Disclaimer: Juubi no Shinju does not own Naruto, or The Percy Jackson series.



This can't be right…

It's...it's not possible...

Are we dreaming? Could it actually be?

And you are RIGHT! Juubi no Shinju is actually back to continue working on Juudo no Kami (formerly known as Ashurado no Kami)! I know, I know! WHERE THE HELL HAVE I'VE BEEN?! I was busy. That's all I'll tell you.

And yes, I know many of you are no doubt pissed that it took me TWO YEARS to actually update.

All I can say is, I'm sorry.

I've been busy with school and classes that I let time pass me by.

Luckily I am OFFICIALLY DONE with classes! All I have to worry about now is getting a job.

But yeah, I'm back, and will TRY to bring you more chapters of this story when I can! I mean, this is my #1 story! A fact I am still greatly happy for.

Anyway, let's continue, shall we?




"Mental Talking"

Also, after having interesting comment brought to me, I have decided to rename the story, "Juudo no Kami", as as the person said:

"actually Ashurado no kami translates as god of the Asura path. god of the ten paths is Juudo no kami. which i find funny because that also translates to god of the gentle path"

I want to thank yukicrewger2 for bringing that to my attention.

Chapter 4: Reunions and Planning, the Calm Before the Storm

Uzumaki House

Naruto Uzumaki, or at least the clone left by the original, stood at the sink as he washed the dishes. Yep, just another day being a father.

Behind him, he could hear the laughter of his daughters as they played in the backyard, chasing the fox Kurama, while said Biju enjoyed the time she spent with the young Uzumakis. Her unofficial nieces/step-daughters. Naruto smiled, glad to hear such joyful laughter. It reminded him of his previous children during their childhood. He would never get tired of being a father, or grandfather...or great-grandfather...great-great-grandfather? Ancestor? He lost count on how far his bloodline stretched. Oh well, it didn't matter. What did was that he had a family.

Finishing up washing the dishes, he dried his hands with a quick usage of Wind Chakra. Turning, he walked over to the entrance to the backyard, stopping at the doors. Leaning against the frame, he crossed his arms as he looked at the sight of his daughters playing with a smile as they chased Kurama.

As he watched, his thoughts drifted for a bit as he thought on what he should do. He was sadly getting bored, his warrior blood molded through years of combat and war begging for some action. He needed some excitement. How long had it been since he had last had a battle? And he wasn't talking about his sparring matches with Sasuke. But a real fight. He even sealed much of his power, down to 5%, hoping his infamous Uzumaki luck, would attract danger to him. Sadly, the only thing he attracted were several monsters, none of which even got him to put up a sweat. Not even that minotaur he came across a few weeks back. Pathetic excuse of a monster, all it took was a single Futon: Rasengan, and it was down for the count for good.

'Hmm, perhaps its would be about time to finally test these Greek Gods. See what makes them powerful, not to mention get started on the job I was given. No doubt the boss is thinking the same thing.' The clone thought, nodding his head slightly.


Blinking out of his thinking, Naruto looked down and smiled when he saw a happy Chloe ran to him. The young daughter of Spring giggled as she grabbed her father's hand. "Tou-san! Come play with us!" She begged. The Naruto clone laughed heartily as he allowed his daughter to drag him to join his other cheering daughters.

Naruto's Sanctuary Dimension

With a relaxed sigh, Naruto laid back on the soft ground, his wife Kaguya sitting on her knees like the princess she was beside him, drinking some tea. Two other people were with them. The area was covered in a large shadow, provided by the large cloud blocking the sun over them. The gentle breeze caressed his skin and hair as he enjoyed the untainted nature energy around him. His body subconsciously absorbing and becoming one with it, attracting animals to him like a beacon as rabbits, fox kits, birds, and even deer laid down around him or on his chest.

Opening his eyes, which were now golden from his Sennin Modo, Naruto's lips twitched as he looked up at the clouds. Though instead of toad bars for pupils, his were now in the design of a plus (+) with two pairs of slits in each eyes. One vertical slit crossing through a horizontal bar one. Due to becoming a deity, his connection with Toads had been severed thanks to his immense chakra disrupting his signature from the contract. Not that he needed to sign a contract to summon animals, as he had his Chikushōdō (Animal Path), so he still kept his friendship with the Toads. Unlike how Nagato did it with his Rinnegan, Naruto didn't overtake and control the wills of Summoning Animals, and instead build bonds and alliances with the clans.

'Now I understand why Shikamaru loved doing this so much.' He thought as he stared peacefully at the moving clouds.

He took a deep breath, taking in the clean, pure air. The air here was a large contrast to the one on Earth. While the air there was polluted by factory smoke and waste, his air was created and cleansed by nature and plant life. It was also fertilized with chakra to help strengthen the weakened body and get rid of any and all illness as it filled the lungs.

Smiling faintly, he took a glance at the image of his wife. Back in the Fourth War and a bit after it, if someone told him he would one day end up married to Kaguya, his most powerful enemy, he would have slammed a Rasenshuriken into them for the sick joke.

After sealing the ancient woman into his body, he had thought he would never see her again. However, he was wrong. Around 3 centuries after he became a god, he had decided to finally confront Kaguya.

He explored the labyrinth that was his mindscape – he couldn't believe he hadn't thought of exploring around before.

It was there, deep in his mind, that he found Kaguya.


Naruto blinked as he looked at the form of the still woman, sitting calmly on the hard floor. Her prison was similar to Kurama's old cage, thought scaled much smaller in size. The place looked like a prison, the dark chamber barricaded in thick stone walls. The lighting was very limited, with the chamber colored a golden yellow.

He looked stared silently at the still woman, sitting on the floor, not ever moving to show that she was aware of his presence. But he knew she knew he was there. He could feel it, the slight twitch in her chakra. He didn't say anything, simply waiting for the woman who's power he stole and imprisoned.

"What do you want?"

After a several, tense minutes, she spoke. Her tone still as impassive and icy as he remembered. Hm, it felt like yesterday since they were kicking each other's asses. Guess it's true what they say. Time sure flies by, especially if your immortal.

"Hello...Kaguya." He said, keeping his voice straight, not showing any emotions.

Kaguya opened her eyes, her pale, Byakugan eyes, currently deactivate, glaring at him with barely controlled anger. Not that he could blame her.

The mother of Chakra glared at the young God, her hands on her lap twitching for a split sec. The boy. The one who had stopped her plan. Who separated her from her 'son', Black Zetsu, stole her glorious power, and imprisoned her in this ghastly place. He dare mock her by appearing before her?! "What do you want...boy?" She repeated, her tone the same.

Naruto sighed, passing a hand through his shaggy blonde hair. When was the last time he had it cut? It was now long enough to reach the middle of his back. Looking around, he frowned at the setting.

With a snap of his fingers, the place began to glow, forcing Kaguya to close her three eyes so as to not be blinded. When the glow stopped, she opened them, and saw that the prison she has been trapped in for centuries has been changed, now becoming a forest of blooming sakura trees. Her cell was gone, with the only thing keeping her on lock and key were the handcuffs on her wrists and collar on her neck. She frowned in confusion as she glanced at the cuffs, scowling at the feel of the collar – did he think her a dog?! – before returning her blank glare at Naruto.

Said blonde sat down with a sigh on the soft grass. It was then that Kaguya realized that he was wearing an attire similar to hers and her children's.

Was he taunting her?!

Feeling the – barely visible – glare aimed at him, Naruto opened his eyes and looked at the woman. His eyes showed a tired man as he sighed. "Are you able to see events that happen out there?" He asked her, truthfully curious.

Kaguya was silent, just glaring at him.

Naruto just smiled gently at her. "I guess not. Kurama-chan and the others did everything they could to keep you very locked up, hiding you deep in my mindscape. Possibly so you wouldn't try and influence me. Took me a while, but I was able to locate you. Though not as fast as you would have possibly liked. Probably lonely here. No one to talk to, no one to see...you would feel like every second that passes feels like a year."


He continued at her silence. "If there's one thing I've learned from being immortal, it's that time is irrelevant. Every second that time passes, feels like an eternity. And every eternity, feels like a second. Heh, did you feel like this, Kaguya? Passing your time as the feared Rabbit Goddess? Or when you were trapped in the moon?" He asked her. Kaguya just blinked at him. He rolled his eyes. Stubborn woman. "Around a millennium."

Kaguya raised a brow at him, still silent.

"Around a millennium...since Sasuke and I last battled you. A millennium since I beat you. Since I became a God, achieved peace in the Elemental Nations, had a family of my own...a millennium, since the world of chakra has ended."

That caught Kaguya by surprise as she looked at him. Has it truly been that long? Naruto gave her a sad smile. "That's right Kaguya. A lot has happened over the years. Many threats rose and threaten the planet. Of course, me and Sasuke always stopped them. Many heroes have come and gone, few were strong enough to do the job. But still, the damage was done, the planet suffered much damage from our battles, and each time, it would use the chakra absorbed in its soil to repair itself...until it was soon all used up...you and I... we're the last that remain of our world. The last children of chakra. The Biju are still around, though I had to recreate their bodies with my own chakra instead of the one used from the Shinju/you. So they are bonded to me. They're not here, right now. I sent them to another dimension I discovered, to see if it is suitable as a home for them. It has a large forest, but strange creatures. Though Matatabi and Kurama tend to have an irritating fun time calling me 'Tou-san'." He grumbled, knowing his two mischievous mates liked to use every and all opportunity to tease him, even using his 'unique' incestuous relationship he had with few of his daughters and sometimes granddaughters. Though he mostly would just shrug and go along with it. It was fun sometimes...but was quickly getting old.

Kaguya's eyes widened in shock. Chakra was gone?! Impossible! I-It can't be! Chakra was hers! It can't be gone!

Naruto watched as the news shook Kaguya. It concerned him how obsessed Kaguya was when it came to chakra. He had much time to thinking of the woman. The one who ate from the forbidden fruit, gained god-like power, and became corrupted by it. Who sought to enslave the human race through a false paradise illusion, and became obsessed with chakra to be willing to try to kill her own sons because they had it.

Or at least, that was what the old man sage told him. He was not one to trust only one side of the story...not anymore at least.

He wanted to know Kaguya's side. He gained her power, not her memories.

As he looked at Kaguya, he idly recalled the other being sealed in him.

Where was Black Zetsu?

He did a quick scan, searching through his mind.

There he was.

He detected Zetsu held in another part of his mind, kept away, but also close. He felt it trying to break free, but to no use. It was not strong enough to break through its bonds.

It was a parasite. It manipulated Madara and Obito, holding a large part in leading to the Fourth Great War. He'll take care of it later.

He looked up at Kaguya, who now put on an emotionless mask, but he could still see through it. Her eyes held sadness, but also lost. She didn't know what to do now. With chakra gone from the world, she had lost her place on it. She didn't even conjure the thought of breaking free (not that she could) and starting the Infinite Tsukuyomi again. There was no need.

He frowned and sighed. "Kaguya." He called. After a few silent seconds, she looked up at him. He sent her a small smile. "Chakra in the world may be gone, but it isn't gone absolutely." At her confused look, he pointed at himself, then at her. "You and I are all that is left of Chakra. Not to forget Sasuke, and the Biju. We are the only ones who hold all that is left of our world. I have been wandering the world alone for many years. I was lost, and as a god, I could have left the planet many times, but was scared to. What would be the point? But then I remembered you. Kaguya, you and I are all that is left. But we don't have to be alone anymore." He held a hand out to her, taking her by surprise. "There are other planets. Other realms. I can free you from my body, create a new body for you, one with chakra. You have served you time, and so, I am giving you another chance. I have watched over these humans, guiding them, helping them, and I sense that the time is approaching where I must leave them. I plan to go to another place, and maybe, create a new race. A race that I wish to see if they can be trusted with my gifts."

Kaguya narrowed her eyes at him, before they widened in shock as she caught on to what he was saying. Was he...

Naruto nodded, seeing she caught on. "Yes, I plan to give this new race chakra, and see if they can be trusted, or if they will follow the same mistakes as their predecessors. Our people. And if you wish it, Kaguya Otsutsuki, you can watch and raise them with me. As I am the Father of Chakra, you shall be the Mother of Chakra. A new beginning, a second chance. Will you take it, Kaguya Otsutsuki?"

Kaguya sat in silence, staring at the outstretched hand. She weighted her choices. Should she accept? She was no fool to think he would recreate her body with all of her powers. No doubt placing limiters on it to prevent her from striking him down. But still...she was tired of being trapped in this wretched prison for so long. It was like being trapped in that blasted moon all over again. She longed to feel the air, to see the relaxing nature again.

Also...this could redeem her sins. In her time imprisoned, she had time to reflect on herself, though a part of her still held onto the belief that her plan was a necessary one. She had made so many mistakes. Letting her power corrupt her, enslaving the humans, and most of all, attempting to kill her own precious sons. Now that she thought about it, what she did was a bit extreme. She would admit, she had grown jealous that her own sons hold something she believed should be hers and hers alone. What was she thinking? She should have been proud of them! But no, instead, she tried to kill them to take their chakra.

She was a fool.

She had let the power of the Shinju, the power of a deity corrupt her.

She looked at Naruto. How? How could this boy, no this man, handle not only her, but also the Shinju's power? Not only that, but this boy...he was the one who her son, Hagoromo, entrusted his dream to. The one, who managed to beat her – sure he had help from the Uchiha, but was the one who did most of the fighting and even managed to seal her. The one, who succeeded where she failed, and brought peace.

'Just...who are you, Naruto Uzumaki?' She thought. She then looked at his hand. Should she do it? Should she accept? Should she really trust him with chakra?


Naruto waited patiently, seeing the chakra mother thinking over her choice. He would not interrupt her. This was her choice.





"...I accept." Kaguya said, and grabbed his hand. 'I will trust the future in your hands...Naruto Uzumaki.'

With the agreement made between them, it was pretty easy, but incredibly painful, for Naruto to release Kaguya's consciousness from his body and create a flesh and blood body for her to inhabit, thanks to all those biology lessons Sakura and Tsunade for-taught him.

Of course he place limiters on her new body, a sort of leash to keep her under control and prevent her from turning against him.

And so, with Kaguya Otsutsuki pseudo free, the two gods left the world once known as the Elemental Nations, and headed to a new location in space to create a new world, with a newborn race. And like he said, he granted them chakra, while making sure to keep an eye on them to make sure no one tried to weaponize it.

It took careful overseeing, but he was actually about to do something impossible - even by his standards - and was able to actually prevent sin and darkness from coming to his world. Under his guidance, his children were taught the ways of nature and peace.

Kurama found his way boring, as there were no fights in his planet.

Naruto had to agree with her a bit on that. But at least there were no wars or bloodshed.

And after a time, Kaguya had actually managed to release her stoic mask and the darkness in her heart, and for the first time, smile. Though he had to keep an eye on her to make sure she didn't do the same mistake she did with her sons and go crazy and obsessive over chakra.

But without the corruption of the Shinju, that was prevented, and Kaguya was able to be at peace with herself, and saw the humans Naruto created as her children, to which she loved.

Naruto truly couldn't say how, or when, it happened, but during the time he and Kaguya watched over that planet, which he named "Heisei", the two grew...close.

Next thing anyone know, the god-made mountain range became rumored to be haunted by moaning spirits.

Closing his eyes, he shook his head, chuckling, making Kaguya eye him with a confused look, wondering what was so funny. Sitting up, Naruto stretched his arms up high. Lowering them, he looked at Kaguya, who sipped her tea.

"So, anything exciting happened while I was gone?"

Closing her eyes as she enjoyed her tea, she answered after lowering the cup. "Not much. Yukio was able to learn the next steps in his Banbutsu Sōzō (Creation of all Things) and is now able to create medium sized animals, like deer or sharks." She said.

Naruto blinked a bit in surprise. "Really?" He asked, before turning to a young teen male sitting a bit near them, eating a rice ball, and gave him a thumbs up with a proud grin. "Nice job son!"

Yukio could not verbally answer, with his mouth stuffed, so he just returned the thumbs up.

Yukio Otsutsuki-Uzumaki, the son of Naruto Uzumaki and Kaguya Otsutsuki. In terms of facial structure, he looked just like Naruto, having his father's slightly round face the blonde had in his youth. His skin was a pale white like Kaguya. His hair, a taintless snow white, fell down straight to his shoulder, with two spiky bangs framing his face on either side, reaching his chin. On his cheeks, he had three bold lines, his father's genetic whisker markings.

He wore attire similar to his parents. A white robe with magatama lining the collar, a black obi sash, and his father's symbol of his back, with another under it. A white crescent moon with a small circle beside it. The symbol of the Otsutsuki clan.

His eyes were an icy blue with a blue pupil, and a white, floral pattern on his irides.

This was his Tenseigan, the doujutsu of his maternal 'brother'/paternal 'ancestor', Hamura Otsutsuki.

Kaguya nodded, also a bit proud at her son's achievement. "I'll get to working on being able to make bigger animals soon."

Naruto nodded, looking at her. "Alright, just don't work him too hard, okay? Try not to be such a slavedriver, hime."

Opening her eyes, Kaguya shot the blonde a small glare. "I am not a slavedriver."

Naruto snorted. "Yeah right. The elders on Heisei would say otherwise. Sometimes you can be more sadistic than Anko." He muttered.

He knew it was coming, but made no attempt to dodge, as he fell to the ground as the rock hit the side of his head. Kaguya sat still, giving no indication that she just threw a rock at her husband, or any care if she hurt him. In fact, if one took a closer look, they would see a small amused grin hidden behind her cup.

Watching this event as he ate his rice ball, Yukio shook his head. He has gotten used to his parent's strange way of 'flirting' with one another. His father would egg and tease his mother, and his mother would respond by having object thrown at the blonde from small dimensional rifts she creates.

In fact, this was her usual means of hiding her embarrassment from Naruto, as he would be too distracted to see the blush on her face.

No need to give the idiot any more teasing materials against her…

Getting up, Naruto rubbed the stop the rock it on his head, grumbling about wives being mean to him. While sure, the hit didn't even hurt, it was annoying to be sent falling down. "Sheesh, I was only kidding, Kagu-chan. No need to get violent."

Kaguya grunted. "Well maybe you should learn not to run your mouth like an idiot." She jabbed as she finished the last of her tea.

Pouting at her, Naruto shook his head, and just went back to what he came there for in the first place. "Anyway, I came by to see how things were. And also because I was about to go see my family again, and was wondering if you two would like to come with me. Be nice to get at least some of my family together."

Kaguya frowned, turning her lavender eyes to him, her eyes telling him just how she thought about that. After everything she has done to his world, all the deaths done because of her goals, and the lives ruined through Black Zetsu's action, she knew she was the LAST person the souls of the Elemental Nations wanted to see.

Naruto frowned, able to detect her negative emotions, and knew what had her troubled. Getting up, he walked over and took a seat behind her. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he pulled her into his lap. He entwined his fingers with Kaguya's rubbing them in comfort. "Hey, how many times do I have to tell you? There is no reason for you to be worried. They won't hate you if they understand what you were going through. Everything will be explained, and they will forgive you. With Black Zetsu taken care of, there is nothing to worry about. Let them see the nice person I know you are, and they'll warm up to you."

Leaning against her husband, taking comfort in his natural warmth, Kaguya closed her eyes. Even with her beloved's comforting words, doubt lingered in her heart. Could she really be forgiven? Did she deserve forgiveness? In all their time together, the only people of her husband's family that she met, were Kurama and the other biju, and even then Naruto had to physically stop them from attempting to destroy her with a combined Bijuudama. And even with his support that she had changed, her son Hagoromo's 'children' - who were actually really fragments of her own power, now that she thought about it - were weary of her, always avoiding contact, but keeping a very watchful eye on her, as if waiting for her to trick Naruto and stab him in the back, which they would never allow.

She had also officially met her other grandson's reincarnation, Sasuke Uchiha. And one word to describe that meeting would be 'tense'. The two didn't even say anything, only staring at the other with stroic eyes, not giving anything away. Sasuke's activated Rinnegan staring at her as if analyzing her.

Then, Sasuke just nodded once, and vanished in a Kamui swirl portal.

While Naruto grumbled about him being an asshole, just appearing out of nowhere, and leaving without saying a way, Kaguya knew otherwise.

Sasuke would give her the benefit of the doubt, but the second she did something she shouldn't have, or hurt Naruto either physically or emotionally, he would cut her down.

So meeting Naruto's other family, made her reluctant.

While she knew her husband had revealed their relationship to his family, or at least hinted it, this would be the first time she would actually met them face to face.

Behind her, pulling her frame into his chest, Naruto laid his head on top of her head, where her horns once laid. With time and practice, Kaguya was able to learn to shift her appearance back and forth, so currently she looked like she once did before consuming the Chakra Fruit. As such, her horns and third eye were gone, leaving her forehead smooth and free of any slits.

"Hey, don't worry. I'll be there with you. I'll make sure no trouble occurs. Just give it time, and they'll soon treat you like family."

Kaguya sigh, as her husband continued to try and persuade her. Reluctantly, she nodded. "Very well. It would be a nice change of pace and it would be nice to leave this place for a while. It has grown dull."

Naruto frowned, rolling her eyes down at her. "Why do you stay here anyway? You know you can travel to other worlds or dimensions, right? I already gave you permission."

Kaguya shrugged. "I saw no need to, as most worlds are baren of life, or full of annoying creatures. It would be a headache to interact with them. Besides, why would I leave when my precious carrot cake is here?" She answered, making him sweatdrop. "That reminds me, I'm low on carrot cake."

"I'll be sure to get more. Just please, be patient and try not to go out looking on your own." He pleaded. Last time Kaguya left the dimension because she ran out of her precious sweet, she appeared in a inhabited world, she went berserk could they didn't have any, and destroyed the town. It was only his interruption that prevented the whole planet from following the same fate.

Kaguya was the same as him when it comes to ramen, a one-track mind.

"I will finally meet my other siblings?" Yukio asked as he finished his rice ball. Like his mother, Yukio never met his other family, and not from lack of trying on Naruto's part. He always wanted for his son to meet his brothers and sisters, but Kaguya was always against it, mostly in fear of how such a meeting could go.

Yukio was her second chance at motherhood, and wanted to keep her son safe, so she constantly took caution in making sure she didn't do the same mistakes she did with Hagoromo and Hamura.

She was also cautious with humanity, knowing how they can corrupt and destroy, and didn't want them to corrupt her son.

A small part of her blamed humanity for turning her sons against her, as well making her do her actions in the first place.

Her eyes grew dark as her thoughts shifted to one human she absolutely loathe above all.


Her former lover, and the father of Hagoromo and Hamura.

Also the man who betrayed her trust and love.

He was once a human she fell in love with, but in the end, he grew fearful of her newfound power and turned against her.

His betrayal caused her hatred for humanity and her broken heart gave birth to her Infinite Tsukuyomi plan.

Humanity and turned her into a monster, not Black Zetsu, is what she had convinced herself of.

"Humans hate what they could not understand."

Humans hated her for her power, who's to say they wouldn't hate Yukio for the actions of his mother? She already knew of Naruto and his past, as he had told her himself. How the people of his village once hated him because of the Kyuubi's attack.

So you could understand her mother instincts worrying about the safety of her son.

Naruto nodded to his son. "Yes, it's time you met them." He encouraged with a smile, before looking at his silent wife. "Don't worry. Everything will be okay." He whispered to her, getting a silent nod. He kissed the back of her neck, making Kaguya shiver as her cheeks burned.

Stupid blonde brat being able to make her feel things she hasn't felt in a long time!

Smirking, as if he knew what his affection was doing to the once prideful and strong woman, pulled her in tighter in his embrace. The two sat there in silence, enjoying the breeze wrapping around them.

Soon however, Naruto lost his smile.

"Any news on them?" he asked, making Kaguya frown and shake her head.

"They seemed to have vanished. Our old planet has been destroyed when I went to survey. No doubt to cover their tracks. They fear you, your power. They know that at their current state, as well as with me and the Uchiha helping you, they will surely lose." She stated, making Naruto click his tongue.

The topic they were talking about, was Kaguya's own clan/race, the Otsutsuki Clan.

A race of extraterrestrials beings, described by her, were a bunch of literal power-hungry world eaters. They would travel to inhabited worlds, worlds that held specials, massive trees, called God Trees, which would spread energy into the planet, chakra, nourishing it, before absorbing it back up, and using that energy to create special fruits, Chakra Fruits.

The Otsutuki Clan sought to locate these Shinju inhabited worlds, and consume the Chakra Fruits, which would make them stronger. Unfortunately, this would also have the added effect of killing the planet, sucking up all life in it, and leaving it barren, killing all inhabitants.

Shinjus and Chakra Fruits were not limited in dimension, as they are spread everywhere in the large Multiverse.

The only reason they have not attacked the Elemental Nations, was because of him and Sasuke being there to protect it, and with their immensely in power, they were cautious. And when the last drop of chakra left the planet, there was no need for them to target it.

But that still left other worlds in danger. And Naruto wished to stop them.

The bad news was that the clan had vanished from his dimension, not even Naruto and Sasuke's combined effort could locate them in their dimension.

They were just gone.

Meaning that they have no doubt traveled to another dimension.

Even with Sasuke's ability to look into other dimensions, it proved difficult in locating them, as they didn't even know where to look. It was like trying to find a red colored pebble in the whole dessert!

Naruto knew the Uchiha was still trying to locate them, but until so, all they could do was wait.

Fortunately or not, Naruto had a feeling they would target the planet he was currently staying at, as he had a feeling there was a Shinju Tree somewhere in it. Unfortunately, even with his power, it was difficult for him to locate it, the planet's natural energy shielding it like camouflage.

Though he had a feeling it was what gave the Gods their birth. Maybe they were byproducts of it? Like how the Biju were pieces of transformed Shinju Tree of his world, the Juubi.

Maybe he could use the Greek God's energy to backtrace it back to the Shinju? It couldn't hurt.

'I'll run the idea with Shikamaru just to be sure.'

Kissing his wife on the top of her head, Naruto detached himself from Kaguya, and stood up. He began walking to the aside, passing by Yukio, ruffling the boy's hair in affection, making him grunt with an embarrassed blush, Naruto walked to the only other person in the field.

There, sitting in the shadow of a tree, leaning against the bark, with her eyes closed in content, was a woman. Her hair, long and straight, reaching down to the ground in her seated position, was a deep auburn red, with a green tint near the end. Her skin was a beautiful white marble shade, and with her peaceful look on her face, would make one believe she was actually a beautifully crafted statue.

She wore a green dress, that on closer inspection, was actually made of blades of grass perfectly entwined with one another to hold tightly and not fall apart. Her shoulders and arms were bare, displaying glowing green rune symbols coming down her arms. She also didn't have any footwear, letting her feet feel the grass under her feet.

On top of her head, was a crown made of flowers of various colors, with an orange flower he recognized as a Dahlia tucked in her ear.

As he approached her, the woman opened her eyes, revealing glowing emerald green.

Looking at him, the woman grow a wide happy smile. "Beloved!" She greeted. "How are you this wonderful day?"

Naruto smiled as he said down beside her. "I am fine, thank you asking. And how are you doing, Lady Gaea?" He asked the Nature Primordial. It had taken some time to come to terms that 1. this was in fact Mother Nature, and 2. She always labeled him by the affectionate term "beloved".

Yeah, apparently Mother Nature had a crush on him...troublesome.

He could just hear Sasuke laughing at him for his misfortune of attracting women like moths to a flame.

Oh why was he born with these amazing good looks and charming personality?!

Gaea smiled at the man who had (unintentionally) won her heart. "I am well! Thanks to you! Again, I thank you for crafting this physical form for my soul to inhabit." Naruto, after making contact with Gaea, and learning of the pain she was in, used his Banbutsu Sōzō to create a human body and Ningendō (Human Path) to transfer her soul into the temporary vessel. The vessel contained only around 10% of her overall power, the other 90% still dormant in her previous shell. But even with her power cut, her ability over nature could give Hashirama Senju a run for his money.

Shows just how powerful a Primordial Being was.

"I'm just glad that you are no longer in pain, Lady Gaea." He said, making Gaea frown, which he noticed and flinched, hoping he didn't do anything to disrespect her. While he might be powerful, he doubted he could go against a primordial so soon. He had yet to fully control his own Primordial power.

"Please beloved, you do not need to be so formal towards me. You may call me as you wish. Please, I encourage it, especially after you were able to heal my pain."

Naruto rubbed the back of his head. "Um, alright...Gaea-chan." He said, making the Primordial smile. While she might not understand the suffix term, she understood the tone he gave when he said it to that other woman was one of endearment.

While she may not know who the woman was, Gaea had a feeling she was this god's consort. Or perhaps one of them, as she knew deities typically tend to have multiple.

She herself had a few spouses. Mostly to create children to combat the Greek Gods.

"This plane is very peaceful. So full of life." She noted as she looked around the forest.

After putting Gaea in her new body, Naruto took her to his dimension to heal, letting the nature chakra in the air seep into her skin and heal her energy. As she healed, he explained the situation to Kaguya, who allowed her to remain their for the time being, understanding the Nature Mother's need to bask in the very environment she helped create.

Naruto felt Kaguya could connect with Gaea, being being mothers who felt pain and betrayal.

So while he returned home, he left Gaea in Kaguya's care to heal. Soon, he get a notice from Zetsu sent by Kaguya.

Gaea was awake.

When Gaea awoke, she had first been cautious of her new surroundings, and shocked to discover she was in a form new to her, and had first been defensive, but instantly calmed down when she spotted Naruto who appeared.

Hearing her call him "Beloved", was a surprise to the blonde Shinto God.

And Kaguya would forever deny that she gave a snort of amusement when she saw the Earth Primordial kneeling in front of Naruto, looking up at him with eyes full of love.

Seriously, what was with the blonde God attracting female gods to him? Was there something in the air?

Naruto nodded, as he also looked at the forest, watching birds fly through the air and animals appear from bushes. "I'm glad to know the nature energy managed to heal you enough. Your soul was incredibly damaged. No doubt the cause of all the pollution and waste dumped on Earth." He said, shaking his head sadly at how bad the humans had treated their planet. While his people may have contaminated their world with countless blood from wars and battles, it had chakra to heal it. Earth, Gaea really, was being destroyed by the inside, barely able to heal herself with the constant deforestation and factory wastes being dumped on her.

His eyes flashed crimson in anger.

Those Gods were supposed to ensure the planet was in good health! They were alive because of the planet's life energy after all! The oxygen and life it provided kept humans alive, and those humans kept the Gods alive in their beliefs!

While he knew Persephone had tried her best to keep nature alive, her imprisonment in the Underworld held that back.

Poseidon was doing a slow job in keeping his oceans clean of waste!

And the bastard Zeus should be stopping forest fires! He was the God of Weather for Kami sake!

Oh he was going to enjoy kicking their collective asses!

He took a breath to calm himself. This wasn't the time to think about that. He can do it later. Right now, he had to make sure Gaea was alright. He also needed to think on what do with her.

While she might seem calm, he was able to see past it, and knew that she had a lot of negativity in her heart. A lot of anger and vengeance.

All aimed at the Greek Gods.

And while he knew that anger was justified, he knew that if she let it fuel her, it would turn her into a monster. And being a sage and lover of nature, he didn't want for it to be tainted by darkness.

And so, for now, he will keep her away from Earth until such darkness is purged.

'Maybe I can get Hikari-chan or Inari-chan to keep her company with a clone?' He thought. Feeling something press against his shoulder, he looked down and saw that Gaea had fallen asleep and was resting her head on his shoulder. 'Must still be weak.' Seeing that he won't be getting up anytime soon, Naruto created a clone and switched with it.

Turning to Kaguya and Yukio, he saw that they were ready to head to Tengoku. With a final nod to his clone to look after Gaea, Naruto walked toward his wife and son. Holding Kaguya's hand, while placing a hand on Yukio's shoulder, Naruto activated his Rinne-Sharingan.

"Kamui." (Authority of the Gods)

In a swirling vortex, the Otsutsuki family vanished.

Shinto Heavenly Plains - Takamagahara

Takamagahara, like many other religious heavenly plains, is a place of peace, happiness, and tranquility for the souls inhabited there. There are many different plains within heave, easy made to be different to suit a particular soul, or even become a shared space for souls of similar peace.

In the example of the once citizens of Konohagakure, their heaven took the form of their old village, with the exception of being bigger in size to handle the large number of souls contained in it.

In this dubbed "Heaven Konoha" the people walking around, spending another day of their (spiritual) lives in happiness. Being dead, they were reunited deceased friends and family members. Once deceased grandparents or great-grandparents once more returned to their lives.

While the realm looked like an expanded Konoha, there were some differences.

For one, no longer was there a Hokage Monument. In its place was a large museum, where inside held many statues of the village leaders that have come and gone. Starting from the Shodai (1st) Hokage, Hashirama Senju, to the Kyuudaime (9th) Hokage, Sarada Uchiha.

Also, no longer was there a Hokage Tower. No, instead the leader residence was a large estate, built at the back of the village. This was the home of Konoha's resident God, Naruto Uzumaki. In it, lived their god's large amount of friends and family, with a large house laid in the middle. This was their lord's personal home.

Inside the home, in one of the many large rooms, within the kitchen, many workers moved around to prepare food. These were some of the finest cooks in Konoha's history, all personally volunteering to serve food to their god, ignoring the latter's protests.

And supervising the cooks, was the head chef, Ichiraku Ayame.

Ayame appeared similar to how she looked when alive, with a more mature figure, her clothes clinging nicely to her hourglass figure, and expanded bust being pushed against the cloth.

Oh yes, Ayame was quite happy when her mature figure finally came in.

Walking around, Ayame made sure all was in order. Sasuke head come around earlier, and had idly announced that Naruto would be stopping by soon.

Needless to say, the appointed servants of the "Juudo Mansion" were hard at work to make sure their lord returned to a clean house and proud feast.

As the food was getting done, moving away from the kitchen, we turn to the hallways, were many appointed maids were busy cleaning the furniture and artifacts places against the walls. Many being artifacts Naruto had obtained on his journeys and placed around his house as mementos. And walking down the hall, passing the cleaning men and women, was a beautiful woman, her long red hair swaying with each step. Violet eyes looking at the workers in amusement, her red lipstick lips twitching upward. Wearing a dark red kimono, with the Uzumaki symbol on the back.

This was the famous Kushina Uzumaki, former kunoichi of Konoha, former resident of Uzugakure, former Jinchuuriki of Kurama, wife of Minato Namikaze, and very proud mother of Naruto Uzumaki, a god!

Oh yes, Kushina was very shocked, but extremely proud when she discovered that her own baby boy has actually become a god.

This gave her bragging rights against the other mothers! XD

However, even though she was proud of her baby and all that he had accomplished, she was sad that now she barely got to see him, as he was always busy with his godly duties and travel to who-knows where. While yes, there were a few clones of his left around, it wasn't the same with the knowledge that they were clones.

She wanted her baby, dattebane!

She was just glad that Shini-sama was kind enough to release her husband from her stomach prison - wow that sounded weird - so he was able to spend his afterlife with her.

'And now that he's coming back for visit, I can hear all about what my precious new granddaughters are doing!' She thought with a wide smirk.

She was always happy to learn and meet her new grandchildren. While she at first was not happy when she learned that her son had gotten himself a harem, and continues to do so, she could understand why he does so.

Being an immortal god tends to increase one's sexual libido. She was just glad he didn't become some sort of sex god…

Cheeks turning pink in embarrassment, she quickly shook her head to prevent her mind from going straight to the gutter. She did not want to go there!

Seems she herself need to take care of her own libido. Looks like she and Minato were going to be busy for the next few days. One pro of being dead, no getting physically tired, she thought with a grin.

Meanwhile, Minato suddenly pailed and shivered. 'I have a bad feeling I won't be able to survive the next few days.'

Entering the living room, she looked around, and spotted her first daughters-in-law.

Hinata Hyuuga-Uzumaki, who was calmly enjoying a cup of tea with a plate of cinnamon buns in front of her, had a figure many women would kill for. A perfect curved waist kept even through childbirth. Dark blue hair coming down to her shoulders, framing her heart-shaped face. Skin a glowing snow white, like some divine angle. Her eyes, while a clear, pupiless white with a soft lavender hue, displayed great emotions of love and care that only a mother and wife could have. She wore a light lavender kimono, which strained against her large D-cup bust, a fact that always embarrassed the woman when her fellow wife sisters teased her on "tempting Naruto", much to her protests.

Shion Uzumaki, sitting next to Hinata, taking a cinnamon bun offered by the woman with a smile, had matured into an equally beautiful woman. Like Hinata, given her heritage and how she was raised, Shion gave off an air of royalty and grace. Her long pale blonde hair was pulled in a braid that reached down to the floor from her seated position with two bangs falling on either side of her face, with golden hair cuffs keeping them held. Her pale lavender eyes seemed to glow with a captive power. She wore a light pink kimono with white birds around it, the front pushing against her own grown bust, a solid C-cup size.

Anko Mitarashi-Uzumaki, currently talking with Karin with a grin on her face that only spelled trouble, had not changed much in terms of figure. Only difference was that she let her hair down so it reached her shoulders. No longer did she wear a trench coat and fishnet shirt, but instead wore a short-sleeved purple kimono with golden snake designs on the edges. Though it did not lack sexual appeal, as the kimono hung below her shoulders and teasingly revealed a bit of cleavage of her large D-cup breast, much to her enjoyment for what fun her "girls" bring in teasing people and her husband. The end was also cut short, revealing a lot of her creamy legs. Kushina knew Anko did so to not only tease the males, but also to tease Naruto. Though she wished the woman didn't dress like that when there were children present. Anko had purple lipstick - not a lot, but enough to make them pop - and had a crystal snake around her neck, a gift from Naruto when they started dating.

Finally, was Karin Uzumaki, rolling her eyes at whatever Anko was telling her. Gone was a once cute redhead, and in her place was a gorgeous redhead that could match Kushina. In fact, were it not for the glasses, red eyes, and spiky hair, she could pass off as Kushina's twin. For clothes, unlike the others, Karin wore a black shirt that came down to her midsection, leaving her navel exposed, and baggy dark grey pants. Over it, she wore a doctor's coat. When questioned on why she would always wear the coat, she would just shrug, and reply that she just liked to wear it all the time. Karin didn't wear any jewelry or make-up, but had orange framed glasses.

"Come on, Karin! Don't you want to greet the husband properly? Well what's more proper than a group sex? We haven't done that in such a long time!" Anko tried to egg Karin on, with said woman glaring at her, a faint blush on her cheeks.

"Would you just stop?! We just had group sex last month!" She retorted, but Anko just waved her off. Normally, the perverted redhead would be all for a group sex, but their last session had made her reluctant for a repeat.

She wasn't going anywhere near Anko and her dildo collection! Seriously, the size of some of them made her question the woman's sanity.

"Yeah, but that was last month. And it was with a clone...I think. Can't really tell the difference." Anko muttered with a thoughtful look. Naruto would occasionally leave a clone or two in Tengoku to not only keep Heaven Konoha stable, but also keep his wives company.

Or at least they thought it was clones. Given Naruto's godly chakra, his clones were no longer variants of him, but could pass off as the real thing. They don't even go poof is they get hurt, and even bled - not that anyone could make Naruto bleed.

Shion sighed, shaking her head at the violet haired woman, while Hinata giggled. "Honestly, Anko. Does everything have to be sex with you?" The former priestess asked, taking a bite of her bun. Anko pouted at her.

"Not my fault! We're dead! We literally have almost limitless stamina, so we barely get tired! Besides, I'm bored! There's nothing to do. No violence. No torturing. If I wasn't already dead, I've literally die of boredom!"

Karin rolled her eyes at her. "Then why don't you just ask Naruto-kun or Sasuke to either take you to another realm, and go to the realm Naruto is staying at?"

Turning back to her, Anko pouted, crossing her arms childishly. "I tried, but that Uchiha brat is stubborn and keeps refusing! And his wife brat keeps turning me down when I ask her to convince him!"

"Maybe it's because they know you would go wild and cause havoc to whatever place you go to." Shion muttered, but Anko heard her, and shot her a glare.

"Now, now." Hinata cut in, trying to prevent a fight. She looked at Anko. "I'm sure Naruto-kun can take you to Earth if you really want something to entertain you, Anko-chan. When he comes, you can ask him."

Anko smiled happily at the Hyuuga woman. "Thank you, Hinata! I'm glad you are on my side!" She said, shooting Shion one last glare. "...So, about that group sex?" She asked with a grin, making Karin facepalm with groan.

Kushina chuckled as she approached the four women. "Well I see you girls are eager to see my son again." She teased, getting their attention. Turning to the older Uzumaki, the first wives of Naruto smiled at her, greeting her.

Hinata smiled at her mother-in-law. "Hello, Kushina-kaasan."

Anko, however, was more energetic. "Yo, Kushina!" She greeted with a hand in the air.

Kushina shot Anko a look. "I thought I told you to call me 'Kaasan', Anko. Honestly, how many times do I have to keep tell you?" She asked, making Anko rub the back of her head sheepishly with a sweatdrop.


Shrugging, Kushina took a seat next to Karin. "Anyway, preparations are almost done to greet Soichi. By the way, where are your brats?"

"Himawari-chan is with Sarada-chan, getting ready, and Boruto-kun is with Sumire-chan with Minato-chan and Menma-chan." Hinata answered, making Kushina nod, smiling at the mention of her great-grandkids, one named after her husband, while the other named after a ramen condiment.

"Miro-chan was in the garden last time I saw her with Mirai-chan." Shion said, accepting another cinnamon bun.

Anko shrugged. "Mamushi is with his brats, heading to town. No doubt to cause trouble." She said, grinning, getting the others to shake their heads. Mamushi Uzumaki has inherited his father's love for pranks and his mother's love for causing trouble - not a good combo - which later passed down to his own sons.

Many still shivered from the memories of the "Dark Days".

Her turned to speak, Karin too a sip of tea before responding. "I think Nagato-chan is with Jiraiya." She said, making Kushina narrow her eyes. That pervert better not be trying to corrupt her precious grandson, if he knew what was good for him. Karin saw this and waved her hand. "Don't worry, Kushi-kaasan. My idiot son knows not to do anything perverted. Not if he doesn't want a beating." She said with wicked grin, getting a satisfied nod from Kushina.

Anko snorted. "Sadistic Uzumaki." Anko muttered behind her cup of sake. And coming from her, that was saying something.

"So, Naruto's stopping by soon, huh?" Jiraiya asked his once upon a time student.

Minato nodded as he gazed across the yard to his grandson, who stood in front of a group of young children - who had unfortunately died in either Sound Invasion, or some other attack - telling them some tales of adventures he went on when alive, some with his father and/or grandfather.

"If what Sasuke said is right. It'll be good to see him again." The blonde man said, getting a nod of agreement from the sage.

"Yeah. Brat need to stop by more often. Doesn't he now how much his friends and family miss him?"

Minato chuckled. "Yeah, but you know how busy he is, being a god and all." Jiraiya snorted.

"Busy? That brat takes more vacations than actually doing work." The older man stated. "He's like you, when you used some of the Hokage bank account to get yourself and Kushina that vacation in the Land of Hot Water."

"That was only once!" Minato defended, only to get a deadpanned look.

"Try three times."

Coughing into his fist, Minato moved the conversation back on track. "Anyway, Kushina is really excited to learn on what the girls are doing. So am I. We still wish Naruto would tell them the truth about who he is, and what they are, so he can finally bring them here. We really want to meet them. Unfortunately, he's dead set on waiting until they are older."

"Can you blame him? How would you react if your father suddenly told you that he was a god, that their mother - who are in fact different women - were goddesses, and that they were goddesses as well?"

Minato huffed. "Fine, I get it. Doesn't mean I have to like it."

"No one said you had to."

Shaking his head, Minato turned back to watch his grandson seemingly tell the kids a joke, making them laugh, and seeing their happiness, made the former hokage smile. Interacting with his grandchildren and their grandchildren always made him smile, even more when he recalls the happiness his son would show when he would be with his family.

Suddenly, everyone stopped what they were doing, as they felt a heavy pressure in the air. Not enough to make them fall to the ground, but for their breaths to get clogged in their throats, show how powerful it was.

It was one everyone was familiar with.

Jiraiya smirked, even if drops of sweat gathered on his forehead. "He's here."

Kid always liked to make an entrance.

Naruto smirked as he gazed down at the replica of his old village from his vantage point in the air, his wife and son floating behind him. In his grasp, his Shakujō staff in hand, leaning against his shoulder. His mouth and chin covered by his long black scarf, the long ends flapping in the wind and his hair and cloak ruffled.

From his forehead, two short horns popped out, curving upward, while a pair of secondary horns came from the top of head, resembling rabbit ears, coloured white as snow.

His eyes flashed into his Rinne-Sharingan, glowing with contained power.

All in all, Naruto resembled not the former hyperactive kid he was centuries ago, but the imposing and powerful god he has become.

"It's good to be home...well, sorta."

Yukio stared down at the village in slight awe. "So, this is you home, father?"

Naruto nodded, smiling softly as he recalled fond memories of his life in Konoha. "Yeah, man I missed this place." He muttered, before sighing. "I really miss all the trees around the village though." While "Heaven Konoha" may resemble the old village, and have trees, they weren't really trees, so there was no nature energy in the air, nor the once familiar smell of nature in the air.

Kaguya was silent, merely humming as she looked down at the village. This was her first time seeing it, and had to admit it was beautiful.

Looking at his Otsutsuki family, he smirked. "Well now, let's meet the others. Shall we?" Getting nods of agreement, the three began to descend down into the village.

Deciding to skip landing in the middle of the street where everyone could see him, and start a large panic of cries of "Naruto-sama", or "Juudo-sama" followed by praises and cries of welcoming like last time, they instead touched down in front of the "Juudo Estate".

Gazing up at the large golden gates that framed as the entrance, Naruto grew a slight amused smirk on his face, shaking his head softly. "Really wish they didn't go so far just for me…" He muttered. Kaguya looked at him.

"It's a sign of worship, Koishii. It's something common for a being of your status." She stated.

Looking over his shoulder, Naruto gave her a deadpanned look. "Maybe, but I don't like being worshiped. Prayed to and loved by all, I can handle. But I hate how people go out of their way to make memorials or go on committing crimes or murder in my name. Luckily I managed to stopped that during the days in the Elemental Nations before it got too far. I don't want people to take my word as their overall law and pervert my teachings like how it happened with Sage-Jiji." Kaguya frowned at that, recalling how people had weaponized chakra, completely ignoring and vandalizing her son's peaceful teachings.

Naruto sigh. "Whatever, no matter how many times I tell them not to, they are not going to stop. Doesn't help that Kaa-chan and Anko-chan are encouraging it for their own sick amusement."

Kaguya's lips twitched as her husband began to grumble under his breath about evil mothers and wives, as the three entered the compound.

Immediately upon entering the courtyard, they stopped, with Naruto blinking owlishly. For there, in the middle of the field, was a large gathering of people. Some of the females were maid attire, black and orange, with a red Uzumaki Symbol crest over their hearts, while the others wore Jonin-like uniforms, with headbands on their foreheads, but instead of a village symbol, the metals had the kanji for Maelstrom (渦).

Immediately, the men and women bowed down to a knee to them. Or more specifically, Naruto.

"Welcome home, Naruto-sama!"

Naruto sighed, shaking his head. Raising his head, he turned to the rooftop of the house. "I'm guessing this was your idea, Kaa-chan?"

Standing on top of the roof to the main house, Kushina giggled as she looked down at her god of a son. "But of course! What mother wouldn't want to welcome her son home in such a grand way?"

"At least it's better than last time." Naruto muttered, recalling how his mother had gotten everyone in the village to greet him with a large festival, with fireworks, parade balloons of the Biju, and a giant cake. While he appreciated the welcome, he felt it was a bit unnecessary, as all he had looked forward to was seeing his friends and family again after so long.

Shaking his head at the red haired woman, he turned back to the still kneeling workers. "At ease, you may stand." He commanded softly, getting them to do as told. He smirked softly, nodding at them. "I thank you for the welcome, as well as for keeping my home standing, even with trouble makers such as Anko-chan and Kaa-chan."

"Hey! I'm not that bad...anymore."

Ignoring his mother, Naruto continued. "Thank you for your help. Please, take time off to return back to your families and spend time with them." Most of the workers looked ready to argue, no doubt to say they were alright to continue serving under him, but Naruto would not have it. "It was a request, but if I have to make it an order…." He narrowed his eyes, making them flinch, nod, and quickly disperse as to not anger their lord.

Once they left, Naruto released a breath, only to let out an oof, as Kushina appeared in front of him, and grabbed him in a tight hug.

"Welcome home, soichi!"

Smiling softly, Naruto returned the hug, wrapping his arms around his mother.

"It's good to be back, Kaa-chan."

Her eyes closed, to take comfort at her son's general warmth, the same warmth she had felt when she had first held him as a baby, and when she saw him again in his soul, Kushina opened her eyes, and for the first time, noticed the silent Kaguya and Yukio, who simply watched the events before them. She pulled back from her son softly. "Oh! You brought guests, dattebane."

Naruto nodded and gestured to the two Otsutsukis. "Yeah. Kaa-chan, meet my son, Yukio Otsutsuki-Uzumaki, and my wife, Kaguya Otsutsuki."

Kushina's smile widely at hearing she had another grandchild for her to smoother and spoil! While normally she would be concerned with her son's apparent never ending libido given the number of offspring he seems to always bring home, she was just glad that her family continued to grow.

However, she lost her smile as she looked at Kaguya. She knew who she was, as Naruto, Sasuke, and Minato told her of the white-haired woman's identity, as well as the fact that the Fourth Shinobi War was actually orchestrated by her. Not to mention she was the 'creator' of Black Zetsu, who manipulated Madara Uchiha, who in turn manipulated Obito Uchiha, who was the one who attacked her at Naruto's birth, not only threatening her son, but broke Kurama out of her, forcing Minato to seal her into their son, and leading to their death, thus preventing them from being their during his childhood and raise him.

And Kaguya, the woman right in front of her, was the start of all of that.

Naruto sweated, stepping back, as his mother gain a dark aura around her, KI waving off her, her hair rising up into several tendrils. No matter what threat he had faced in the past, the anger of a mother, more so his own, would always be the most fearsome.

Kushina gain a toothache inducing sweet smile. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Kaguya-san. I can't wait to talk with you."

While most people (roughly 90% of any human being) would cower in pure fear of being the target of Kushina Uzumaki's wrath, Kaguya was not only a powerful (self-titled) Goddess, she was also a mother herself, and knew how to combat the fierce Mother Intent.

So, narrowing her eyes, raising her power, Kaguya match Kushina in glare. "Very well."

Before Naruto could say anything, his mother and wife vanished without a trace, leaving him and his son alone in the courtyard.

Yukio looked at his father, who facepalmed with a groan. "Great! Just great! Hopefully those two will be civilized, and not cause any trouble or break something…"

Yukio look at his father, who dropped his head in sorrow. "Oh who am I kidding! That's exactly what they will do!" Shaking his head with a sigh, he looked at his son. "Let's just forget what happened, and move on. Come on, time I introduce you to the rest of the family."

Yukio nodded. "Hai, Tou-san." He said, before following his father into the large house.

Ningenkai - Uzumaki Residence

(C) Naruto hummed as he stood in front of the stove, stirring the pot of soup, his daughters currently in the living room, watching cartoons, with Kurama with them, still in her fox form.

As he prepared the food, Naruto also thought on what his current move should be.

Contrary to what many would believe, Naruto did not spend the last years doing nothing. While he would take care of his daughters, he would have clones go out and gather any and all information on the Greek Gods.

Know thy enemy, after all.

And Naruto could safely say he had enough information to coordinate a plan of attack. All that was left was to figure out who he should make contact with first.

Most people would go for the weakest god, in which case that would be Hermes, as Gods gain their power from their respective domains. In Hermer's case, he gains power through roads and speed. However, while Hermes is the fastest of the Gods, that is actually all he had going for him. Hermes was made for delivering messages between gods. He wasn't a fighter.

Naruto had experience in combating Speed Fighters. His battle with the Yondaime Raikage, A, proving. Not to mention his training with his father, who had the moniker of being one of the two fastests men alive at his time, and Sasuke, who can create portals to teleport, as well as swap placed with objects at the blink of an eye.

As such, Hermes seemed like the most likely first target.

However, there were some contradictions to that.

For one, unlike most of the other Gods, Hermes has not done humans any harms. Quite the opposite, as the winged-footed god would instead try and help mankind when he could.

The only crime he committed is having a hand in unleashing sin to the world through Pandora, and even then it wasn't entirely his fault to be held against. Hermes only helped in her creation, granting her "a snake tongue" as he would describe it, making her words seductive and hypnotive to those who hear them. As well as delivering her to Epimetheus.

All of which was on the order of Zeus.

As such, he could exclude Hermes from his plans for now.

Another reason why he would scratch Hermes as his first target, was because it would be too easy, not to mention boring.

There would be no fun!

No, for his first target, it would need to be someone that would make things fun for him. Someone, that if pushed hard enough, would provide him a challenge.

Continuing stirring, Naruto smirked, his eyes flashing to his Rinne-Sharingan.

He had the perfect victim.

Yukio blinked as he stared at the grinning face of Boruto Uzumaki, his 'older brother' by a few centuries. "Yo! I'm Boruto! I'm your oldest brother, dattebasa!" Boruto said, rubbing the back of his head.

Yukio raised a brow, staring at the older man. Eyes rolling up and down the blonde's form, he could tell that while he looked strong, his physique that of what he had when he was in his prime when alive, the time of peace had made his strength dim, unlike Yukio who was trained by his parents to be ready for any possible threats to come.

Boruto stood an impressive 5 foot 7 inches. His skin a shade similar to their father's, with spiky blonde hair, though it resembled a leaf with a ahoge resembling a stem. He wore black pants, boots, and a white shirt, with a black, red striped jacket. With his sleeves rolled up, it revealed that his right arm had seals covering it from the hand to his elbow. Over his right eye was a eye was a scar, going right through, and reaching the top line of his right side whisker marks. A small "souvenir" he got in a battle he took part in with his father and Uncle Sasuke against some threats when he was still a young adult.

"You're my older brother?" He asked, looking at the still grinning Boruto. Yukio couldn't help but feel...disappointed. "You look like an idiot."

Boruto lost his grin.

"WHAT WAS THAT YOU BASTARD?!" Boruto shouted, a tick mark pulsing on his forehead. "DO YOU WANT ME TO BEAT YOUR ASS?!" His right eye flashing to pale icy blue with a darkened sclera and visible pupil.

However, Yukio wasn't the least bit intimidated, rolling his eyes. "Loud and quick to anger. Like an idiot." He stated, making Boruto grit his teeth.

Naruto saw this and sighed. "Yukio, don't antagonize your brother. Boruto, calm down. No fighting in the house." He stated, before turning his attention to the object currently wrapped around his waist like a belt, making him chuckle. "Well, nice to see you too, Hime-chan." He said, smiling down at his daughter.

Himawari Uzumaki smiled widely up at her father, making her whisker marked cheeks wrinkle. "Welcome home daddy! I missed you!"

Gone was the adorable little girl that would always be wrapped around his leg, and was now a beautiful woman with long dark blue hair in a wild mane. Wide blue eyes filled with love stared up at him. No longer reaching just his knee, she came up to his chin. She wore a light lavender dress that hugged her frame, displaying her curves, as well as pushing against her C-cup bust, with a slight display of cleavage.

Naruto chuckled, patting the top of her head. "I missed you too honey." After a few more minutes, Himawari finally released her father, allowing him to turn his attention to his other first children.

Miroku Uzumaki, a gorgeous woman with long blonde hair, the same shade as his, reaching down to her waist. Bright lavender eyes that seemed to glow dimly with constrained power, the power of Foresight inherited from her mother. She wore a dark violet priestess attire, with a golden hair comb clip to keep it from covering her face.

Nagato Uzumaki, a man with spiky red hair with a right bang going down to his chin, covering his eye, with said eyes being a dark blue, almost violet color. Like some of his sibling, he had inherited his father's facial marking, only his were three bold lines on his left cheek. He wore a jonin attire of black pants, black long-sleeve shirt, and a dark orange vest. On his back was a tanto sword.

Finally, Mamushi Uzumaki. He had inherited his mother's purple hair, but was in a wild spiky style like his father's. He had his father's face, and unlike his siblings, was actually heterochromia, with his right eye being his father's ocean blue, and his left eye being his mother's light brown. Not to mention that he had slit pupils, and small fangs poking from under his upper lip. He dressed similar to his mother, a dark orange trench coat, with a sleeveless black shirt, with the Uzumaki symbol on the chest, and a long-sleeve fishnet shirt under it. He wore dark brown cargo pants, with the ends tucked into steel toe boots.

Naruto smirked at them. "Hey there brats!"

Mamushi returned his smirk. "Hey pops!" He greeted, before wincing as Miroku elbowed him on the side.

"Be respectful baka!" She scolded, before bowing to his father softly in greeting. "Welcome home, Tou-sama."

Rolling her eyes at his siblings, Nagato nodded to his father. "Welcome back, father."

Chuckling at his son and daughter's actions, Naruto stepped forward and pulled the three into a group hug, making Mamushi groan in embarrassment, looking away, while Miroku smiled brightly, returning the hug. Like many of his daughters, she was a daddy's girl. And why wouldn't she? He was the best father ever! Nagato just grunted, but didn't reject the embrace, though his cheeks were a bit red, letting everyone know just how embarrassed he was.

Pulling back, Naruto smiled at the three. "It's great to see you three again as well." He said, making them smile. He then blinked as he felt two arms wrap themselves around his waist, and a hot breath brushing against the back of his neck, making him shiver.

"Aren't you going to greet your lovely wives, foxy~"

Smirking, Naruto looked over his shoulder, and gazed into the brown eyes of Anko. Anko smirked that deadly smirk of her. "Hey there handsome."

"Hey yourself."

Meeting her lips, he kissed her the way she liked it, with love and a bit of lust, making her groan. When he brushed his tongue against her bottom lip, she moaned, and granted him entry into her mouth, where his tongue battled against hers. Turning around in her arms, he wrapped his arms around her, one hand going to grab her plump ass, while the other grabbed the back of her head, pushing it forward and making their lips press tighter. Anko moaned louder, her legs turning into jello as her tongue grew longer, wrapping itself around her husbands. Not one to lose a battle, Anko pushed their tongue out of her mouth, and into his. Her hands coming up, she felt his hand chest, caressing his muscles.

Mamushi face-palmed, groaning as he watched his parents begin to get lost in their little 'reunion', and decided to break it up before they get too far gone and suddenly have sex on the ground, and scar him. "Guys, can you please calm yourselves?"

Snapping out of their lust, the two broke off, with Anko panting a bit with red cheeks. Though the look in her eyes let Naruto know that there will be a continuation later, and this time there would be no clones.

Smirking, Naruto kissed the snake woman on her forehead, before turning to his other wives, as they approached him. Approaching Karin and Shion, he wrapped his arms around their waists, and kissed the redhead first, before doing the same to the blonde priestess. "Hey there, Nisou-chan, Pervy-chan."

Karin pouted at him. "Why am I always called that?! I want a better nickname!"

Shion gave her an amused look. "Well, he's not wrong." She said, making the redhead look away with a huff. Though that changed as Naruto planted a kiss on her neck, making her hiss in pleasure.

"None of that, Pervy-chan." He muttered against her neck, making her bite her lip. "Besides, the nickname is quite...cute. Wouldn't you agree?" He asked, grinning as he kissed her skin once more, making the glasses wearing redhead moan softly.

"B-Baka...Don't play like that."

Naruto chuckled, but he didn't go any further as he pulled away, making Karin moan in disappointment. Pecking Shion on the lips once more, he let the two go, before turning his attention to the last wife waiting patiently. Instantly his eyes filled with great love for the woman in front of him. Love equally returned as Hinata smiled at him. "Welcome home, Naruto-kun. I've missed you."

Walking towards her, Naruto pulled her into an embrace, his lips slamming into hers. The two kissed, one not filled with lust, but love. Love between two soul mates, lovers who cared for the other in mind, body, and soul. A gentle kiss that still passed on their feelings for the other.

Pulling away, Naruto leaned his forehead against Hinata's, their eyes half lid as they gazed at the other for what seemed like an eternity, smiling happily.

"I missed you too, Hinata-chan."

Leaning against the wall, Naruto watched as the remaining workers began setting up the plates and food in the dining room. Giving the large gathering, multiple tables were set up.

His wives left to get his other friends, and last he saw of Yukio, he was being dragged off by Himawari and Mamushi, with his other children tagging along. No doubt to get to know their new brother.

Kaguya and his mother also haven't returned yet, making him worried and hoping their 'talk' was going alright.

While he knew Kaguya was more powerful than his mother, Kushina was not one to be underestimated.

A hand on his shoulder snapped him out of his thoughts. Turning, Naruto smiled when he saw his father and Jiraiya. "Tou-san. Ero-Sennin!"

Jiraiya glared at him. "Damn it gaki! How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that?!"

However, he was ignored as Minato hugged his son. "Hey there son. Welcome back." Naruto laughed as he returned the hug.

"Yeah. I've been hearing that a lot. But yeah, it's great seeing everyone again." Separating, he turned to his once upon a time teacher.

Losing his glare, the former Toad sage hugged his student. "Hey brat. Hope you've stayed out of trouble."

Naruto scoffed as he patted the man on the back. "Course not! Who do you take me for?!"

Chuckling, Jiraiya nodded as he stood back. Minato looked at his son. "So tell me, how are my granddaughters doing?"

Smiling proudly, Naruto answered. "Great. They are keeping up their school studies and healthy. Getting good grades and eating well. Though Chloe seemed to have taking up pranking."

"And let me guess, you are proud of that." Jiraiya deadpanned. Naruto grinned widely.

"Immensely!" He said, making Jiraiya sigh while Minata chuckled.

"Anyway," The Toad Sage spoke, moving on. "I've heard that you have another new brat." He said, narrowing his eyes. "Is his mother…"

Losing his smile, Naruto nodded. "Yeah. It's Kaguya." He revealed, making the two men frown. He sighed seeing that. "Guys please. Give her a chance. I've spent years with her, so I can say for certain that she has changed."

"How can you be sure of that, Naruto?" Jiraiya questioned. "After all that she had done? The people she had manipulated-"

"Were not of her own choosing." Naruto interrupted, giving his teacher a fierce glare, making the man flinch. "I would not have loved Kaguya, much less release her from her prison, if I did not trust that she deserve a second chance. There was much as play then you realize, and I will reveal them when everyone is gathered." He exclaimed.

While Jiraiya wished to argue, Minato stopped him by placing a hand on his teacher's shoulder, nodding at his son. "Alright Naruto. We'll trust your decision, and wait to hear more. Where is Kaguya now?"

Naruto sighed, running a hand through his hair. "With Kaa-chan." He said, making Minato and Jiraiya pale white.

"Oh dear Kami."

Separating from his father and teacher, Naruto went to the garden, sitting on the walkway. Closing his eyes, he enjoyed the gentle wind and began to release nature chakra from his body, letting it spread through the air, giving more life to the trees.

Letting himself relax, he closed his eyes, letting the sound of nature calm him.

Feeling something wet press against his cheek, he opened his eyes and turned his head. Kneeling beside him was a beautiful woman. Her skin a majestic pearl white, with long dark hair blowing in the breeze. She wore a red kimono with a black sash with black pedal designs. A red headband pushing bangs from her forehead, with red framed glasses over black eyes.

She smiled at him. "Hello, Naru-kun."

He returned it. "Hello, Sarada-hime." He greeted his wife.

"As troublesome as this it, and while it is good to see you again, I doubt this was a social visit."

Naruto shrugged at Shikamaru as everyone sat in their seats, the maids placing food in front of them. "It's half-&-half. While it is true that I've come to see everyone again, the truth of the matter is that I've come to announce that it is time I've made my introduction to the Greek Pantheon." He exclaimed, making everyone look at him.

Shikamaru sighed, leaning back on his seat. "So, you're really doing it, huh? You have any idea how much trouble this could bring?" Naruto just smirked devilishly at him. "Troublesome. You do realize that one wrong move could bring about war, right?"

"I won't let it reach that." Naruto stated. "I've been coming up with plan on how to go about this, but would like to go over them with you and Shikaku to find any errors." He explained, looking over his shoulder when he detected Kaguya and Kushina return to the courtyard from wherever they were, and heading their way. He was curiously when he didn't sense any negative emotion, and wondered what they had been doing.

Shikamaru groaned. Great, work. "Troublesome."

His wife Temari swatted him on the shoulder. "Oh knock it off, you lazy bum."

The door opened and Kaguya and Kushina entered. While everyone tensed at the sight of the Moon Rabbit, Naruto held up his hand to stop them from doing or saying anything right now, as Kaguya sat on the free seat beside her husband, while Kushina sat across from them beside Minato.

Staring at Kaguya for a while, Tsunade was able to tear her eyes away to look at Naruto. "And I'm guessing you already know who you will be targeting first?"

Naruto nodded, smirking as he brought his cup of sake up to his lips. "Yes, I do. The person I've decided to go after first…"

Outside in the garden, a small fox kit hid in the bushes as it gazed at a lone bird taken rest near the base of a tree. With the bird distracted with cleaning its wing, the fox snuck through the bushes, getting close, not making any noise. All the while, the bird remained oblivious. Soon the fox was right beside it in the bushes. Legs tensing, it got ready.

Raising its head up, the bird chirped in confusion, looking around. Before it could react, the fox shot out, its jaw wide open as it launched at the frightened bird.

"...Is the Greek Goddess of Hunt, Moon, and Wild. Artemis."

End of Chapter

And there you have it! It is time to begin what we have all been waiting for!

Naruto is ready to make true contact with the Greek Gods, and begin his mission.

What will be in store for our fierce Goddess? What will be the outcome?

I hope you enjoy my little Christmas Present, and I wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

As I've stated, I am officially done with school, wish will give me more free time to work on my stories.

I want to thank everyone who have waited patiently for me to update this story, and apologize for taking so long.

Also, yeah Gaea finally makes an appearance, as I know many have been anxious for her to appear. And Sarada, Sasuke's daughter, is one of Naruto's wive? How did that happen? What is Sasuke's reaction?

So many questions, so little time.

Till Next Time! Feliz Navidad!

Next Chapter Preview:

Artemis huffed as she gazed at the surrounding trees, her trusty bow tightly in her grasp. She extended her senses, hoping to locate the person who dared to intrude upon her camp, but somehow was unable to. The person was cloaked somehow.. Taking the chance presented to her, she took out another arrow and got ready.

Her ears twitching as she heard the sound of something cutting through the air, she sidestepped as a projectile passed through her head. Reacting quickly, she shot an arrow towards where the projectile came from. She heard the sound of the arrow head piercing through wood, but nothing else.

Readying another arrow, she aimed at the trees, taking a step back. With nothing but silence, she took a glance at the object that was shot at her. Seeing the shiny black metal the shape of a arrow head with a ring on the base, she recognized it from the time her idiot brother kept pestering her about his fascination with old Japanese culture, and warriors of the shadows.

A kunai.

Glaring at the trees, she tensed. Were it not for her experience and instincts, that weapon would have cut her at the speed it was going.

The silence annoying her, she tried to bait her opponent into revealing themselves. "How long do you intend to hide like a coward? Why not show yourself?"

She did get a response, as a giggle echoed out from the trees. "Now why would I do that? This is more fun!"

Narrowing her eyes as she tried to locate where the voice was coming from, she shot an arrow to where she heard the sound of leave move. All that came were birds flying from the trees in fear. Clicking her tongue in annoyance, hating how jumpy she was acting, she calmed herself.

"Missed me~"

Hearing the voice come from her left, she shot an arrow. It missed.

"So close, but still so far, Arty-chan!"

Another arrow flew.


Getting tired of being in the opened, she moved to retreat into the forest behind her. Unfortunately, she was stopped in her tracks as another kunai hit where her foot was about to step to. Jumping back, she looked at the trees.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! You're not going anywhere, little birdy!"

Artemis gritted her teeth. "Is this a game to you?! Why not reveal yourself and fight me head on?!"

The person giggle. "Weeeell...if it'll make the game more fun...and I want to have fun."


Eyes widening when the voice was heard behind her, Artemis quickly turned around, aiming an arrow.

There, squatting on top of a bolder buried in the ground, was a figure, its body nearly covered in a cloak, black with red cloud. Their face were covered by an orange swirl mask, but she could see their hair. Long blond hair, in two ponytails going down the side. The mask had a hole on it, on the right side, where she could see a crimson with a slit pupil, that as it gazed at her, made her body freeze, locking upon itself. Sweat rolled down her forehead as a heavy pressure slammed down on her shoulders, nearly dropping her to her knees from the force.

"Tobi is a good girl."
