The News of the marriage Law hit the Wizarding world like a tsunami it raged for weeks after the announcement. Of the Unwed Weasley men Only Charlie was unable to find a fiance in a week, George had popped the question to Angelina the next day, Percy had finally confronted his long time crush Oliver Wood and told him everything to his shock Oliver swept Percy up and kissed him then dragged him directly to the Ministry and had the minister marry them.

Draco and Harry planned their ceremony for December 1st securing their date with Kingsley himself. Marcus Conned Hermione Into Marrying him the Next week after the announcement. During the Chaos of that week Malfoy Manor remind unchanged a refuge for the Family as the Wizarding world Imploded in anger and Hate.

As for the Family they remind just that becoming the powerhouse of the Wizarding world the new Lady Flint worked tirelessly with the Minister to overturn as many outdated laws and start to get the Wizarding World into the 21st century. Unfortunately since the Wizengammot wanted the Marriage Law it stuck until 3 years after its release due to the rise in births out of the pairs matched only 10 percent ended in separation the ones without children mainly.

Years passed and the family remained in Malfoy Manor which became overrun with Children, then Grand Children. Love filled the halls and grounds of the Manor that once held the Dark Lord. The past not erased but forgotten and left to die as life moved forward.


That's the end friends I'm quite happy to end it and let everyone imaging the children of our pairs .

I like it better that way, As the story got written things change and it got a bit more added to it.

Thank you everyone who has read and encouraged this story I will be moving on from this one and

True Monster are now both complete.

Many fond wishes to you all and hope you support my other works the way you have this one
