Prompt: Sexting

Title: Extra Features

A/N: Not smutty, some implied naughtiness at the end.

Thanks to everyone who reviewed, followed, and faved. It's been a fun week.

"Here, Natsu, I got this for you." Lucy said, handing over to her boyfriend the newest model of Warren's invention—the miniature communications lacrima.

He surveyed the unexpected gift. "What for, Lucy?" Really, he didn't see the point in having his own communicator, he could always use Lucy's if he absolutely needed to talk to someone. Honestly though, he'd much rather just visit with someone face to face if he needed to talk to them.

"Well, if you must know it's for just in case you're not here when you said you'd be."

"Sheesh Lucy, that happened the one time and I said I was sorry." For a girl who never held a grudge, Lucy sure didn't want to let go of the one instance where he lost track of time fishing with Happy and was extremely late for a date.

"It's not just for that. There might come a time where one of us in on a mission without the other. Wouldn't it be nice to know that everything was okay?" Lucy reasoned.

"Yeah, but I bet Gray or Erza'd be there. I could use theirs."

"Why are you so set against having one of these?" his girlfriend asked huffily, holding up the handheld device.

"Why do you feel I need one?" he asked in turn.

"Because then I wouldn't have to wonder and worry if you didn't show up one night! I could give you a call!"

Lucy worried about him? He knew he worried about her constantly. Even after her habit of getting kidnapped and into other sorts of trouble subsided, he still worried. But her worrying about him, he had no idea.

"Fine, Lucy. I'll take it." Anything to ease Lucy's mind.

Lucy handed it to him, plopping down next to where she sat on the bed. "I entered my number into it already; check it out."

Natsu had rarely used the old version of Warren's invention, but it was a pretty simple set-up—you just entered in the personal number of the lacrima-phone of the person you were contacting, and when they answered, you could talk. This machine looked so different. There were little pictures all over, and no obvious place to enter a number. He had no idea what to do.


"It's so different isn't it?" Lucy declared. "Warren really put a lot of work into it."

"How do I make a call though?" he pondered aloud, not sure at all what all tiny graphics on his lacrima-phone were for.

So Lucy showed him step by step what to do. It was simple really once he knew.

"You can even send texts and pictures on it." she stated, pointing to two other icons on the device's screen.


"Letters, Natsu."

"You could send me a letter?" he asked, pleased at the thought. Lucy had never sent him a letter before. When he thought about it, he found he really really wanted that.

"Sure I could, as long as you send me one back."

"Deal." he said immediately.

The next half-hour was spent writing texts to one another, both of them just getting used to the new technology, Lucy helping Natsu much of the time with the process.

It was actually a lot of fun. He certainly could now see the benefits of his new present. When he was home late at night and missing Lucy, he could just hop on this little machine and instantly be connected with her.

"You know, Natsu, there's something else these communicators can do." Lucy said, a sudden flirty tone added to her voice.

"Yeah? What's that?" he asked, instantly curious as to what it could be.

"I think I should show you instead of telling you. I'm going to go in the bathroom and send you a special message, okay?"


Lucy wasn't in her bathroom long before his phone was buzzing, the sign of a new message.

However, instead of words, Lucy's "message" was a single picture.

A picture of her. Buck naked. And in a very lewd position.

"What do you think, Natsu?" she called through the door.

He wiped away the trail of blood coming from his nostril. "Um, not bad, Lucy." he hollered back, lying through his teeth. "Better send some more."

Yes, lots more.