Me: Hello! Sorry it's been a while. After Bill disappeared it took me a really long time to find where he was!

Bill: I told you I would return, didn't I?

Me: welcome back, have fun answering your fan mail!

Bill: I don't have my full power back yet, so I don't have anything else to do.


Hi bill this guest21 here do you ship dipifica?

This shipping thing humans do is just pathetic.

~Bill Cipher~


Dear Bill Cipher,
You are awesome...Have you gone on YouTube?
P.P. teacher thought I was insane when I laughed in her class...
P.P.P.S I have not been having dreams!

I am the only creature who has seen the entire internet! You humans are messed up.


Laughter is great, especially if it's insane laughter!

Dreams are a privilege! You will get them when the times right and just be careful when you do get one. I have a strange feeling about it.

~Bill Cipher~


I saw a video of Soos AKA Question Mark twerking in a thong and now my brain is bleeding. Are there any creatures in your dimension that look like hippos? If there are, I rule them all!
Get the darn image of Thong Twerk Soos out of my head!
P.S. A giant butt attacked me with its laser farts. Was that yours?
P.P.S. Are you friends with Discord from My Little Pony?
P.P.P.S. I saw three guys call you an illuminati banana dorito. I ripped their skulls out. They also said your hat was goofy. IT IS NOT! IT IS AWESOOOOOOOME! Aw crud, the butt is back.
Butt: I am Twerkimus! I shall now use my silent but deadly butt lasers to destroy your gold
*Explosion in the background*
HippoKing: That wasn't very silent. Plus I don't have any gold. Just diamonds that my winged hippos poop.
Twerkimus: POOP BOMB!
*Second explosion in the background followed by squishing sounds*
HippoKing: Bill, please get rid of this thing! Before it poops again!

I bet your brain would be bleeding! It even hurts my eye! Not in the good way either. There are creatures in my dimension that look like hippos, but I am the only ruler in that place!

I think I'll leave that image of Soos in your head for fun!

That dream could have been made by me… why do you ask?

And your human entertainment is annoying!

Good! My hat has meaning!

Lastly, your imagination is wild. That's really good. Keep it up!

~Bill Cipher~

Diana Huntress Pines

Hello, Bill.
I am Diana Huntress, Goddess of the Hunt, Keeper of Truths, Gaurdian of Cannibals, and Lady of Slow and Painful Deaths. I have a feeling that you will need me in this so-called 'Weirdmagedon'. I will provide misery in the humans last hours, and hunt down rebels for you. But in return, I must ask that you spare at least one of each of my Sacred Animals, the Tiger, for its Unique Independence, the Panther, for its Untamed Ferocity, the Hawk, for its Predatory Speed, and the Owl, for its Irreplaceable Knowlage.
I have heard of you, Bill Cipher, and how you started this gleeful madness. I look forward to meeting you at last.
But as the Keeper of Truths, I must warn you of a time when all this, all that you have worked for, will end. Not by the Pines Twins, not by the people represented on the Cipher Wheel, but by yourself. And to stop it, you must face your past, face who you once were. But I assure you, all that is far from happening. But the time it happens, the universe will be long dead in this Realm, with nothing left but floating ball of rock that were once planets.
On an unrelated note, I refuse to eat Doritos. Or much human food, for that matter.
I will enjoy watching the humans suffer.

Yours Faithfully,
-Diana, Goddess of the Hunt.

You have a really long name! When I regain my power and get a plan I'll call you! I might need some help with the Pines twins. And the greatest evil in this world is Doritos!

~Bill Cipher~

Jays Shadow



~Bill Cipher~


To Dorito god ( aka bill ),
Hi Bill thanks for making my favorite T.V. show even better! I have few questions for you. What is your favorite thing to do in you free time? How come you don't just in slave everyone in Gravity Falls? And lastly, why do you want to take over the world?

Daniel :)

I do not enjoy being called a Dorito!

I make things better, kid! It's just what I do! My favorite thing to do is listening to screams and watching people!

I didn't enslave everyone because I needed a throne. Lastly, I have everything I want except the world so I guess it's just something to entertain me.

~Bill Cipher~


Hey bill,
Thanks for responding.


2 yeah your right, but if you left them unchecked they would be a pain in the arse later, they even escaped mabels pricenbubble

3 yay, I'll be waiting for them. :D

4 thanks for the night mare, loved it, more more more please :D

5 alright, well i'll support you all the way, b.t.w. you have a very cool gang, but your still the best.

6 it's sad that loki is a lie because if he was real you could make a deal with him and you also could take over asgaurd ( than you would have another world for fun)

7 do you like Justin bieber. Yes nevermind, no can I get his head as a always screaming head?

8 can you give me some deerteeth, I want some for my collection. ;)

Your still our lord master for all eternity
Greetings from one of your subjects

1) Once I regain my power I'll need more help than I thought.

2) The Pines are a lot tougher than I thought.

4) As you wish.

5) Thanks!

6) Even if he was real I doubt I could work with him.

7) Death to all pop stars!

8) I'll send you some!

~Bill Cipher~

Girl Soul-sucker

What is it that you hate about the Pines? And how creepy do you think it is for me to actually dream about blood-shed? also, what do you think about MabelxBill?

The Pines get in my way! Blood-shed is fun, but I'm use to the real thing so…

Why do people ship me with the twins!

(I love that ship but Bill would never let that happen)

Hey, this is my letter!

~Bill Cipher~

gest 1.0

hay bill, huge fan, love your work in the ways of chaos and all that
1 do you think if you met a dream demon that was a grill and she was as chaotic as you and wanted to help you take over the world would you let her help you?
2 if you had to chose would you have a human girlfriend or a dream demon girlfriend but she was more powerful then you?
3 do you deep down, deep, deep, deep down think that even tho your evil and all you could one day fall in love?
4for a girlfriend what would she look like(human form and demon) and what would she act like?
5could you send me a really dark nightmare pleas... or I will start calling you a Dorito (sarcasm)
6 would you date ever me or my friend Kate...its important we get a answer pleas. (gives you a grin and winks)

1) … that's a hard question, I don't like sharing. But I guess I would.

2) I don't need to love but if I had to chose one I would chose human, you guys are pathetic but I would hate for someone to be more powerful than me.

3) Love is for the weak! Even if I did I would completely ignore it. But I doubt it would ever happen.

4) I wouldn't care, nor would I make an effort to spend time with her.

5) Threatening me hmm? Fine, the darkest you humans can survive.

6) Dating is beneath me but I might meet you here soon.

~Bill Cipher~

Jays Shadow

BILL. BILLBILLBILLBILL. HAVE YOU. EVER HEARD. OF A WEBCOMIC. CALLED. HOMESTUCK. (It's so messed up on so many levels yet I keep reading it :T

I have heard of it actually but that is because I know everything.

~Bill Cipher~


I'm, hey Bill. You have a bunch of Daniels who think you are hot. Don't kill us. We love you!

- Some Persona


~Bill Cipher~




Hang on a second there, you do know I am the Bill Cipher, correct? There is no one being more powerful than me! and I disagree with all ships!

~Bill Cipher~


I just wanted to tell you that I'm a huge fan of your work. Your Weirdmaggedon was like crazy, demonic art! Also, if you don't mind, I'd like to ask you a few questions:
1. Do you think blood tastes better than ketchup?
2. Can you send me some deer teeth sometime? That would be awesome.
know lots of stuff, so can you tell me, are dragons real?
I know you're probably busy, causing the apocalypse and all, so just answer these when and if you get around to it.

1) Yes

2) Sure thing kid!

3) You can find some here and there.

~Bill Cipher~