My Pretend Family/Couples Retreat


MadamScorpio 2015

Disclaimer: I don't own or profit from Inuyasha or the logos used in this fanfiction. They belong to their respective owners. All rights reserved for the theme, plot, and fictional places used in this fanfiction by me.

"Oh Inuyasha, you have a beautiful office. I don't see any family pictures. Are you still single?" a woman asked making small conversation.

"Well I-well," Inuyasha was stuttering.

"I knew it! All work and no play. Are you still pining over me? It's been what, six or seven years. You would think a guy like you would have a girlfriend by now at least," Kikyo said.

"Well I-," Inuyasha started to say but Kikyo interrupted him.

"It's ok. I know when I broke up with you it seemed to be out of nowhere. I had my reasons. I just hoped that you would have moved on," Kikyo said and walked towards Inuyasha to put her hands against his chest.

"Now Kikyo, listen here-,"Inuyasha tried again.

-Door Opens-

"Inuyasha, I'm sorry but I have to pick up Kenji. He's throwing up at school. Reschedule lunch?" a black haired woman said peeking in Inuyasha's massive office. Inuyasha looked up and over to the door.

A light bulb immediately click.

"Ka-Kagome. Come here and meet my old friend from college," Inuyasha said beaconing Kagome inside of the office fully.

Kagome opened the door wider and there was another woman in his office dressed in a tight maxi dress and black name brand sandals, with her long black straight hair braided to the side.

Kagome thought to herself, 'where's the funeral?'

Kagome had a beige lace romper on and a jean jacket with teal wedge sandals and a big brown leather tote bag. She had her black hair in a messy bun on the top of her head.

Kagome reached out her teal polished manicured hand to shake the woman's french manicured hand.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Kagome Higu-" Kagome started but was interrupted by Inuyasha shouting out, "Takahashi," in place of her last name.

Both women turned to look at him, one incredulous the other perplexed.

"Remember honey. The poor thing. We've been married for six months and she still uses her maiden name. You're the cutest babe. People are going to think that we are not married,"Inuyasha hugged Kagome and pulling her out of staring at him.

"Oh! So you did get over me? I'm glad but disappointed you didn't invite me to the wedding. I must really talk to your mother about this! Not sharing that tidbit with me," Kikyo said making a big show of pulling out her phone and scrolling through her contacts.

"That's not necessary. We just did a small Vegas Wedding and we plan on doing a bigger one later on, right Kaggie?" Inuyasha nervously chuckled.

He turned to look at a dazed and confused Kagome.

She heard her name and shook her head. She didn't have the foggiest of what she was agreeing to.

"Well ok! I'll save that chat another day. Getting back to the reason I am here. I came here to invite you to my annual Couples Retreat Camping Trip. I was going to set you up with a girl I know but I see that that is not necessary. Anywho here's the invite. Sesshomaru and Rin, Miroku and Sango, Koga and Ayame, Naraku and I, and Oh yes! Hojo and Kagura already RSVP to be there. Your parents and mine are going to be there the first night at dinner. The dress is semi-formal for the first night. The rest of the weekend is to dress comfy," Kikyo said handing the invitation to Inuyasha.

Inuyasha read it and saw the itinerary on the back of it. There was a day of games for the couples to participate in.

"I don't think I am going to be able to make it," Kagome said finally grasping what she would have to continue on with this blatant lie.

"Nonsense babe," Inuyasha trying not to panic. He needed Kagome in the worst of ways.

"What about my, I mean, our son?" Kagome asked trying not to get angry.

"My grandmother always goes and she babysits the kids for the entire weekend," Inuyasha said making a mental note to call his grandmother to make sure it was alright.

"Well I will let you two love birds work out your logistics. I on the other hand have a hair appointment. Talk to you later Yashie!" Kikyo said walking towards the door to leave.

"Let me get the door for you,"Inuyasha said making his way to the door.

"Always the gentleman," Kikyo said giggling and patting Inuyasha on his cheek.

Inuyasha tried not to let that simple gesture make him blush.

"Bye Kikyo," Inuyasha said and closed the door and didn't turn around to face the woman behind him.

"Mind explaining how this morning I was a single mother and walk in your office I'm married now? How did I miss that ceremony in Vegas? Who was that woman to you really Yashie?" Kagome emphasized the name Kikyo used.

"Oh Kagome," Inuyasha said turning around and whining her name.

He loosened the black tie around his neck and unbutton the top button of his grey button down. He placed his hands in the pockets of his black dress pants.

"I'm waiting," Kagome said with her hands on her hips.

Inuyasha sighed in defeat. He walked to where she was to begin his tale.

"That was Kikyo Mino. She is married to Naraku Mino who is a very influential divorce lawyer. Kikyo and I use to date back in high school and first two years in college. She broke up with me to be with him. Three months later they are happily married. I was going to propose to her the night she called it quits. That broke my heart and in turn I met you at the bar,"Inuyasha said now staring out of his window in his office.

"Oh Yash. I didn't know," Kagome said coming up behind him and wrapping her arms around his middle.

"Well now you know my sucky love life," Inuyasha said turning around to look in Kagome's brown colored eyes.

"Well I'm sorry," Kagome said hugging him from the back tighter.

"Sorry enough to be my pretend wife for that weekend?" Inuyasha asked turning around with full blown sexy puppy dog eyes.

" I-ugh, where and when is this shindig?" Kagome asked taking a deep breath and making up her mind to help her friend.

"Two weeks from now. Talk to Jakotsu and see if you can get off,"Inuyasha said walking to his calendar on his desk.

"Yeah, yeah I'll call and plead for mercy. Just so you know, he's not the issue. My current boyfriend Bankotsu might find it a problem that I'm going to some resort posing as a married woman and not to him!" Kagome said realizing her predicament she put herself in without thinking.

"He'll get over it and be ok with it. Plus it'll give me a chance to woo my wife away from him. I'm tired of pretending that we are just good friends and that Kenji isn't mine but his," Inuyasha said after twirling Kagome in relief that she agreed and putting her back against his slowly erect front.

"Inuyasha! That was a weak moment," Kagome tried to reason with Inuyasha and pushing away from him to get some space.

"That doesn't stop me thinking about it. Also DNA confirmed that that day we conceived a beautiful baby together," Inuyasha pointed out in frustration of the same debate resurfacing again.

"Inuyasha you really should stop thinking about that," Kagome turned and looked Inuyasha in the eye.

"So kissing you here, grabbing you here and touching you here I shouldn't do that?" Inuyasha asked changing the tune from obvious anger to manipulating Kagome's erroneous spots.

"Yash please. I need-,"Kagome was interrupted by her cell phone ringing in her hand.

Ring Ring

"Hello?"Kagome asked a little out of breath, pushing Inuyasha to stop but he smirked and placed his hand inside Kagome's shorts massaging the inside of her thigh.

"Ms. Higurashi? This is Nurse Hitomiko. Just checking to see if you was still on your way?" Nurse Hitomiko asked.

"Yes! I had to make a quick stop," Kagome said slapping Inuyasha's hand away.

He caught her hand and started to suck on her fingers.

"Oh it's ok. Kenji wanted to stay for the remainder of the day. He said he felt better after throwing up and using the bathroom," the nurse informed Kagome.

"Oh that's good. Ok ,well, tell him I'll see him at 2 then," Kagome said turned away from Inuyasha after she got her fingers away. She was trying not to sound or look disappointed about her escape being ruined.

"Of course Ms. Higurashi, good bye," the nurse said and hung up after Kagome said bye as well.

Kagome held her phone in her hand and cursed to herself.

'Damn, my get-out-of-his-office card blew up in my face,'Kagome thought to herself.

"I take it that my son is fine?" Inuyasha asked smirking and wrapping his arms around her.

She leaned her head against his strong chest and exhaled.

"Yes. Well I better get back to the office. I'll call you later, Husband. Oh wow," Kagome said and giggled to herself and undid Inuyasha's arms around her.

Inuyasha stopped her by turning her to face him. He looked in her dark brown eyes and kissed her on her rosy colored lips. He then released her and walked back to his desk like nothing had happened. Kagome blinked and quickly left his office. She closed it behind her before he got any more bright ideas. She leaned against the door to catch her breath and stop her heart from trying to leave her body.

'Kagome, what pickle did you get yourself in?' Kagome thought to herself and groaned a bit.

She pushed off the door and made her way down the elevator to her parked car. She had some stories to cook up and dinner to get done. So much to do so little time.


A/N: New story I have been toiling with for almost three months! I like it:) Leave a review!

Until Next Time