Hello everyone ! I have no excuse for the late (more than late) update, apart from school. Also, I have decided (after fighting against my laziness) to try to revise each chapter. It will take time but it'll be done (one day).

Thanks for the reviews, favs, follows to everyone!

Chapter 17

Lyra's orphanage, 1991

"- Evans, Thomas wants to speak to you". informed Trixy.

Evans finished cleaning the dishes before going to the meeting. This summer was not what he thought it'd be, of course, his life was strange, but discovering he had 'Black Madness', that was something new. Since then, Thomas didn't want Evans to join most of the important mission, such as assassination, killing etc. Evans hated it. He needed to have a purpose, to feel useful, to exist. The only thing he was doing since the incident was training.

He walked toward Thomas's room aka his 'office', he knocked on the door and waited three seconds before entering.

"- You called my Prince."

"- Yes. Evans, you won't go to Hogwarts this year."

Evans blinked. He had lots of questions, 'why' being the first one, however,he didn't dare to ask. How could he question his leader; his prince?

"- I have a mission for you. Actually. We're going to go abroad for one year. I thought about this carefully, and Evans, I think you'll be perfect."

"- Yes, my prince." Only one thing troubled Harry.

"- What is it Evans?"

"- Just, er, how will I explain my, err, disappearance to the others? I mean Dumbledore will certainly search for me."

Thomas smirked.

"- Take my hand."

Evans obeyed. And regretted because the mean prince decided to side-apparate Harry without telling him. That's why two seconds after, Harry turned a pale green and ran to vomit behind a weird rock. Thomas went after him and decided to hold poor Harry as he vomited. Which Harry thought was stupid, because he went to hide in the first place so that his prince won't see him vomit. After he finished, he glared at his Prince, who, strangely enough, was smiling and handing him a kerchief. Harry took it and couldn't help but ask.

"- Why are you smiling?"

Thomas only smiled more, and Harry didn't like this, not at all.

"- Nothing, just imagining this scene in another way."

The prince glanced at Harry's stomach weirdly. Maybe his prince wanted to see him vomit his innards, hey, it could be a new curse. And Harry started to imagine his nemesis falling on the floor vomiting, and bleeding. He smirked darkly at the thought.

Thomas coughed. Harry stopped smiling and looked at him.

"- Come with me."

And they walked through the dark tunnels with only the lumos from Thomas to light the passage. After five minutes of walking, they arrived in front of a weird lab. The lab was decorated with runes everywhere, there was a little library, and the major part of the room contained cauldrons, full of potions. Some were purples, cerulean, green, orange, red, but Harry wasn't gazing at them. No, Evans could only watch the table in the middle, where a weird golem, who looked vaguely like Harry, was lying down.

"- What is that?"

"- This, Evans, is the new Harry Potter. The only difference between you and him, is that you met us, and he did not."

Evans was confused at first, but suddenly he understood. If he had not met his friends, he would have been a dunderhead! He would have been for the light side. Wait. Does it mean? He turned his head toward his prince.

"- Yes Evans. That's why I asked you to play the Gryffindor golden boy. This will be easier for now. Do not worry, I will let you go to the school as soon as our mission is finished, or maybe next year. Now, come and put a little blood on the body."

Evans obeyed. As soon as his blood touched the golem, golden runes illuminated it, and the rock was turned into flesh. Black hair was growing quickly on its hair. And a gasp was heard from its mouth. Vivid green eyes gazed at the two, his eyes were full of fear, but also courage.

"- W-who are you? W-where am I?"

Evans smirked. Thomas smirked.

"-It is alive!" And the two laughed their evil laugh.

Harry didn't find this funny, not at all, he was sleeping in Dudley's second bedroom, and now he was kidnapped by two weirdos. And he couldn't even see them! He didn't have his glasses! This was not funny at all.

"- Stop laughing! Are you working for Voldemort?" he asked with an angry gaze."Even if you kill me, Dumbledore will win you cowards!"

"- I see what you meant my prince. And I understand fully your plans. Should we put him with the Dursley?" asked Evans. Evans pitied the poor golem, he didn't wish the Durley on anyone, poor golem-harry, golemarry, no garry, poor Garry. (Evans was proud of his pun.)

"- Yes Evans, that's exactly what I'm going to do." Thomas looked at the golem who was glaring at him."Obliviate." The golem blinked his eyes slowly, forgetting his meeting with Evans and Thomas, his green eyes were locked on the face of Thomas, who was closer to him than Evans. "Somnus."

The golem, who was now Harry, closed his eyes, and fall asleep. He will forget the face of his creator, and will feel a familiar feeling when he'll meet Tom Marvolo Riddle. Not that he'll remember, at least not this year.

"- I will portkey him later. Hermione will watch closely the golem, do not worry Evans."

Evans nodded, yes, with Hermione in Hogwarts, the golem won't try anything. And what could happen this year, won't be as dangerous as last year. Yes, he will try not to worry, after all, no one know what could happen in Hogwarts.