hye guys...DarkNoct93 here and this is my first time to write a fanfic and I must say that I enjoy doing it cause after I watching Bleach and playing game of Devil May Cry...I've been thinking...what if the most cold-blooded Dark Slayer and The emotionless Quatro Espada met and end up in the world of Fairy had no idea how distracted I become with that without wasting any time,I present to you my first fanfic...

Hope you guys enjoy...

Disclaimer:I do not own Bleach and Devil May Cry.

Location : Unknown Place

Two figure simply lying on their back , unaware of their surrounding ,floating in this endless time and first man was white haired gentlemen , dressed in blue trench coat with gold trimming , and black vest underneath. His pants was black , wore a brown boots . The other one was white male where his skin pale like a snow with a fairly short and messily black hair . His face was almost forever in frown even in unconscious. He wore white jacket with long coattails . His pants was a white hakama and black sash , wore a pair of black socks and a sandals . Both of them seem to be in deep sleep when suddenly they began to stir in their slumber , They both looked at each other and reacted at the same time, jumping away from each other. Both of them instinctively reached for their sword but instead of sword , nothing come out. Even though lost their sword in their possession , That did not stop them from holding their offensive pose however as they observe each other carefully. suddenly a voice echoing in this void where they can hear clearly.

"Good to see you two have awake , Ulquiorra and Vergil".Both of them look cautious when the voice mention their respective name and look around , searching the source of the voice. "show yourself", man named vergil said. "Don't worry , Vergil...I mean no harm to both of you", the voice said. "Then reveal yourself or are you coward enough not to appear in front of us", now man named Ulquiorra spoke , with his monotone choice of words make Vergil smirk to Ulquiorra , knew Ulquiorra intention. Suddenly they hear the voice chuckeld make both of them look at each other before they heard the voice said , "As you wish ". Then , Before of them , orb of light illuminates so shine that make both of them have to shield their eyes from the light . After the light faded , what appear before them was young girl at a age around 13 – 14, has a very long , wavy , yellow – blonde hair that reaches down to her feet with a single lock pointing upwards , large green eyes that appear to have no irises . She wears a frilly, pink layered robe with a red ribbon tied in a bow around her neck. Around the chest are three blue diamond patterns with two blue triangles above. Each series of these is outlined in a hot pink. She wears wing-like adornments around her ears and small hoop earrings. She also in barefoot . They raised their eyebrows and spoke at the same time , "you're the one who brought me here? ". The girl simply said , " Yes , that's right " . A moment of silence filled the area when after moment of silent , men in the blue coat laugh darkly , young girl and the white pale men look at him , strangely. A few moment later , Vergil stop laugh and begin to spoke , " You expect me to believe that you're the one brought me here and more or less , a child...disappointing " . then out of nowhere , an object whack Vergil on the forehead . When he opened his eye , it was a soup ladle floating passing him . He saw a young girl whom he insulted of was holding a multiple kitchen tools in her hands . How the hell she got that . " say that again to the one who brought you to life , I dare you , idiot ". The young girl narrowed her big green eyes , pouting to Vergil . " You dare hurt me , child ". Both of them began their glaring contest , murderous aura surrounding them . Ulquiorra raised his eyebrows , well let's say , amused at the situation . After several moments , Ulquiorra sighed , then began to speak , " can both of you stop now , this absolutely a waste of time for us . Both of them slowly back to their senses when Vergil said , " Not until she apologize to me first " . " You started it " ," No , clearly you started first" , no , you first , stupid prick " , you dare to insult me , child . well it started again , now with more deadly murderous aura surrounding both of them . Ulquiorra sighed . This going to take a while .

After both of them calm their nerves , The young girl began to introduce herself ," Hi , my name is Mavis Vermillion , nice to meet you , Ulquiorra and Vergil " , big smile on her face . Ulquiorra speak , " You just mention that you brought us back to...life " . Mavis simply smile to him , " yes , I do " . Before Ulquiorra could ask more questions , Mavis continue , " Both of you died in battlefied on your own world as your both master comands you to eliminate his enemy and failed in vain" . Ulquiorra and Vergil began to recalled their memories as both of them fall in the hands of their opponents , one by the orange haired shinigami and the other by the red devil hunter . " Why ? " , now Vergil began to spoke . Mavis simply raised her eyebrows , " why what , Vergil ? " " why brought us back to life ? " . Mavis simply smiled as Vergil asked the question , " I have watched both of you back in your worlds and knew you has greatly suffered back in your worlds , even you chose the wrong way to acquire what you wanted mostly you , Vergil " , as she pointed her finger to Vergil . " However the reason I brought you here , even after lost your life in battle , both of you have learned something more important in your life . " And that is ? " ,Ulquiorra asked . " The importance of heart " , both of the men simply raised their eyebrows questioningly at the Mavis . She continued , " well for you , Vergil , as she pointed her finger to him , you have said to your brother that might controls everything , simply because you wanted the power to protect your beloved one , right? " . Vergil fell to silent after hearing that and simply nodded . she continued , "After several attempts to kill your brother in Mallet Island , you can't bring yourself to kill your brother even in Mundus 's influence and in the end been killed by your own brother even though you are more stronger than him because you knew what makes you brother stronger...his heart " . Vergil raised his eyebrow , hearing the statement . " His heart that makes him stronger , and you realized that after you died . " And you , Ulquiorra , I understand about your desire to find heart as you nature as hollow that wants nothing but fill their empty heart with countless souls , even after hundreds of years wandering and after been reborn again as arrancar , you still can't find the true meaning of heart . After the last battle with Kurosaki Ichigo , you have truly learned the true meaning of heart . Even so, you too have met your end . Both of men closed their eyes , register the words that Mavis speak earlier and at the same time , looked at each other then to Mavis . Ulquiorra thanked to Mavis who now wears a big smile on her petite face , well for vergil...He seems hesitated to say the word , this of course notice by Mavis who smirked smugly. "well Vergil ,...you know gentlemen like yourself should know how to thank to lady properly...you can take how many...ow " . A same soup ladle now laying in front of her , looking at the direction from it throw , it was Vergil, smirking . " My sincerest apologies , my hand slipped" , he said , taunt her . Before any words can form from her little mouth , Ulquiorra interrupt both of them , " Enough, both of you , like I said before , this just a waste of time and Mavis Vermillion " ,He looked at her. "What is your intention in brought us here ?

"Like I said before , Both of you have learned the importance of heart but none of you can explore it to the fullest and I want to give both of you a second chance , what do you say ?.

Both of them looked at each other and without a second thought , both of them nodded , ready for whatever may come in their next journey. " I wil send both of you to the world of living called Earthland but knows this , Ulquiorra and Vergil...seven years from now , I want both of you find Tenrou Island . There , you will find group from Fairy Tail and I believe they will guide you in your quest.

" As your wish , we will do as as your requested , child " .Mavis simply ignored Vergil's mocking,simply continued."I wish both of you luck in your next journey..."how exactly are we going there,Mavis Vermillion? Ulquiorra asked.

"oh forgot to mention about that,Both of you will go to there like this and have a nice trip".The moment she said that,the white space has gone,instead now they in the sky,falling.

"I should have figured "Ulquiorra sighed."That child need to be taught a lesson that she should not make a mess to ME! ".Vergil growled.'She really getting your nerve,is it?',Ulquiorra asked.

"That's unfortunately are correct."sighed Vergil,as they both hurtled laughed loudly,amused at the scene before her."that's for mocking me,you stupid prick! And for now,let's just wait and see how the world change because of them".Mavis chuckle and slowly dissapear from the view.

so...that's a wrap for this chapter...

so what do you think...

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