Authors note: I recently watched the newest episode of Gotham…and I was a tad disappointed how it all came about. So I decided to take matters into my own hand, not sure if others have taken this leap and if so I am happy to be among you, I thought Cameron did an excellent job portraying the maniacal clown and so in my own twisted way…things aren't always what they seem, every good magician knows…a sleight of hand goes a long way. Set shortly after Jerome is stabbed and wheeled off to his supposed end.


Laughing in blood

CH.1: Death with a smile

Jerome had not expected Theo to betray him, oh who was he kidding the sicko with a flair for breaking people out of Arkham was bound to throw each and every one of them under the bus eventually. It was only a matter of time and his time was up. Lying there to bleed out on the stage he wears one final smile as he loaded onto a stretcher and pronounced death, his reign of terror had ended and Theo got what he wanted…he was a hero.

Once he was taken into the ambulance he questioned his legacy and what it would account to in the city. His father's words still hung with him…but he fought the very concept that he would not be around to see it through. As the ambulance door closed with a resounding sound he figured that was it…that was the life of Jerome…out with a stab to the freaking neck. And then the ambulance stopped and Jerome found it odd that in the end he was placed in an ambulance that did not do its job, no sorry, the driver.

How it was possible for his brain to be still active was a mystery…he should be dead…he should be celebrating the afterlife and seeing his mother and father…perhaps happier than they ever were alive. There was the sound of a scream, some bullets flying and then the doors swung open and there was a voice…was it god apologizing for abandoning him or was it Satan welcoming him with open arms? Jerome had never been too religious, not too keen on set rules and such…and yet he followed Theo like a puppy wanting to please its master.

"This is the one we're after…bring him back to life and fix the driver to look like him, they appear to be the same weight and body build. Inject him with his blood…and meet me back at the warehouse." And with that Jerome stopped listening…his brain was shutting down and any sound that was there seemed but a whisper. And then nothing.

"Augh…what the hell?" Jerome sat up rather fast and looked around noting he was in a dark warehouse with the lights dimmed and his body was covered in clothing that seemed a little too big for him.

"Glad to see you up. Welcome back to the world of living Jerome…I am sure you have many questions. I will answer the first…the name is Slammer, Oscar Slammer and I am huge fan of your work, not the suit but you. I've been experimenting with ways to resuscitate the human body after heavy blood loss and major organ shut down. Note that I said experimenting for 9 out of 10 die or become vegetables where only the brain keeps working. I was once a doctor…till they took my license away figuring my methods were inhumane. See your brain was still working after the stab wound…and your resolve to stay alive kept you from slipping away altogether. True these don't account for much in a patient with heavy loss of blood such as yourself…but here we are and you are back among us."

Jerome wished this guy would stop talking as he swung his legs over the side of the table but he could not get his legs to function. "Well doc…what about the legs…can't have living without walking now can we?"

"Oh yes those…they will come back soon enough. I wanted to first have your full undivided attention before you gave Gotham a reason to sleep with one eye open. I do not have powers, I do not light up or fly…I am a mortal…but I was gifted with a brilliant mind to overcome any obstacle…even those deemed impossible in medical science. With the right amount of knowledge of the human body and certain drugs it is possible to keep the ball rolling as it were. And you Jerome…you are a class act not to be out staged by anyone else."

Jerome figured he had him there…after all a true performer did not let the true artist take the bow before him. Still what did he get out of this? Jerome swayed back and forth getting used to feeling his body move instead of lie around like a corpse. He was far from a corpse however his skin was paler than he remembered it. "What do you get out of this…man of shadows?"

In that entire time he had been lying there and coming to he was watching from the shadows never revealing his true face. What was so scary about this person they kept to themselves?

"I simply want you to be you…no holding back or taking instructions when you are the true artist. You are the Master of ceremonies…you command the entire show. I have brought you back to bring Gotham mayhem…to show Theo you are no puppet whose strings can be pulled. Next time he stabs you…he should go for the heart. The neck…very intimate with a sharp weapon but it shows no class."

The person seemed to adjust some gloves and Jerome attempted to step down when he heard clapping. His ears were attuned to sound once more though it came as an echo. "Who is clapping…show yourself!"

"My my what a temperament on this one…you sure he was worth bringing back?" The voice was feminine, very low and husky and Jerome saw heels first followed by a person dressed in black, her face was hidden behind a black veil.

"Jerome I would like you to meet the person who funded this operation…among many others. Much like you she too was dead…her lungs filled with water and her skin cold to the touch. I was out…getting rid of something when I found her. She was once a powerful leader in Gotham…till a certain King of Gotham pushed her over the edge. Shall I introduce you dear…or shall you do so yourself?"

Jerome had heard about her…she was quite the vicious lady who was one of three power house players in Gotham. His skin tingled in excitement and as she stepped into the light her veil was lifted and two different eye colors shined in her eyes. A gloved hand raised in the air and her presence took center stage.

"I go by many names…but my friends call me Fish," she beamed a smile and Jerome could see he was in good company.

Authors note: Before you point it out yeah his death on Gotham brought on the real criminal clown, but, to me Jerome is and forever will be the Joker. And with Fish Mooney back in the picture the dead shall rise and wreak havoc on Gotham. This is merely an alternate to Jerome's fate.