Back at Miss Fisher's house, Dot was packing up the last of her things. With the sudden move of their wedding she hadn't prepared to move into Hugh's mother's house yet. As she gathered her belongings and walked out of her room she reflected on the day she moved into this house, into Miss Fisher's life. It was the first time she had ever had her own room. I guess this is the last time I'll be alone Dot thought to herself as she closed the door. She was happy, giddy to be married at last to Hugh, but also felt a small pang at the loss of being Miss Fisher's companion Dotty Williams. Mr. Butler seemed to appear from nowhere causing Dot to gasp and end her reflections.

"Ready Mrs?"

"Yes, Mr. Butler." She said softly.

They walked down the stairs and when they reached the landing Dot looked up one last time before stepping outside to meet Cec and Burt. They had agreed to help her move her things in while Hugh was still at work, a small surprise for him as he had planned on helping Dot after church on Sunday. With Miss Fisher gone for an unforeseeable amount of weeks, even months perhaps it seemed that the whole household was anxious to get busy with something, anything.

Before she departed she had left them all, but one, the strictest of instructions:

Burt and Cec – Please continue to help those that can't stand up for themselves, but please try not to get into too much trouble while I'm away.

Mr. Butler – Take some time and go visit your family, you deserve a break.

Hugh – Look after the Inspector while I'm away. Enjoy your honeymoon and wedded bliss!

Dot – I'm counting on you to continue sharpening your skills of detection while I'm away. Enclosed is a wonderful book on poisons that I think will be just the ticket! Don't fret while I'm away, I'll be back before you know it!

With Dot moved out, Mr. Butler would have the lonely job of throwing sheets on the chaise, piano and other furniture, putting the house on a pause until her return.

Meanwhile, the scene at City South police station was one of surprising calm. Sure there were the usual suspects down below in custody, but shockingly there hadn't been a murder since the Honorable Miss Phryne Fisher embarked on her journey to England. Sr Constable Collins sat quietly at the front desk reading up on case law, while Sr Detective Inspector Jack Robinson relaxingly read the newspaper regaling in peace and quiet. It had been true the past years with Miss Fisher have been interesting to say the least, he hadn't had much time to take a vacation and while certainly choosing to stay in Melbourne, keeping his job was no vacation the momentary calm was a welcome change of pace. It had only been three days since she left, since their meeting at the runway, since her romantic overture, and while he hoped it was enough of a moment to entice her eventual return he knew he couldn't "come after her" as she challenged. She could never be pinned down. She loved the chase and that's what that was – he was in for the long game, assuming her return of course.

Jack had gone to the docks after leaving the airfield, to inquire about the cost and journey. He knew he wouldn't do well stuck on a boat for months, nothing to do but miss home and miss her. He had made his bold statement and was sure that the memory of that moment together would be enough for her to want to come back, to come after him. Hopefully. No, instead of the chase he was going to write to her every week she was gone, leaving her breadcrumbs to help her find her way back to him, for her to remember that moment. After all she could never resist a challenge and he fully intended to present her with one to occupy herself, idle hands were one thing, but Miss Fisher's idle hands were in another realm entirely.

Jack continued to muse and haphazardly flip through the newspaper. Constable Collins had the wireless on in the background. It had just flipped to the Australian national news, just the headlines. As the stories of the day played by Collins paused as he thought he heard something about a crash, but shuck his head as if a fly had been whizzing by his head. Before he could process the wireless, the phone rang.

"City South Police, Sr Constable Collins speaking. A murder you say? Secure the scene. We're on our way." Collins hung up the phone and poked his head into the Inspector's office.


Jack looked up over the fold of his newspaper and recognized the look on the constable's face, and was up on his feet before the constable could even say:

"There's been a murder down by the docks. Looks like a foreigner newly arrived."

"Well, bring around the car Collins, let's not keep them waiting."

This would be the first time in quite some time that he would be solving a case without his partner he thought to himself, I hope I'm not too rusty without her.