Title: Shuu-sama

Author: Kuroi Tenshi [[email protected]]

Pairing(s): Shuuichi+ Yuki

Warnings: Shounen Ai (of course—what'd you expect from Gravitation?!)

Rating: PG-15

Summary: (is this necessary? I suck at summaries) What if Shuu-chan isn't exactly what we   think he is? What if he's been hiding a little secret from almost everyone he knows? And what if that secret suddenly makes itself known? (This is more like a teaser than a summary)

Disclaimers: Not mine, no money, don't sue—or you will see me hanging around your house 24/7 with a flamethrower at hand the minute they let me out of jail. ::grin:: I don't own these delicious bishounen (Unfortunately, Santa didn't think I was a good girl enough to deliver them under the tree this Christmas). Original characters (and my, am I fond of making them!) are as the name implies, original, they're mine. I'm just borrowing these cuties to suit my twisted quirks. I'm not making any money out of these. ::sigh:: Anyone wanna pay me? ^___^

Notes (this is essential since I explain myself in this part): Against my better judgment ::dramatic sigh:: I'm starting another fic, which I'm sure will run long parts. ::sweatdrop:: And I just announced I'd take a break from the GW fic. ::dodges random sharp objects thrown her way:: Ah, well. The pull of Gravitation's too strong. ^_^

            Please be aware that I've only watched the series and I'm fairly new to the fandom (eight days, to be more accurate) so I'm sure I'll get a lot of things messed up. (Don't I always? ^^;;) please be patient with me, no sharp-object-throwing. Lord knows I've had enough experience with that. ^_^

            Oh, btw, it's been a nasty habit of mine to give anime charas their own family background and stuff. Hehe. I haven't read the manga so I'm basing what little I know on the series, neh? Family backgrounds and such the series didn't divulge on are supplied by yours truly. Fanon galore. Just thought I'd warn you so you won't have a cardiac arrest when you see something amiss. ^_^ There, on with the story! ::crosses fingers:: Did I mention this is my first gravi fic ever?



            The muffled sound of running water from the closed door was the first sound he heard when he opened his eyes. The emptiness of the space next to him was the second thing he noticed. The absence of the bed's other occupant left a strange pang of loneliness in him. He rolled over to his left, feeling the soft thick carpet against his bare feet.

            Outside the window, the sun was already starting to slowly rise. Dawn's rose-tipped fingers crept over the sleeping horizon and gradually filled the gray sky with its lasting radiance. He felt a smile tug on his lips when his gaze fell on the closed bathroom door.

            It had been months since he and his lover got together. It had been really hard and painful because he didn't know what to do with a man like him at first but things eventually worked out. He got hurt, physically and emotionally, but everything was doing great between them now. They were both happy with their relationship at last.

            He heard the water stop and the door opened. "Shuuichi?"

            His lover looked beautiful with rivulets of water running down his body and his hair wet from the quick shower. The golden strands clung to the side of his face and the pink-haired music idol grinned. "Good morning, Yuki!"


            "I'll be off now!" Shuuichi waved to his lover whose eyes were glued to the screen. He smiled because he knew that even if Yuki wasn't looking at him directly, he was probably looking at him through his reflection somewhere.

            He was about to leave the house when he remembered something. He sped toward the den and threw open the door. "I'll be home for dinner, wait for me, okay?" With that, he made a mad dash for the door.

            Yuki was almost sure he was already running the flight of stairs down (not having the patience for the elevator) when his door was thrust open yet again and his cheerful lover burst in. "What—" He was cut off with the quick peck on his cheeks.

            Shuuichi seemed satisfied with himself and grinned. "I'm going now!"

            He didn't return this time. After a few minutes, Yuki relaxed to his chair and leaned back, pulling his glasses off and placing it on the table in front of him.  Despite himself, he felt a smile tugging on his lips. Shuuichi…

            "And then I gave Yuki a kiss!" Shuuichi exclaimed proudly, finishing his tale. "And he didn't punch me this time. Though that may have been because I was already out the door 1.3 seconds after.  What do you think, Hiro?" he turned to his best friend.

            The long haired-redhead shrugged. He propped his feet on the conference table and sighed. "I don't know, Shuu. Maybe the answer to that question's the same one I've told you 167 times already: I don't know!"

            The pink bundle of energy shrugged. "You know, Hiro, just because you don't get to kiss Ayaka that much, you don't have to be jealous of my relationship with Yuki. It seems like someone's bitter."

            Hiroshi rolled his eyes. "Fine, sorry. Tell me more about your perfect relationship with Yuki the Icicle Prince then."

            The vocalist pouted. "Yuki's not the Icicle Prince. He's a bit aloof at times but he's really warm and adorable. You should see him when he's asleep! He looks just like an angel!" he gushed. "And he also—"

            He stopped mid-sentence when he heard a distinctive sound of a gun being cocked. "But now's not the time to talk about how adorable Yuki is. We're here to work." He turned to the American behind him and gave him his sunniest smile. "What do you have for us today, K-san?"


            The green scenery had been rolling by outside the limousine's heavily tinted window until they reached the city. Until then, traffic had been a word so foreign and unheard of. The young woman sighed impatiently as she looked at the people walking at the street. She glanced at her watch and leaned back on her seat with irritation. "We've been here for more than five minutes. This is intolerable."

            The young girl seated across her looked up from where she was reading a book and pulled the headphones off. Instantly, the loud blaring of Bad Luck's new single ceased its assault on her eardrums. "Huh?"

            The older one with raven black hair that hung loose on her back gestured at the window. "This traffic. It's intolerable."

            The younger of the two shrugged, pulling her headphones back. "You don't have to torture yourself with boredom, you know. You've done nothing but look out the window and the boring landscape since we left home. Why don't you read some of the books I brought instead?"

            "I find his works quite distasteful."

            "Don't judge a book by its cover," the younger chirped, throwing her sister one of the hardbound books from the pile next to her. "Here!"

            The older one caught it before it hit her in the head and sighed, giving up. She might as well read and find out for herself whether or not the man was as good as they claim him to be. She had only heard biased opinions anyway.

            As she flipped open the pages, a couple of pictures fell out. She stared at the beautiful golden eyes of the author then threw it aside. She stared long at the next picture in her hand. Looking at the young man's beautiful violet eyes and soft pink hair, she couldn't help but glare at the man next to him. You don't deserve him, Yuki Eiri.


            Liked it? Hated it? Loved it? Lost your lunch? Gifts? Threats? Praises? Mail me and tell me! Send all C&C to [email protected]


            Notes: Please tell me what you think! ^_^ Sorry it's late. I'm seriously considering writing more but then I have to wake up early to go to the mall and meet my friend so I have to stop here. ^^;; C&C!