The deep purples and oranges painted across the canvas of sky above entranced a young boy who was very much trying to keep his mind off of the place he was being dragged to. The small town of Little Hangelton was located in the northern part of Britain. On top of the largest hill in downtown sat an old manor built into the top. It had been abandoned decades ago. The previous owners were murdered inside. It had a reputation of being haunted. Harry Potter cringed as his two best and only friends shoved him through a broken window. Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley climbed through soon after. Daring themselves to stay the night inside, they laid out their knapsacks and spread out their sleeping bags to sit on.

The trio were the town's pariahs, all three awkward and bookish, with Harry also being gay. That was a no-no in such a small town full of religious folk. Being picked on constantly at school, he had withdrawn into himself. He dressed in dark colours and his hair was choppy and shaggy. He wore eyeliner to draw attention to himself in other ways. Most people tended to avoid him rather than pick on him dressed this way. He had a sweet face blessed with a set of cute dimples and bright green eyes.

None of them had been invited to Malfoy Manor to their annual Halloween party. Draco Malfoy was the town's biggest bully. He hated Harry Potter and his friends and made sure they knew it every single day in school. He encouraged the other classmates to pick on them, too. Malfoy was wealthy, gorgeous and tall, he could have anything he wanted, given to him on a silver spoon. And that night, he and a few friends of his got wasted and decided to scale up the hill and continue their party inside Riddle House.

The sun had finally set. Tom Riddle sat up in his coffin to stretch. He lived in the basement of Riddle House in a small hidden room. No one knew he existed in Little Hangelton. He never fed from anyone in town. He would travel far and wide, being a vampire, to drink from random victims so as to keep his identity a secret. Tonight would be different, although he did not know that yet.

Draco, and his friends Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle, along with Cormac McLaggen and Cassius Warrington climbed through the window and staggered around the front room. Harry, Ron and Hermione gasped and stood up. "Well, well, well," Draco said. His grey eyes lit up with glee. "Fairy Potter and the nerd twins at my mercy. Whatever shall we do with them?" he asked his friends while he rubbed his hands devilishly together.

Harry grabbed Hermione's hand. He worried for her safety. He tugged her with him, bolting off into the depths of the manor, up the split staircase and into a bedroom at the end of the hallway, Ron was close behind the whole way. They slammed the door and put their backs to it, as the door had no lock.

The five other boys pounded on the door, taunting them with vicious words.

"We're gonna get you, Potter!"

"I get Hermione!"

"I'm going to kick your arse, Potter. You're fucking dead!"

"Weasel, we're gonna hurt your little girlfriend!"

Tom watched them, hidden in darkness.

"Stop!" Harry shouted. He selflessly offered himself in exchange for Hermione and Ron's safety. "You can do whatever you want to me if you let them go! And I won't tell, I swear."

Draco considered it for a moment, then consulted his friends. "You've got a deal, Potty."

"Go down the hall, all of you except Malfoy. Let them go and I'll let him hold me."

Ron and Hermione shook their heads but Harry appealed to Ron. "They're wasted, they'll rape her, Ron. Get her safe and send help."

That seemed to do the trick. Ron shielded her with his body and ran to the staircase while Draco wrapped an arm around Harry's throat.

Tom was stunned. The pretty boy impressed him with his bravery and fear for his friends' safety. That quality was a rarity, indeed. He might have to break his rules and turn him, claiming that loyalty for himself. He certainly wasn't half-bad to look at, either.

"Come on, freak," Draco hissed, dragging Harry down the hall to meet back up with his friends. They moved into another bedroom and threw Harry onto the rotten mattress staged in the back of the room. They held him down and tore his clothes off while Draco undressed. "You're gonna pay for letting the good pussy get away."

Cormac and Cassius punched him several times in the face while Gregory choked him and Vincent joined with Draco and dropped his jeans. Harry was hysterical, half-conscious and Tom could no longer stand by and watch the boys. He attacked, biting down on Draco's throat before he climbed onto the bed. Stunned, the four other boys attacked back but Tom easily fended them off. His strength and speed was unmatched. He dropped Draco on the bed to scare the others off. When he returned, he latched back onto Draco to drain him.

Harry trembled with fear, watching him do whatever he was doing to his enemy. Tom looked up from his meal and smiled. He was incredibly beautiful but his mouth was dripping with blood that matched the colour or his eyes. Panicked, Harry tried to get up but Tom grabbed him and held him down while he bit into his own wrist and forced the wound onto Malfoy's mouth. "Drink, or you'll die."

Draco eagerly fed from him. "And you," Tom said to Harry. He pulled his wrist back and forced Harry to drink from him. "It'll heal you up. They smashed your glasses into your face."

Harry rubbed the wound on his forehead, the cut was deep. Tom shoved Draco on the floor and stood up with Harry. He handed him his clothing. "I'll take you home."

"What about Malfoy?"

"He can make it home himself."

At school the next day, Harry met up with Ron and Hermione. He was confused about the night before. He couldn't remember what had happened or how he escaped. Malfoy and his friends couldn't remember either. The white-haired boy looked more pale than usual that day, he was exhausted and the sunlight was giving him a terrible headache. He chalked it up to it being a hangover, he did not associate his illness with the two large holes in the side of his neck.

Unlike Malfoy, Harry felt fantastic, giddy and confident. He had no memory or even going to the haunted house the night before. Harry was gone and the house was empty by the time they got his parents up there to rescue him. Fearing the worst, they called the police but found Harry unharmed and asleep in his bed when they got home.

That evening, he, Hermione and Ron met up at the town's ice cream parlour. It was Friday night, they could stay out late that evening. Sitting together around a table, Hermione nudged Harry and whispered into his ear. "There's a man staring at o'clock."

Harry put his head down so that his fringe fell over his eyes. Stealthily, he looked over to the spot Hermione had told him and saw the most beautiful man he had ever laid eyes on staring intently back at him. A jolt of adrenaline rushed through his veins. He looked back down and away, blushing crimson. And every time he peeped back at him, the man was still watching.

"He's so cute!" Hermione whispered, giggling with Harry and Ron. Harry broke down and swallowed his shyness and smiled at Tom. Hermione gasped, watching the man stand and cross the room. "Oh my God, he's coming over!"

Harry dug his fingernails into the palms of his hands. "Hi," he said, giggling and leaning against Hermione in order to not fall out of his chair.

"Hi," Tom said. "Is this seat taken?" He gestured to the empty fourth chair at the table, directly across from Harry. He was very tall, with long black hair and dark eyes

"No, sit," Harry said, dying to speak with him despite how shy he was. No one had ever looked at him that way before, at least no one he was willing to go out with.

Tom greeted the others and held out a hand to Harry. "Name's Tom. And you're Harry."

Harry shook his hand. Tom did not let it go of it. "How did you know my name?" He looked down at their hands, a little shocked at the bold statement Tom was making.

"I heard your friends say it earlier." Tom brought Harry's hand up to his lips. Hermione audibly squeaked when he kissed the back of it.

Draco, Cassius and Cormac entered the parlour then, and all three immediately turbed to glare at Harry. "Great," Harry said, knowing Draco was going to harass him and possibly drive Tom away once he saw what a loser he was.

Tom glanced behind him. He scowled at Draco, who's expression suddenly went blank. In around a few seconds he snapped out of it. "Come on, let's go," he said to his friends, and sat down at a table across the room.

"Wow, that's completely uncharacteristic of him," Hermione said.

"Where were we?" Tom said, looking deeply into Harry's eyes.

"Oh, um, you were kissing my hand," Harry said, flirting back with the young man.

"Ah, yes." He kissed it again, lingering with it against his lips for several seconds before releasing his hand.

Harry giggled uncontrollably. No one had ever shown him this kind of attention before. "I don't recognise you, are you new here?"

"I just bought the house on top of the hill."

"The haunted manor?" All three teens blinked. "That place is a dump."

"For now." He stood up from his seat. "You want some ice cream?"

"Okay, sure, thanks. Um, vanilla, please."

Hermione and Ron got up as well to order something to eat. Harry looked over at Draco's table. The white-haired boy was staring at him. Not scowling or happy, he just blankly stared back at him. Harry shivered, that was very unusual behaviour. Draco had never looked at him before with anything but hatred.

"Here," Tom said, startling Harry. "I'm sorry, do I scare you?"

"No, not at all," Harry replied. He took the cone and licked it.

Tom watched Harry slowly run the ice cream down the length of his tongue. He could sit there and watch him do that for hours. "Tonight," he said to himself.

Harry cocked his head. "Hm?"

"Nothing," Tom said, smiling. "Let me walk you home."

"Sure." Harry waved at his friends and let Tom escort him out of the parlour. "When will I see you again?" Harry dared to ask him as they approached his house.

"Soon, Harry," Tom said. "Very soon."

In the dead of the night, Tom appeared at Draco's bedroom window. As if sleep walking, Draco got up from his bed to open the window. "Invite me in," Tom told him.

"Come in."

Hovering in mid air, Tom dropped down inside to take Draco into his arms. He threaded his fingers into Draco's hair to tip his head for him. "Be a good lad and stay nice and quiet." Tom opened his mouth. His fangs popped out into place. Yanking the boy closer he sunk them down into his throat. Draco moaned at the sensation. He slowly grew weak, eventually going limp in Tom's embrace. Tom carried him over to his bed and draped him over the mattress. He bit into his wrist to open up a vein. "Drink," he told Draco.

This was the second time he and Draco had exchanged blood. One more letting and the boy would eventually die and turn, and be forced to serve the Dark Lord as his servant for eternity.

Harry's turning would be slightly different. He would take his time with the other boy, allowing Harry to properly adjust to their exchanges so when he did turn he would be far stronger a vampire, Tom's equal. He would take him as a lover, his sole lover, and together they would live as immortals in his coven.

Repeating his actions at Harry's home, Tom tapped on the window glass to wake Harry up. The boy climbed out of bed and scurried over to the window. "Tom?" he said, shocked and confused. His window was on the second floor. He threw up the window. "Howare you doing that?"

"Invite me in, Harry."

"Sure, come in," Harry said, taking a step back to give Tom room to enter. He blushed, clad only in a little pair of knickers, Harry had never been alone before with another man, even fully dressed. "What are you doing here?"

"Shh, we don't want to wake up your parents." Tom guided Harry back to his bed. "Lie down," he told him and climbed on top of him, up on all fours. He leaned in and kissed him, chastely at first, just pressing their lips together to feel the warmth and softness of his skin.

Harry gasped lightly, felling Tom's mouth open and his tongue slide in between his lips. He had never tongue kissed anyone before. It was a new sensation, interesting and arousing. Harry felt his own hands move on their own, circling around Tom's neck as the man dropped down on top of him.

Tom could feel the sweet innocence purl off of Harry. He was a virgin, unsullied, the perfect specimen. He was dying to see how much it would change Harry once he had turned. Would he stay sweet natured or let this new life fall right into place and kill without mercy. Tom sat back, looking deeply into Harry's eyes. "Did you like that?"

Harry blushed. "Let's put it this way: it felt great but I have nothing to compare it to."

"Never been kissed?" Tom was shocked.

"Never," Harry confessed.

"I'm going to make you very happy. I'm going to take you away from all of this," Tom promised. "The first time I saw you I knew you were made for me. Just for me. There's a connection. Do you feel it?"

"Yes," Harry said, entranced with Tom's eyes. They had changed. Once dark, now they seemed to glow red. He felt faint. He collapsed against the mattress as Tom held him up by the nape of his neck and gently tipped Harry's head to the side.

Gently, he drew his tongue up the length of Harry's neck, tracing the artery he was about to expose. "Relax," he told him, soothing his worry. "I'm not going to hurt you. In fact, it'll feel quite pleasant if you allow me to do this." He looked into Harry's eyes. "Do you allow me?"

"Yes," Harry breathed. "I allow you." He pulled back his hair, letting Tom sink his fangs into his neck. He groaned at the pain but melted into his embrace.

Tom sheathed his fangs and began to drink, slowly draining the whole of Harry's blood, only to soon replace it with his own. He would have all weekend to recover enough to go back to school. It's taste was like nothing other. It drugged Tom with its purity. He would never give Harry up now. Nothing would keep them apart. He would have to force himself not to drink from him again too quickly, as badly as he wanted to already.

Harry fainted, drained of blood. Tom fed him with his own, reviving him. "Please drink, Harry. That's right, that's my boy."

Harry gripped the young man's wrist and drank from him, desperately so. He was drained of every drop of his blood, so close to death a sneeze would have killed him. He fed from Tom with rabid need, filling himself back up enough to survive.

I've only just met you but I already fancy you," Tom confessed. "You've bewitched me."

Harry looked up at him, unable to speak. If he stopped even for a moment the hunger would arrest him. So he drank until Tom stopped him, desperately craving blood to keep him alive.

Tom kissed him one last time that night before forcing him to sleep with his mind. "You, sleep." He tucked Harry in and left the house, to tell the others about their newfound brothers who would soon be joining them.

AN: Let me know if you liked it and I'll post up more. Thanks! Hugs and kisses to all!