Disclaimer: I own nothing but my OC because if I did own the show, the girls would be more badass and there would be a helluva lot more slash.

Anyway, Enjoy the story and please leave a review on your way out because mama is thirsty for some reviews. XD

When I had died I was happy that it was over.

The beginning of my life was a happy one. I had a Single mother who was raising five kids on her own, including me. I must admit that I was a bit of a trouble maker and had always wanted to be the center of attention.

My older sister was very independent and although she had finished high school, decided to work a bit before she went to college. The three youngest ones were little trouble makers and although we had our fight, loved each other very much. Our family was a very tightknit one and one of the running jokes in our family was that if we met someone that we liked then they weren't just getting with them, but were getting with the entire family as a whole.

When I was five I realized that I liked anime. A lot. And had wanted to be a mangeka when I was older so that they could be happy with what I had drawn like I was happy with what other people had drawn. So I had been drawing ever since. You wouldn't really expect it but my entire family was very supportive of the idea and said" it's fine as long as I'm one of the main characters." To which I quipped back "Yeah as the annoying antagonist." Which started a wrestling war that I obviously won.

But like all good things it must come to an end.

You see, I was kidnapped when I was 10 going on 11. I was going to the store to get one of the newest manga that was just bought out and put on the display and was then bought into a nearby alley where I then had a white cloth put over my mouth and nostrils. The last thing I remember from that is seeing my mom's panicked face as she desperately called out my name running towards me. All I could even think of at that moment was 'sorry'.

You know I can't even remember what my family looks like. I can remember voices and smells. I can remember colors and laughter. When I still remembered their faces it was what had kept me going, or at least the memories had until I was taught better.

I had learned not to show pain the first couple of weeks I was there. They had got exhilarated off of my screams, almost as if they were on a high. When I showed even the slightest bit of happiness the punishments were ten times worst afterwards.

I remember asking, begging why they were doing this, why were they doing it to me, that I'd be a good girl just stopstopstopithurtsithurtsmompleasehelpmemommyhelp but all they said was " it's fun "

I was a toy. I was taught to fight, dance, and draw just so I can keep them entertained. There weren't just men there though. Women, children who didn't know better and elderly people were all in the stands snickering as they saw me fight a man three times my size.

But sometimes though, sometimes they would get so angry that they would beat, rape, and slice me open, but they wouldn't touch me where anyone could see. My face hands and feet were all left untouched but underneath all of my clothes were terrible scars. Some of them were caused by knives or cigarettes but some of the worst were caused by human hands.

I can just barely recall one of my worst beatings. They had decided to use whips that day, all of them surrounding me and starting off hard to make immediate long and deep cuts, then going a bit softer, only barely enough to no longer split the skin. The only reason that I could think of as to why they were not going as hard is so that they could try and catch me off guard so they can hear my 'heavenly screams', but in their drunken stupor, never realized that I was always lost in my memories desperately trying to forget the hell I was in and would never give them the pleasure of hearing me scream.

So when I felt myself leaving my body I let myself smile for the first time in what had seemed like years. I gave one final glace at my killers and said "Thank you." Feeling darkness consume me soon after.

AN: Hi everyone! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! If you did please leave a review to let me know just how much you love it. Anyway I'm just letting you guys know in the first chapter that it is going to be slash. Now the thing about parings is that I kind of already have an idea of who I'm going to pair my oc with but you guys are free to leave suggestions and the reasons why.
