Our Fears - Sabine Monophobia ( Fear Of Being Alone ) - Part 2

Okay Some of you guys wanted Sabine. Just a warning, If im going to make this longer its going to be a longer wait. Because School, Writers Block and .. The Length. Ha! Okay.. Lets see how I do this... Hmm... Why do I feel like im really uninspired? Oh cause I am.. Also just a side note, Not all fears will have five parts. Mostly cause Ezra is my favourite so he gets most. This will have 2-5 parts depending on how I feel. And yeah... ( I know comm is spelt com cause of comlink but if it doesnt add the link I like spelling it comm :P ) [ Edited cause Sabine Spector 5 not 4. I FORGOT! Told you I am brain dead ._. ]

It had been 24 hours.

24 hours in this hellhole, listening to the infuriating drip...drip...drip...DRIP of the leaking water pipe.

She couldn't tell if she was still sane.

No colour, Alone, That INFURIATING dripping.

Plus she was de-hydrated , famished and exhausted. She couldn't think, she didn't sleep much and whoever was so kind to kidnap her, supposedly forgot to supply her with food and water.

She swallowed, trying to sooth her burning, dry throat.

She wondered why the crew hadn't come yet.

~ *Clears Throat and reads from a Scroll* ' Mega-Awesome-Funtime-Icebreaker-Megidoodle Line break. '... *throws scroll away and shouts* ' WHO WRITES THIS? ' *stomps away* ~

{ Le Ghost Crew's POV ( Basically NO POV, but following the crew. ) }

Hera was frantic, pressing buttons, pulling levers and muttering curses native to her home language - Rylothean. Behind her, Ezra was watching with his face contorted into a mixture of worry, anger and slight amusement at her frantic movements.

Kanan was at the top gun, Keeping check on her over the comm. He was distracting himself by gazing in to the dark depths of space. He was using the excuse of ' wanting to be ready in case trouble strikes. ' Trouble as in The Empire. What else?

Zeb was, well for the lack of a better word. Moping. He felt useless here, he busied himself working where he could and was often seen hovering near Sabine's door with a worried expression. The fights between him and Ezra were tenser, One almost ended in Zeb nearly knocking out Ezra with a well aimed uppercut. He had a blood nose after that, not to mention a black eye.

Kanan had tried to ease the tension, but Sabine had always managed to do that.


They wondered if she was okay.

What if she was being tortured, What if The Empire got her? What If she was already dead? What If-

No. Stop thinking about that.

The Crew's mind was in sync. The same worrying thoughts bombarding their braincells.

They were scared for her.

{ New Line Break ;3, _~_~_~_ }

{ Le Sabine's POV... Again. }

Just as she was ready to scream until her throat was red raw, A guy came in.

A guy with black from head to toe.

He was a.. kid? Judging by the height and the way he walked. Obviously Male.

" Hey. " She winced, her voice was hoarse and dry and crackly.

" What? " He asked plainly in varying tones, obviously trying to hide his indentity.

" Water, Food, Maybe my armour if you'd be so nice. " She said, putting a thick layer of sass on every syllable.

She never was one to beat around the bush.

" Fine. " He said, and left.

Sabine was shocked, was it that easy? She expected to say no and have to have a full on Verbal War with him.

He came back fifteen minutes later.

He was carrying a bowl of water, a bowl of.. fruit? And her armour... Her beautiful, colourful armour.

And a key.

" What's the key for? " She asked curiously.

He said nothing else, instead placing the said items on the ground and bringing the key to her shackles. Loosing them enough that she could slip them off. The only problem was her leg ones now.

She put on her helmet and beamed. Yes! He didn't remove the built-in comm! She activated it and tuned it to the Ghost's wavelength.

" Spector 5 to Ghost, Anyone there? " She said, raising her voice as high as she dared.

Nothing.. She tried again.

" I repeat, Anyone there? " Static.. then..

" Sabine! " Ezra's joyful voice came over the comm. Sabine let out a sigh of relief.

" Hey Spector 6, You miss me? " She joked, using the line he did on her.

" Of course I did Spector 5, Where are you? " He joked along with her, then suddenly turned serious with the question.

She didn't know.

She used her helmet's X-ray to check through the walls. There had.. to be.. something.. somewhere... There!

A sign.. Saying ' 12th Mortem Alley' ( I don't know what they use for streets in Star Wars )

Mortem... Where has she heard that before?

Probably nothing...

" -ector 5, Spector 5! " Ezra's desperate voice broke through her thoughts, she raised the comm to her lips and pressed the button.

" Yeah, I'm here Spector 6. Have you ever heard of 12th Mortem Alley? " She asked him, he had been in Lothal his whole life. Maybe he knew this place.

She heard the sharp intake of breath from the other side of the comm, and she grew worried.

" Sabine. Get out there. Now. " He said, his voice deathly low and serious.

" I would if I could! " I answered back rudely.

" No! Sabine! You don't understand! Mortem stands for...-! " He never got to finish, his last words were drowned out by loud footsteps.

She turned her comm off and placed her helmet next to her... A few seconds later a group of five men, in entirely black posterior.

" Look what we bagged boss, A pretty little lady for the gang. " A man at the front sneered.

Sabine's eyes widened, ' Bad News ' She thought.

" Whats a pretty girl like you doing at 12th Death Alley, eh? " Another man walked forward to her, the other men parting to let him through. She supposed he was the 'boss' as the man put it. He had a bloodied line running horizontly from his right ear the the bottom left side of his face, creating a jagged scar.

Sabine gasped, hopefully inaudibly. Thats what it standed for..





Okay... This turned out to be like nothing I had in mind.

Cause I had nothing In my mind.

My mind is completely empty right now.

How can I still write chapters, I dont know.

Im like wow.

Ok... so...


Points for who can tell me what language Mortem means 'Death' In!

A little short, I know. But I updated twice! I wrote this from the top of my head.

Now for the exit.. ;3

~ May The Force (Dorito) Be With You