The Intangible Red Dot Demon

Summary: A new threat is unleashed; will our favorite characters be able to defeat it? Beware the dreaded laser pointer!

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

(A/N: Just a funny little image I couldn't get out of my mind, Enjoy!)

"Souta, what are you doing?" Kagome entered the room where her younger brother was laughing hysterically. The sight that met her caused the same reaction and she began giggling uncontrollably. Her fat, encumbered cat was acting the fierce predator as he chased an intangible red dot across the room. She didn't even know he could move that fast without tripping over his own feet.

As she was heading out to return to the feudal era, she decided to bring the laser pointer with, purely out of curiosity to see if Kirara would react the same way. She was a cat, after all. Much to her delight, the small cat went absolutely wild over the nigh uncatchable red dot. She was first pawing at it in her small form, but when that didn't work, she transformed into her fighting form determined to catch it. It seemed to bring out the base instincts in her. Drawn in by the sound of laughter, Shippo hopped onto Kagome's shoulder as she played with the feline. It shocked the priestess when the small fox joined in and tried to grab the object of Kirara's fascination. She began wondering if, since many demons held animalistic instincts, just how far this harmless influence could reach.

Later that day, as they were walking along a dirt road, Kagome discreetly shone the red dot onto the road in front of Inuyasha. He didn't seem to notice it, having his eyes closed as he walked in silence, until Kirara again took notice and started chasing it with Shippo on her heels. His head whipped back and forth, following its path intensely as Sango and Miroku looked on wondering what the big deal was. When it passed near him, he lunged to the ground, scratching at the dirt trying to find any material to get ahold of. When he paused, he saw the dot sitting right in front of him, still completely intact and taunting him for his failure to catch it. This went on for a bit until Kagome put it away, not wanting them to give themselves heart attacks or get too exhausted in case an actual demon attacks.

They ran into an actual demon, one that posed a real danger, Sesshomaru. True to form, the dog brothers got into another squabble that resulted in Inuyasha being knocked to the ground with razor sharp claws to his throat. Seeing that her friend needed help, but not having the combined strength to do any harm to the dog demon, Kagome pulled out her newest tool in hopes that it would work to at least distract him. Sesshomaru prepared to strike when an unfamiliar, tiny, red demon crossed his vision. Why hadn't he sensed anything approaching? Leaping off his brother, who he knew he could subdue at any time, he made to pursue this new, possible threat. It was small, but fast and no matter how many times he swiped perfectly, sure that his blows had landed, he never seemed to cause it any harm.

Kagome couldn't believe the enthusiastic response she was getting from Sesshomaru trying to catch the laser pointer. She held one hand to her mouth, preventing any giggles from escaping as the other worked to tire out the inexhaustible demon lord. It didn't take long until the clearing was scarred beyond recognition. Frustration mounting, the red began leaking into his golden eyes and his features slipped into that of the fluffy, white dog, pouncing around wildly.

'Oh geez, maybe this was not such a good idea,' Kagome got concerned on how she was to stop and bring him out of his frenzy. Sesshomaru was not the most rational or agreeable in this form. Prematurely, another idea struck Kagome's wandering mind, 'If we survive this, I wonder if this will work on spiders too?'