Felicity was sick of puking. She had been run down for a couple days now, but the puking had only just started last night. Whatever flu she had must have worsened on her and Diggle's trip to Lian Yu to bring Oliver back.

She had just left the bathroom on the Executive floor after puking for the fourth time that morning when she ran into Dig and Oliver getting off the elevator.

"Thank god you are here. I don't think anyone's eating the bagels." Felicity rambled on to them. Oliver ignored her, but Dig offered her a small smile. Ignoring, Felicity thought, that's how this is going to go. Great.

As they walked into the boardroom and took their seats, Felicity got her first in person look of Isabel Rochev. The pictures didn't nearly show how scary she was.

The meeting began and Oliver was getting his ass handed to him. Before Felicity could figure out a way to help him, there was a crash and four masked men pushed their way into the boardroom with their guns pointed at Oliver.

The next thing Felicity knew, Dig pushed her to the ground just as the men began to shout and fire their guns off. Felicity couldn't hear anything, and she felt like she was in a tunnel. She did notice when one of the masked man ran towards a defenseless Oliver. John was too busy taking care of the other gunman to help so Felicity picked up a piece of chair that had broken in the fight and knocked the gunman over the head before he could shoot Oliver.

Before Felicity could blink, Oliver grabbed her hand and jumped out the window. One second Felicity was flying through the air and the next Oliver and she were crashing through another window and across a desk. The second Felicity's body caught up with the fact that it was done moving, her stomach decided to revolt. She rolled away from Oliver and right next to a trash can into which she emptied the contents of her stomach.

Felicity could tell her relatively peaceful summer was over.

By the time Dig had made it to the floor they had crashed into, Felicity was standing convincing Oliver that she was actually fine.

"Oliver I promise I'm fine. I just need to sit down." Felicity said as she and Oliver noticed Dig walking towards them.

"Well the masked men made a break for it as soon as you two jumped out the window. The police are on their way now." John said. Oliver was already beginning his way back to the Executive floor. John shook his head and turned to look at Felicity with a smile on his face. Felicity and Dig walked towards the elevator and waited for it to come back.

"Are you alright? I know you haven't been feeling good lately." John asked concerned, as they entered the elevators together. Felicity smiled at Dig's concern. The two of them had gotten close after the undertaking and Oliver fleeing. Even though she didn't tell him about the night after the Undertaking, because of her embarrassment, Dig could tell that something had happened and had silently helped her throughout the summer.

"I'm fine Dig. Really. This flu is just staying for a while." She was hoping it wouldn't stay for very much longer. The elevator binged open on the executive floor. Felicity could see Oliver speaking with multiple officers and a couple more officers roaming around the floor. Dig gave her a small smile and a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder and went to talk with Oliver.

Felicity's adrenaline rush must have been crashing because she was suddenly exhausted. She moved to the couch in the office and slumped down on it.

"You don't look so good." A familiar voice rang out from above her, startling her. Felicity looked up to see Detective Lance smiling down at her. At her startled jump, he put his hand on her shoulder. "Wow. My apologies Ms. Smoak. I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's alright. I've just had a pretty crazy day. Crazy year actually." Felicity mumbled out the last part as Detective Lance sat down beside her.

"I know the feeling. Speaking of, have you heard from our mutual friend lately?" Lance asked in a low voice.

"No. I'm starting to wonder when he's going to show up."

"You could've stopped those men." Felicity yelled at Oliver as she reentered the office after seeing the police officers to the elevator. The office had emptied and the three of them were alone. Oliver was pacing around the desk as Dig watched.

"What was I supposed to do Felicity? Anything I could have done would have revealed the identity of the Hood. Plus I'm done being that person. I don't want to be a murderer anymore." Oliver yelled back. Felicity rolled her eyes at his foolishness. It was obvious that Oliver had yet to heal from Tommy's death, and it was clouding his judgement.

"You know that's not what I meant. You don't have to kill people. Why don't you just, I don't know, find another way?" Felicity was starting to get pissed at Oliver.

"It's not that simple. When I put on the Hood its kill or be killed." Oliver said with a finality in his voice that meant the conversation was over. With the last word, Oliver grabbed his jacket and strode from the room.

As they walked towards the elevators, Dig looked at Felicity concern in his eyes. Oh no, Felicity thought, here we go again.

"What's going on between you two? You barely spoke to each other since he got back and now both of you are acting like you can't get away from the other fast enough." Felicity thought about telling Dig what really happened, but she wasn't looking forward to the judgy look he would give her or the anger he would feel towards Oliver.

"We just had a falling out before he left." Dig raised an eyebrow. "We both said things we didn't mean, and now we just don't know to get back to where we were before."

There that wasn't a lie. They had said things they didn't mean, and they were definitely stuck in a weird limbo where they both refused to talk about what happened.

Thankfully Dig took the explanation and didn't say anything else.

Felicity spent the rest of the afternoon at her apartment. She had planned on doing some housework while taking a look at the data she had pulled about the four masked men, but instead Felicity found herself sitting on her couch and falling straight to asleep.

She awoke to her phone going off. Felicity looked at the clock and realized she had slept for over four hours. Her night job should come with health insurance considering how much it negatively was affecting hers.

Her phone was ringing again, so Felicity grabbed it and pressed accept.

"Hello?" Felicity said groggily.

"Felicity, there's a situation at Verdant. I'll be at your house in five." Dig's voice rang out, and before Felicity could say anything else, he had hung up. Looks like manners weren't really at the moment.

By the time Dig knocked on her door, Felicity had ran a brush threw her door and had gathered her stuff. The ride over was short and silent beside for when Dig explained how Thea had been kidnapped. They got into the club just in time to see Oliver walk towards the basement.

They caught up to him just as he began to descend the stairs.

"I made a few improvements while you were away, just in case." Felicity explained as she turned on the lights.

"Let's find these guys." Oliver stated after a few moments, effectively ignoring her. She really needed to teach the both of them about manners.

"I've been trying since you got back." Felicity told him. She had been hoping he'd get his head out of his ass and help, but she didn't really want it to be at the expense of Thea.

As the three of them stood by Felicity's computer's, Oliver looked up at the salmon ladder and then raised a questioning eyebrow at Felicity, who in turn blushed. Oliver certainly still remembered the night from two months ago. Thankfully Oliver ignored it and went back into Hood mode.

By the time Felicity found the name Jeff Dereau and the address of the church Oliver wanted, he was looking at his arrows. Dig nodded at Felicity to show Oliver the bow she had made for him, but Felicity didn't feel up to Oliver ignoring her again, so she turned back to her computers.

Dig, the amazing man, didn't question her and strode to the case to show Oliver himself.

"You'll probably need this. Felicity had it custom made."

Felicity could fell Oliver's eyes staring at the back of her head but she refused to turn around and look at him. Felicity started writing down the address for the church. She could hear him take out the bow and examine it.

"It's perfect." He stated. Felicity was glad she hadn't turned around, because she was now blushing. By the time her blush had went down, she was done writing the address down.

"Here's the address of the church." She said as she turned around. Oliver gave her a brief look before putting the bow down and going towards the case that held the hood. Before he started suiting up he gave one last smile.

"Thank you." And with that Oliver grabbed his suit to get changed. Felicity smiled and turned back around.

Oliver finished putting on his suit, grabbed the sticky note with the address on it, and left.

Felicity felt a knot in her stomach which she tried to convince herself was just worrying about Oliver and how he would act out if he killed tonight, but deep down Felicity knew that she and Oliver couldn't keep pretending nothing had happened and talk about it. No matter how much she didn't want to.

The next day Oliver stood in front of the broad room firing back and forth with Isabel. This was the first time she had seen Oliver since last night. After getting the word that Oliver had saved Thea without killing, Dig noticed Felicity practically asleep at her desk and offered her a ride home.

Now that she had to think, Felicity knew that she had to talk to Oliver soon.

While Felicity was busy thinking about what she was going to say to Oliver, Walter walked into the room and saved Oliver's ass. The meeting came to an end now that Oliver and Isabel became partners. Walter walked up to her as the room emptied.

"Ms. Smoak. I hope all is well." He said as he stopped at her side for a brief second.

"It is Mr. Steele. Thank you." Felicity said with a smile. As Walter left, she turned back to Oliver who had sat back down. "Congratulations Oliver."

"It's like a good friend told me. I had to find another way." Oliver said with a small smile that soon disappeared. "Now that we're alone, I think we should talk."

Even though Felicity had thought the same thing, she wasn't quite sure she was ready to talk at this precise moment, but she knew it was now or never. She nodded at Oliver to continue.

"The night after the Undertaking wasn't easy. With failing the city and Tommy…" Oliver cleared his throat and looked up at her standing a few feet away. Felicity could tell where this was going. "I was in a bad state."

"We both were." Felicity mumbled as she shook her head.

"I just needed to forget so I drank the pain away and then I just wanted to…to…"Oliver stumbled over the words coming out of his mouth and couldn't quite figure out what to say.

"Feel something?" Felicity provided. Oliver sighed and closed his eyes.

"Yes. I'm sorry that I used you to do that. I also wanted you to know that night." Oliver paused for a moment. "It can't go any further than that."

Ah yes, Felicity thought, the classic I-can't-be-with-you-I'm-damaged talk.

"I understand Oliver. And it's ok. Let's just forget about it." Felicity stated and without waiting for a reply, she left the room.

Felicity found out a week later that forgetting about that night was going to be much harder than she had originally thought. Because as she sat on her bathroom floor, she held the one reason why nothing was going to be the same.

A positive pregnancy test.