Hello fan fiction thank you to all the people who have review to this story the more review I get the fast the updates become.

Disclaimer: Anything name under the regular show does not belong to me.

One hour later

Mordecai and Rigby were both walking down the footpath however stop when they saw Skips.

"What did you guys do?" Skips asked.

"H-hey dad … what are you talking about?" Mordecai said trying to change the topic.

"Son." Skips said glare at Mordecai.

"Dude he knows." Rigby said whisper in his ear. "Let's use the power on him." Mordecai nods his head in argument.

"Five, six, seven, eight … using the power in your face, sending you back to your place. Don't look down our crotches while we synchronize our watches! Hoooohooohoooooo bebebeep bebebeep." The two sand as they start to synchronize each other watches.

"Go away Skips it time for you to go away."

Mordecai: "Yeah dad it time for you to go to your room."

Rigby; Yeah Skips it time for you to go to your moon." Skips gasp as he was lift it into the air and disappeared.

"What the H Rigby? What did you say?" Mordecai said as he saw his adopted father disappeared into air.

"Ah to the moon." Rigby said in a shy tone.

"WHAT WHY?" Mordecai yelled.

"Because that what you said." Mordecai groans at Rigby reasoned.

"No dude I said to his room not to the moon. Why would I send my dad to the moon?" Mordecai said as he picks up the keyboard.

"Ah man, where are you going?" Rigby said as he run towards Mordecai.

"I'm going to tell my Uncles that I've just send my own dad to the moon." Mordecai said as he glares at Rigby.

"Mordecai my good man, have you seen Skips?" Pops ask as he and Benson came around from behind a tree.

"Rigby sent him to the moon." Mordecai said causing Rigby to throw punchers at him.

"Ha, no serious Mordecai have you seen your dad." Benson said while Pops was still giggle about this.

"Look Uncle B I'm telling you the truth. Rigby send dad to the moon, you believe me right Pops." Mordecai said.

"Oh I love the moon." Pops said. Mordecai sighs.

After Mordecai and Rigby finally talk Pops and Benson into believe them all they had to do was go save Skips. 10 minutes later outside of the house Rigby was playing the keyboard waiting for the gang.

"It about time." Rigby said as he saw Mordecai, Pops and Benson walking out of the house.

"Sorry dude, Pops had to go to the bathroom." Mordecai said as he sat in the driver sit.

"Three times." Pops said as he sat himself in the back of the golf cater.

Once, everyone was in the two of them starts to sing. "Take us to the moon whoa, take us to the moon, won't you take us to the moon."

"Ha, ha, very funny…" However Benson was cut off when everyone starts to scream for their life as the went through space they all stop and groan in pain when they hit the surface of the moon.

"What the?" Benson said as he got up to rub his head. "What is all this junk?" All eyes turn to Rigby.

"Look guys don't get mad at me. But I've may have send a couple of things up here when I was waiting for you." Rigby said as he lets out a nevers laugh.

"You idiot what else did you send." Mordecai yelled.

"Look it Skips." Pops said point towards Skips who was running away from a monster.

"You had to send a monster up here didn't you." Mordecai states.

"Uncle B and Rigby go help dad, while Pops and I will start the cart." Benson and Rigby runs towards the keyboard where Mordecai and pops went towards the cart.

"Go away big monster go away…" Rigby was cut off when the keyboard stops playing.

"What the hell just happened?" Benson asked.

"Will don't get to mad at me. But I think the batter just die."

"WHAT!" Benson yelled.

Flash back

"Look dude it either his or ham boning."

End of flash back

"We don't need this." Rigby said as he remembers the conversation with Mordecai early on. So without hesitates Rigby runs towards the monster and starts slapping the crater everywhere. As Rigby was slapping the create Skips manger to get himself free from the monster grip he quickly runs over to Rigby and picks him up and away from the monster. As the monster was still chase then Mordecai drove past in the cart.

"Hurry get in." Mordecai said as he pulls over.

"Play something." Skips said as they were deriving away from the monster.

"We can't the batter dead." Rigby replied. Skips pulls out two wires and plug them into the keyboard causing it to turn on.

"TAKE US HOME. TAKE US HOME." They said all screaming for their life. Before they knew it they all made it back home and right inside Mordecai room as they came though the wall had been complete destroy.

"Mordecai give Skips the keyboard." Benson said with his arms cross. Mordecai looks down at Rigby before he hand his dad the keyboard.

"Ah what." Both boys said as they saw Skips break the keyboard. As the three of then walk out of the room Mordecai notices that there was hole in the wall even though the wall around them was crumble.

"Ah man there a hole in the wall." Rigby picks up the poster that was on the ground and covers up the hole.

"Not anymore."

So what ya thinking you can always tell me any thoughts you may have in your mind or any episode that you would like to see next.

Don't forget to review. Because I would really love here what you guys think of my first story.