A troll arrived at an Arendelle inn late one night and asked for a room. The innkeeper told him his inn was all filled up. "There is only one empty room," he said. "But we don't rent that one because it is always freezing."
"I'll take it," he replied. "The cold never bothered me, anyway."
The love expert went up to the room. He unpacked his things, then went to bed. As soon as he did, a snowman came out of the closet. Its chest had been torn open. Its exposed heart had been frozen solid, and it kept moaning "Frozen heart! Frozen heart!" When the troll saw the ghostly snowman, he grabbed his things and ran.
The next night, the princess of Corona arrived very late. Again, all the rooms were taken except the cold room.
"I'll sleep there," she said. "I have the magic of the sun on my side and my life has begun. I'm not afraid of snowmen."
As soon as she got into bed, the snowman burst from the closet. Its heart was still frozen. It still was moaning, "Frozen heart! Frozen heart!" And the princess took one look and ran.
A week later another guest arrived very late; an ice harvester. He also took the frosty room; ice was his life.
After he unpacked, he got out his mandolin and began to play. Soon the snowman appeared. As before, its heart was frozen, and it was moaning, "Frozen heart! Frozen heart!"
The man paid no attention. He just kept strumming his mandolin. "Reindeers are better than people..."
But the snowman kept moaning, and its heart kept freezing.
Finally, the ice harvester looked up.
"Let it go, man!" he said. "Get yourself a warm hug."