He - Harry Potter - walked down the street the cool air bitter in his exposed skin wrapping his cloak tighter around the bundle he carried, his burden wailed in hunger. He needed help he was exausted he had nothing no money left not after his family investments turned bad his vault had been drained after the war in the rebuild, he'd given up everything for the wizarding world but would the wizarding world help him hell no, fuck he'd died to save the wizarding world. He stumbled strength failing he slid into the brick wall - he couldn't stop he had to get the baby to St Mungo's at least the baby would be safe - he was still a good 10 miles away. Part of him wished he would have left the infant he held but he knew better the baby was safer with him then the hell hole he'd found the poor mite in. He leaned into the brick wall for a moment then stood straight and started walking again only to crash into a person this must have been the last straw for his already over taxed body for he promptly blacked out.

He woke feeling a soft bed under him soft sheets he was warm for the first time in a few years his first thought was the baby he sat up eyes wide searching but his head swam he groaned.

"Lay back the infant is safe as are you, your suffering from both magical and physical exhaustion, your also on the verge of starvation, also a serious case of malnutrition , when was the last time you had anything to eat?" A soft deep voice asked gently the speaker a Wizard by the Magical exhaustion comment.

"Other then a little bread a couple weeks ago, last month." Voice horse from disuse he hadn't spoken allowed in months since he'd done some manual work with a nice older Muggle couple who'd given him some money and a hearty meal with leftovers to go.

"Don't you have any where to go family, friends that would take you?" The voice asked softly Harry recognized it as male something about it was familiar.

"No my parents died when I was little, my godfather at 15, my other godfather at 17, after I lost everything a few years back my best friend stopped talking to me haven't heard anything from him nor his family I don't blame them I'm responsible for most of the pain their family has suffered. My other best friend disappeared after we left school to look for her family haven't seen or heard from her in 3 years. I have no one not that it bothers me I'm use to relying on myself I was doing ok by myself but then I found the kid in a drug house strung up on a really bad muggle substance and couldn't leave the poor thing there knew he was better off at a orphanage then there. His Mother just let it lay in a soiled nappy and day with very little food." He answered shrugging trying to sit up a little slower he managed rubbing a bony hand to thin face.

"You should rest more I'll get you something light to eat." He looked up to the male speaker pale blonde hair and silver eyes greeted him, Draco Malfoy was his savior his handsome face was drawn in concern.

"You've done more then enough for me already, Draco I'll leave with my reverent thanks and only ask you see the kid to St. Mungo's and put with a good family." He asked standing swaying dangerously he was about to topple forward again when a large warm hand wrapped around his own, Draco had strode forward and steadied him he tilted his head a little and saw how tall Draco Malfoy had become. He must be near 6' 4'' and filled out lean but muscular a lot stronger then Harry himself had ever been.

"Thank you." He said placing a hand to his head his head throbbed in pain.

"Your killing yourself Po.. Harry." His voice was stunned unsure why he had called him by his given name.

"It doesn't matter anymore Draco I gave up living a long time ago I was sure I was gonna die during the war I made my peace with it. I'm ready for it and wish everyday it would come quicker, I want to see my family they are waiting for me. I have nothing tying me to this world Andromeda took my godson and left the country and refused any owls I sent I used a lot of my inheritance looking for them and when I say a lot I mean most of it, but he is safe and loved. I want to hug my Mum, Dad, Sirius, Remus, Fred, and Hell I even want to hug Severus. Then ask Him, Dad, Sirius, Remus to help me get even with Dumbledore I'm so tired Draco." He rambled his words had no filter. Draco steered Harry back to the soft bed and forced Him to sit.

"Your staying here Harry, sit don't move I'll go start you a bath you need one." He stated firmly then called.

" Galwan." a framiliar pop sonded and a high pitched voice.

"Yes, Master Malfoy." The elf bowed.

"Go collect a change of clothing for our guest from my closet bring them back here, then go start something light for dinner." Draco ordered Harry heard a pop as the elf left.

"Wont he be free now that he's in your closet?" the question was slurred and shaky.

"He was already free new wizard law all house elf's that want to be free are given wages and vacation time, Granger started it before she left I haven't heard anything about her in a while. I prefer it this way I don't have to do laundry its quite nice, but you can get a bonded elf to do laundry you just have to order all the loop holes out of it." The blonde man laughed "stay here I'll draw a bath." He walked across the room to an open door and Harry heard water running the elf popped back in the room and set some clothing for him on the end of the bed and without speaking left the same way. Draco appeared a moment later and was slowly pulling him to his feet and towards the bathroom.

"Draco you don't have to do this." He said softly trying and failing to not feel small compared to the blond.

"And by 'this' you mean?" Draco asked helping him out of his dirty grimy ripped shirt.

"Help me your letting me bathe and having your house elf cook food for me I haven't had so much nice happen to me in a long long time." His voice once again giving out slowly.

" I'm helping because I want to Harry so just let me all you need to worry about is eating sleeping and bathing understood." Draco's voice was soft concerned and caring something that Harry hadn't heard since before the war. It was foreign to 20 year old Harry almost as foreign as it was to eleven year old Harry. The man before him wasn't the boy he once loathed nor the once scared young man forced to take the dark mark he didn't know the Draco he was letting help him. He turned and unbuttoned his pants letting them and his underwear pool at his bony ankles. With Draco's help he stepped out of his clothing and into the beautiful bathtub it was a old claw footed thing of beauty.

As he sat in the perfect temperature water he let out a content sigh it felt amazing to actually be warm and safe. What a odd feeling safe in the home of Draco Malfoy his ex arch-enemy but something told him he was safe even depleted as he was he could still tell things like this. Draco's magic swirled around him like a balm calming and strong reaching into him and slowly helping his own magic reserves renew.

"How's the water?" Draco asked his voice still soft handing Harry a lavender smelling bar of soap.

"Heavenly I always loved baths." He sighed lathering the soap Draco had given him and dragging it over himself the dirt and grime washing away . He soaked his hair using the bar to get the worst of the dirt and sweat out pulling the drain he stood and let Draco turn the shower on he stood getting all soap off of him. He let Draco turn off the spray and wrap a large fluffy red towel around him and help him out of the bath. Draco helped him out of the bathroom and into the clothing the elf had gotten. Draco had to shrink them a little to fit his much smaller frame but they smelled delightful and were soft on Harry's skin and even after being shrunk were a little big on him nothing like Dudley's hand-me-downs, besides these were Draco's top of the line muggle brand clothing nothing dirty and torn here. Hugging Draco's clothing to him he was content for the first time in a very long time.

"I don't know how to thank you." He began nervously feeling loads better already.

"No need to thank me Harry I've already inquired about a family for the child for now he can stay here as well. Do you feel up to some food?" Draco asked nodding slightly he let Draco help him down a short flight of stairs and into the kitchen and helped him sit down and Harry ate the most wonderful porridge he'd ever had in his life. He could only manage a quarter of it before he felt full.

" Can I see the baby?" He asked hesitantly Draco smiled still eating his snack when he was done he stood and escorted Harry to a large beautiful nursery. The infant was dozeing lightly in a beautifully hand carved baby cot. Harry reached out a thin hand softly touching the bundle relived the baby was safe and sound warm and fed.

"Glad your ok little one soon you'll have a happy home to go to you'll be loved and charished the way a child should be." Makeing his voice as soft as he could despite the gruff quality of dissuse it would get batter as he got more use to it. He watched the baby breathe slowly in and out it was slightly hypnotic he hadn't realized but he'd started to doze off leaning into the baby cot untill he felt himself being lifted and setled into a chest a warm large insanely comfortable chest. Draco was carrying him bridal style as if he weighed absolutly nothing he probably didn't he mused Draco could probably lift him even when he was a healty weight. Draco carried him out of the room.

"You don't have to carry me I can walk." he said sleepily his head leaning into the other man's shoulder.

"Yes I do your exausted you need more rest to get your strength back. Don't you worry about nothing I'll take care of the baby or rather Mother is takeing care of him you know he's safe with her." Draco says voice deeper then before with his ear pressed to Draco's chest.

"Yes, she'll protect him I trust her." Harry replied with complet honesty after Narcissia had saved him from Voldermort during the last battle his respect for the Malfoy Matron was astounding after the war he had defended both her actions and Draco's during the war and wouldn' t hear a bad word about either Malfoy that was when he started haveing problems with his supposed best friend, Ron wouldn't hear a good word about them he refused to see the Malfoy's in any good light.

"That means alot to her Harry she's always going on about how we should have helped you sooner and that you didn't deserved this and that and continually refuses to talk about anything else. Not that I minded I always wish I'd have been braver during the war wish I could have helped you." He laied Harry on the bed speaking gruffly. Harry had passed out the monent his head touched the pellow. Draco stood back glanceing down and the broken once proud Boy-who-lived- to-kill-The-Dark-Lord, the Harry Potter he once knew was gone or so the Malfoy heir thought or maybe it was him that changed he knew the war took alot of his pride and hate but didn't think it extended so far that he would pick up a stranger and bring him here he hadn't known it was Harry Potter untill he'd wiped sweat from the forehead of the gaunt boy.

Draco shut the room door behind him casting a spell that would alert him when Harry woke.