8 years later

"Vesemir, come down from there." Geralt said as he stood beneath the stable looking up. A boy, six years of age, popped his head over the edge. He had the same shape face and white hair as his father but gazed upon the world with bright blue eyes.


"Now." The boy gripped the edge and flipped over it, deftly landing in a crouch.

"You too, Leo." Eskel called from his seat at the table. A second boy flipped to the ground. He had the same dark brown hair of his parents and, presumably, the same chocolate brown eyes his father had once had. Both boys had inherited the witcher strength and agility. The pair tore off into the darkness, after some other amusement, cutting in front of a small group of little girls.

Two years after the miraculous birth of Ella, Eskel and Brinna had a son, Leo, then a daughter Lila less than a year after that, then two years later came Violet. With Brinna's aid, Geralt and Triss had twins, Vesemir and Alina, the same age as Leo.

It was the first night of their annual "family" gathering. Triss had set magic lights floating in the yard on this hot summer night as Geralt and Eskel planned their late summer trip, deciding on where to go and arguing over the best way to get there.

A portal opened in the yard and the group turned to watch as Lambert stepped through and the circle closed.

"Uncle Lambert's here!" He announced, raising his arms in the air. The children ran to greet him very enthusiastically. The boys tackled him and drug him to the ground and the girls piled on top. Lambert managed to pry himself from under their combined weight and grasping hands to find little Violet standing alone. He knelt and took her small hand in his and kissed it. She smiled and hugged her stuffed rabbit close.

"Thought you wouldn't make it," Geralt said by way of greeting.

"Where's Keira?" Eskel asked.

"Home. And I almost didn't make it. Anais is twenty-one and the nobs are coming out of the woodwork. I have had to chase off more than one idiot. And she and Adda are in a snit so Keira and Yen are trying to work that out. You know, kiss and make up. You're sisters after all. Yeesh." Lambert looked to where Brinna sat at the long table. "So, do I get the cold shoulder for being late?" Brinna smiled as she placed her hands on the table and hefted herself up, revealing a very round belly.

"Whoa, Eskel. Can't you keep it to yourself?" Eskel held her arm as she joined them and Lambert bent to place a light kiss on her cheek. "What is this now? Five?" Eskel shrugged as his dig.

"I come from a large family, Lambert. You can't lay all the blame on Eskel."

"I'll say, since he's sterile and all…" Lambert said under his breath. Brinna merely smiled and turned away from them.

"I'm going to go in and lay down, Eskel. I'm a bit worn out." She patted his chest and walked slowly to the house, leaning on Triss' arm. They watched as the two women disappeared into the house.

"She's huge, Eskel. Are you sure it's only one?" Lambert said, breaking the silence. Eskel blanched at the suggestion.

"Dear gods, I hadn't thought about that." Eskel plunked down on the bench and grabbed his drink.

"So, Lambert, you do know that part of a monarch's duty is to marry and have children, right?" Geralt said, directing Lambert's attention off Eskel.

"Yeah, I know. But these idiots all want to combine land, fortunes, or countries. It's insane. Anais deserves something better. I've been thinking about taking her somewhere else. Where no one knows her so she can find someone to, you know…love her."

"Wow. I believe Lambert has a heart after all, Geralt." Eskel smirked and Lambert made a sarcastic face at him.

"Ha-ha, very funny. You just wait until Ell gets older and you'll be singing a different tune." Lambert looked over the maps spread across the table. "So, where are you guys headed this year?"

"South, to some of my old hunting grounds," Eskel answered. "Why? Thinking of joining us this year?" Lambert's answer was cut off as Triss called to Eskel from the doorway.

"Eskel. Brinna needs you." Eskel stood and followed Triss inside to the farthest room. He opened the door and saw Brinna sitting up on the edge of the bed, holding the baby as it slid from her. Eskel slid to a stop on his knees before her, immediately cradling the child as Triss fetched towels, blankets, and water.

"It's a boy. Leo finally has a little brother." He looked up at Brinna as Triss tied twine around the cord. "This is it Brin. We'll run out of room otherwise." Brinna grimaced and braced one foot on his thigh, giving a little shake of her head.

"Not yet…"

Nearly an hour later Eskel reentered the yard holding a small bundle. Lambert and Geralt raised their tankards to him.

"Congratulations to number five."

"And six."


"You were right Lambert. It was twins. Boys." Triss exited the house with the other baby as the rest of the children gathered around to see the newest editions. Leo and Vesemir were very excited.

"It's about time! We kinda got tired of all these girls!" Leo exclaimed.

"Leo, that's no way to talk about your sisters." Eskel commented calmly.

"All I have is a lousy sister. Hey, Dad…"

"No." Geralt said emphatically. "You'll just have to make do." Vesemir grumbled and punched Leo in the shoulder, muttering something that sounded like lucky. Ella came up and expertly took the baby boy from her father's hands. Eskel looked lovingly at the child of his dreams and thought how his life had played out. Maybe this is what Deirdre had been talking about all those years ago. She came so he could fulfill his destiny. The scars on his face partially shaped who he was because of how people treated him because of them. Maybe his luck with women had been what it was in order for him to find Brinna. Maybe he would die in his bed surrounded by the generations that he had sired. He had always thought that your destiny was what you made it. But just maybe destiny wasn't something to fear or run from or hide from. Maybe he could even forgive Deirdre for what she had done to him. Just maybe.

Thank you everyone for your comments and readership. I greatly appreciate your feedback. If you enjoyed this story, I have several spin-off stories planned. They will appear with their title followed by (A New Way Story). If this interests you, please follow me specifically for future notification.

Thanks Again,

Kaer Morhen