Juvia looked at herself in the mirror. The maid flinched when the thunder roared as she finished Juvia's wedding dress. A new maid. Only one every 5 years, but this is the third new maid this past year. She'll get used to the rain quickly. "Juvia, dear." Her mother said, putting her hair in a bun. "Can't you do anything about this rain?" Juvia shook her head. "I am a rain woman. I create rain, but I cannot stop it." She said, emotionless. "Such a dull child. I told your father we should have married you off sooner. Maybe that flame-head of yours will be able to stop this rain." Her mother said. "What was his name?" "Prince Natsu Dragneel."

"That's right. His name was Natsu Dragneel. From what the maids tell me, he's a hotty." Her mother smiled. "Such a lucky girl, and she doesn't even consider the fact that she gets a man woman would kill for." Juvia stayed silent for a moment. "It does not matter. I do not get to choose my husband. It was decided long ago that the Rain Kingdom and the Fire Kingdom would unite under one house. Unfortunately, King Igneel and father were born and couldn't be married. So, it falls to us, the children, to carry out that deal." She said. Her mother rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah." She said.

Juvia looked at herself. He wedding dress was beautiful, and she would've liked it, if she wasn't being forced to marry a man she'd never met. "Mother, when is the wedding?" She asked. "In a little less than a week." Her mother smiled. "To think, in less than a week, I'll have a hot new son-in-law." "After we're married, Prince Natsu will be named king, and he will rule both kingdoms. You will lose all power you currently have. Are you excited to lose your power?" Juvia asked.

"Though it is true. After your father died, I got the throne." Her mother sighed. "That power is all I have, but you're 18 now. There's no helping it." Juvia looked at herself again. Why me? She wondered. She closed her eyes, sighing. Then, she stepped off the stool and walked out the door. "Where are you going?" Her mother yelled. Juvia didn't answer and walked away. Where is Cana? She wondered. She walked to her room and changed her dress. Then, she walked to the ballroom, where Cana was always drinking.

Juvia walked in and froze. The ballroom was painted white, with white decorations. Cana was sitting by the table, drinks around her. "Cana, I would like to see my future." Juvia said. "Is now a good time?" "Juvia!" Cana cheered. "I'm drunk and lonely. As long as it's not your mom, anyone can hang out with me. And you're my favorite person." Cana pat the floor next to her. Juvia sat down as Cana pulled out her cards. She set them out. Juvia watched her flip the cards over.

"Let's see. The rain drop, the dragon, and the heart." Cana said. Juvia nodded. "The rain drop. That's you. The dragon is probably that Prince Natsu." Cana said. "I assume the heart's your wedding." "I knew that. The wedding is in six days." Juvia said. "I would like to see further in the future." Cana collected her cards and shuffled them. This time, when she flipped them over, it was the heart, the cradle, and a heart in a grave. "This is after the wedding. It seems that you'll have a child. The last one has multiple meanings."

Juvia looked at it. "What meanings?" "It could mean a broken heart. It could mean death. It doesn't even have to be your future, just someone in your future." Juvia was staring at the last card. Her eyes went distant. "Juvia? Juvia, are you okay?" Cana asked. She waved her hand in front of Juvia's face. "I think she's having a vision. I hope her future's a good one." Cana picked up her cards when Juvia, suddenly, collapsed. "Juvia!" Cana yelled, catching her head. "Never saw this powerful of a vision."

'Juvia stood in front of an audience, at an alter. She looked around her. She was in the ballroom, now in her wedding dress. Next to her was a man she'd never seen before, but she knew it was her fiancé, Natsu Dragneel. Juvia saw him glance in the row. She looked at the first row, where a white haired girl was sitting. She smiled sadly at Natsu. "Go on." She mouthed. Juvia looked at Natsu, who looked forward. She could tell he was upset about the marriage. 'He loves her.' Juvia thought. 'He loves someone.' She frowned.'

Juvia opened her eyes. She was in her room, sleeping. She sat up, rubbing her eyes. Where am I? She stood and walked out of the door, to the ballroom. If I remember correctly, I was asking Cana what my future was. Was that a vision? Maybe I saw the future. Cana was still in the ballroom. "What's up, Juvia?" She asked. "What happened to me?" Juvia asked. Cana frowned. "I think you were having a vision of the future." She said.

Juvia didn't look at her. He is in love with the white-haired girl. She thought. I could see it in his eyes. The way he hesitated at the marriage. She sat down in a chair. "So, what'd you see?" Cana asked. "Enough to know that the broken heart card is not for me." Juvia said. "I'm going to leave. I cannot let a decission my grandfather made hurt someone now." Cana looked at her surprised. "You're running away?" Juvia looked at her, then nodded.

"I suppose it is called running away. But, before I go, I need to talk to Prince Natsu." She said. Cana nodded. "You'll need my help to 'escape', but I'll only help if you take me with you." She grinned. Juvia looked at her, slightly surprised. "But, why?" She asked. Cana grinned, then stood up and bowed. "I promised to serve the royal family. And I'm not staying here to work for your mother." She stood up. "Besides, she might use me to track you." Juvia nodded. "I'd be happy to take you with me."

Juvia stood by the door, 5 days later. Natsu was coming a day early to prepare. Her mother was waiting for them while King Igneel and Prince Natsu came. Cana and Juvia hid by them. Igneel and Natsu walked in. "I welcome you, King Igneel." Her mother bowed. "Thank you for having us, Queen Raina." Igneel bowed. Natsu bowed, frowning. "Please excuse my daughter. She had a fever this morning, and, though it's cured, she is moving a little slow." Raina said. "I shall go find her." She left Natsu and Igneel alone.

"Dad, why do I have to do this? It broke Lisanna's heart." Natsu said. Lisanna? That must have been the white-haired girl in my vision. "I'm sorry. It was supposed to be me, but both were born male." Igneel said. "That won't be a problem." Juvia muttered. Raina came forward again. "I'm sorry. I could not find Princess Juvia." She said. "It is quite alright. I believe we need some time before my son meets your daughter." Igneel smiled. Raina nodded.

"I shall show you to your chamber." She said. Igneel nodded. "No thanks." Natsu said. "I'd like some time to... get used to the castle." "Of course." Raina bowed, then turned to Igneel. "If you will follow me, I will show you to your chamber." Igneel followed Raina away, and when they were gone, Natsu's shoulders slumped. He slipped his hands into his pockets, leaned against the wall and sighed. "I'm sorry, Lisanna." He mumbled. "Don't be." Juvia said, walking out. Natsu stared at her, shooting up. "Princess!"

Natsu bowed, but Juvia put her hand up to stop him. "Relax. Your father and my mother are not here. The formalities are not needed here." She said. Cana stood beside her. "Your mother told us she couldn't find you." Natsu said. Cana laughed. "That was the intention." "Why would you hide from her?" Natsu asked. Juvia looked down. "I did not want her to be here when I told you this, and I knew she would have me follow her to take King Igneel to his chamber." She said.

"Well, what did you want to tell me?" Natsu asked. Juvia hesitated, so Cana pushed her forward. Juvia sighed, then looked at him. "I am leaving. It is not right to force marriage." She said. "If they want to combine our kingdoms so bad, they may get married themselves. As for you, you have a woman you love. And I admire you for that. I will leave so that you may be with her. Here," Juvia pulled a note out of her pocket. "I know my mother would try to find someone to play my part, so I wrote this."

She handed Natsu the note. "It says everything I just told you. Do not give it to my mother, or she will keep it a secret. Give it to your father. Tell him you found it by my chamber." She said. "Okay, but... where's your chamber?" Natsu asked, putting the note in his pocket. "Follow me. I need to grab my bag as well." Juvia said. She turned and walked down the hall, but stopped when she saw her mother. Cana hid, the bag on her shoulder giving her away, but Natsu and Juvia were too slow.

"Juvia!" Raina frowned. "Where were you?" She yelled, then froze when she saw Natsu. "I see you have met your fiancé." "Yes. I went to the door, but no one was there, except him. I was showing him to his chamber." Juvia lied, smoothly. "Oh, allow me to accompany you." Raina smiled. "It is fine, mother. Besides, I thought you were supposed to help King Igneel find his way around." Juvia said. Raina frowned, then nodded. "I suppose she would want him all to herself now that she's seen him." She muttered.

"Very well. Tomorrow, try to enjoy your ceremony." Raina said as she passed Juvia. "Good evening." Juvia watched Raina leave. Natsu walked up to Juvia as Cana came out of hiding. "How'd you-" Juvia covered his mouth. "She is not gone. Merely hiding around the corner." She listened to her mother scowled, then walk away. "She is gone now." "How'd you know that? And how'd you lie like that?" Natsu asked. "There are many things my mother knows nothing about. I have lied to cover them all." Juvia said.

She continued to walk and entered her chamber. Natsu stopped at the door. Juvia packed her things, silently messing her room up so they wouldn't find anything missing. She put a plain dress on and a black cloak. "Where will you guys go?" Natsu asked. Juvia and Cana walked to the basement. "There are things that only my father knew and took to the grave. However, I spent my time learning everything I can. There is a hidden passage that leads to the country side." Juvia said.

"Thanks for covering for us, Pinky." Cana laughed. "Cana, you are drunk and loud. We must go now." Juvia said. She pushed a stone and the wall opened. "Fair well, Prince Natsu. I wish you the best of luck with Lady Lisanna. Cana, let's go." Cana picked up her bag and followed Juvia into the tunnel. They stopped and looked at Natsu. "Fair well." They said to Natsu, bowing. "Fair well, Princess Juvia. Lady Cana. Be safe." He said. They watched the wall close, then went their separate ways. Thank you. Natsu thought.