A/N: This was supposed to be a oneshot thing, but someone asked for another chapter. So, here it is! I hope this will do some justice.

"Okay remember, when you insert the flash drive-" Skye was reminding Fitz and Simmons about the plan but was cut off mid-sentence by them as they enter a restricted area, "The decoy crawler will use your browsing history to simulate your usual online activities..." Fitz continued for her and casually ducking when some agents pass by. "And while S.H.I.E.L.D thinks you're tweeting and facebooking with your laptop, you'll be actually hacking the files for Coulson's mission." Simmons added as she walked beside Fitz. Skye was left outside the restricted hallway since she's not yet an official S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, she doesn't have access to that area. She was standing in front of a glass door that separates her from her teammates and just a couple of feet behind her is an elevator, so she's the look-out person. "Right. And we only have-" Skye tried to say but was cut off again by FitzSimmons. "Three minutes before S.H.I.E.L.D catches on." They both spoke at the same time. "You're doing it again, you're finishing my-" For the third time Skye was yet again cut off. "Sentences. Right, sorry." Fitz said as Simmons said at the same time, "Sentences. It's annoying, so sorry." The two of them turned right and Skye couldn't see them anymore, she can only hear them on her earpiece. "You're already the science twins, don't make me your triplet." Skye voiced out. "We found one!" Simmons exclaimed in a whispered voice. "Just do it quickly so that we won't get to use the I.C.E.R.s." Skye told them then added, "Hurry up. Someone's coming. I'll try to hold them off." She warned them when she heard the elevator doors open. "Alright, try not to ice them." Fitz reminded her as he and Simmons opened the wall panel and looked for a usb port.

On the other side, Skye prepared herself for what's, or should I say, who's about to come. Why am I so unlucky! -she reprimanded herself. There were not only one agent but actually three agents approaching her direction, and there is absolutely no way for her to ice them because she'll probably be pinned against the wall before she even gets her I.C.E.R. So, she just have to sweet talk them to buy some time for FitzSimmons. Skye blocked their way by standing in front of the entrance. "Hey! It's you again. It's a huge building but we keep on bumping each other." Skye plastered a smile playing cool.

"Youknow what they say, it's a small world after all, so it must be a small building too." The first agent said, who was no other than, Steve Rogers and the other two agents were Natasha Romannof and Maria Hill. They meet once again. Why them? This situation became more difficult as what they had expected, Skye thought. She hoped FitzSimmons are already done; but from what she's hearing from her earpiece, things are getting worse. "So, what are you doing here?" Agent Hill asked noticing the younger agent was alone in front of a restricted area. "FitzSimmons and I were looking for the ladies room and the gents but we seemed to get lost and somehow ended up here." Skye mentally scolded for using the same lame excuse Simmons did back at the hub. She just couldn't think properly because FitzSimmons were babbling on the other line. "So, where are they now?" Romanoff asked having a sense of suspicion from her. "Oh, they're in there. I couldn't go in since I don't have access yet. Fitz really needs to go, but I don't, so I'm waiting for them here. Ehehe..." Skye pointed the door behind her with her thumb without turning around. She was getting more and more nervous. Then her feeling became worse when a thud came from behind her. It wasn't really loud, but it was loud enough for the other three agents to hear. "What was that?" Hill became more alert after hearing that noise. "Let's go check it out." Romanoff suggested. "Stay here." Steve told Skye.

Meanwhile Skye was dealing with those three agents, FitzSimmons were facing with their own problem. "Oh no... Captain America, Blackwidow and the deputy Director are walking towards Skye, we'd better hurry up." Simmons took a peek at the corner to check on Skye.

"What do you think I'm doing?!" Fitz whispered harshly as he frantically grabbed the flash drive from his pocket and inserted it to the wall panel. "There. Now let's go back to Skye." Fitz finished. They were about to go when somebody appeared from the room five feet away from the wall panel. Both bolted to turn around blocking the wall panel behind them.

"Mr. Alexander Pierce , sir. Well, hello." Simmons greeted the older man but actually panicking inside. Alexander Pierce, the secretary of S.H.I.E.L.D. was in front of them. "Agent Simmons, Agent Fitz good evening." Mr. Pierce greeted the two scientist. "Are you lost or something?" He asked.

"No... We were just... we.." Fitz tried to come up with an excuse but he was so destracted by Skye talking to the other agents, so he looked at Simmons hoping she'd come up with one. And she did, but not a good one though, "We... were just looking for you." She let out a nervous chuckle and Fitz was left dumbfounded.

"And why is that?" The older man inquired. Simmons quickly thought of a reason as to why, "Well... um.. we... wanted to show you our new invention personally." "Yes, so that it would get approved immediately." Fitz added.

"You mean you have it with you?" Mr. Pierce wasn't even suspicious about the two since he had only heard great things about these two young agents.

"Yes, it's right here..." Simmons ruffled through her bag and Fitz stopped breathing when he realizes what Simmons was about to do. It happened so fast that Alexander Pierce might not have even seen Simmons took out an I.C.E.R. and shot him with it. He fell to the ground, which made a thud that echoed through the hall. They quickly carried him to the room where he came from, which is actually a men's room, so that no one would immediately see his body lying around the hallway. "You should really not make this a habit.

" Fitz commented as they laid the body on the bathroom floor. Simmons just grimaced in response then they ran back to the hallway.

"I'm not going anywhere." Skye told Steve as the three agents entered. When the doors closed, she called out her teammates using their comms, "Guys, their on your way! What the hell happened?" They didn't answer her, and she saw why. Just in time the three older agents closed in the corner, the two scientists emerged. Skye listened to their conversation.

"Hi!" FitzSimmons said at the same time. "What happened here? We heard a noise." Romanoff asked them. "Oh, that? That was just Fitz tripping on his shoe lace. He didn't noticed it was untied." Simmons said as if she'd rehearsed this excuse a couple of times in her head. "Yeah. I fell hard." Fitz said stiffly. "Well, we'd better go. Skye's been standing there all alone. Bye now." Simmons dismissed the conversation and they briskly walked to Skye leaving the three agents on the hallway. "Is it just me, or those three were acting strange?" Hill spoke. "Yeah, they were." Steve agreed. "What were they even doing here?" Romanoff turned to the corner and saw the men's room not fully closed. As she looked closer, there was a black leather shoe was keeping the door open. She ran to it and the other two followed.

When FitzSimmons met back with Skye, they saw Romanoff ran off to the corner and the two rose in panic. "Run!" They both told Skye. They didn't have time to explain so they ran towards the elevator. Skye pressed the arrow down and asked, "What the hell did you do?" They entered the elevator and pressed a floor number randomly. "I shot Alexander Pierce." Simmons said. "Who?" Skye asked, obviously not knowing the name. "Wait, it's not safe here." Fitz told them before the elevator doors closed.

Romanoff, Hill and the Captain were surprised to see the body on the floor. Hill felt his pulse, he's still alive but seems to be paralized, she informed them. Could those two have done this? That was the question on their minds; but they didn't waste time asking it, instead Steve ran to catch them. Hill and Romanoff remained with the body. "Why would they do this?" Romanoff asked no one in particular. "I think I know why." Hill blurted.

Steve didn't see a sign of them but he saw the elevator just closed, so he ran through the staircase just opposite of the elevator so he could catch them. He was faster than the elevator so he was able to get in time before the elevator reach the floor and then he pressed the button to open it. As the doors open, he saw nothing. "Maria, Nat, I couldn't find them. I though they were in the elevator but they're not." Steve spoke to them through his comms.

"I think I know where they are. Meet us up here." Maria responded. So Steve took the elevator up while Romanoff and Hill left the body and checked the hallway.

"Why isn't it working? " Skye was frustrated trying to boot the program in her laptop.
"I don't know, we inserted the flash drive just like you said." Fitz told her with panic evident on his voice. The door suddenly busted down and the three young agents gasped in surprise.
"Oh, were you talking about this?" Maria showed the flash drive on her hand. "Do you think we wouldn't see the wall panel open with a flash drive sticking out of it?" She added. "How did you find us?" Fitz asked as he swallowed a lump in his throat. "Faking to ride the elevator, that was genius. Hiding near the crime scene, that's bold. We wouldn't have found out, if it weren't the only room that was manually locked." Steve said. They were hiding in a storage closet near the elevator. Fitz knew that Captain America can out run the elevator, that's why he suggested to hide in the storage room. He just didn't anticipate that they'll be found out that fast. "Were you trying to hack S.H.I.E.L.D.'s mainframe ?" Romanoff asked closing in on them. The three younger agents were terrified of what's going to happen. "Yes, they were." Hill answered for them. "This isn't the first time they did it. Something like this happened at the Hub too." She added.

"We can explain." Simmons said. Romanoff and Steve looked at them for more answers. "Is Mr. Pierce alright?" Simmons asked concerned for the old man. "Yes, he is. And I gotta say, Agent Simmons, the people you've been shooting are high ranking officers, it getting higher everytime. Who are you gonna shoot next, Fury?" Hill said in very serious tone.
"Look, we only did this because we were worried about our team." Skye explained.
"I know you have good intentions but you have broken a lot of rules." Romanoff told them. "When Fury finds out about this again, who knows what will happen to your team." Hill added. The three were silent, and their eyes became watery, it's like they're holding back their tears because they fear that worst thing could happen is that their team will be broken up. They're like a family, especially for Skye, they are the only family she's got.

Watching the three young agents, the older agents suddenly felt a wave of affection for them, they almost look like lost puppies searching for their parents. "You know, Fury doesn't have to know." Steve suggested to Agent Hill. The three pouting agents became hopeful after hearing him say that. "And why is that? Pierce would certainly remember what happened. And we just left him still lying on the floor, maybe somebody found him already." Hill told the Captain. "I highly doubt that. If somebody found him, they would have sounded the alert or probably call you, but nothing happened yet. Even though they have broken protocols, they do have good intentions." Romanoff said trying to support the captain. "Besides, you already have a lot on your plate, do you want to deal with this little situation too, Maria?" She added. Hill paused momentarily weighing her options, "I wouldn't call this a 'little situation' since they shot the secretary of S.H.I.E.L.D. but I don't want to write a report to Fury about this because I have more important issues to attend to. So, fine Fury doesn't have to know." Hill finally said and the three agents smiled in relief. "Thank you! Thank you!" Skye and FitzSimmons squirmed with joy. "But what will we do about Mr. Pierce?" Asked Fitz. "We'll just sneak him in his office and make him think he just slept there." Romanoff suggested. "But what if Mr. Pierce looks at the security footage?" Simmons asked to take precaution. "I'll take care of that." Hill winked at them. "Since that's all sorted out, can we know what mission they went to?" Skye asked hoping they would still get answers. "It's a level 7 information, so I can't discuss it. And looking at the time, they're probably done, so we can contact them. You can come with me in my office to contact the plane while Steve and Nat sneaks Pierce into his office." Hill answered Skye.

And so Romanoff and Steve snuck Pierce into his office without anyone noticing while Skye, Fitz and Simmons went to Hill's office to contact the Bus. There's a big screen in Hill's office to video call the bus. "Hi Phil." "Hi Maria. It's strange of you to call unannounced. Is something wrong?" "Nope. I just met your kids. And they're really worried you left them all alone." Maria joked. "Oh no... Did they do anything wrong? Did somebody got shot again? Tell me Simmons did not shoot Fury." Coulson feared they did exactly that. Hill did not answer him directly, she just smiled and said, "Just tell them you're okay and you're coming home safely." she ended with a chuckle. Then she turned the screen to the three embarrassed looking agents. Coulson talked to them and assured that they are fine and that they're on their way back to the Triskelion. While the three agents were busy talking, Agent Hill deleted some footage from the security tape. It's like nothing ever happened. After the little talk with Coulson, the trio thanked Agent Hill and promised her they won't do anything like this again. Hopefully.


A/N: I don't know how hacking works, so I just borrowed some lines from episode 7. I hope AOS writers will forgive me for that. Thanks for reading!