Title: A Dose of Reality

Author: Khazrn43, taken from a ddh1973 idea.

Rating: Mature

Summary: Takes place after Born This Way. After hearing her boyfriend tell his ex that she was beautiful, Quinn overhears a conversation that affects her relationship with Finn. Starts out Fuinn, ends Finchel.

Disclaimer: The characters in this story all belong to Ryan Murphy Productions and Fox Television. If I owned them, I would have a lot more money than I do right now.

As always my fictions are chalked full of Finchel Smut. If you can't handle it this is not for you.

Honor the Tether! Remember the Drummer!

Have any of you seen the new FanFicition app? It's available thru the app store and Google play. Nice to not have to use my browser.

Lea being Fierce and Feminine. Loved her time with Jon in NYC. I said way back when, Jon did not like the new douche. Didn't see Lea hanging around Jon too often. Not like when she was with Theo and Cory. Now I think Lea can properly grieve. I think she was so mad and hurt at Cory for leaving her that she didn't let herself grieve. And before you all tell me I'm cra-cra, listen to the lyrics of IF You Say So.

"I can't believe it's true
I keep looking for you
I check my phone and wait to hear from you
In the crowded room
The joker is so cruel

And now I'll never know
If all I've been told, is just a lie so bold
I thought we would grow old
Mirrors in the smoke
Left me here to choke"

She is questioning if everything they had was a lie. He left her to face the world alone. Wondering if what they had was nothing but Smoke and mirrors. She was angry and didn't deal with it. She buried it. But now the douche has shown his true douche bag tendencies, like I also called, she can deal with this with her real friends not some opportunist clown.

Also props to Lea reminding the world she will always love our Quarterback. And will never forget him. 5

Okay my ramblings and rant is over back to the story. Sorry I've be lacks at updating but the newest Hazelett is demanding Grandma's attention on a daily basis.

Chapter Eight: Feels like Home to Me

Since the Sunday afternoon, Finn and Rachel spent talking, they haven't got together for more discussion. Nationals was fast approaching and their attention was focused there. That is not to say they haven't talk to each other. They just haven't talked about them as a couple.

Rachel had been more than frustrated with Finn. He came over and they talked. He said he wanted to talk to her again but they haven't even been in the same room alone in almost four weeks. They do have Nationals to focus on but come on Finn Hudson is not that dedicated. She thinks he's avoiding her and she's done with it. So Rachel Berry is going to do what Rachel Berry does best. She's going to sing her emotions and pain.

Rachel sat in her chair, waiting for Glee to start. The rest of the club enter the room chatting away like all the time in the world is to be had. It makes her very mad. Like her life is in limbo and she has had enough time away from Finn. This is it she's laying out for him and he will either take it or they are done.

As soon as Mr. Shue entered the choir room her hand shot up. "Mr. Shue if I may" she walks to the piano. "I'd like to sing a song. I know we are working on Nationals but I must get this out."

"Sure Rachel" Mr. Shue sits in an empty seat. Rachel gave the sheet music to Brad and turned to the glee clubbers.

"This is a song for Finn…grumbles are heard and she just rolls her eyes…anyway, Finn I love you and I know you said we'd get there but it's been four weeks and I can't take this limbo anymore. So listen to every word I mean them." She turns to Brad and he begins the intro, Rachel steadies herself and opens her mouth….

There's something on my mind
There's something on my mind
You're miles away, but your heart feels close by
The sun is in my eyes
The sun is in my eyes
They say love is blind, but with you

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I know I'm meant
To be with you

Love is not enough
Why can't love just be enough
Right when it's good, time it messes it up
Please don't let me go
When we come and go
Distance can help hearts to grow

Finn sat in his chair, looking at the girl he loved and wondered to himself why was he still waiting. Love can be enough. His trust in her has returned. The memories of her with Puck are all but gone, so why was he waiting. He kept telling himself it was because of Nationals but that was lame. He knew it, she knew it. So he wondered why?

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I know I'm meant
To be with you

Days are getting longer
The nights are feeling colder
When we are not together
I'm falling apart
'Cause all I want is you
And all I need is you
Baby, you may be somewhere else too far from me
Come home soon

There's something on my mind
There's something on my mind
You're miles away, I'm so sick of goodbye

Roses are red
Violets are blue
One day I'm meant
To be with you

Rachel finished the song with tears rolling down her cheeks and she looked at Finn who was staring with a blank expression so she turned , running away from him, her feelings and what she assumed was his lack of feelings. She ran to the auditorium. She knows she is a masochist. The place where they met, where they first sang, and their first kiss. She just needs to be where she can feel when they were a them.

It took him a minute to realize she had left. He jumped to his feet to an applause and a room full of it's about times, and get your girls. He knew exactly where she would be so he jogged to the April Rhodes Auditorium.

Opening the door, he found her on the stage, where she shone the brightest. "Hey" he said sweetly.

Rachel looked up at the noise of the door opening. Watching Finn walk up the aisle to the stage she heard him speak. "Hey, sorry I ran out" She tells him.

He nods and climbs up to the stage. He walks over to where she stands. He takes her hand into his. "I feel like part of my soul has loved you from the beginning of everything, like maybe we're from the same star. You are my big gold star and I do love you so much. I don't know why I've been avoiding this. We said a lot of things and I thought we need some time to process it. But maybe I thought you would have changed your mind after taking so long."

Rachel sighs "Finn" but Finn interrupts her "I can see my heart in your eyes and I want…"

"What do you want Finn?"

Standing on the spot where he first kissed her he spoke from the heart. "That day I laid you on the checkered blanket and kissed you for the first time, I felt the magic that was us; I'm not ready to let that magic go. I want to be with you Rachel. I want to be with you forever."

Rachel started to cry small tears without sobs. "I felt it too Finn. It's like there is a string tied to my heart and at the end of that string yours is attached. I don't know how to be me without you anymore. I don't want to be me without you. I want forever."

They closed the distance between them and smashed their lips together for the first time without any lies, or baggage between them. It was pure and set each of them on fire. The fire burning deep within them was the connection they felt with each other.

Air became necessary so they pulled apart. Gazing deeply into each other's eyes. A lop sided grin appeared on his face while a bright wide smile reaching her eyes graced Rachel's. "I Love you" he said.

"I love you" she said. They walked out of the auditorium hand and hand. Finn asked to take her out on their first official date being back together.

Six months Later:

They had won Nationals in New York. Finn wrote a beautiful song about how they were playing cat and mouse with each other. The judges cited that the song was what convinced them of the win. Finn and Rachel had been going strong. Quinn had been leaving them alone which surprised everyone.

One weekend, Rachel's Dads were gone away on a business trip. Finn's parents were in DC for the month so they had both houses to themselves. Saturday they decided to stay at the Hudmel house.

After a light lunch ordered from their favorite little bistro in downtown Lima they were in Finn's room writhing around on his king sized bed. They had been getting increasingly physical since getting back together. Meaning they had slid into third base about two weeks ago.

Finn had Rachel's shirt off and she had his on the floor next to it. Finn reached back to unclasp the lacy prison that held her perky bosom. Once he freed her, he bent down and took her right nipple into his mouth. Massaging the left in time with his tongue.

Rachel relished the ministrations of her boyfriend. They had talked to each other and today was the day they chose to consummate their love being together in every way. She raked her nails down his naked back causing a groan of appreciation from her boyfriend.

Finn then pushed her skirt down and off her long tan legs. Rachel reached to unbuckle his belt. It was being stubborn and she was getting frustrated. She blew out a breath and push him off her.

"What's the matter?" Finn asked

"The matter is you've decided to keep you package on lockdown. What is that a male chastity belt or something? Get it off" She commanded while still trying to remove the offensive item. Finn chuckled leaning back on his calves, as he released the belt.

Rachel smiled letting out a pleasant moan "I have to borrow that thing so I can practice getting unbuckled. Don't ever try to deny me again, Hudson."

"Never" he said pushing her back and resuming his attention to the orbs of her chest, while she unzipped and pushed his pants down his legs. They were both in their underwear still exploring each other's body not hearing the front door open and close. They were so into each other they didn't hear the foot falls on the staircase. And they were definitely too wrapped up in each other to hear Finn's bedroom door open. They only were aware someone was watching them when they heard the blood curdling scream of the intruder on their private moment.

"OMG FINN! HOW COULD YOU? How long have you been sleeping together? the unwelcomed guess commanded.

"What the hell? How the fuck did you get in here? What are you doing here?" Finn gave back trying desperately to cover Rachel's mostly naked body.

The intruder stood there in shock but was brought out of it by Rachel yelling "Get the hell out of here, Quinn. You have not right to be here. Let alone in my boyfriend's house and it's none of your business what my boyfriend and I do together."

"Oh shut it Man hands. I was here to work something out with you Finn." Quinn said looking at Finn with hopeful eyes.

"You are delusional. What part of I don't' want you or ever loved you don't you get. It's been over six months Quinn. I thought you'd have gotten the memo. Seeing as I know you've seen Rach and I around school and town. You have got to be the single most frustrating person I've ever known. Not only did you treat me like shit, you have been manipulating me for so long. Get out of my house" Finn demanded.

Quinn stood there still looking at the scene in front of her jostled again from her stupor. "How did you get in Q uinn?" Rachel ordered her to answer.

"The spare key was right where Burt left it when we were dating."

"That gives you no right to enter my house without permission. I should call the cops"

"NO please, I'll leave. You really love her don't you? You would touch me the way you were touching her. You never looked at me the way you were looking at her" Quinn confessed.

"Ding, Ding, we have a winner, tell her what's she's won Johnny. Of course I love her Quinn. I've loved her from the moment I heard her voice. If you weren't such a bitch always screwing with my life, we would have been togethe4r without the drama. Now get the hell out"

"You are never coming back to me are you?" Quinn mumbled glumly.

"YOU THINK. You manipulated me the entire time we were together and then even after we were broken up. Now can you get the hell out of my room and my house." Finn said.

Quinn turned and walked out of the bedroom and they heard the front door close. Rachel was rubbing Finn's back that now was covered with his shirt he put on when Quinn interrupted them.

"Baby?" Rachel whispered.

Finn turned and looked at his tiny love "I'm sorry. I can't believe she broke into my house. What should we do?"

"I don't know. Maybe we should call your parents."

"They'll want to come home. Our weekend will be ruined. God how much more of my life is that bitch going to ruin?" Finn said in a huff.

"Okay baby, let's get something to eat. And then we can continue our weekend. And we can call your parents Sunday night."

"I think I should change the locks just to be sure." Finn added.

"That's a great Idea"

They dressed and quickly left the house running to The Home Depot to buy new locks for the house. Once they were finished buying the things they needed. The went to dinner and returned to Finn's house. Kurt was over at Blaine's and then was spending the night at Mercedes.

Rachel took Finn's hand and led him up to his bedroom. They undressed each other through kisses and declarations of love. Finn lifted Rachel up by her torso wrapping her legs around his naked waist. His hard on pressing onto her warm center. He carried her to the bed laying them down. He pulled back to reach for the condom but Rachel stopped him. "I'm on the pill have been for a year." Finn looked at her. "I told you girls want it just as much as guys. I was just afraid." Rachel told him.

Finn smiled "I love you"

"I love you too, make love to me Finn. I want to feel you."

Finn settled between her legs lining himself up to her center. "Tell me if you want me to stop or if it hurts too much." Then kisses her plump lips.

"It will be fine, because it's you and me. Love me Finn." Rachel reaches up to kiss under his chin.

Finn nods and looks into Rachel's eyes pushing into her slowly. He feels the barrier, kissing her lips and eyes then pushing with a fast thrust to break her virginity. Rachel gasp at the feeling of the break, a tiny tear rolled down her face. Finn stilled himself and waited. Giving Rachel kisses and words of love.

Rachel took deep breaths, waiting to accommodate Finn's size. The feeling of him inside of her and all around her was a little overwhelming. Finally, the pain subsided and she nodded to Finn giving him permission to move.

Finn started to move. Slowly and steadily. Long slow thrust. In and out, push and pull. He felt the need to move faster but held back to make it special for Rachel. When he heard the beginnings of a pleasurable moan from his girl he knew he was doing it right. "It's okay to go faster Finn. Please" she told him.

Finn sped up and continued to love Rachel. With each thrust Rachel moved her hips up to meet his. They found a rhythm becoming symbiotic with each other. Rachel arched her back with pleasure, Finn messaged her boobs alternating between his hand and his mouth.

Rachel felt the burn in her stomach and felt like she was flying over the edge. She screamed out when Finn hit a particularly deep spot inside her velvety walls. The familiar sensation of an orgasm took over and she gave into the pleasure.

Finn felt Rachel squeeze him with her walls. He felt her walls fluttering with the familiar orgasm. He was able to let go and spilled deep within her. He collapsed on top of Rachel without squishing her. He held her head between his hands kissing her face over and over again.

Rachel laid in the bliss of the orgasm she had with Finn still feeling her. Holding her head, she loved how gently he kissed her. "I Love you Finn"

"I love you too, babe" Finn returned. Finn went flaccid then pulled out laying next to his love and pulled her close to him. Rachel lay her head on his muscular chest. Rubbing circular patterns on his chest.

"How are you feeling?" Finn asked her.

"A little sore, but like I've been loved by the love of my life." Rachel replied.

"That's what I like to hear. You are the love of my life. I can't wait to spend forever with you. Sleep because I plan on waking you in a bit for another round of love."

Credit where Credit is Due:

The Home Depot is a home improvement store I do not own or am associated with.

Read more: Lea Michele - If You Say So Lyrics | MetroLyrics

Read more Alexander Jean- Roses Are Red/ MetroLyrics