven to hear.

Just then Peridot popped out of Steven's backpack and hid herself from Sadie's gaze, "Steven be careful. I think this is one of the original warp pads from when the Empire first controlled this planet, just leave quickly before -." Peridot quickly popped back into the bag as Sadie continued to talk to herself. "I think it's best for both of you to go before something happens. This place is giving me the creeps." Peridot whispered through the bag.

Steven tried to help Sadie and walked towards her. "Sadie, what's the matter. Are you okay?"

Sadie fidgeted a bit and turned her gaze to avoid eye contact with Steven, "Nothing, listen, we should head back. We shouldn't have head out this far, bears might be out here for all we kno-" Just as she was finishing her sentence a yellow light appeared on Steven's face and moved down his body. The light continued to go down until it was now on Sadie's back. The pair turned to see where the light was coming from.

"Step away from the boy." Said a deep voice. The bright yellow light blocked their vision and the two couldn't make out who was talking in the darkness. Sadie and Steven didn't move, "I said step away and no one gets hurt." The stranger said again.

Steven attempted to try and smooth over the situation, "Um... Sorry is this your pad, we didn't mean to trespass." Steven said with a choppy tone. Just then a tiny red dot appeared over Sadie.

"I'm not gonna repeat again, step away from the boy or suffer the consequences, this is your last warning." repeated the stranger more aggressively with a charging sound coming from his direction.