Chapter 1: From the Sky…

*Nep* *Noire* *Nep*

...Mmm, it's morning… I shifted to the side to find that he wasn't here. Aw... Eyes shifting lazily to the clock, it was 8:00 o'clock in the mor- Oh no.

"PLUTIA!" I forgot to feed her! Throwing the covers off, I dash out of my room and across the hallway into my baby girl's bedroom. The door was opened slightly, so I pushed the door open and popped my head in.

Inside her crib was a baby girl, a little doll of her father in her hand. Phew, she's not upset. As I approached her, she rolled onto her back and kicked her tiny feet to the sky. Aw… Peeking my over the crib, my daughter saw my face and her face lit up instantly, reaching out for me and giggling at the same time.

"Good morning, Plutia." Reaching to Plutia, I gently pick up my baby and place her over my shoulder. Almost immediately, Plutia yawned and rested her head on my shoulder, dropping her doll and breathing softly. Geez, I just picked you up. Why do you always fall asleep when I do this?

Sighing, I turn around to pick up her doll. I just hope this isn't a bad omen of what could happen in the future.

"Did you eat yet?" Bouncing Plutia slightly, I look at the countertop table next to her crib, where the baby monitor and a piece of paper was. Huh? I don't remember writing this. Picking up the paper, I noticed the handwriting to be my husband's.

Morning Sweetheart,

I let you sleep in because of how peaceful you looked. Oh, and don't worry about little Plutie. I fed her before I left for work. Since you have a day from voice acting, you should take Plutie to the park or something. Well, I'll see you when I get back!

With lots and lots of love,

Neptune Planeptune

Geez, what am I going to do with him? At this rate, he's going to become the mother figure and I'm going to become the father figure… Huh, I just imagined my husband and I if we were the opposite gender… Yeah, I'm gonna stop thinking about that.

"Ma…" Plutia nuzzled into my shoulder as I patted her in the back. Lifting her off of my shoulder, I let my baby girl stare at me with sleepy eyes.

"Do you want to go to the park today?" Plutia let out a loud yawn and closed her eyes with a drowsy smile. Oh, she has drool on her face. Using the bib that my husband left on Plutia, I rubbed the drool off her face. Whenever I do that, Plutia always squeezes her eyes shut and presses against the cloth. It's so adorable. "I'll take that as a yes."

Leaving Plutia's room, I head back into the room I share with my husband and place my baby girl in her chair. It's a chair that let's her legs out from under the chair and some toys that dangle in front of her. As soon as I put her down in the thing, Plutia's eyes shined as she reached for the knick knacks that surrounded her, only to get tired in three seconds flat and fall asleep.

Well, that works for me. I open my closet and take out a white shirt with a purple square with a blue LS inside of it. I tied my hair into a ponytail since it would take too long to make it into twintails. Finally, I put on a pair of jeans since wearing a skirt might be troublesome when pushing a stroller or if Plutia happens to throw up when I'm carrying her. Once I was done changing, I picked up my little angel and carried her pack to her room where I laid the sleeping girl back in her crib an- Aw, she's hugging the doll now. Opening the drawer that was near the door, I took out a pastel pink and blue dress with a lot of frills and ribbons. Walking over to the crib, my baby girl was still asleep in her dark purple footie pajamas.

"Plutia, wake up." The little one opened her eyes, and- Aw… isn't she just the cutest? Changing my daughter's clothes, now my baby girl was ready to go outside and-


Eat! I was so worried about Plutia not eating I forgot to eat as well. My daughter looked at me in the eyes as I smiled awkwardly.

"Would you mind if Mommy ate first?"

"Ma!" Plutia raised her arms in the air, her doll hanging besides her.

Aw… I love my daughter.

After eating some eggs on rice and some pudding- Sorry honey!- I placed Plutia in her stroller and wheeled her to the park. Although Plutia couldn't look at the scenery since she was asleep. At least she's going to grow big and tall from sleeping so much.

Taking a corner, I turned us into a park that my husband and I would take Plutia often whenever we had the time or on the weekends. Heading over to the red wooden bench that we would always relax on, I sat down and took a deep breath.

"This sight is the greatest, a cloudless blue sky, a bright beautiful sun. Oh, look a bird." As I stared at the distant figure of the bird, I noticed that the bird was getting closer… and was purple. Wait… birds aren't purple in this are-

"Move! Move! Move! Move!" Huh? Wait a second, that's not a bi- "Move!" Oh no! That's heading straight for me! AND VERY FAST TOO!

Quickly grabbing Plutia, I get off the bench and dash to the side. Immediately, the bench exploded in a cloud of dust and wood chips. Uh oh, now she's crying. Shhh. It's going to be okay. The bench just… exploded- Oh good the stroller is fine, just knocked over. But what caused that explo-

"Neptune!?" What? But he's at work? Turning to the voice, I see a figure turn the corner and- IS THAT NEPGEAR! "Are you okay!?" The girl that looked a lot like Nepgear during our days as idols- She even had the outfit I made for her that day Neptune freaked out over her clothing- ran over to the dust cloud, concern written all over her face. The dust cloud cleared to reveal a pair of legs sticking out of the ground.

From what I could see, there was a jacket on the person's body, although she had not skirt or pants as her purple striped underwear was in plain sight. She had matching stockings and unique looking shoes.

"Did you find her?" Wait a second, that voice… It can't be. Turning around I look to see… Wait… What… There was no way…

"Ah, Noire. Yes, I found her." 'Nepgear' gestured to the girl stuck in the ground who was currently trying to pull herself out of the ground. 'Noire' sighed and grabbed a leg pulling her out.



I'm right here, and she looks exactly like me from younger time. I've seen cosplays of me during conventions but… Her stance, her attitude- Well, maybe she's more confident- and her voice. There's no way that can be a cosplay.

"Pwha!" Wha-! She looks exactly like Neptune, except smaller and girlier… and cuter. "Wow! Thanks, Noire! Nepgear! Ah! Hey, everyone!" Oh, who could it be no-

It is everyone.





Even, Uni.

Everyone looked exactly like the others from the past, they even had the same mannerisms as the people that I know.

"Looks like you got scratched up, Neptune." 'Blanc' walked over to 'Neptune', but stopped and- She's looking at me! "What's with the mother who looks a lot like Noire?" Oh no, all eyes are on me and Plutia. Gripping my daughter tightly, but not too tightly. I take a step back.

"U-Um… I'm the person who was sitting on the bench over there just a second ago." Pointing to where 'Neptune' was sitting, I turned around to see- Oh, there are people looking. If they see these girls, then… "Uh hey, I- I don't think this a good place to talk. So can we go over to my home to talk? It's not too far from here." The girls nodded and 'Vert' nodded.

"We'd be glad to, Ms…"

"C-Call me Mrs. Planeptune." 'Neptune' stood up.

"Hey! That's the name of my country!" Wha-!?

"Neptune be quiet, you're going to confuse her!" The me look alike scolded the Neptune look alike and looked at me apologetically. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Planeptune. But please, could you take us there?"

"S-Sure…" Picking up the stroller, I placed Plutia back into the chair, luckily she had fallen asleep as soon as I stopped her from crying. With that, I led the group of eight look alikes toward my house. Oh…

What am I going to tell Neptune!?