I wrote this on DeviantART, and I'm pretty proud of it despite writing this half asleep. I just wanna put it here for a test, and to at least put out a full story instead of fragments.

All Lupin the 3rd Characters belong to Monkey Punch

All Inspector Gadget characters belong to what is now THX media, but I'm using the original model.


Gadget couldn't help but look over. Snuggling close to him was a woman with brown hair, barely clad in but a blue low-cut shirt and a white skirt. He'd taken off his coat and draped it over her shoulders; it didn't make sense since it was the middle of July. Still, he couldn't help but do so. But other than that, the woman just clung to his metal arm, the warmth of her skin feeling somewhat good.

It was unusual for him; this entire situation. For one, he was as far as home as he could be; Japan yet again. Two, his car had to be taken in for repairs and upgrades, so he had to either walk around, or ride the train. Three, the very fact that he was the world's first cybernetic police man may gain fans, but friends and strangers would stay away. To find that this woman would sit right next to him, let alone cling to his arm was a surprise. But he reasoned that she was tired, and he was forced to be her temporary pillow.

He sighed and leaned his head back until the back of his head hit the cool glass. That was the fourth thing that bugged him; they were alone. He would imagine trains in the evening would be crowded, but apparently not this time. Either that or not many people would ride a train to what were essentially the bad parts of town.

"Hey." A voice spoke, making him look over to see the woman look up to him. He couldn't help but notice her eyes; innocent, yet holding years of experience. "Sorry for using you for a pillow." She mumbled.

"It's fine." He answered, "I wouldn't think I was comfy to sleep on, to be honest."

"You're plenty comfy." She said, drawing her arms around his waist, making him gasp.

"Madame...please." He uttered.

"Don't leave." She begged. He opened his mouth to argue, but realized she was asleep again, leaving him in a bigger predicament. Sighing, he waited for the inevitable as the train slowed again to another stop. As the doors opened, he bit his lip as three more people stepped onto the train. He swore he would bite his bottom lip completely off when said trio took their seats directly across from them. The doors closed once more, and the train started up again.

"Girlfriend got sleepy?" A man with a beard asked.

"No," He said, "She's just a woman who wanted to use me as a pillow."

"Those are some interesting arms you have." A man dressed in what looked to be traditional warrior garb noticed.

"Ah...well," He uttered, "It's...a tattoo." He hated to lie, but sometimes, it's a necessity.

"You gotten your arms tattooed so they would look metal?" A man in a red jacket asked.

"Yeah..." He said, ashamed at how lame the lie was, "I'm kinda...crazy like that."

"Eh, we all are." The bearded man said, "Better that than hard drugs."

"Yeah." He agreed.

"You don't like you're from around here," The red jacketed man pointed out, "On vacation?"

"Pretty much." He lied. The truth is he's on another assignment; find a factory that's producing a bunch of counter-fit toys and shut it down.

"I wouldn't get off on the next stop," The bearded man suggested, "Plenty of juveniles ready to beat the crap out of you. They'd probably leave you for dead. Just go for three stops, and you'll be in a safe district."

"Thank you of your concern, sir." He said, and the bearded man tipped his hat.

"Oh, and by-the-by," the man in the red jacket said, "I wouldn't let that pretty lady cling onto you any longer."

"Why is that?" He asked. Suddenly, he felt a prick in his back.

"She's a killer." The red jacket said.

"Shit!" The bearded man said as Gadget started to nod off.

"Goemon, you have the antidote?" The red-jacketed man asked.

"Yes," The warrior answered as he dug around his shirt. The rest turned into a garbled mess as Gadget slipped into unconsciousness.


"Inspector!" A man shouted as Gadget felt himself being shaken by his shoulders. He opened his eyes to find an older man in his face, a worried look giving way to relief.

"W-where am I?" Gadget asked as he felt a head-ache come on.

"The hospital," The man replied as he backed away, "You were brought in because you were nearly fatally poisoned. You got lucky; someone injected you with an antidote before it did any real damage."

"Those three men," Gadget said, "They saved me."

"What men?" The older man asked.

"One with a red jacket," He listed, "Another had a beard, and one was dressed in these robes or something..." The other man held his hand in front of him.

"I know who you're talking about," He said, "That's why I'm here. My name is Koichi Zenigata; an inspector of Interpol. I suppose you're here to investigate where illegally made toys are coming from, right?"

"Yeah," Gadget said, "I mean, I have to. Those toys are really unsafe for everyone; the lead paint, the small parts that fall off, and not to mention the possibility of catching on fire when exposed to extreme heat!"

"I know, I know." Zenigata said, "I would suggest that you go back home, though."

"What?!" He shouted.

"There's a bigger reason for those the production of those toys," The older man explained, "One not meant for a fish out of water. So I suggest that you go home to whatever family you have, and never come back. It'll be better for your health."

"Are you threatening me?" Gadget growled.

"No," Zenigata answered, "I'm just trying to warn you. I'm just not good at doing it subtly. I only say that is because the doctors discovered that the poison that was injected into you is somewhat of a calling card."

"So that woman who was with me on the train," The younger man began, "Was with the organization producing those toys. Did you catch her?"

"Lupin did." Zenigata uttered.

"Lupin?" Gadget asked.

"The man in the red jacket." Zenigata answered.

"Why do you know so much about this Lupin guy?" Gadget asked.

"Because I am in charge of arresting him." Zenigata answered.

"What did he do wrong?" The younger man asked.

"Lupin the 3rd is a master thief, traveling the globe to steal the most interesting and precious treasures in existence," The older man explained, "But what sets him apart from other criminals is that he's not complete scum. He'll bring the true criminals to light and expose their crimes for all to see; most declared to be very actions of hell itself.

"And yet you still chase after Lupin?" Gadget asked.

"A criminal is a criminal," Zenigata answered, "Justice is blind, remember?"

"Let me join you." Gadget said.

"No." Zenigata answered.

"Please," The younger man begged, "I want to stop whoever is doing this; it became personal. I also want to thank Mr. Lupin for saving my life."

"You do realize you're only going to get attacked again." The older man pointed out, "And you'll probably die next time."

"I've been attacked all of my life," Gadget answered, "It comes with the job. Just please, let me work with you."

"Alright." Zenigata gave in, "But I'm not responsible for whatever happens to you."


To be continued.