AN : I'm so sorry that I rarely update the story, but there's this exams and projects that I need to finish and some stuff came up. Anyway, thank you for the reviews. Enjoy chapter 3!

Nashi got home in the evening looming with happiness. She suddenly hugged Natsu from behind who was slouching on the sofa watching TV and Lucy also got the same treatment. Natsu, as a not-really-experienced dad, made some serious codes with his wife in the kitchen, Lucy who was busy cutting vegetables for dinner only shrugged off her husband's ridiculous hand-codes and glares he made. She knows what's up even before her husband noticed their daughter's weird behavior. After all, that's what they call mother's intuition. Nashi ran upstairs to her room and probably cleaning up herself after a hard day of school and after 15 minutes, she ran downstairs still looming with radiance of happiness.

She went to the dining room next to the kitchen and noticed that her mother has not prepped the table yet. As the only daughter, she felt the responsibility to help her mother and this does not go unnoticed by her parents who are currently quite bewildered. Not that it's rare of her to help out preparing the table when it's time to eat, but when you see your daughter friggin' carry plates, glasses, and eating utensils all the while doing little jumps as she put them tidily on the table, you cannot simply consider that normal, especially without worrying she might cause a mess.

Lucy initiated a conversation with her daughter while turning off the stoves and put the meals in plates and bowls to serve.

"How's your day Nashi? You seem very happy today."

Nashi looked at her mother, "Nah, nothing particular happened, well I did visit Uncle Gajeel."

Natsu's ears perked up at the topic, the lad turned off the TV and ran to sit in the dining room.

"How's Gajeel?" he asked. Nashi put her last plate and utensils on the table, "Well, you know, same as ever. He's still grouchy and stuff," she replied.

"Oh, how's Xiphos?" Lucy asked as she washed her hands after cooking.

"Huh? Who is this Xiphos kid?" Natsu slanted his eyes, suspiciously staring at his daughter.

"He's Uncle Gajeel and Aunty Levi's son, dad," Nashi's expression suddenly changed into a disgusted look and Lucy gave Natsu 'I can't believe you said that' look.

"When will Happy comes home from his vacation with Charle?" Natsu slurred as he let his face slammed the table.

"He'll come back next week Natsu, be patient.." Lucy said and sat down with her family.

"Alright, let's eat!" Natsu exclaimed.

After dinner, Natsu returns to his ol' couch and continue watching whatever was on TV, Lucy washing dishes, and Nashi usually helps her with the cleaning but for this one night, she didn't well at least planning to.

"Mom?" Nashi asked as she stands behind her mother who was busy with dishes.

"Yeah Nashi?" Lucy replied.

"Can I go somewhere tonight?" Nashi's hands were nervously fidgeting behind her back and Lucy stared at her for a second.

"Where are you going? It's 8 PM you know, it's kind of dangerous for you to go alone."

"I'm just going to buy something in the convenience store nearby," Nashi said but Lucy noticed that she was looking very nervous, hands fidgeting, eyes looking to the other direction but her. Lucy sighed, trying to compose herself from all the confusing things bugging her today. Yes, she has some stuff she needs to sort out soon.

"I don't know Nashi.."

"Please mom! I'll even use my savings and don't worry about burglars or something like that, I'll just kick their asses to the moon! Isn't that right dad!?" Nashi exclaimed to her father.

"That's my girl!" Natsu exclaimed back from the couch.

"Natsu.." Lucy's mutter was easily heard by the Fire Dragon Slayer.

"What?" he asked. Lucy pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration of her husband's act.

"Mom, you have- uh.. you have soap all over your nose.." Nashi said pointing at Lucy's soapy and bubbly nose. Lucy immediately realized what she had done and washed off the soap.

"So.. can I go?" Nashi asked again as she gave Lucy a tissue to wipe her wet nose which Lucy accept of course, but somehow that seemed like a bribe to her.

"Alright… fine you can go.. but after that, I want you to finish your homework," Lucy said in defeat.

"Yes ma'am!" Nashi immediately ran to her room upstairs and when she came down, she was already dressed up warm for walking in the cold winds of the night and ran out of the door.

"I'll be back soon!" she exclaimed as she went out.

"Lucy?" Natsu asked.

"Yeah Natsu?" Lucy replied after finally finished from the washing and walked to the sofa.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" he asked looking up to look at his wife's eyes with a mischievous grin.

"Uhh.. go watch the TV with you?" Lucy raised an eyebrow and stared at Natsu's aloof grin.

"No… but that's kind of a great idea! We'll do that another time, but no, I'm actually suggesting we follow Nashi to wherever this 'nearby convenience store' is," Natsu said as he stood up and stand beside Lucy.

"Oh.. that's a pretty good idea.." Lucy muttered.

"You up for it?" he asked, the grin was still up in his face.

"Oh I'm for it, alright."