They sat. On the rocks mere miles from the island which was currently alight with the fire of dragons. Even from this distance they could sense the chaos. Debating whether or not to warn them of their grim futures was the main topic of discussion amongst them. Eventually, they had reached a conclusion. Tonight. It was to be done tonight.

"Raid!" yelled an unseen viking from inside the mass amounts of bodies preparing for a fight. It was almost a nightly occurrence. Dragons spilt the blood of vikings and the vikings retaliating with everything they had: swords, catapults, bolas and axes. They would not give into these beasts. Not ever.

Tonight. He swore he would do it tonight. With this last thought of motivation he leaped towards the door and swung it open… only to close it straight away again. A monstrous nightmare had decided to set his house in fire. Just his luck too.

Throwing a final glance over at the door which was now engulfed with flames, he escaped out of the back door. He winded his way through the vikings who shouted for him to get back inside, for they all knew that wherever he was, trouble tended to follow.

Damn he thought. His father had caught him. Towing him off to the forgery by the scruff of his neck, his father questioned as to why he was wandering around outside when he should be safe at home (not that his home was any safer). Of course it was pointless trying to explain as Hiccup had learned many years ago. His father wouldn't listen to him if the house was burning down! (which it was).

"Ah there you are, I was beginning to worry you'd been carried off." Gobber was the only one, Hiccup felt, who understood him enough to at least realise he was worthwhile. As his father, being chief of Berk, was often very busy, repairing houses and such, he often stuck Hiccup in the forge. In fact, by the age of nine, Hiccup had learned how to sharpen a sword to perfection; how to work the forge; how to invent things no one else would ever dream of inventing. And so he did.

They bantered back and forth a little before it was realised by Gobber that the others needed him. Hiccup, being Hiccup, took that as his cue to leave, taking his latest contraption with him. He ran up the hill and stared out at the calm sea, completely contrasting with the panic in the village. Determined, he stared out across the star littered sky with immense concentration. Then he heard it. The tell-tale whistling of the dead dragon gas build up. Taking aim and praying to the Gods that for once- please- could he get something right. His hand shot over to the trigger in anticipation. Three: Hiccup took one final glance at the sky. Two: he closed his eyes. One: he pulled the trigger and the bola flew off to find it's mark. But Hiccup never discovered whether he had finally, after months of trying, hit the terrifying nightfury for everything in front of him had disappeared and he found himself in an unfamiliar room with the rest of the vikings and- in an enclosed section of the room- the dragons including the ever feared nightfury.

It went up in a panic. Dragons were trying to blast their way out, thinking this was a clever trap, whereas the vikings were screaming obscenities at unseen forces and the dragons.

"Quiet." A calm, soft voice echoed through the room, rebounding off every surface. Heads began to turn towards the culprit and his gang. Each had a mask covering their faces, but their figures looked to be around twenty. The leader was gangly but still had a relatively strong build. Locks of dark hair poked out from beneath his mask.

To his right was a woman. There was obvious (but not too big) muscle underneath her armour? Neither dragon nor viking knew what to make of their attire. Hair luscious blonde hair was braided and the tip hung just below her waist.

The rest of the group hid in the shadows, only allowing their outlines to be visible.

It was Stoick the Vast that gathered up the courage to speak first.

"Who in Thor's name are you?" he bellowed. Some of the villagers cowered back a little. Everyone in the village knew not to cross him when he was shouting.

"Okay. Obviously none of us know what is happening so can we just sorta get on with whatever we are here for?" It was obvious that this man was the group's leader. A resounding crackle settled over the room before another, more ominous voice sounded.

"In answer to your question Stoick, I cannot tell you that. However I can tell you why you are here. You will be watching your future. Five years onward to be exact." This latest revelation caused murmurs to erupt amongst the vikings. Many claimed it to be untrue. "Please," the voice continued, "We know many things within this will be hard to watch or understand. Any information you wish to ask about the five year gap, please ask those in masks. That is all. Enjoy." And with that, the future began to play out.