Harry Belmont Year One

AN:I don't own Harry Potter or Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, enjoy.

Chapter 4

Harry woke up and used the bathroom. He washed his hands and face then got dressed in his training clothes. He left the Gryffindor Tower and there was Ivon and Reilly waiting for him once he got outside.

"You ready to start your training?" Ivon asked. Lupa went to use the bathroom.

"You know it. Let's get started." Harry said. Harry and Lupa ran around the lake a few times. They made him do sit ups, push ups, and some jumping jacks. He practiced with all of his abilities. They stopped when Harry had an hour and a half before breakfast. Harry went back to the Gryffindor Tower, took a shower, and got dressed.

He put on a white cotton shirt, brown pants, socks, and his Cyclone Boots. He grabbed his backpack and his books then goes down to the common room. He read for a little while then headed down to the Great Hall. He just began eating breakfast when Matt and Dudley came in. They sat down across from Harry. The Teachers were all there.

When Harry got his room last night his white bat, Joe was waiting for him there hanging upside down from the bed post. Harry had written a letter to his father and uncle about the stray thought about the fake Philosopher's Stone at Hogwarts. Joe had not returned. But Harry wasn't worried. Joe had to rest during the day time. Lupa sat at the end of the table where Harry was at and ate.

'I hope I can undo what my brother has done. Maybe I can ask the goblins to place runes around the doorways to undo spells. Maybe Bill Weasley can help.' Once again the same female thought he picked up last night.

"Harry are you ok?" Matt asked.

"One of my abilities is low level telepathy." Harry said and tells them about the two thoughts that he had picked up on from the same woman. One from last night about a fake Philosopher's Stone and the second one a few seconds ago about her undoing what her brother has done.

"So it's the same female teacher that was thinking both of these thoughts?" Matt asked and Harry nods.

"That female teacher wants to undo whatever her brother did and is guarding something fake. Sounds like if we find out who this female teacher is we'll have that puzzle solved." Dudley said. One of the blocks on Dudley was on his intelligence.

"And it looks like this Nicolas person didn't trust her brother with the real thing and gave him a fake one instead." Harry said and his cousins nod. A black owl flew into the Great Hall and landed in front of Harry.

"Hello Shadow." Harry said. He took the letter then tore a slice of bacon so Shadow could eat it. He wiped the grease off of his hands before opening the letter.

We checked with the Flamels and that is a fake stone in the school but keep this quiet for now. Congratulations on being sorted into Gryffindor.

Uncle Victor

Harry put the letter in his pocket. After eating Shadow flew out of the Great Hall to head back home. The other students were filing in the Great Hall. Once everyone was in there the heads of house began passing out their class schedules.

"What do we have first?" Neville asked

"Transfiguration with the Ravens then Charms with the Badgers. After lunch Potions with the Snakes followed by History of Magic with Professor Mason." Harry said.

"They must have gotten a living person for History of Magic." Fred said

"Well, I'm going to head to Transfiguration so I can find it. Come on Lupa." Harry said and he stood up then left. Lupa followed him along with Matt and Dudley. Hermione, Neville, Natasha, Scott, and Cassandra followed him. Lupa kept sniffing the air. She was getting the scents so she could find her way around the castle. They made their way to the Transfiguration classroom. When they got in the classroom they saw a tabby cat sitting on the desk.

The tabby cat has black tiger stripes on its gray fur. Harry walked up and scratched the cat behind its ears. It purred at this. Before sitting down everyone had scratched the cat behind its ears. Scott did his best not to smile because he knew the cat was really his mother in her animagus form.

"I didn't know that Professor McGonagall had a cat." Morag said.

"It's a pretty cat." Parvati said. Once everyone sat down at a table desk the cat looked around. A few seconds later Ron Weasley ran into the classroom just as the bell rang. Ron sat next to Scott. The cat jumped off the desk and turned into Professor McGonagall. Everyone clapped and they were in awe.

"Thank you for that compliment. Transfiguration can be dangerous and it is very complex magic. There will be no messing around are you will leave. That is your only warning. What I did is another type of Transfiguration. That is animagus transformation. It is when a witch or wizard can turn into and animal." Professor McGonagall told them. She noticed that the Patil twins were sitting together with Miss Brown next to them. She turned her desk into a pig and back again. The whole class was in awe.

"You wont be doing that for a few more years. Now take out your quills and parchment." She told them. They took notes for a few minutes then McGonagall passed out matches.

"Now I want you to turn this match into a needle. This is the spell." Said Professor McGonagall. She used her wand and wrote the spell on the black board.

"The spell is foramen in par." She said and had them practice saying it correctly. Harry closed his eyes and he could feel his magic flowing through him. He imaged a silver needle with nothing on it. He knew he only needed to use a little bit of magic.

"Foramen in par." Harry said and his match turned into a silver needle.

"Very good Mr. Belmont. Five points to Gryffindor." Professor McGonagall said. Hermione just looked at Harry a little jealous.

"Just let your magic flow through you as if it's flowing through your blood." Harry told her. By the end of class everyone had done it. Harry even added color to his. He added red and gold stripes to his needle. Which earned him five more points. A chime sounded letting them know class is over. The Gryffindors made their way to Charms class.

They had class with the Hufflepuffs. They sat down with Cassandra and Neville sitting with Harry. Professor Flitwick stood on his desk and called roll. Harry's parents told him that Flitwick is half goblin. He talked about the dangers of mispronouncing a spell or making a mistake. He told them also of getting the wand movements wrong.

"There was a dragon tamer several centuries ago trying to get to the nest of eggs to move them. He was trying to do the Cheering Charm on the male dragon. But he did the right wand movements to large and accidentally changed it to the gay charm. Resulting in him getting bum rushed by the male dragon. So be careful with the proper pronouncement and the correct wand movements. The first spell we'll do today is the light spell, lux." He said and had them practice saying it first. Then he had them practice the wand movement. When everyone said the spell, lux, every wand lit up.

"That's great. Five points for everyone. Now to turn the spell off just say inrita." He said and they cancel the spell. They also wrote the name of the spell down then next to it they wrote down what it did.

"The next spell is the make new spell, nova cônsilia." Professor Flitwick said. He waved his wand and broken cuckoo clocks appeared in front of them. He had one by him.

"Nova cônsilia." He said and tapped the broken cuckoo clock. His wand lit up the his cuckoo clock looked like it was brand new modern version of itself. It has a raven for the cuckoo part. It has a digital analog clock face with numbers and hands in silver with a blue background. There was a bunch of 'awes' and 'wows' from the class.

"Now take a minute to practice saying the spell correctly first." Professor Flitwick said. After they practiced saying the spell they did the spell on the broken cuckoo clocks. When the class ended the each had a brand new cuckoo clock. Harry's cuckoo clock also has a digital face gold numbers and hands with a red background. There was a Griffin as a cuckoo part.

"Good job everyone. Five points to each of you. Class dismissed." Professor Flitwick said. They left to go to lunch. They ate and talked then headed for their next class. It was Potions with the Slytherins.

They walked in and sat down. Harry sat with Hermione and Neville sat next to Cassandra. The Slytherins were sitting on one side and the Gryffindors sat on the other side. Rachel Peterson watched her students set up and get ready. She was determined to end this rivalry between the Lions and the Snakes. She put Draco Malfoy and the other children of other Death Eaters in their place. She stepped forward and cancelled the Disillusionment Charm on herself. Her student gasped in awe.

"I'm Professor Peterson and that was the Disillusionment Charm which you will be learning that in Charms. First you'll noticed that you have goggles where you are sitting. That is to make sure that none of the potion splashes in your eyes." She told them. She went on the explain the importance of being careful. She told them to always clean your work area and their tools after each ingredient. She instructed them how to put a shield around the top of their cauldron's so nobody can throw anything in.

"The potion we will be making today is a potion that I have found on my travels in the past year. It is called the Heart Potion Double Plus. It will heal you of all injuries that you may have at the time you take this. The recipe is on the board. I will be walking around to see if anyone needs my help. There is ingredients on the table over there." Professor Peterson said. They got up and got the ingredients. The Gryffindors decided to work in pairs. Twenty minutes later everyone was nearly done.

"Your potion should look red like this." Professor Peterson said. Harry's group of friends got the potion right without any help as well as some Slytherins. The potions that were correctly made then tested were bottled up to be brought to Madam Pomphrey. Those that made the potion correctly got more points than those that needed help.

The rest of the week went by quickly. Friday came and they were eating breakfast. The morning post came and everyone gasped in awe at seeing a swirl of snow appeared above them. Several students were heard saying 'wow' seeing a white phoenix. Hedwig landed and Harry took the letter. It was from Hagrid.

"Mr. Belmont, what kind of phoenix is that?" Headmistress Dumbledore asked.

"She's a Blizzard Phoenix Headmistress." Harry said and gave Hedwig some bacon. Harry wasn't going to tell anyone that Hedwig is part Loftwing. Harry opened the letter and read.

"What's it say Harry?" Neville asked.

'Dear Harry,

I know you get Friday afternoons off, so would you like to come and have a cup of tea with me around three today? I want to hear all about your first week. Send an answer back with Hedwig.

Hagrid.' Harry read.

"Let's go see him this afternoon." Cassandra said and Harry wrote a reply.

Harry, Ron, Hermione, Cassandra, Neville, Scott, Natasha, Matt, and Dudley went down to Hagrid's hut. They saw a crossbow and a pair galoshes outside by the front door. Harry knocked and heard a dog begin to bark. But he could understand the dog.

'Come on there's someone at the door. Answer the door. Answer the door.' He heard the dog. Then he heard Hagrid's voice.

"Back Fang, sit." The door opened and Hagrid let them in. They walked in and sat down. Hagrid made tea and they began telling Hagrid about their week. Harry noticed the Daily Prophet. There was an article about a break-in at Gringotts but nothing was taken it was emptied earlier that day. After they left Harry had something else to think about.

'Who wants the Philosopher's Stone this bad? I need to tell dad, Uncle Victor, Ivon, and Reilly about this.' Harry thought.

The End

AN: I hope you enjoyed this.

I looked up the real Latin words for the spells:

Foramen in par – match into needle

Lux – light

Inrita – cancel

Nova cônsilia – make new